[過去ログ] Let's talk with Code Monkey-san Part.4 (1002レス)
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(3): Code Monkey ★ 2014/05/27(火) 11:01:31.65 ID:??? AAS
Touhou is just default drop number. If you guys want different settings, please ask me.
We could also install 即落 on Touhou if you guys want that.

There is more information about 即落 here:


When did the morning coffee interval change?
Is morning coffee interested in installing 即落?
(2): Code Monkey ★ 2014/05/27(火) 19:58:09.54 ID:??? AAS
>>9 >>10
Yes, probably by increasing the amount of boards on that server caused the morning coffee board to drop dats slowly.
I will find a way to fix that problem.

>>11 >>12
Please ask Jim-san for that change.

Awesome, ill read that thread now.
(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/05/28(水) 17:44:22.43 ID:??? AAS
I made a vegetarian board for you guys.

I still have not fixed the morning coffee drop rate. I will do this soon.
(2): Code Monkey ★ 2014/05/28(水) 23:48:02.08 ID:??? AAS
I dont understand the drama about 甜菜屋. Please dont involve me in it.

Fixed. I was very tired when I made that update. Sorry!

I want to make a few new boards, but I cant make a new board for everybody.
Please see this post if you want to propose a new board to me:
49: Code Monkey ★ 2014/05/29(木) 09:52:22.24 ID:??? AAS
Nobody made a vegan board. I made a vegetarian board.

Vegan != Vegetarian
(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/05/30(金) 14:04:46.80 ID:??? AAS
He asked for all regulations, so I guess he wants all of those to be released.
I want to make regulations less strict, but it should be completed slowly.

I have fixed the morningcoffee dat problem. Please tell me if it is working correctly now or not.

Please dont put board proposals on this thread. Send them to the board proposal thread.
(2): Code Monkey ★ 2014/05/30(金) 15:16:17.69 ID:??? AAS
Currently the "Emoticon" system is disabled by default with an opt-in setting.
I want to change it to be enabled by default with an opt-out setting.

Anybody have qualms about this?
(5): Code Monkey ★ 2014/05/30(金) 16:04:47.24 ID:??? AAS
I dont understand this. Liveplus is not on nozomi.

I am currently strengthening the 2ch backend architecture.
After the backend architecture is stronger, then it will be trivial to stop the log copy sites.
Please wait until I have finished the new architecture changes.

Okay~ Consider it done.
If any board wants to opt-out of Emoticons, please inform me on this thread. Thanks!
(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/05/30(金) 16:45:29.61 ID:??? AAS

Okay great. I have fixed that. Thanks for the bug report!
(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/05/31(土) 01:35:29.92 ID:??? AAS


Okay. I understand. Thank you for the bug report.
I will notify Jim-san's office about this bug. They are responsible for the new BE system.

>>94 >>95

Have a good Saturday everybody!
(2): Code Monkey ★ 2014/06/01(日) 03:03:51.96 ID:??? AAS
I dont understand this problem:

I think I fixed that already. However bbsmenu2.html is not updated correctly yet.

Thanks. I will make that change in the morning.

Thank you!

I have way to stop the spiders, but I need to finish some backend architectural changes to 2ch first.
(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/06/01(日) 14:28:22.19 ID:??? AAS
The server can handle it. Lets wait another day or two for more discussion before I make the game headline system.

Okay lets try it.
(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/06/01(日) 18:00:58.26 ID:??? AAS
What kind of specification are you thinking about?

I can quickly make it work similar to bbynews.
If you want a complicated specification, then it might take much longer to complete the system.

If the complicated specification is really good, then I don't mind building the system to accommodate that.
It will probably take much much longer to complete.
(2): Code Monkey ★ 2014/06/02(月) 01:39:04.20 ID:??? AAS
Sorry that you are having trouble, but I am not capable of solving this problem. Sorry.

Okay, lets think some more about this design.
How will 3 and 4 work?

Thats an interesting thread.
(4): Code Monkey ★ 2014/06/04(水) 00:51:24.44 ID:??? AAS
I am currently in a place that does not have good internet.

