[過去ログ] Let's talk with Jim-san. Part2 (837レス)

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(1): ◆IZUMI162i6 2006/08/06(日) 00:56:07 ID:P81jXDbV(1/2)調 BE AAS
Please wait to present the site to Jim-san as a formal version.
We should talk a little more.

272: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/08/06(日) 01:21:00 ID:jdL80jO8(2/2)調 BE AAS
Ok, I agree with you.

I slightly fixed and uploaded my English translation by using Yahoo translation
as the same URI.

I fixed this version as today's one, and it is time for taking a bath and going to bed.
(1): ◆IZUMI162i6 2006/08/06(日) 03:24:26 ID:P81jXDbV(2/2)調 BE AAS

> Jim-san
I'm sorry that it is made to wait.
Please let me think whether I can become a leader until the problem of KOKOROE disappears.
274: ◆IZUMI162i6 2006/08/06(日) 10:45:29 ID:9xpXZD6z(1/4)調 BE AAS

Please prepare a board with the password for Deleters and volunteers.
If We have a board with Password, We can consult about the script and the deletion judgment,
and a well-known report and information share.
(1): ◆IZUMI162i6 2006/08/06(日) 11:12:04 ID:9xpXZD6z(2/4)調 BE AAS

I think that the restrictions are more important than the deletions for communications.

◆Reffiz2Zh is a restriction volunteer.
He is Leader of restriction volunteers in 2ch.
The authority of his restriction is larger than the authority of Hiroyuki-san.
The restriction of BBSPINK is shared with the restriction of 2ch.

The protest against ISP is done by restriction volunteers.
They have knowhow. And, They have mutual trust with ISP.

He will cooperate as follows if Jim-san permit.
* Permission to negotiate with ISP with BBSPINK
* Permission of deregulation.
* Jim-san's mail address for Cc when mail is sent to ISP.

I think that Jim-san should give all of the right concerning the access limitation to him.
If his cooperation can be received, we will be able to help the user more.
276: ◆IZUMI162i6 2006/08/06(日) 12:25:52 ID:9xpXZD6z(3/4)調 AAS

Is it true that Mr. Jim stops the scripts?

Hiroyuki said:
Does read.cgi or bbs.cgi stop?
If Jim-san meets the following, Jim-san can freely use the script.
 Jim-san doesn't sell others the script.
 Jim-san doesn't open the script to the public.
277: 2006/08/06(日) 12:49:46 ID:DsmNCpIQ(1)調 AAS
Sorry but I think that ◆IZUMI162i6 san has misread Hiroyuki san's opinion.
Hiroyuki san said that the scripts, bbs.cgi and read.cgi, are free to use, except for selling or publication.
So, even if the link to PINK is deleted from 2ch, the scripts can be used.
278: ◆IZUMIXFK1. 2006/08/06(日) 13:44:41 ID:m9z535O2(1/3)調 AAS
Sorry, Scripts are all cgi gotten from 2ch.
bbs.cgi, read.cgi, and any cgis.

I heard that scrpts ware stoped by Jim-san. And Hiroyuki-san will not stop scrpts.

I want to confirm what you mean.
279: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/08/06(日) 17:15:55 ID:Pkoas8Mj(1/5)調 BE AAS
Izumi-san, Cc: Jim-san, all:

I applied all of your changes to my English translation version.
Please verify it.


This is now based on Version 0.4.20060806-5.

And Izumi-san, I believe the link for "intercommunication" would be
外部リンク[html]:kintubo.kakiko.com , not

Certainly, your link points the original one, but users need right for reading this,
what is called '●'. And currectly, all of users don't have this.

As you know, this is very important definition by Jim-san,
so, I recommend this should be completely public.
(1): ◆ZFz/q7JaS6 @TORU ★ 2006/08/06(日) 17:52:39 ID:??? AAS
A little ago, I send to you volunteer application mail what I keep.

By the way, may I set scripts for deletion and setting ?
If you send mail to me, I teach you that
how to do registration as volunteers.
(1): Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/08/06(日) 18:52:05 ID:Pkoas8Mj(2/5)調 BE AAS
(in Japanese)

今回の更新で「terms of duties(必要事項)」の項がなくなって、かわりに、

> 削除人が「必要事項」を満たせなくなる場合は事前に報告するのが好ましいです。

(1): ◆IZUMIXFK1. 2006/08/06(日) 19:52:29 ID:m9z535O2(2/3)調 AAS
283: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/08/06(日) 20:11:54 ID:Pkoas8Mj(3/5)調 BE AAS
(in Japanese)


I think the completeness your KOKOROE is high and it is enough operational.

