[過去ログ] Let's talk with Jim-san. Part2 (837レス)
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398(2): Bon ◆QV7UX5Tcbk 2006/08/14(月) 07:20:05 ID:sHfGPubO(2/2)調 AAS
> it seems like you want to make bbspink be under Japanese law.
From which part of my contribution, did you feel it like that?
I said that the deputy and the volunteer who understood Japanese were necessary
for pink bbs.
However, it is from a simple, practical reason that present pink bbs consists
chiefly by contributing Japanese.
The problem of the law and the responsibility seems to be discussed here and there
actively now. But it is quite irrelevant to my >>390-391 proposal.
I didn't think of what you said at all.
To begin with, isn't it a thing the law of which country manages pink bbs that
administration of justice in each country decides?
(in Japanese)
私は、bbs pinkには日本語を解する代理人やボランティアが必要だと言いましたけど、
それは現在のpink bbsが主に日本語の投稿から成り立っているからという
そもそも、どの国の法律がpink bbsを管理するかなんていうことは、
399(2): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/08/14(月) 11:30:03 ID:ipllzVzm(3/3)調 AAS
I am not ignoring or not answering your proposal. It is just so unbelievable to me that someone would even consider what you are saying. I have been pondering your words very sincerely, and still am not quite understanding your words.
Perhaps we have already discussed and come to a conclusion on another thread on these subjects. Anyway I will continue to think about what you have proposed, but I am not sure if it will ever come to pass.
400(1): 2006/08/14(月) 15:06:46 ID:hxnUFUfV(1/2)調 AAS
401(1): 2006/08/14(月) 15:11:31 ID:hxnUFUfV(2/2)調 AAS
402(1): Bon ◆QV7UX5Tcbk 2006/08/14(月) 19:24:57 ID:cXb7x7ZU(1/2)調 AAS
>>399 Jim-san
I have understood your policy well.
At present, you don't have will make a Japanese deputy.
The reason is.... consideration to the law, or distrust to the deputy,
or might be anything else.
However, if you don't borrow power of the Japanese deputy,
I feel insecurity very much to a substantial meaning of your >>386 word "がんばる".
Indeed, you say that you accept the opinion if there is a problem in the
volunteer's list.
However, how do you judge the opinion?
Or, when other people, including the person himself denied, objects the opinion,
how do you judge it?
がんばる by using the machine translation and the dictionary?
It might be proof of your sincerity. But I worry that it is uneasy.....
I don't want to criticize to you needlessly.
However, it is not a thing limited to this matter, please understand
people and a lot of we worry about the future of pink bbs very much.
Thank you for your translation!
403: Bon ◆QV7UX5Tcbk 2006/08/14(月) 19:42:58 ID:cXb7x7ZU(2/2)調 AAS
I self-supplement >>402
Perhaps, one of the reasons why you don't need a Japanese deputy is,
for further freedom of pink bbs?
When judging it from my scarce English language skill,
your >>386 remark can be interpreted so.
404: 2006/08/14(月) 19:56:53 ID:b+T8CDgd(1)調 AAS
405(2): ◆IZUMI162i6 2006/08/15(火) 04:32:01 ID:hClUImZO(1/3)調 AAS
Dear Jim-san,
I decline to assume the position of the leader.
Because the person who wanted to become a leader showed up besides.
Of course, I will participate in the discussion for BBSPINK in the future.
和泉, ◆IZUMI162i6
406: 2006/08/15(火) 04:42:37 ID:ZqbztX0W(1/7)調 AAS
I recommend Izumi-san again.
407: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/08/15(火) 08:34:06 ID:DJFbDLVO(1/3)調 AAS
Dear Izumi-san
I am sorry to see you go. Please tell me the reason more clearly.
There are things happeining now that I am not happy with.
I have never received email from you or Toru
It would be a very good idea for Toru to send me an email.
408(1): 2006/08/15(火) 09:38:40 ID:nfzuTOj9(1/8)調 AAS
This is a very important problem.
Toru-san and IZUMI-san sent an email of very important contents to you(in Japanese).
And they were grieved that there was not a reply.
Do not you receive an email from them at all?
409: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/08/15(火) 09:44:38 ID:DJFbDLVO(2/3)調 AAS
I have not received email from them. I am corresponding with other Pink channelers but not those two.
410: 2006/08/15(火) 09:49:51 ID:nfzuTOj9(2/8)調 AAS
The important document which relates to the choice of Deleter
as for Toru-san
in an important intention expression about administration of BBSPINK
as for IZUMI-san again.