Please allow me a few days to finish these suggestions.
My connection to the 2ch servers is not good right now.
(2): Code Monkey ★ 2014/06/04(水) 13:32:39.84 ID:??? AAS
So we will initially just make a game headline using the gamenews board?
(2): Code Monkey ★ 2014/06/05(木) 17:07:13.53 ID:??? AAS
Please wait a few more days. We are finalizing a new system to purchase BE points.

>>146 >>151
I cannot finish these requests until early next week because I currently only have 56kbps internet speed.
It is very slow and I cannot administer the servers.

If you want, you can ask jim-san to make those changes for SETTINGS on touhou and hunter. He can do it easily.
(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/06/09(月) 12:26:08.86 ID:??? AAS
The new update for BE is complete and ready to go live.
However, we will wait until later this week to make it live.

I am still without good internet. I will have good internet in two or three days.

Please excuse my lack of participation in the past few days.
I will make the new game headline sometime this week after I have stable internet again.

I think they are just a data laundering website so they can fulfill their contracts with public companies.
After I have stable internet again, I will begin uploading the new 2ch backend architecture.
179: Code Monkey ★ 2014/06/18(水) 12:16:58.10 ID:??? AAS
Hey guys. The developer for search.2ch quit. We are currently finding a replacement for him.

Sorry I was very busy the past few days and havent had time to work on site maintenance.
I am working again now, so ill fix up all your problems.

Things todo:
Game headline
New 2ch backend architecture
(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/06/18(水) 20:16:37.22 ID:??? AAS
Yes I have forgotten. Can you guys make a list of things that I have forgotten to do?
After there is a list, then I will do them all at the same time.

(3): Code Monkey ★ 2014/06/22(日) 13:40:35.05 ID:??? AAS
New game headline service:

Probably sage is broken on anarchy. Anarchy uses some special code that other boards dont use.
I will investigate this and try to fix sage.
(2): Code Monkey ★ 2014/06/22(日) 13:52:16.78 ID:??? AAS
Sage should work the same as the other boards.
(2): Code Monkey ★ 2014/06/22(日) 15:44:44.63 ID:??? AAS
Should we add some more boards to it?
It currently only has ghard, ogame, ogame3, and gamenews.
(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/06/23(月) 00:35:02.46 ID:??? AAS
Thanks for the list. I will update this today or tomorrow.

Sorry I cant do anything about korakora. Please talk with Jack-san.

I am going to be making those new boards after we resolve our current server issues.
(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/06/23(月) 19:17:20.31 ID:??? AAS
Did you guys decide on a new algorithm?

What are we going to do about the different headline categories?

Which of the categories can I add to bby now?
(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/06/23(月) 19:53:46.67 ID:??? AAS
I made a few new boards today:

219: Code Monkey ★ 2014/06/24(火) 12:16:40.15 ID:??? AAS

The new architecture is transparent to users.
(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/06/24(火) 13:54:16.68 ID:??? AAS
I made that hunter change.

What is the difference between bbynews and bbyanews?
(2): Code Monkey ★ 2014/06/26(木) 22:17:04.63 ID:??? AAS
Livedoor has a contract with Nishimura, so they will continue to use SC as their cited source.
Please complain to Livedoor if you do not like their business practices.

I need to finish the new backend architecture before I can spend more time on measures against spiders.
I am working on the new architecture every day. It is a big project and requires more time before it is finished.
(3): Code Monkey ★ 2014/06/28(土) 17:48:35.81 ID:??? AAS
SNSplus should already be on headline. Ill check it now and add it if its not on there already.

Okay I made that change.
I leaked that trip on purpose. I was testing my tripcode generation software.
(2): Code Monkey ★ 2014/06/29(日) 13:55:53.76 ID:??? AAS
Oh! Sorry that was a bug. It is fixed now.

Good idea!
(3): Code Monkey ★ 2014/06/30(月) 14:16:47.19 ID:??? AAS
What is that? I dont understand.

I have changed the noname_name for you.

I am glad that snsplus users are having fun.
(3): Code Monkey ★ 2014/06/30(月) 23:47:50.42 ID:??? AAS
Thats interesting. Good idea.

Should I just pick any color, or are some boards requesting a specific color?
(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/02(水) 01:37:58.32 ID:??? AAS
Maybe that is related to the 即落 settings?

Should I remove 即落 from touhou?
(2): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/02(水) 21:04:16.56 ID:??? AAS
I have added those.

