[過去ログ] Let's talk with Code Monkey-san Part.4 (1002レス)

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439: 2014/07/21(月) 09:01:29.41 ID:ZmCl6pAw(1)調 AAS


現在、2chのサーバー群はアメリカ合衆国カリフォルニア州サンフランシスコ365 Main社運営のデータセンターにある、Pacific Internet Exchange所有スペースにある約60台のサーバー群で運営されています。




2ch operation was set up live Anarchy plate in order to isolate the noise from Anarchy plate and commentary J plate anything.
This is the so-called experimental plate in order to deal with criminal activity, such as by Hiroyuki Nishimura interim suspect.

It is thought that circumstances VIP board was established, that it was in order to isolate the noise from breaking news plate that's you know of course.
At the same matter of this time is similar.

Currently, server group of 2ch has been operating in the server group of about 60 units located in a data center in the United States, San Francisco, CA 365 Main's management, to Pacific Internet Exchange owned space.
I have been judged mass posting amounting to several hundred or more seconds at maximum called "live" and bulletin board system improvements have been continued for several years, and check posts, and various logging.
Management to resolve the load due to crawl further.

Copyright issues do not violate the laws of the State of California and the USA to the presence of the server installation company.
1001 >> banner is not a priority of Mr.CodeMonkey.
Please use your enjoy it depending on the application each because there are a lot of live plate.
From now on board of the experiment Me.CodeMonkey of Anarchy live board also thank you.

So I will consider it as the mouthpiece of the current 2ch.net are we expected from the development of this and of Mr.JimWatkins Mr.CodeMonkey.

Thank you.
440: 402 ◆0FnQVzDqu5pR 2014/07/21(月) 11:09:15.54 ID:9Q9Dov36(1)調 AAS
Please excuse my poor English.

Problem of AKB board that thread falls to DAT immediately.
AKB board is due to the amount of threads that are created in one day too many.
Every day, a large amount of chat thread is created.
Useful large number of threads fall to DAT in this effect.
User thinks the inconvenience.
This problem is solved by creating a new board.

There was a similar problem in the past.
There is a "Johnny's" "Hello Project" of idol group of Japan.
Johnny's is four. Hello Project is three. There is more than one board to 2ch.
This increased the board in order to distribute the load.
Please create a new board to solve the problem.
(2): 2014/07/22(火) 19:25:28.82 ID:K83TFZTs(1)調 AAS
Hello admin

Since a few days ago, The BBQ DNSBL system seems not working.
I tried to resolve x.x.x.x.niku.2ch.net many times, but no answer.

I've been using BBQ for spammers IP checking. Would you fix this issue?

Thank you for reading.
(1): 2014/07/22(火) 20:11:57.53 ID:v7PJp591(1)調 AAS
(1): 2014/07/22(火) 22:46:11.50 ID:561LzSZ8(1)調 AAS
444: 2014/07/23(水) 04:50:05.10 ID:dHaZ/Ubf(1)調 AAS
だけど >>441 が言うように参照できない問題がある

(5): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/23(水) 11:41:05.01 ID:??? AAS
Please talk with mishowdaq-san. I do not maintain the BBQ system.

In other news, I will be making some big updates to headline.2ch.net.
If someone is interested, I am looking for a small logo to put at the top of the page.
Is anyone interested in making a classy logo for headline?
446: ◆4x5Y1Fmz1Jh0 2014/07/23(水) 13:46:48.89 ID:khRi7hCI(1/3)調 AAS
Good afternoon.
I'm looking forward to it. And I'll leave logo design to you or Tom Cat-san or anyone. :-)
447: 2014/07/23(水) 13:47:45.83 ID:khRi7hCI(2/3)調 AAS

Let's talk with Mango Mangue in regulation
(2): 2014/07/23(水) 14:36:58.04 ID:OoH37IOq(1/3)調 AAS
Good Afternoon.
What happened to Rogsoku.
How is ACS going?
please tell circumstance frequently if possible
449: 2014/07/23(水) 15:06:05.04 ID:z7D3Wvm8(1)調 AAS

Why the operation Do not close the depopulation board?
(3): 2014/07/23(水) 15:16:37.78 ID:mkeLlIw0(1/3)調 AAS
Hi Code Monkey-san,

I am a resident of meow(にゃあ板).
Recently, I moved to meow(にゃあ板) .

But I am in trouble crush thread vandalism (512kb over) appeared.
Vandalism(荒らし) this is the line of au-net (庭). I have known from the name field(県名表示).


★140722 meow (庭)による大型AAコピペ連投埋め立て荒らし報告

But those who use the line au-net (庭) are many.
Many people will become the collateral if it is regulated.

Will it can not be like this one or the CAPTCHA authentication au-net only meow(にゃあ板), or reduce the capacity of around 1res(au-net only 1res/1024byte)

It is a funny person to continue to troll much except when this troll sleeping
I want you to help because there is no cut and can be ignored
(4): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/23(水) 16:39:13.77 ID:??? AAS
I blocked l.ogsoku, u.nkar, and S.C last night.

SC was using ONE residential IP address to do their crawling.

Already l.ogsoku and SC have new IP addresses and have continued their crawl.

It wont be so easy for u.nkar to continue crawling.

Thank you for your concern. I will investigate this problem and try to find a solution.

I have made a new update to headline. Please look:
(3): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/23(水) 16:46:00.39 ID:??? AAS
I have regulated au-net on the meow board.

New regulation: Au-net IP can have a maximum 1024bytes per thread response on meow.