They should have written plural emails.
I feel surprise in Jim-san not receiving those emails.
This is a serious situation.
411(1): 2006/08/15(火) 09:51:47 ID:ZqbztX0W(2/7)調 AAS
Izumi-san was says.
I got an answer e-mail once.
412: 2006/08/15(火) 10:10:16 ID:nfzuTOj9(3/8)調 AAS
It seems to have been the contents
"which it talked about on a thread" that IZUMI-san received.
413: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/08/15(火) 10:14:40 ID:DJFbDLVO(3/3)調 AAS
Yes I did receive one on July 22. I forgot about it.
It was just an introduction letter. No important content.
414: 2006/08/15(火) 10:18:18 ID:nfzuTOj9(4/8)調 AAS
IZUMI-san said
415: 2006/08/15(火) 10:31:42 ID:nfzuTOj9(5/8)調 AAS
Toru-san said
416: 2006/08/15(火) 10:35:28 ID:ZqbztX0W(3/7)調 AAS
Some say.
Jim-san do not answer an important thing even if I ask Jim-san a question for.
417: 2006/08/15(火) 11:05:02 ID:YIOJi3G5(1)調 AAS
We ask you about what we do not understand.
Whenever an answer from you does not come out, we are disappointed.
It please show an answer of the past that you already answered. Thus it is possible we feel relieved, and to walk it with you from now.
I ask a similar question, but it is not good to get through you to know your real intention.
We do a question and a wish if necessary.
There is a case to get the answer that it is necessary even to think that you are not important to work to a partner.
If there is not reaction, we cannot move excessively.
Because some questions that we wanted you to answer do not have an answer (an action), work is in condition not to be possible, and we are stagnant.
"Manager decision" is necessary to manage it with GL.
Even if you think that contents are not important, an answer is necessary.
If it is often that an answer is not provided almost now, future administration will be difficult.
Because a mechanism is not ready, deletion of BBSpink will stop.
Please look back on a remark of Toru.
418: ◆IZUMI162i6 2006/08/15(火) 11:41:28 ID:hClUImZO(2/3)調 AAS
I do not have confidence that defends Deleter in your policy.
I think that there is a so big risk in BBSPINK in Japan.
But, there is a person who thinks enough in your policy.
I cannot be convinced of safety.
But, if the person can be convinced of safety, I want to leave everything to the person.
419: ◆IZUMI162i6 2006/08/15(火) 11:51:25 ID:hClUImZO(3/3)調 AAS
It is not only your policy that I feel it uneasily.
I have written information here for several days.
But, I do not think that I can have the communication of an enough intention with you.
And, this state might continue in the future.
A lot of time is necessary between you and me.
However, I cannot give you a lot of time.
420(2): 2006/08/15(火) 12:11:55 ID:WMQXrlt4(1/2)調 AAS
421(1): 2006/08/15(火) 12:13:18 ID:nfzuTOj9(6/8)調 AAS
This is a basic problem.
Deletion is not possible only by having begun a list of a volunteer.
We cannot delete it unless we have you set a deletion account on a server.
It is a state pampered by a deletion account of 2CHANNEL being left now.
I do not understand when a deletion account of 2CHANNEL is raised.
Does Jim-san set a deletion account? Or who is it?
422: 2006/08/15(火) 12:18:05 ID:hfToA64K(1)調 AAS
English please
423: 2006/08/15(火) 13:32:00 ID:7N0f4mjE(1)調 AAS
To Jim
About "work about access regulation"
The same person is engaged in regulation work before.
The need that a share of a pink channel performed report work and cancellation with a reputation of Jim by a clear change of a manager occurred.
It asked you a question.
How do you become it?
Because there is not an answer, some regulation people seem to be troubled.
424(1): 2006/08/15(火) 13:54:35 ID:iQOWlJji(1)調 AAS
A person good at English conversation is not necessarily excellent as the volunteer of PINKBBS.
The friend who is with Mr. jim is not necessarily excellent as the volunteer of PINKBBS.
The person who has run for the volunteer here is not necessarily a good man.
The person who decides the Japanese volunteer's adoption should have it.
HIROYUKI-san of manager of 2ch.
TORU-san that did management assistance of 2ch.
Excellent IZUMI-san.
Experience, knowledge, and Japanese ability equal with these three people.
Please hear the voice of TORU-san and IZUMI-san more.
For the happiness of the user of PINKBBS.