I see. I will try to fix this.
(3): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/03(木) 12:27:42.23 ID:??? AAS
Yeah I forgot! Sorry about that. It is fixed now.

Okay I will change those colors.

Should we remove liveplus from bbynews?

I havent added those boards yet, because I want to see how the game headline works with 3 boards.
I will add the rest soon and with colors.
(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/04(金) 01:04:19.10 ID:??? AAS
Please ask Jack-san for delete requests.

Thats a good idea.
How about an android board also?
(3): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/05(土) 01:36:10.30 ID:??? AAS
I think he has a thread on the 2ch operate board.
He should also have a thread somewhere on the erobbs board, but Im not sure which one.

In other news:
I just made some new boards. Enjoy!
(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/05(土) 11:22:56.89 ID:??? AAS
Its fixed.
(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/05(土) 11:56:44.94 ID:??? AAS
I added seijinewsplus, livemx, and livesangyou to the headline.
(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/07(月) 01:44:16.17 ID:??? AAS
I think Livesangyou is already on the headline.
Do you want me to remove it?
(2): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/07(月) 10:34:37.93 ID:??? AAS
What is the problem with liveMX? Is there more than one MX channel?

Thats a good idea.
(5): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/07(月) 19:50:06.76 ID:??? AAS
There are currently two options for the new IOS board.

Option 1:
We make an IOS game board, then all the game threads move to the new game board.

Option 2:
We make an IOS hardware board, then all the hardware threads move to the new hardware board.

Which option is the most convenient for everybody?
337: Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/07(月) 20:16:45.79 ID:??? AAS
We are almost done with our new anti-crawling system.
Please wait just a few more days. We are testing it already.
(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/14(月) 13:56:26.88 ID:??? AAS
Here is the new iOS board.
This board is for iOS hardware and software.

I will update the headline today.
(3): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/14(月) 16:41:57.36 ID:??? AAS
Thats done! I like momoclo.

I am still working on headline. I will fix it today and add more game boards.
(2): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/14(月) 17:29:14.27 ID:??? AAS
Good news!

The 3 new game headlines are finished now.
Please update your links!

(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/14(月) 17:43:37.92 ID:??? AAS
Please wait for a new post from one of those boards.
It will automatically connect after a new post.
(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/14(月) 18:23:05.18 ID:??? AAS
Can you guys make a proper name for each of the 3 game headlines?

I want to make a better headline.2ch.net portal page and use different names for each of the headlines.
(3): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/19(土) 14:52:44.33 ID:??? AAS
Hey guys.

We had typhoon here the past few days and very limited electricity and limited internet.

It seems to be getting better today.

The ACS has not been enabled yet because of the typhoon. I am a few days behind schedule now. Sorry about that.

I will look through all your comments later and address them this evening.

Have a good day!
(7): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/19(土) 22:56:56.15 ID:??? AAS
I dont understand the difference between those two lines.


Thanks for picking those names. I will apply it to headline.2ch.net.
I have no name for "hope.2ch.netの人気スレ " yet. Do you have any suggestions?

Please ask Jim-san about that. Thanks!

Please make an autonomy thread for that.

Why do you want a new AKB board? Isnt one enough?

Thanks for the information, Jack-san!
(4): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/19(土) 23:44:32.30 ID:??? AAS

Okay that will be fixed when the next time that I update the headline software.
(5): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/19(土) 23:56:56.00 ID:??? AAS
I was posting in that thread, but you guys ignored me.
Why do you guys want a different banner and 1000.txt?
(5): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/23(水) 11:41:05.01 ID:??? AAS
Please talk with mishowdaq-san. I do not maintain the BBQ system.

In other news, I will be making some big updates to headline.2ch.net.
If someone is interested, I am looking for a small logo to put at the top of the page.
Is anyone interested in making a classy logo for headline?
(4): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/23(水) 16:39:13.77 ID:??? AAS
I blocked l.ogsoku, u.nkar, and S.C last night.

SC was using ONE residential IP address to do their crawling.

Already l.ogsoku and SC have new IP addresses and have continued their crawl.

It wont be so easy for u.nkar to continue crawling.

Thank you for your concern. I will investigate this problem and try to find a solution.

