[過去ログ] モララーのビデオ棚 in AA長編板その186 (1002レス)

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184: ◆SnickelMXA 2019/08/31(土)08:17 ID:B+lQ/01c0(17/20) AAS
185: ◆SnickelMXA 2019/08/31(土)08:18 ID:B+lQ/01c0(18/20) AAS
186: ◆SnickelMXA 2019/08/31(土)08:18 ID:B+lQ/01c0(19/20) AAS
187: ◆SnickelMXA 2019/08/31(土)08:18 ID:B+lQ/01c0(20/20) AAS
188: 2019/08/31(土)23:54 ID:a9asNpiE0(1) AAS
189: 2019/09/06(金)09:47 ID:77qiT8kp0(1) AAS

190: 2019/09/06(金)23:03 ID:2dUVgC2l0(1) AAS
191: 2019/09/10(火)04:25 ID:Xpy2YemZ0(1) AAS
192: ◆SnickelMXA 2019/09/14(土)07:17 ID:kzBl1pZN0(1/24) AAS
193: ◆SnickelMXA 2019/09/14(土)07:17 ID:kzBl1pZN0(2/24) AAS
194: ◆SnickelMXA 2019/09/14(土)07:17 ID:kzBl1pZN0(3/24) AAS



The story of modern research into ape communication begins in 1931,
when Winthrop and Luella Kellogg, a husband-wife psychologist team,
decided to raise a chimp named Gua alongside their biological son, Donald.
The goal was to see if Gua would pick up language, just as a human child would.
The landmark experiment inspired many similar efforts-but research with Gua herself lasted less than a year.
She was failing to pick up language. (Donald, on the other hand, was reportedly making chimpanzee sounds.)
So the Kelloggs called it quits and gave her to a primate center. Less than a year later, she died from pneumonia.
195: ◆SnickelMXA 2019/09/14(土)07:18 ID:kzBl1pZN0(4/24) AAS

In 1967-the year before Planet of the Apes was released-yet another husband-wife team,
Allen and Beatrix Gardner, decided to give communication experiments another try.
But they went with a different approach: rather than spoken language,
they would teach a chimpanzee named Washoe American sign language.
Washoe-who wore clothes, sat at the dinner table,
brushed her teeth and played games-quickly began to learn and seemed to understand the meaning of the signs.
A few years into the project, the Gardners moved on to other work and gave their adopted chimp daughter to a primate center.
But scientists there continued to work with Washoe,
and by the end of her life, she had learned around 250 signs and had even taught her son to sign.
196: sage 2019/09/14(土)07:18 ID:kzBl1pZN0(5/24) AAS

Kanzi, who currently lives at the Ape Cognition and Conservation Initiative in Iowa,
learned to communicate by observing scientists trying to teach his mother.
“Kanzi basically surprised everyone when he started using the symbols on the board,” Taglialatela says. “Not only that,
he seemed to be showing proficiency for understanding spoken language that researchers-
were just using around the apes while trying to train them.”

By 1993, Kanzi could pass rigorous language comprehension tests, performing at about the level of a 3.5-year-old human child.
In controlled tests, he shows proficiency in about 90 symbols,
and his keepers say he can use around 250 symbols in more natural environments.
He also seems to understand complex sentences: In one experiment ,
197: ◆SnickelMXA 2019/09/14(土)07:19 ID:kzBl1pZN0(6/24) AAS

問1.Washoe の学習の成果はどうだったか、20〜35字の日本語で答えてください。

問2.Koko の学習の成果はどうだったか、15〜25字の日本語で答えてください。

問3.Herbert Terrace は Nim の学習についてどのように結論付けたか、

問4.Kanji の学習の成果はどうだったか、70〜90字の日本語で答えてください。
198: ◆SnickelMXA 2019/09/14(土)07:19 ID:kzBl1pZN0(7/24) AAS

  (*゚∀゚)   早速区切って塊の訳をしていこう。

The story / of modern research into ape communication / begins in 1931,
物語 /類人猿のコミュニケーションに関する現代研究 /1931年に始まる
when Winthrop / and Luella Kellogg, / a husband-wife psychologist team, /
ウィンスロップと/ ルエラ・ケロッグ/ 夫妻心理学者チーム
decided to raise / a chimp named Gua / alongside their biological son, / Donald.
The goal was to see / if Gua would pick up language, / just as a human child would.
199: ◆SnickelMXA 2019/09/14(土)07:20 ID:kzBl1pZN0(8/24) AAS

Shortly after / the Viki experiment ended, / however,
Jane Goodall’s groundbreaking / research on chimpanzees / began to hit the news.
Goodall showed that / chimps are highly intelligent,
emotional beings / with individual personalities / and capable of constructing tools-discoveries
that challenged assumptions / about their limited abilities.
200: ◆SnickelMXA 2019/09/14(土)07:20 ID:kzBl1pZN0(9/24) AAS

Sign language, / researchers agreed, /seemed the way to go. / Nim Chimpsky,
手話は/研究者たちが同意した/進むべき道のように思えた/ ニム・チンプスキー
another chimp raised / by a human family / in the 1970s and taught to sign, / showed similar / progress-as did Koko,
the gorilla / who understood more than 1,000 signs of / “Gorilla Sign Language” (GSL) / and was exposed to English at an early age.
But the work / on Nim was cut short / when Nim’s adopted father / and experimenter,
Herbert Terrace, / became convinced / that Nim had not learned sign language / at all, but had rather / been imitating the trainers.
201: ◆SnickelMXA 2019/09/14(土)07:21 ID:kzBl1pZN0(10/24) AAS

Indeed, / some researchers were not / ready to give up / and they decided / to try yet another approach.
In the mid-1970s, / Emory University scientists created / a symbol board-essentially,
a primitive / computer-and taught a chimp named Lana / to string together different keys to mean different things.
Spinning off from there, / primatologists discovered / what is likely the most talented ape / of them all, / a bonobo named Kanzi.
そこからスピンオフし/霊長類学者が発見した/おそらく最も才能のある類人猿/それらのすべて/ カンジという名前のボノボ

Kanzi, who currently lives / at the Ape Cognition and Conservation Initiative in Iowa,
202: ◆SnickelMXA 2019/09/14(土)07:21 ID:kzBl1pZN0(11/24) AAS

By 1993, / Kanzi could pass rigorous language comprehension tests, / performing at about the level of a 3.5-year-old human child.
In controlled tests, / he shows proficiency / in about 90 symbols,
and his keepers say he can use around 250 symbols / in more natural environments.
He also seems / to understand complex sentences: / In one experiment ,
he correctly responded / to three-quarters of 660 spoken instructions.
203: ◆SnickelMXA 2019/09/14(土)07:22 ID:kzBl1pZN0(12/24) AAS

Researchers continue to work / with captive apes to try to answer questions /
about how they communicate / with one another and how that
relates to the complexity / of their social and emotional lives. /
彼らの社会的および感情的な生活の複雑さ/に関連している /
As Hobaiter says, / “If we want to know if humans are unique / in our language use, /
we must look at / what apes are doing naturally.”
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