So, I believe you do not need to be eager for its completion more than required.
Mata-ri iki mashou.
(2): ◆IZUMIXFK1. 2006/08/06(日) 20:53:52 ID:m9z535O2(3/3)調 AAS

Could you open your E-mail Address to all users for Admin of bbspink.com?
285: ◆MARY/2Kkkc 2006/08/06(日) 21:00:57 ID:adCAhklf(1/3)調 AAS
Give him a reason, Izumi-san.
(2): Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/08/06(日) 21:04:22 ID:Pkoas8Mj(4/5)調 BE AAS
Jim-san already opened his email address for bbspink at >>18

So, his email address for bbspink is "jim at 80 dot kg".
(1): ◆MARY/2Kkkc 2006/08/06(日) 21:06:45 ID:adCAhklf(2/3)調 AAS
Was it an email address? I didn't notice it. Sorry about it.
288: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/08/06(日) 21:12:46 ID:Pkoas8Mj(5/5)調 BE AAS
There's no need to worry about it.

Anyway, Jim-san is great and has a little bit heavy weight. :-)
289: ◆MARY/2Kkkc 2006/08/06(日) 21:18:04 ID:adCAhklf(3/3)調 AAS
Now I can send Jim-san spam mail. (Just kidding! Maybe love letter.)
290: ◆IZUMI162i6 2006/08/06(日) 21:23:29 ID:9xpXZD6z(4/4)調 AAS
291: 2006/08/07(月) 10:24:14 ID:jxjWWEuq(1)調 AAS
Does Jim have NintendoDS?

292: 2006/08/07(月) 15:20:57 ID:WTDpSmFm(1)調 AAS
Do it enjoy Jim-san?
I am enjoying here.
Thank you.

From a certain user.
293: 2006/08/07(月) 18:32:57 ID:c7IDvyH/(1)調 AAS
What is browser that Jim-san uses?
294: ◆IZUMI162i6 2006/08/07(月) 23:21:43 ID:FtRQqJGe(1/4)調 BE AAS

I inform all users of "Jim at 80 dot kg".
It becomes an official contact method to you.
 We cannot receive permission that uses the law from you.
 You have to solve your risks by yourself.
The deletion request that cannot be judged exists in Deleter.
"Jim at 80 dot kg" will receive the deletion request that cannot be judged by Deleter.
295: ◆IZUMI162i6 2006/08/07(月) 23:31:09 ID:FtRQqJGe(2/4)調 BE AAS

Could you employ a official translator as this site?
 I and volunteers keep acting.
 We do not have time to translate the conversation with you.
 You have to prepare the person who translates.
296: ◆IZUMI162i6 2006/08/07(月) 23:52:37 ID:FtRQqJGe(3/4)調 BE AAS
Sorry, I also have used an impolite expression.

The reason why I ask for 295 has another.

There was a person who brought my idea together by another thread.
When my idea is transmitted to Jim-san, it is glad.

We need your decision for the important matter deletion request.
English is necessary to recognize the problem correctly.
But, Almost users do not request in English,
and also we too.
That's why, We think that Translator is necessary for the important deletion demand, for you and for users.
Could you solve this problem? I mean, Could you prepare the translator?
297: ◆IZUMI162i6 2006/08/08(火) 00:03:01 ID:FtRQqJGe(4/4)調 BE AAS
I found a very exact expression.
When this was seen, I discovered the new world.

(1): ◆qb.x27/m96 2006/08/08(火) 00:04:13 ID:6DdFSiKw(1/2)調 AAS
I do not agree with it.
No problem is solved by doing it.

He should go regularly to the hospital.
I think so.
He is spending all time on the bulletin board too much.

The demand doesn't hope for execution to me.
It is a comment on this demand.

Hot day is a delicious season of the beer.
It enjoys daily life. (-^v
299: ◆IZUMI162i6 2006/08/08(火) 00:16:23 ID:MltdEGXm(1/2)調 BE AAS

It will be easier to use the restriction system of 2ch than we make the restriction system from zero.
Do you have an alternative proposal?
300: ◆qb.x27/m96 2006/08/08(火) 00:47:20 ID:6DdFSiKw(2/2)調 AAS
You enjoy, it has done?
Also everyone enjoys, it has done?

