[過去ログ] モララーのビデオ棚 in AA長編板その186 (1002レス)
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196: sage 2019/09/14(土)07:18 ID:kzBl1pZN0(5/24) AAS
Kanzi, who currently lives at the Ape Cognition and Conservation Initiative in Iowa,
learned to communicate by observing scientists trying to teach his mother.
“Kanzi basically surprised everyone when he started using the symbols on the board,” Taglialatela says. “Not only that,
he seemed to be showing proficiency for understanding spoken language that researchers-
were just using around the apes while trying to train them.”
By 1993, Kanzi could pass rigorous language comprehension tests, performing at about the level of a 3.5-year-old human child.
In controlled tests, he shows proficiency in about 90 symbols,
and his keepers say he can use around 250 symbols in more natural environments.
He also seems to understand complex sentences: In one experiment ,
he correctly responded to three-quarters of 660 spoken instructions.
Kanzi is no doubt an exceptionally intelligent individual.
But researchers continued to wonder whether his knack for communication
was a result of his time with humans-or represented a deeper ability,
something that scientists, until now, have overlooked. In trying to-
force apes to learn our language, have may we blinded ourselves to theirs.
Researchers continue to work with captive apes to try to answer questions
about how they communicate with one another and how that
relates to the complexity of their social and emotional lives. But focus is
also increasingly turning to directly observing apes in their natural environment.
As Hobaiter says, “If we want to know if humans are unique in our language use,
we must look at what apes are doing naturally.”
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