425(1): 2006/08/15(火) 14:35:41 ID:PCjO+/8t(1/2)調 AAS
426: 2006/08/15(火) 14:40:38 ID:6my9EF7A(1)調 AAS
By any chance, have you set your e-mail-agent up as japanese e-mails let into spam-folder ?
or...gurbled ?
...never ┐(;´ー`)┌
427: 2006/08/15(火) 14:48:22 ID:dw6zfxLr(1/2)調 AAS
428: 2006/08/15(火) 15:02:23 ID:PCjO+/8t(2/2)調 AAS
429: 2006/08/15(火) 16:19:49 ID:Qg/BoxY9(1/2)調 AAS
430(4): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/08/15(火) 17:10:35 ID:IE+YcjBt(1/3)調 AAS
Very cryptic.
I do answer questions. I don't answer those that attempt to bait me.
Maybe Toru and Izumi are excellent, but mostly they seem to be
trying to bully me and take away from other users things that they
Both of them have already quit and restarted and quit and resigned and retired.
How can I believe these two that are so highly recommended to me?
431: 2006/08/15(火) 17:38:40 ID:BmJGY6hK(1)調 AAS
Dear Jim
Japan is "盆" in the present time.
It is a festival "盆" meets an ancestral soul, and to become lively.
Therefore nationalism spreads, and a manner to a foreign country stiffens.
Not Izumi and a problem of Toru, it is a problem of the Japanese total time.
If you sentence you to Japanese volunteer need of a great many people, it is necessary you accept feelings of a Japanese side, and to make a system.
432(1): 2006/08/15(火) 18:00:03 ID:78snBrBT(1)調 AAS
If you want to retain bbspink, please do not say such a thing.
I feel it unless time to talk with you among them is enough.
You are in a position to administer bbspink newly.
So, you must break off a problem of a system to administer U.S.A. and a Japanese legitimate problem and bulletin board.
However, you do not spend the time that is need in bbspink to solve a problem so far.
It is the serious time to move the system now.
I think that I am to be very important for bbspink in the future how long I spend time in bbspink now.
433: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/08/15(火) 18:14:48 ID:IE+YcjBt(2/3)調 AAS
Powerful expletive deleted!
How do you know how much fucking time or what I do for bbspink?
You are just Powerful expletive deleted.
Good night jerik.
434(2): 2006/08/15(火) 19:02:25 ID:ZqbztX0W(4/7)調 AAS
You said that you did not take an E-mail of Toru and Izumi at all.
However, he told that Toru sent an E-mail to you in a thread.
Therefore I think that I should have heard it at the time if I do not really arrive.
I thinks to be a proper action as a manager.
They wrote in it at a bulletin board so far.
I can hardly think that it is faithful correspondence to see only the manner
that a manager took for it.
I think that it is natural that they feel unless both
respect and trust are considered to be a manager.
435(1): 2006/08/15(火) 19:07:46 ID:id07S20H(1/2)調 AAS
Sorry,I am not good at English.
Who are "other users"?
To take the fun out of it from the user, they are not behaving.
To defend a happy place for the user, they are behaving.
Volunteer's safety is necessary for that.
It is not because only Toru-san and Izumi-san have misgivings.
Actually, well informed other users about the law of Japan also are
pointing it out. "Deretar has a risk."
This is not a problem that can be disregarded.
You might think like their being conflicting with you.
However, it will be not true if it sees from a certain one side.
There is many sides in things.
There might be an expression that seems that severe for you it at times.
I think regrettable in that regard. I'm sorry.
It is however because we Japanese are not accustomed to English, the United States
culture, and thought.
Excuse me, are you well informed about the culture, thought, the law, and
Japanese of Japan?
We think it is confronted with the same each other, problem.
Please please understand it.
I am wishing the sense that you are bullied to be thrown away.
436: 2006/08/15(火) 19:13:54 ID:id07S20H(2/2)調 AAS
(in Japanese)
>>435 said
437: 2006/08/15(火) 19:25:14 ID:ZTckbLLD(1)調 AAS
Jim-san, please calm down.
I wonder if you know how to put/edit/set deletion accounts on servers.
If not, you must ask him how and do that. Or simply ask his help.
I bet you know who is the person. Please send email to him.
I hope you understand that he is not trying to take things from you.
No one can delete posts of bbspink right now. That is a problem.
Bbspink's deletion-system should begin functioning as soon as possible.
Otherwise, your bbspink will be corrupted with tons of posts of ad and personal data.