I think that is answering.
301: ◆rukh93uu8g 2006/08/08(火) 01:24:30 ID:jepbTBtP(1)調 AAS


302: ◆IZUMI162i6 2006/08/08(火) 01:26:07 ID:MltdEGXm(2/2)調 BE AAS
303: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/08/08(火) 18:56:20 ID:RMH5F/Jo(1/4)調 AAS
Hi Guys. I just got to Japan. What a long strange trip it has been. I am reading what I missed now.
304: koro ◆8j1enTAicY 2006/08/08(火) 19:03:05 ID:ymQYRuAH(1/2)調 AAS
> I just got to Japan.

Did Jim-san come to Japan?
305: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/08/08(火) 19:04:53 ID:RMH5F/Jo(2/4)調 AAS
Wow so many things to respond to. Please understand. I am reading Kokoroe
now, I like it so far. It is well thought out.
I am using firefox browser, and tubo
Waiting for the love letters....;)
306: 2006/08/08(火) 19:08:49 ID:XMb/ZS1h(1/2)調 AAS

Welcome to Japan!
Please enjoy Japan, although it will probably be busy.

307: koro ◆8j1enTAicY 2006/08/08(火) 19:13:57 ID:ymQYRuAH(2/2)調 AAS
What is the purpose of the visit to Japan of Jim-san?
It's "KOMIKE"?w

Japan is hot, but please enjoy a stay.
(1): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/08/08(火) 19:20:00 ID:RMH5F/Jo(3/4)調 AAS
I missed my flight to San francisco.
309: 2006/08/08(火) 19:23:34 ID:XMb/ZS1h(2/2)調 AAS

However, it may be good Job. :-)
(1): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/08/08(火) 19:40:10 ID:RMH5F/Jo(4/4)調 AAS
This email is better to contact me at about bbspink matters
jim at bbspink.REMOVEcom
311: ぽぅ ◆/zZzZz/POE 2006/08/08(火) 20:29:12 ID:U2jN3QcU(1)調 AAS
Welcome to Japan!!!
Because U JIM-SAN didn't appear readily, we all have been just waiting for you to visit.
PLZ read all sentences which were written in English.
Appreciate. We all love U.
312: 2006/08/08(火) 20:52:37 ID:lUMFrJQ7(1)調 AAS
313: 2006/08/08(火) 20:58:15 ID:Gy7cZpqN(1)調 AAS
314: 2006/08/08(火) 22:30:34 ID:i/VEi1B3(1)調 AAS
315: 2006/08/08(火) 22:39:33 ID:AA1lw/2U(1)調 AAS
316: ◆witch2enoc 2006/08/08(火) 22:49:31 ID:q57g73DE(1)調 AAS
Welcome !!!
a-nd I love you !!
(1): ◆IZUMIXFK1. 2006/08/09(水) 00:20:16 ID:yrzGTK4G(1/2)調 AAS

Do you use bbs2chreader.xpi of Firefox Extension?
318: ◆IZUMIXFK1. 2006/08/09(水) 00:22:15 ID:yrzGTK4G(2/2)調 AAS
319: ◆IZUMI162i6 2006/08/09(水) 03:37:39 ID:O1mqvnrK(1/3)調 BE AAS

I have to go to Comic Market 70 in Ariake Japan.
It is my life.
So, I can come from today to the 14th to BBSPINK only a little.

Latest KOKOROE (Japanese) 外部リンク[html]:www.h4.dion.ne.jp
320: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/08/09(水) 10:48:19 ID:/c5ci+hR(1)調 AAS
>>317 it is the first I have heard of this extension. I am looking for it now.
THanks for all the welcomes guys.I really am happy I had a chance to come here.
Even by accident. I will have to leave tomorrow though.
321: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/08/09(水) 11:06:10 ID:vRPkuByx(1)調 AAS
testing firefox extension
322: 2006/08/09(水) 11:10:48 ID:X9NO+ntT(1)調 AAS
Oooooh!! jim-san!!
good morning and evening!!

How did you spend Japanese night? & Is a test brisk?
(2): ◆BladeyqILk 2006/08/09(水) 11:28:25 ID:ZcxCykiq(1/2)調 AAS

Url of bbs2chreader.xpi is
(3): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/08/09(水) 16:00:36 ID:3GK3b9rq(1/3)調 AAS
>>323 Thanks. I installed that plug in.

I am in shinjuku tonight. Where is a good place to go out and party?
325: 2006/08/09(水) 16:20:45 ID:9Qh3q+Hw(1)調 AAS
What kind of join do you want?
326: ◆MARY/2Kkkc 2006/08/09(水) 16:22:22 ID:m9gQlUPl(1/4)調 AAS
Hi Jim-san!

