キャップ漏れ騒動対策本部 (294レス)
抽出解除 必死チェッカー(本家) (べ) レス栞 あぼーん

3: 2011/01/08(土)12:47 ID:UwwdYj+W(1/2) AAS
5: 2011/01/08(土)13:09 ID:UwwdYj+W(2/2) AAS
-"higashinihon" found 外部リンク[dat]:be.2ch.net
-above file itself do not have any meaning
-though files under /test/sss were viewable due to Apache setting error
-under sss/, there were other cgi's viewable
-"mopekichi" found it and executed scripts
-That cgi was crap, and without passwords, he was able to get CAP rights, move threads, view other files
-many people executed cgi scrips, and were able to view other cgi script's source
-cgi allows read and write. By using this, user was able to delete files, plant viruses, or worst case, wipe out data
-This cgi bug were capable of executing on other servers as well. No record of how many servers were affected
スレ情報 赤レス抽出 画像レス抽出 歴の未読スレ AAサムネイル

ぬこの手 ぬこTOP 1.055s*