You dont seem to answer >>280 yet though you say you do answer questions.
Here's a reminder.
438: 2006/08/15(火) 20:37:50 ID:Qg/BoxY9(2/2)調 AAS
439: 2006/08/15(火) 20:42:14 ID:ZqbztX0W(5/7)調 AAS
Jim-san says adversely. Do "you make fun of me?"
"The thing that is important for you is to enjoy pink"
A sentence in a bottom is my sentence from here.
Toru-san and 328-san are angry.
They want going to work as a volunteer seriously.
We do not do it to make fun of you.
440(1): 2006/08/15(火) 20:58:59 ID:ZGRINSXZ(1)調 AAS
I cannot speak in English well.
Did I do an impolite expression to jim-san?
It apologizes if it is "YES".
I do not have the intention of bullying you.
They do not want also to bully you.
We wish to express our gratitude for gentle feelings of jim-san.
Japan is very severe with the Japanese.
Even if jim-san is generous to the Japanese, the government in Japan
severely manages the Japanese.
A careful person fears it.
A careful person thinks that there is a possibility that the government in Japan metes
out punishment to Japanese volunteers.
They think that the method of preventing the punishment that attacks the volunteer is
more necessary.
The volunteer is a weak individual.
A careful person worries about the volunteer very much.
Jim-san has the soft heart.
They also have the soft heart.
441: 2006/08/15(火) 21:04:33 ID:ZqbztX0W(6/7)調 AAS
Your English is very well.
442(1): 2006/08/15(火) 22:18:36 ID:nfzuTOj9(7/8)調 AAS
Dear Jim-san,
Wrote it to >>421; but again.
All the deletion accounts of 2CHANNEL were promoted today.
The person who could do deletion in BBSPINK disappeared.
How does Jim-san do it?
443(1): 2006/08/15(火) 22:30:25 ID:WMQXrlt4(2/2)調 AAS
444: ありす ◆Alice7XIII 2006/08/15(火) 22:41:02 ID:nfzuTOj9(8/8)調 AAS
I forgot to turn on a name.
I wrote >>442.
My deletion account became extinct, too.
I cannot do volunteer activity anymore.
445(1): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/08/15(火) 23:13:16 ID:IE+YcjBt(3/3)調 AAS
Be patient please. We will make a better system soon.
This was not asked for by me or by someone I know.
so have to fix it that is all.
446: イレイザーラモンHG ★ 2006/08/15(火) 23:18:21 ID:??? AAS
Hey!! Jim-san!! Sei!! Sei!! Sei!!
Please update my volunteer name.
イレイザーラモンHG ◆HG/Ok.YX3U
イレイザーラモンHG ★
ヽ○ノ foooooooooooo!!
Sei!! & foooooooooooo!! is voice out of hard gay's soulful :-)
447(1): koro ◆8j1enTAicY 2006/08/15(火) 23:20:36 ID:mvuHOK0R(1/2)調 AAS
I recommend the leader to ANALFUCKo6-san.
I think that he is the person who can trust it.
IZUMI-san was resigned. >>405
TORU-san also recommends ANALFUCKo6-san. >>394
He is very well informed to law.
448(1): 434 2006/08/15(火) 23:27:47 ID:ZqbztX0W(7/7)調 AAS
今回 \600- になります
449: 2006/08/15(火) 23:29:57 ID:1tBUK9gU(1)調 AAS
hey 434(>448)
please smile
450(1): 2006/08/15(火) 23:32:36 ID:dw6zfxLr(2/2)調 AAS
451: koro ◆8j1enTAicY 2006/08/15(火) 23:55:17 ID:mvuHOK0R(2/2)調 AAS
Is an important part left to man who assumes that you were a manager and doesn't know well?
An answer
He is a volunteer TORU-san recommended.
I trust TORU-san.
Thing to believe person easily.
This might be dangerous.
Still, I believe its eyes and Jim-san.
The final decision is entrusted to Jim-san.
452: 2006/08/16(水) 00:07:07 ID:U8wT3yjO(1)調 AAS
I think that it means that IZUMI and TORU demanded it.
You were not able to understand it.
Can you prepare it into you now?
Do you prepare a board accepting a deletion request newly?
Or do you use an existing board?
Do you introduce a deletion method into 鰡?
When is GL of Jim going to be made?
453: ◆LTA6Wjwq4M 2006/08/16(水) 00:29:25 ID:dzubM7eM(1)調 AAS
Dear Jim-san
Do you raise a BBSPINK's volunteer yet?