Izakaya(Japanese bar), general grade Japanese restaurant, high grade Japanese restaurant,
American(or Western) style restaurant,
which one do you like?
327: ◆IZUMI162i6 2006/08/09(水) 16:24:39 ID:O1mqvnrK(2/3)調 AAS
I frequently go to "海峡(Kaikyo)".
This Dining is a place where meal and the party are done.
When looking for the girl, let's choose other places. (^_^;;;

Afterwards, I often go to Pasera of KARAOKE house with my friends.
And, karaoke is done until the morning.
328: ◆BladeyqILk @いちごぴんく ★ 2006/08/09(水) 16:24:56 ID:??? AAS
How about use feelings?

I'm sorry.
I am not in Tokyo tonight.It is in Nagoya.

I hope a well informed person about Tokyo.
(1): ◆MARY/2Kkkc 2006/08/09(水) 16:29:09 ID:m9gQlUPl(2/4)調 AAS

There is a Japanese bar in Shinjyuku where you can eat a whale.
If you would like to try, I give you an address.
330: ◆IZUMI162i6 2006/08/09(水) 16:34:46 ID:O1mqvnrK(3/3)調 AAS
I cannot go to the party for a while because the preparation for Comike is busy. (T_T

Let you enjoys the night of Shinjuku.
(1): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/08/09(水) 16:37:02 ID:3GK3b9rq(2/3)調 AAS
>>329 I am getting hungry I could eat a whale. What type? I think Blue whale would be the tastiest.
Probably I will eat at my friend`s cafe tonight.
(1): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/08/09(水) 16:39:02 ID:3GK3b9rq(3/3)調 AAS
>>331 no tilda ~~~~~~ sorry guys
I am going to eat dumplings for POWER!
333: ◆BladeyqILk 2006/08/09(水) 16:40:55 ID:ZcxCykiq(2/2)調 AAS


How around here? From Izakaya Shinjuku of ぐるなび
334: 2006/08/09(水) 16:44:26 ID:8/DQhpgW(1)調 BE AAS
335: ◆MARY/2Kkkc 2006/08/09(水) 16:47:55 ID:m9gQlUPl(3/4)調 AAS
This is a place for a whale.
I am not sure what kind of whale they have, but they sure have it.

"Taruichi(樽一)" 外部リンク:www.taruichi.co.jp

1-17-12 Daiichi-Asakawa Building 5th floor,
Kabuki-cyou, Shinjyuku-ku, Tokyo


From 東口 (East bound) Shinjyuku station,
5 minites by walking.
You can find a map from here.

Menu what they have,
336: ◆MARY/2Kkkc 2006/08/09(水) 16:51:21 ID:m9gQlUPl(4/4)調 AAS
It looks very nice.
I wanted to join you, if I were in Shinjyuku.
Have fun!
337: 2006/08/09(水) 17:35:56 ID:SWRv8EG+(1)調 AAS
Blue whale :-D
U kiddin?or really? I like it. Ur sence is pretty good!!!CoooooL!!!

By the way,
Originally "小吃 Shao-chi" means fast food/small meal.
It's the food at street stall.
338: 42.net220148151.t-com.ne.jp 2006/08/09(水) 22:37:45 ID:P8Gx9dLA(1)調 AAS
typhooons have gone
wish it good for flight
339: ◆witch2enoc 2006/08/10(木) 00:21:11 ID:s9c3H5m6(1)調 AAS
Hello Jim-san !!
A building in Shinjuku is broken in a typhoon well.
You are unlucky. Congratulations !!
340: Mary@性母マリア ★ 2006/08/10(木) 05:10:50 ID:??? AAS
To: Jim-san,

Have you ever gone to "Don Quijote (ドンキホーテ)" in Shinjuku?
It is a shopping place like Wal-mart or Target,
but the difference from them is that it has an adult toys corner, and it opens 24 hours.
They have an English web site for the directions.
I think You will like it.
341: Mary@性母マリア ★ 2006/08/10(木) 05:33:25 ID:??? AAS
Though the directions page does not say, exit from 東口(East bound) at Shinjuku station.
Find an adult toys corner, and have fun if you have a time to go there.
342: 2006/08/10(木) 20:37:23 ID:vAqv3Ktu(1)調 AAS
343: 2006/08/10(木) 20:42:08 ID:uzOUPAOA(1)調 AAS
344: 2006/08/10(木) 20:54:19 ID:1E+XxHEL(1)調 AAS
Jim-san, may I ask to relieve refugee from bbs-lockout,
I think stuffs are not cruel but merry or afraid now.
345: ◆witch2enoc 2006/08/11(金) 01:03:52 ID:dWg7sBUa(1/4)調 AAS
hello Jim-san !!

