[過去ログ] スレッドを立てるまでもない質問スレッド Part 366 (1002レス)

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(1): (ワッチョイ c65b-TDjq) 2023/08/27(日)05:44 ID:6mwHMsc90(8/12) AAS
Jane の乱, the Uprising of Jane

For quite some time, Jane Style had effectively been the only dedicated 5ch browser for Windows, as many other specialized browsers faded away when the administrators of 5ch decided to implement their APIs for accessing 5ch in 2015. The creators of many other browsers gave up on their development because 5ch required them to apply for an API key with personal information such as their real names and addresses.

Yamashita, the creator of Jane Style, worked closely with Jim, the owner of 5ch. Strangely, Yamashita was in charge of the API system.

In July 2023, without any notice, Yamashita disabled all the API keys he had issued to dedicated browsers. This action effectively cut off access to 5ch and redirected Jane Style users to a newly created forum named Talk, designed to resemble 5ch. Yamashita had created this forum with his business partner, Masa.

Since Yamashita was responsible for the 5ch API system, his decision to deactivate all API keys led to dedicated browser users losing access to 5ch. As a consequence, the number of daily posts on 5ch was reduced by half for a few days. (However, users could still access 5ch using their web browsers.)
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