I want to become it. And I hope to help your work.
I intend to try a duty hard.
If you think me not to deserve to be you Please stop my the deletion account.
454(1): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/08/16(水) 00:30:48 ID:f/kSm2A9(1/2)調 AAS
This whole problem is made by some who has cats whispering in their ear.
Deletion script is not the problem it is simple script
and same one or new one can be used. The problem is who are the current deleters.
I don't know the names or contact for these people. Only one person
knows, and they have not shared that informatioin.
Guidelines are simple and have been discussed enough.
I am very happy that we have many volunteers.
Only a few have been corresponding with me by email.
Please be patient. Gomenasai sumi-masen.
455: GEISHA ◆BB6cfdec1g 2006/08/16(水) 00:36:03 ID:pfl8xwvU(1)調 AAS
I like to become a volunteer. Please add me〜☆(^^)
456(1): ◆yzY8OufLJI @ピンクなSE ★ [sage ] 2006/08/16(水) 00:54:10 ID:??? AAS
I take out an email in this address(misaoow3kg at hotmail dot co dot jp)
to you. (jim at 80 dot kg and jim at bbspink dot com)
If you receive it, please write in it at this thread.
457(3): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/08/16(水) 01:09:08 ID:f/kSm2A9(2/2)調 AAS
I am sorry I do not have that email in my eudora.
I have done a complete search including my junk filter.
actually junk is first place I look most of my important mail goes directly to the junk filter.
458: ◆yzY8OufLJI @ピンクなSE ★ [sage ] 2006/08/16(水) 01:23:52 ID:??? AAS
>457 jim-san
Let me confirm it.
I took out an email to two addresses. (jim at 80 dot kg and jim at bbspink dot com)
Will neither email arrive?
459: 2006/08/16(水) 01:30:57 ID:sLd160Tk(1)調 AAS
I've a question:
What E-mail account did you search at ?
a) jim at bbspink.REMOVEcom
b) jimATMARK80.kg
c) dnsATMARKnttsupport.com
Some says they mailed to b) or c) E-mail account.
460(1): 2006/08/16(水) 01:41:14 ID:R/OiKxkB(1)調 AAS
Dear Jim-san
Please read >>269.
Toru-san said that he sent an email about volunteers.
So, we understood that the information was already sent to you.
If you did not receive the email, it is proper to think that there was a problem in email-line among Toru-san with you .
Toru-san informed you of having sent the email to you by 269.
So (if you did not receive it), you should have taken action and tell it to Toru-san, I think.
Because of there was no action, we misunderstood that you already received the email,and you did not react for it.
If there was failure of simple communication, please begin by restoring it.
461(2): 2006/08/16(水) 01:41:25 ID:We2MC62/(1/5)調 AAS
I try to transmit a message now, too.
462: 461 2006/08/16(水) 01:43:08 ID:We2MC62/(2/5)調 AAS
463(1): ◆uRW6KoTaRo 2006/08/16(水) 01:52:07 ID:ourxs/cq(1)調 AAS
>Mr. Jim
Please remove my name from your volunteers list for the time being.
Because I didn't apply for a volunteer of BBSPINK,
and at the present time, there is no leader(possibly defendant) who is trustworthy for me.
(I also mean that your guidelines are not enough safe for me to be a deleter)
I'm really sorry that I couldn't help you.
464: ◆yzY8OufLJI @ピンクなSE ★ [sage ] 2006/08/16(水) 02:16:52 ID:??? AAS
I sent an email to two addresses once again.
Please confirm it.
Will not a trace, an email from toru-san (>>269) arrive, too?
Do not you do any special setting in eudora?
465(1): ◆ANALFUCKo6 2006/08/16(水) 02:45:28 ID:98InsaME(1/2)調 AAS
To Jim,
I send Email to you. Please find, read and reply it.
466: Bon ◆QV7UX5Tcbk 2006/08/16(水) 04:06:19 ID:6O6V1xt9(1)調 AAS
Dear Jim-san
I agree with >>460 san.
TO-RU san declared here that he sent mail to Jim-san. You were able to read it. >>269
He believed that it was able to be sent to you. You had the method for the confirmation.
But you nothing but left the problem.
I think that you only had to say to him at that time, "I have not received it".
When seeing from you, TO-RU san or IZUMI san might be dissenters only of inquisitive.
However, they seem always to be making an effort to give necessary information for you and
to talk with you, I think.