I am >>238 of this thread.
I applied for a volunteer by an email before.
(for del@bbspink.com)
However, because I heard that I "had better propose it here",
I will make a note.

I will propose to a volunteer.

And I love you !!
(1): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/08/11(金) 04:42:38 ID:kP6e9qEH(1/4)調 AAS
volunteer update
koro ◆8j1enTAicY
ありす ◆Alice7XIII
イレイザーラモンHG ◆HG/Ok.YX3U
Techcs ◆TECHCS.zfQ
エボラ ◆172VC7723I
halc/cyan ◆duswpnLeMU
苺 ◆BladeyqILk @いちごぴんく ★
If I missed anyone please complain here....;) I am really sleepy I just got back to San Francisco.
Every part of everything I had was searched when I went through customs. I really dislike that.
Does anyone know how to get off of their harrassment list?
347: ◆witch2enoc 2006/08/11(金) 05:08:04 ID:dWg7sBUa(2/4)調 AAS
Jim-san said
348: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/08/11(金) 05:33:46 ID:kP6e9qEH(2/4)調 AAS
thanks Witch2enoc chan.
I will sleep now.
Good night
349: 2006/08/11(金) 05:41:37 ID:N5F3+08Y(1)調 AAS
good night!! jim-san☆
350: ◆witch2enoc 2006/08/11(金) 05:44:30 ID:dWg7sBUa(3/4)調 AAS

vacation slowly without overdoing it please.

Thank you for adding my name.
351: ◆witch2enoc 2006/08/11(金) 05:52:09 ID:dWg7sBUa(4/4)調 AAS
Good night.
have a good dream please.
352: 2006/08/11(金) 06:38:38 ID:BV/7bchc(1)調 AAS
Dear Jim-san

Watasiha su-pa-boranntia desultu!!!
Subete watasini makasenasailtu!
Sousureba a-rahu/si/gi!!
Usemonohaarawareruha,Tinnkoha20cmizyouninaruwa soryamoutaihenn!
Dakara watasini ★(・∀・)kure!!!
353: ぽぅ ◆/zZzZz/POE 2006/08/11(金) 08:54:42 ID:k0Hu1E5G(1)調 AAS

(1): 2006/08/11(金) 09:51:48 ID:99ycERzg(1)調 AAS
(1): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/08/11(金) 11:13:06 ID:kP6e9qEH(3/4)調 AAS
Yes to much harrassment. I just want to go smoke after I get off the airplane. I don't want
to stand for hours and hours and be questioned and have everything I travel with be completely
356: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/08/11(金) 11:46:27 ID:DwnG/1FB(1)調 BE AAS
(in Japanese)

(in English)
In other words, you seem to have become nearly torn off all of the possessions...
357: Mary@性母マリア ★ 2006/08/11(金) 12:26:08 ID:??? AAS
It is unbelievable why they search from their citizen who was born in the US.
(I assume you are a citizen born in the US.)
Also, it is hard to understand searching after getting off the airplane,
though it is understandable doing before getting on.

Anyway, welcome back to your home, BBSPINK!
Sleep well, tonight.

You missed a few offering for becoming the volunteers.

◆ANALFUCKo6 (>>235)
◆mura2zOUT. (>>261)
358: 2006/08/11(金) 14:00:24 ID:9x66UhCt(1)調 AAS
(in Japapese)

(in English)
It seems to be necessary because of terrorism emergency.
359: ぽぅ ◆/zZzZz/POE 2006/08/11(金) 14:07:14 ID:FYBTikHh(1/2)調 AAS
Customs spent your time.
Is it the influence of the terrorism plan prevention in UK?
Information was spreading earlier.
Because a criminal was arrested, UK government understood beforehand. So US gov. too.

