[過去ログ] 【RPN】逆ポーランドの部屋【電卓】★22段 (1002レス)

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(1): 2018/12/29(土)12:43 ID:wvIL0cGh(2/7) AAS
英語版Wikipedia HP-12C

Simple という言葉が使われているのは以下の3箇所

(1) Due to its simple operation for key financial calculations, the calculator long ago became the de facto standard among financial professionals.

(2) Its popularity has endured despite the fact that even a relatively simple, but iterative, process such as amortizing the interest over the life of a loan – a calculation which modern spreadsheets can complete almost instantly – can take over a minute with the HP-12C.

(3) The 1977 October edition of the HP Journal contains an article by Roy Martin, the inventor of the simple method of operation used in HP financial calculators, which describes, in detail, the mathematics and functionality built by William Kahan (from UC Berkeley) and Roy Martin that is still in use today.
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