I sincerely hope you do the handshake of reconciliation with them.
467: 2006/08/16(水) 10:53:44 ID:TcHHiQ6S(1)調 AAS
Jim !
Deletion stops.
Trial case, a case manager judged the libel that did not depend on GL before.
I think that there are many requests from the outside of BBSpink.
As for me, a manager thinks the window and a method to want you to prepare immediately.
* Is a request in Japanese possible?
* A method to connect with Jim is necessary in Jim missing an email surely.
468: 2006/08/16(水) 11:29:48 ID:We2MC62/(3/5)調 AAS
Excuse me. Jim-san.
I have written it to other threads by mistake.
Look please.
469(2): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/08/16(水) 13:29:10 ID:2/KnyKeR(1/4)調 AAS
>>13 those are not my emails
only send to jimATMARKbbspink.com
THen I can keep bbspink mail clear.
I have received ANALFUCKo6
I think that other emails were not sent to my email address.
470(1): ◆yzY8OufLJI @ピンクなSE ★ [sage ] 2006/08/16(水) 13:51:10 ID:??? AAS
>469 Jim-san
I sent an email once again.
( only send to jimATMARKbbspink.com )
Please confirm it.
471: yume ◆Yume.xMgf6 2006/08/16(水) 14:30:03 ID:dkxhEJzs(1/2)調 AAS
Dear Jim-san.
(In Japanese)
The policy which you showed gives a big impact to many users.
BBSPINK has observed Japanese law under the management of 2ch till now.
Changing based on the US law brings BBSPINK a rapidly big change.
It is not a favorable thing for many users.
A change should be performed step by step.
BBSPINK has another big problem.
It is that there are none of volunteers who help you.
Of course there are some volunteers candidates.
But they can not work because they have no authority.
Jim-san. Do you understand how many volunteers who helps you?
The volunteer of 2ch doesn't help BBSPINK as before.
Please give the indication to the volunteer who helps you.
If they have not authority that is necessary, please give authority to them.
It is a many users hope that BBSPINK becomes a comfortable and pleasant place.
Let's do a necessary thing, step by step.
Best regards.
472(2): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2006/08/16(水) 15:07:59 ID:??? AAS
Step by step:
I have decided who the new leader will be.
In the future the official guidelines for deletion will be posted at deleter.bbspink.com
All volunteers need to send email again to del@bbspink.com
this email is now active and will receive volunteer requests.
473(2): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/08/16(水) 15:10:02 ID:2/KnyKeR(2/4)調 AAS
I am sorry I have not received your email.
474(1): ◆HORO/D22S2 2006/08/16(水) 15:37:41 ID:KdNsj+Ml(1/5)調 AAS
To Jim-SAN
There may be a problem for setting of a junk filter of your email.
I think that I had better change your email software, and try receive again.
To All
Perhaps I think that the all of you who sent an email had better retransmit it,
and should confirm that an E-mail reaches Jim-SAN.
475: ◆HORO/D22S2 2006/08/16(水) 15:44:18 ID:KdNsj+Ml(2/5)調 AAS
(In Japanese)
476(1): 2006/08/16(水) 15:51:24 ID:FRLDXHn/(1)調 AAS
477(1): ◆HORO/D22S2 2006/08/16(水) 15:56:08 ID:KdNsj+Ml(3/5)調 AAS
bbspink.com には設定してるんでしょうかね。
478: yume ◆Yume.xMgf6 2006/08/16(水) 15:56:13 ID:dkxhEJzs(2/2)調 AAS
>>472 Jim-san
I sent mail.
When you update the volunteer list next time,
please put the mark if you received a mail or not.
479: ◆ANALFUCKo6 2006/08/16(水) 16:25:41 ID:98InsaME(2/2)調 AAS
Thank for your notice to receive my Email.
I send Email again since your request>>472 to del@bbspink.com.
Please find, read, put my request into action, and let me know the result.
your>>472 new leader, official guideline posting is noted, thanks.
480: ◆ZFz/q7JaS6 2006/08/16(水) 16:55:13 ID:1UVchUZQ(1/2)調 AAS
to Jim-san, This is last chance for us.
We are taking off from 2ch. And, we need new system.
I don't want to confidence for you.
But, I hope that bbspink is a happy place.
Please send me email it's shinobuATMARK2ch.net.
481(1): 461 2006/08/16(水) 17:13:14 ID:We2MC62/(4/5)調 AAS
An email of an answer arrived from Jim-san, you at 15:00.
I am very glad!!