I have made a new update to headline. Please look:
(3): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/23(水) 16:46:00.39 ID:??? AAS
I have regulated au-net on the meow board.

New regulation: Au-net IP can have a maximum 1024bytes per thread response on meow.

If this does not work, please tell me and I will investigate again.
(3): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/23(水) 23:51:27.03 ID:??? AAS

Thanks! Please make recommendations. I enjoy hearing your suggestions.

We are already reporting the residential crawlers.

Okay I will enable that again. Sorry!
If you own that service, then please email me.

In the past two months, I have developed many deep learning scripts to detect crawlers.
The new scripts can classify many things that normal humans cannot see.

470: Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/24(木) 01:29:10.04 ID:??? AAS
Great thanks! Have a good evening.
(4): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/25(金) 09:34:42.12 ID:??? AAS
The ACS should be relevant for any site with an automated spider.
However, I am personally spending extra focus and attention on a few specific sites.

Giving 2ch a report of the malicious IP that belong to residential users might be a good idea.
I will think about this some more first.

We tried that method last year and it caused massive depopulation on a lot of boards.


Does android really need an android game board? I think most android users are on the ios game board.
Also, the android board is not very populated. Maybe this is unnecessary?
However, if there is enough people asking for it, then we could still make it.
(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/25(金) 14:37:20.33 ID:??? AAS
You're welcome!

Thats fantastic!
It will take me a while to implement all of these. There are so many!
I hope to make this working correctly sometime this weekend.

Thanks for the reminder.
(2): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/26(土) 11:25:34.12 ID:??? AAS
Okay! I understand. I will work on this today.

If any boards still have a display problem with "もうずっと人⚪︎杉", then please tell me.
I will reindex those boards.
(11): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/26(土) 17:49:36.17 ID:??? AAS
Okay I modified meow.

Okay lets try it!
(6): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/27(日) 15:30:46.57 ID:??? AAS
Experiment is over. I have turned off the logs for liveanarchy.

Some people are just simple minded.
His name and identity is public.
It is not a good idea for him to release the logs.
530: Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/27(日) 15:59:07.36 ID:??? AAS
You guys are all welcome.

I cant talk about that, sorry.
(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/27(日) 18:09:25.69 ID:??? AAS
I think you should ask Unicorn to use korakora power on that person.
(2): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/27(日) 21:11:51.64 ID:??? AAS
Thats me, forgot to use cap.
(2): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/27(日) 22:47:52.54 ID:??? AAS
Done. Thanks a lot!


Anybody have more ideas for the new headline service?
(3): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/27(日) 23:15:14.85 ID:??? AAS
Maybe it is crashed. I will restart it.

You mean on the BBY system?


Can you give me an example of an extracted view on a different news site?
What does " 総合 + 5~ categories. " mean?
I think smartphone viewing is okay, but it is not optimized for smartphone yet.

Maybe next week I can optimize it for smart phones.
(5): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/29(火) 15:31:44.99 ID:??? AAS
8 is the new default tatesugi.
If you want to raise the tatesugi, please discuss it on an autonomy thread.
After voting, then submit the results to this thread:
(2): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/30(水) 20:30:51.43 ID:??? AAS
I agree with you Jack-san.
Please submit requests for settings changes to the thread that Jack-san supplied.
Everybody, please follow Jack-san's instructions.
Thank you.

You cannot see that thread in your mobile browser?

I will add that feature, but I am busy working on another project.
Please wait a few days for that new feature.
In the mean time, I think you might enjoy this: 外部リンク:headline.2ch.net

If you guys have BBQ questions, please ask Mango Mangue-san.
Thank you!
(2): Code Monkey ★ 2014/08/02(土) 10:31:55.61 ID:??? AAS
dig.2ch.net is a title search. It can help you search for live titles on 2ch boards.

Do boards still need to be reindexed?

I dont understand. You want me to add thread searching to headline.2ch?

Someone asked me to make that change. Should I change it back?
(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/08/03(日) 00:44:46.65 ID:??? AAS

Please ask Jim-san about BE on the operate board.
He reads a thread on bbspink that doesnt require BE.
(2): Code Monkey ★ 2014/08/03(日) 09:16:51.63 ID:??? AAS
No problem.
(2): Code Monkey ★ 2014/08/03(日) 14:41:00.26 ID:??? AAS
Headline's algorithm only gets the most popular threads in the past 5 minutes.
If AA does not have a thread, then that means nobody is looking at AA.
653: Code Monkey ★ 2014/08/04(月) 01:15:27.99 ID:??? AAS
Correct. The algorithm is based on the number of people reading.