How does the matter of the new guide-line for deletion?
Do U already checked?
360: ぽぅ ◆/zZzZz/POE 2006/08/11(金) 14:28:19 ID:FYBTikHh(2/2)調 AAS
Being..........Each time?
(2): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/08/11(金) 14:33:26 ID:kP6e9qEH(4/4)調 AAS
koro ◆8j1enTAicY
ありす ◆Alice7XIII
イレイザーラモンHG ◆HG/Ok.YX3U
Techcs ◆TECHCS.zfQ
エボラ ◆172VC7723I
halc/cyan ◆duswpnLeMU
苺 ◆BladeyqILk @いちごぴんく ★

Thanks Mary
Yes I am US born, and I get completely searched everytime.
362: Mary@性母マリア ★ 2006/08/11(金) 17:26:08 ID:??? AAS
You are welcome, Jim-san.
I was sorry for your trouble in the customs.
Did you mean that you were searched more than other people, everytime?
If so, I am really wondering why they do.
Do you carry a religious thing such as a Buddhist rosary with you?

By the way, I have a suggestion, Jim-san.

Let's make a new thread for taking focusly about the rules of deletion with Jim-san.
The reason is because some people who want to talk to Jim-san about a topic besides the deletion have hesitated.
They worry about stopping a discussion of the rules of deletion by chatting.
And also, the volunteers are eager looking forward to complete the rules of deletion.

I am going to make the new thread for talking about the rules of deletion, if you agree with it and you are going to join it.
(1): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/08/12(土) 00:34:10 ID:iNS1kFNe(1/4)調 AAS
ok, lets make a new thread
(1): koro ◆8j1enTAicY 2006/08/12(土) 00:51:10 ID:Xqq8H9lE(1/3)調 AAS
Dear Jim-san.

>>361 volunteer list.

Techcs ◆TECHCS.zfQ

This person is the same person.

Please spend the good weekend.
(1): 2006/08/12(土) 00:56:13 ID:8oScmdfO(1/2)調 AAS
>Please spend the good weekend.

"Have a nice Weekend!!"
(7): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/08/12(土) 00:58:41 ID:iNS1kFNe(2/4)調 AAS
volunteer update
koro ◆8j1enTAicY
ありす ◆Alice7XIII
イレイザーラモンHG ◆HG/Ok.YX3U
Techcs ◆TECHCS.zfQ
エボラ ◆172VC7723I
halc/cyan ◆duswpnLeMU
苺 ◆BladeyqILk @いちごぴんく ★
367: 龍翔 ◆RYU22yoiDI 2006/08/12(土) 01:01:29 ID:BQG9vEVV(1)調 AAS
Hello Jim-san,

My name is 龍翔(Ryushou)
I would like to become a BBSPINK's volunteer.
If a maid of Jim can do it, I feel glad

368: koro ◆8j1enTAicY 2006/08/12(土) 01:05:44 ID:Xqq8H9lE(2/3)調 AAS
Thank you.

English is difficult....
369: Mary@性母マリア ★ 2006/08/12(土) 01:13:34 ID:??? AAS
Thank you, Jim-san.

I made it.

The Rules of Deletion
(1): koro ◆8j1enTAicY 2006/08/12(土) 01:17:29 ID:Xqq8H9lE(3/3)調 AAS

◆RYU22yoiDI-san will become help of Jim-san.
We welcome you.
371: 2006/08/12(土) 01:19:44 ID:8oScmdfO(2/2)調 AAS
Hello, Jim-san

Is it necessary to use Trip to join volunteer list?

I think that it is not suitable as a method to choose a volunteer as.
372: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/08/12(土) 01:49:35 ID:iNS1kFNe(3/4)調 AAS
I think it is convenient to use trip for it.
However when Izumi gets back from the comic convention, lets ask him.
373: ◆witch2enoc 2006/08/12(土) 02:19:19 ID:uxR+5TD3(1)調 AAS
I think you are glad not to encounter an airplane blast accident.
A stop in the yesterday's airport is because a terror group seemed to move.
374: 2006/08/12(土) 06:53:36 ID:KAKMeMmx(1)調 AAS
Good morning Jim-san

Atusakibisikiori ikagaosugosidesyouka.
Watasiha gennkidesuyo.
Mousugu 15nitidesuga umakueroibbsgatudukebaiidesune.
Soredehamata bainara.
375: yume ◆Yume.xMgf6 2006/08/12(土) 07:56:38 ID:Yb6gCaUQ(1)調 AAS
Hello, Jim-san.

I want to become a volunteer.
I will help various work of BBSPINK.
We want to enjoy new BBSPINK :D
(1): 龍翔 ◆RYU22yoiDI 2006/08/12(土) 09:24:37 ID:nA5uu4Q1(1)調 AAS
Good morning Jim-san

I am a summer vacation from today
When is Jim a summer vacation from?