482: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/08/16(水) 17:22:00 ID:2/KnyKeR(3/4)調 AAS
Please reply
483: 2006/08/16(水) 17:51:08 ID:sSkC32H7(1)調 AAS
484(2): ◆ZFz/q7JaS6 2006/08/16(水) 18:06:33 ID:1UVchUZQ(2/2)調 AAS
Thank you for your email. I replay now.
Please confirm...
485(1): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/08/16(水) 18:36:57 ID:2/KnyKeR(4/4)調 AAS
Got it, finally we can send email to each other.
486(2): ◆yzY8OufLJI @ピンクなSE ★ [sage ] 2006/08/16(水) 20:18:52 ID:??? AAS
>473 OK Jim-san
If it lends it, it may be late that an email arrives.
I confirm whether an email arrives again tomorrow to you.
I think about another method if an email does not arrive.
Thanking you in advance.
( in japanese)
ok jimさん
487(1): ◆HORO/D22S2 2006/08/16(水) 20:37:22 ID:KdNsj+Ml(4/5)調 AAS
◆yzY8OufLJI @ピンクなSE ★ SAN
You had better send an E-mail from other adress, if you had it.
Probably I think that your email is caught by a junk filter.
488(1): ◆yzY8OufLJI 2006/08/16(水) 20:46:25 ID:yff39+pA(1/2)調 AAS
( in japanese)
>487 ◆HORO/D22S2さん
489(1): ◆HORO/D22S2 2006/08/16(水) 20:52:30 ID:KdNsj+Ml(5/5)調 AAS
( in japanese)
490: ◆yzY8OufLJI 2006/08/16(水) 20:58:33 ID:yff39+pA(2/2)調 AAS
( in japanese )
>489 ◆HORO/D22S2 さん
491: 2006/08/16(水) 22:45:31 ID:We2MC62/(5/5)調 AAS
492: koro ◆8j1enTAicY 2006/08/16(水) 22:50:57 ID:SMXXMJua(1)調 AAS
( in japanese )
「Hello Jim-san.」で届いてますし、返事も貰えてますよー。
493(1): ◆/zZzZz/POE 2006/08/16(水) 23:45:22 ID:HGKGf9AF(1/2)調 AAS
koro ◆8j1enTAicYさん
494: ◆/zZzZz/POE 2006/08/16(水) 23:57:34 ID:HGKGf9AF(2/2)調 AAS
495: koro ◆8j1enTAicY 2006/08/17(木) 00:02:52 ID:OOE2ovVJ(1/3)調 AAS
Good morning Jim-san.
"Mail Sending Report Thread to Jim-san."
May I make such a thread?
I think that a general person who will contact Jim-san in the future increases.
When Jim-san registers in the favorite, it is glad.
It talks by this thread.
496: koro ◆8j1enTAicY 2006/08/17(木) 00:05:45 ID:OOE2ovVJ(2/3)調 AAS
( in japanese )
497(1): 2006/08/17(木) 03:09:06 ID:4GZGKSBW(1/3)調 AAS
Please delete
of 外部リンク[php]:test.up.bbspink.com
I have uploaded a wrong thing without putting the delete key.
A right thing was uploaded as top.gif.
I am sorry to have caused trouble.
Thank you for your consideration.
498: yume ◆Yume.xMgf6 2006/08/17(木) 03:12:21 ID:SMH6AMkf(1/2)調 AAS
499: 2006/08/17(木) 03:15:39 ID:4GZGKSBW(2/3)調 AAS
Thank you,YUME-chan.
I loved you from the past.
500(2): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2006/08/17(木) 03:45:56 ID:??? AAS
Sorry for the delay. Here is the deletion leader handle.
I have to drive 500 miles, then I will be online again with email.
Thank you Toru and Izumi for your help
and also Analfuck koropink and witch.
You have all really helped me with this decision
and I hope you will support my selection.
501: 2006/08/17(木) 04:08:37 ID:wrwxCS6f(1/2)調 AAS
I hope the leader named “Love” doesn't become “Rub”, because I think he or she is Japanese, ha!
502: 2006/08/17(木) 04:15:18 ID:wrwxCS6f(2/2)調 AAS
Never hope Love★ does rub all the posts he or she finds.
Is it too hard for him or her?
503: ◆witch2enoc 2006/08/17(木) 04:20:17 ID:4GZGKSBW(3/3)調 AAS
>>500 Jim-san.
Is a leader of deletion LOVE★-san?