I am about to release a new full-text search engine for 2ch and bbspink.
I will begin indexing threads tomorrow.

If you are a developer of an app that uses 2ch data, please contact me. ( cipherwraith666@gmail.com )

Example apps >>
(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/08/04(月) 11:50:25.72 ID:??? AAS
Sorry I dont know.
(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/08/04(月) 11:59:52.94 ID:??? AAS
Im not sure. Go ask him.
667: Code Monkey ★ 2014/08/04(月) 16:34:27.31 ID:??? AAS
No problem. Maybe you can try asking other caps.
I am not involved in this kind of regulation.
677: Code Monkey ★ 2014/08/07(木) 13:47:47.29 ID:??? AAS
My new search engine is now indexing a few boards.

I will begin putting together a front-end for querying the data.
(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/08/09(土) 23:18:12.01 ID:??? AAS
We just found a list with a few thousand maru ids on it.
The list was created on August 25, 2013.
There was a regulation that banned those maru ids.
I have deleted this list.
685: Code Monkey ★ 2014/08/10(日) 01:39:19.18 ID:??? AAS
The timing of the list along with the sheer quantity makes me believe these arent trolls.
(2): Code Monkey ★ 2014/08/13(水) 23:17:36.87 ID:??? AAS
Hey guys, ill check the problem with sage on hunter soon.
I am still working on search engine. It is almost ready to start testing.
(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/08/15(金) 01:32:12.08 ID:??? AAS
I fixed this earlier today.

Good idea, but sadly thats not an easy modification.
The headline software is very special. It will probably require a full rewrite if we make a change like that.

Sorry I cant understand that post >>711

Ive been spending all my time working on a new search engine for 2ch.
Its currently spidering a limited amount of boards, and it is not very optimized.
I am improving this every day and making it better. It will work well eventually.
The alpha version is here if you want to test it:
(3): Code Monkey ★ 2014/08/20(水) 19:21:42.57 ID:??? AAS
>>752 >>753
Has this problem been fixed now? If not, then I will fix it.

About the meow board:
I am not using Meow for testing anymore, you guys can make an autonomy thread and decide what to do with it.
(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/08/21(木) 02:22:53.17 ID:??? AAS
Osaka is nice. Very beautiful, but very humid also!

I like the zelda games. Recently I have been replaying the original NES zelda.
Im currently at the 5th dungeon.

I don't know. I am not managing that board now. Please ask Jack-san about the meow board.
(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/08/21(木) 02:30:05.80 ID:??? AAS
By the way, where did you see the photo of me playing 3ds?
763: Code Monkey ★ 2014/08/22(金) 00:10:51.47 ID:??? AAS
Haha, thats a funny thread.
You should play the NES version. It is very interesting!
766: Code Monkey ★ 2014/08/22(金) 13:02:31.12 ID:??? AAS
No problem. I hope you guys are happy.
(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/09/05(金) 13:28:00.20 ID:??? AAS
What harrassment?
(3): Code Monkey ★ 2014/11/28(金) 23:12:43.25 ID:??? AAS
Please send me your server's IP address in email. I will unblock you.
(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/11/30(日) 20:00:08.26 ID:??? AAS
I did everything except the head.txt.
I dont understand what you want for the head.txt

Can you send me the updated head.txt?
(3): Code Monkey ★ 2015/03/11(水) 18:03:00.32 ID:??? AAS
BBSPINK works on the api. No problem.

I cant control how other people are encrypting API keys.
Please contact the developer of those apps so that they can improve their security.
894: Code Monkey ★ 2015/03/11(水) 18:03:26.73 ID:??? AAS
Fixed now.
895: Code Monkey ★ 2015/03/11(水) 18:08:55.00 ID:??? AAS
Good idea.

I dont know. Ask Mango-san.
(2): Code Monkey ★ 2015/03/11(水) 19:06:48.36 ID:??? AAS
I dont know. That is not my business.
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