A heartfelt message I am very glad
It is glad when it is possible to become it between intimate.
377: 2006/08/12(土) 11:08:53 ID:YXxx5MlT(1)調 AAS
>>376 冗談でしょ?
(3): 今はまだ無い。 ◆qjynWXRRs2 2006/08/12(土) 16:57:07 ID:84AJuGg/(1)調 AAS
Nice to meet you Jim-san.
My name is "今はまだ無い。".

I have one doubt.
In what meaning are you using the word "volunteer"?

In general, the Japanese is using this word in a simple meaning
"Person who works free of charge".
The obligation is thin there.
Moreover, there is a person who thinks that there is a limit
in the responsibility that can be assumed, too.

Is there a difference in your recognition?
379: ◆IZUMIXFK1. 2006/08/12(土) 17:10:38 ID:R8eG3YXC(1)調 AAS
(1): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/08/12(土) 17:24:27 ID:iNS1kFNe(4/4)調 AAS
I think we already covered that here.
381: yume ◆Yume.xMgf6 2006/08/12(土) 18:08:29 ID:7jwuhwNy(1/2)調 AAS
>>378 Jim-san
I couldn't found previous thread about that.

Is this? right?
382: yume ◆Yume.xMgf6 2006/08/12(土) 18:11:15 ID:7jwuhwNy(2/2)調 AAS
oops, mistake.

not >>378 it is >>380.
(2): One resident of bbs 2006/08/12(土) 19:31:04 ID:WnJ80+8X(1/2)調 AAS
Dear Jim-san

I feel another doubt about the definition of "Volunteer" that you say.
Are you using word "volunteer" in the meaning
"People who delete improper contribution in pink bbs and
people who do work related to secret about the technical systems of pink bbs"?

If it is so, I have one anxiety.
It is a thing that all volunteer aspirants can join your volunteer list
without the examination at all.
They only have nothing but to apply
with the handle name.

According to the current custom, 2ch bbs & pink bbs always imposed
the examination on aspirants when they adopt volunteer of management.
The purpose of it is not to adopt the person who does unjust deletion
because when such a despotic person becomes volunteer,
free speech in bbs is not guaranteed.

Many of volunteer aspirants might be the people of good intentions, I think.
However, the content of the activity of volunteer accompanies
power and the technical secret transferred by you.
If you are a manager who esteems pink bbs user's free speech,
I hope for an enough examination for adoption of volunteer.
(1): One resident of bbs 2006/08/12(土) 19:31:58 ID:WnJ80+8X(2/2)調 AAS
Conveniently, we have already had one volunteer recruitment with
an appropriate examination.
You are sure to have received the application mail from TORU-san.

I hope to do continuing the recruitment, and to make only the person who passes
the examination volunteer.
The examination was a summary of the content of "Thread that discusses
deletion of contribution of pink bbs".
It is a very suitable examination in the purpose to confirm their discernment and
seriousness about the content of the volunteer's work.

If there is a wall of the language for you to read the application mail in Japanese,
you will be able to nominate a Japanese trustworthy deputy.
He will execute the examination instead of you.

I am sorry in the long sentence.
If it is possible, Please consider it...
385: 2006/08/12(土) 20:51:19 ID:cE2f74BR(1)調 AAS
(4): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/08/13(日) 03:20:07 ID:HH6xaXKu(1/2)調 AAS
Despots need not apply....;)
I understand your feelings about this.
all I can say is がんばる
Trustworthy Japanese deputy would have to much liability. Due to the nature of this board
it is better to be managed from the United States.
I am sure the volunteers come from all over the world, not just Japan, so lets think of it
as a world board.
I hope deletions are kept to a minimum, and I think that the volunteers so far have
spent an enormous amount of time thinking and pondering the meaning of deletions.
Please tell me more about your ideas for an examination.
387: 2006/08/13(日) 05:45:24 ID:L7CzTyfB(1)調 AAS
Dear Mr.JIM

I guess, You had better to make "GUIDLINE for USER" insted of Delete
and only apply "Out of this GL is Must be deleted"

thks n b.rgds,
388: ひまゆき ◆3HioLDbjnQ 2006/08/13(日) 15:22:03 ID:D23CHxT8(1)調 AAS
Dear Jim-san

I am ひまゆき(himayuki) ◆3HioLDbjnQ.
I would like to become a Adjuster.
It is because I like decide a lot of things reading.
When the user can be helped, I think that I am glad.
See you again.
(1): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/08/13(日) 21:27:39 ID:HH6xaXKu(2/2)調 AAS
I like the extension, but there should be a way to put your handle in so
you dont have to type it each time. Whoever is the developer, that is on my
wish list.
(3): One resident of bbs 2006/08/14(月) 00:10:34 ID:vykHbnX/(1/2)調 AAS
>>386 Dear Jim-san

Thank you for your answer and the word がんばる.o(^O^)o

> I am sure the volunteers come from all over the world, not just Japan, so lets think of it
> as a world board.
I understand your grand view.
If pink bbs will be more internationalized in the future, it might be very excited.