I obey decision of JIM-san.
Please be careful about driving.
504: ◆/zZzZz/POE 2006/08/17(木) 05:26:32 ID:GMnqTghK(1)調 AAS
500miles about 800Km ........so long.
505: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI @桃色吐息 ★ 2006/08/17(木) 06:11:31 ID:??? BE AAS
Jim-san, LOVE-san,
I made a CAP for LOVE-san and I sent its password to LOVE-san via email.
The CAP handle name is LOVE ★
Now LOVE-san can use this all bulletin board servers of bbspink.com,
pie, idol, sakura01, sakura02, and sakura03.
I hope your decision brings good future to us and bbspink.
And unfortunately, today I must have a periodical medical health examination.
As you know, it brings sometimes very hard for my body and soul,
and probably today I will be offline.
506: koro ◆8j1enTAicY 2006/08/17(木) 08:57:47 ID:OOE2ovVJ(3/3)調 AAS
Dear Jim-san.
Congratulations of the deletion leader on the decision.
I support the decision of Jim-san.
I cooperate.
To LOVE-san and Jim-san and the volunteer.
I today and tomorrow will be offline.
I also leave for the drive.
Good travel for Jim-san.
507: 2006/08/17(木) 11:57:14 ID:c3DLkfzR(1)調 AAS
508(1): ◆yzY8OufLJI @ピンクなSE ★ 2006/08/17(木) 15:36:32 ID:??? BE AAS
>486 I ask you to confirm an email once again.
A title is this. "It is confirmation of the email transmission of a message future."
In addition, I sent an email to delATMARKbbspink.com.
Please confirm an email of that place.
( in Japanese )
509(5): 2006/08/17(木) 20:06:15 ID:NQ/FB8KJ(1)調 AAS
volunteer update
>>366 plus
龍翔 ◆RYU22yoiDI
yume ◆Yume.xMgf6
ひまゆき ◆3HioLDbjnQ
GEISHA ◆BB6cfdec1g
510: KYO ◆r9SXD074OA 2006/08/17(木) 20:12:44 ID:1KBa2JWo(1/2)調 AAS
(in Japanese)
Dear Jim-san, LOVE-san
It is KYO that sent mail yesterday.
It wants will support in no small way, and I hope for the volunteer in the future.
My best regards.
511(1): LOVE ★ 2006/08/17(木) 20:56:46 ID:??? AAS
512(10): LOVE ★ 2006/08/17(木) 21:03:39 ID:??? AAS
Announcement to the volunteers who are on the list >>366 and >>509 above:
Send these to del at bbspink dot com by email from the internet provider.
The leader will receive it.
1. A trip which is on the list Jim made for the volunteers.
2. A trip's password for proving identical.
3. A handle of your cap.
4. A password of your cap.
5. Your age.
6. What kind of volunteer experience in 2ch have you had, if you have done?
Write new trip after you prove your identical if you want to change a trip.
1. リストにあるトリップ
2. トリップパスワード(本人証明)
3. 希望キャップハンドル
4. キャップパスワード
5. 年齢
6. 2ちゃんねるでのボランティア経験
513(1): 2006/08/17(木) 21:11:45 ID:G1Im9bty(1/3)調 AAS
514: 2006/08/17(木) 21:15:31 ID:WS+O3Pgw(1/2)調 AAS
515(2): 2006/08/17(木) 21:16:18 ID:5hGnSIwY(1)調 AAS
516: 2006/08/17(木) 21:23:35 ID:0zd/rs2u(1/5)調 AAS
517: ◆ANALFUCKo6 2006/08/17(木) 21:24:06 ID:xfUD8JIP(1/3)調 AAS
518: S 2006/08/17(木) 21:25:00 ID:GW/iCuka(1/3)調 AAS
519: 453 ◆LTA6Wjwq4M 2006/08/17(木) 21:27:05 ID:sXpUIuMj(1)調 AAS
520: 2006/08/17(木) 21:27:57 ID:6Ft9yCfo(1)調 AAS
521: KYO ◆r9SXD074OA 2006/08/17(木) 21:28:14 ID:1KBa2JWo(2/2)調 AAS
522(2): ◆ANALFUCKo6 2006/08/17(木) 21:28:19 ID:xfUD8JIP(2/3)調 AAS
523: 2006/08/17(木) 21:33:46 ID:10lk64vN(1/2)調 AAS
524(1): 2006/08/17(木) 21:34:01 ID:G1Im9bty(2/3)調 AAS
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