However, we should think, at least in the current state,
the majority of the contribution of pink bbs are being written in Japanese.
I saw your remark by another thread.
But according to my poor knowledge, there is a thing that user in living in Japan is used
the domain of the foreign country and accessed bbs.
Perhaps, his remark by the same thread might serve as a reference.

Anyway, I think that the following fact is important,
regardless of the nationality of the user himself,
the majority of the contribution with pink bbs are being written in Japanese.
A local rule of each bulletin board and the procedure of the deletion request
are being written in Japanese, too.

If the volunteer has the ability to delete improper contributions,
they should have the ability to judge whether the contribution is "improper" or not.
Enough number of talent who understands a slight Japanese nuance is necessary for us
by all means.
(3): One resident of bbs 2006/08/14(月) 00:12:04 ID:vykHbnX/(2/2)調 AAS
Therefore, to select and to generalize them, a Japanese (at least understands Japanese)
deputy is necessary, I think.
I think that it is IZUMI162i6 suitability for the role chosen by the election.

The deputy is , so to speak, your window in Japan.
You need not limit the deputy to him alone.
If it is necessary, you will only have to nominate the foreign deputy
for the foreign volunteers.
However, even if you make another the window for the foreign country,
there is no reason why the window for Japan is not made.
I think that it is the most suitable method for the current state.
392: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/08/14(月) 01:48:06 ID:ipllzVzm(1/3)調 AAS
Does anyone know how to get in touch with the firefox developer?
(2): 2006/08/14(月) 02:43:17 ID:JokNzWnc(1)調 AAS

it seems like you want to make bbspink be under Japanese law.
that doesn't make sense. if you want to make it happen,
you should make your own bbs.
Who's going to take responsibility? Do you want to?

(1): ◆ZFz/q7JaS6 @TORU ★ 2006/08/14(月) 03:47:48 ID:??? AAS

I think becoming of ◆ANALFUCKo6-san to leader
when Izumi-san and I cannot become leaders to be preferable.
◆ANALFUCKo6-san said that a legal risk will not leave either.
◆ANALFUCKo6-san is a reliable person.
(1): 2006/08/14(月) 04:25:08 ID:uuaVHOdE(1)調 AAS


>>ジムさん 誰か英訳してください。
1 「証拠保全のための放置」はやめる。スレッドを書き込み停止にして、流れない保管場所へ移動させる。(一般利用者は見ることが出来ない場所)
2 日本国内で問題となるスレッドを削除するシステムを構築する。これで言い逃れが出来る。
396: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/08/14(月) 05:56:16 ID:ipllzVzm(2/3)調 AAS
translation is not neccessary I have read it, and am certain that this ignorant babel
is just a waste of time.
397: Bon ◆QV7UX5Tcbk 2006/08/14(月) 07:17:25 ID:sHfGPubO(1/2)調 AAS
Dear Jim-san

 # I'm "One resident of bbs" (>>383-384>>390-391).

Because my connection environment is a narrow band,
  my ID might be different from last night.
  So, I put trip and a handle name after this. よろしく.

Are you dissatisfied with my >>390-391 proposal?
If it is so, I don't have other ideas for smooth operation of pink bbs.
I'm sorry that it cannot propose a useful opinion for you.

>>386 Jim-san
> Please tell me more about your ideas for an examination.

If you are dissatisfied with a past content of the examination,
we might be able to improve it.
But as long as you don't clarify the thing who takes charge of the examination,
it might be difficult to discuss the improvement about it.

For the above-mentioned reasons (>>390-391), I think the best method is that,
the person who understands Japanese examines it in Japanese.
However, if you don't hope for it, it is meaningless to assume the examination in Japanese.

So, may I hear the following?

When ◆ IZUMI162i6, chosen by our election, undertakes the volunteer leader post in Japan,
do you have a mind to leave the selection of the volunteer in Japan to him?
Or, are you scheduling another method?
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