If this does not work, please tell me and I will investigate again.
453: 448 2014/07/23(水) 16:47:00.62 ID:OoH37IOq(2/3)調 AAS
Thank you
454: 2014/07/23(水) 16:48:16.24 ID:mkeLlIw0(2/3)調 AAS
455: 2014/07/23(水) 16:53:05.02 ID:Y5dwJl6S(1)調 AAS
456: 2014/07/23(水) 16:53:45.74 ID:3WJRLpSs(1)調 AAS
457: 2014/07/23(水) 16:54:13.67 ID:teNn6ODh(1)調 AAS
Good job,Code Monkey
(1): 2014/07/23(水) 16:57:37.50 ID:mkeLlIw0(3/3)調 AAS
I was able to confirm that the effect is out properly
Thank you

433 名前:テスト結果(庭)[sage] 投稿日:2014/07/23(水) 16:55:27.07 ID:JzJx2SEq [4/4]

(1): 2014/07/23(水) 17:05:35.10 ID:khRi7hCI(3/3)調 AAS
That's stylish!
Also rec'd924 was already combined.
Could we make proposal another ~top10s in addition to alltop10?
(1): 2014/07/23(水) 17:47:23.23 ID:OoH37IOq(3/3)調 AAS
Do you indicate IP of a crawler?
I think that we should report IP used for the crawl to ISP
461: 2014/07/23(水) 18:00:11.60 ID:hSUL8uKS(1)調 AAS
アンチクロールシステム"ACS"ついに始動か アフィカス達、絶賛Jim叩き中【効いてる】
462: 2014/07/23(水) 18:16:10.29 ID:vG15k4iU(1)調 AAS
OK, I'll try to contact mishowdaq-san.
Thank you.
(3): 飴 ◆HACCA.6g7gAV 2014/07/23(水) 20:02:32.94 ID:jNrvaI80(1)調 AAS
BE-Trolls detection service (外部リンク:ame.hacca.jp has been shut out from 2ch since yesterday.
It is not reproduction site, it gets thread title and >>1's name field and BE-number.
It is substituted for BE-point-saku in Kenmo for a long time.
Please allow access from users015.phy.lolipop.jp (
It accessed up to 100 threads per hour.

Sample data (now it only can access headline.2ch.net. )
Samples with JaneView


464: 2014/07/23(水) 20:46:18.02 ID:VV9/Gu/v(1)調 AAS
I thought another solution.

When you get threads title list, "Be Name" will add automatically.

Without external service or browser extention,
you can get like this↓

(1): 2014/07/23(水) 22:31:16.57 ID:V1zN1d79(1)調 AAS
> I blocked l.ogsoku, u.nkar, and S.C last night.
Why could you find out that they were l.ogsoku, u.nkar, and S.C?
(1): 2014/07/23(水) 23:07:29.45 ID:iIcGN0FE(1)調 AAS
u.nkar is now closed.
(3): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/23(水) 23:51:27.03 ID:??? AAS

Thanks! Please make recommendations. I enjoy hearing your suggestions.

We are already reporting the residential crawlers.

Okay I will enable that again. Sorry!
If you own that service, then please email me.

In the past two months, I have developed many deep learning scripts to detect crawlers.
The new scripts can classify many things that normal humans cannot see.

468: 飴 ◆HACCA.6g7gAV 2014/07/24(木) 00:40:35.62 ID:ETlcwBBE(1)調 AAS
Thank you!
I emailed from 画像リンク

(1): ◆4x5Y1Fmz1Jh0 2014/07/24(木) 01:25:04.71 ID:dC3oTwlF(1)調 AAS
Good evening.

Thank you so much!
We'll enjoy to make huge list and test some layout matter. It takes several time.
I strongly believe it worth to do that.

Some depopulated board people are looking forward to this ~top like system.
I'm going to make a list for them also.

Thanks. Good night!
470: Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/24(木) 01:29:10.04 ID:??? AAS
Great thanks! Have a good evening.
(1): 2014/07/24(木) 05:52:37.74 ID:Zx4WfARG(1)調 AAS
Hello CodeMonkey-san
These sites have to copy the log from 2ch in the same way as rogusoku and SC.
ACS Is it valid for these?

(1): 2014/07/24(木) 07:31:03.70 ID:zktK4bMC(1)調 AAS
Thank you. However, I think that you might want
to indicate IP and get 2ch user to report.
(1): 覆面霊柩車 ◆f.cHEYV3HRMJ 2014/07/24(木) 09:33:36.00 ID:uc+UqPzO(1)調 AAS
hi, cm san

to ban crawlers, you should use a cookie and a CAPTCHA.

you should make a CAPTCHA appear a thread per reading of 10 threads.

Sorry for my poor English.
(2): 2014/07/24(木) 12:16:54.17 ID:N6jgW8Zr(1)調 AAS
Hello Code Monkey-san,

There is a discrepancy between A and B, and users are confused.


Please change the board name in B to "iOSゲーム".
I know that you are busy but I would like to receive a response.

Thank you,
475: 2014/07/24(木) 14:18:38.40 ID:QZeloIJQ(1)調 AAS
476: 2014/07/24(木) 15:23:26.43 ID:RaDgZxe9(1/2)調 AAS
(1): 2014/07/24(木) 15:44:38.31 ID:RaDgZxe9(2/2)調 AA×

(4): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/25(金) 09:34:42.12 ID:??? AAS
The ACS should be relevant for any site with an automated spider.
However, I am personally spending extra focus and attention on a few specific sites.

Giving 2ch a report of the malicious IP that belong to residential users might be a good idea.
I will think about this some more first.

We tried that method last year and it caused massive depopulation on a lot of boards.


Does android really need an android game board? I think most android users are on the ios game board.
Also, the android board is not very populated. Maybe this is unnecessary?
However, if there is enough people asking for it, then we could still make it.
(1): 474 2014/07/25(金) 09:58:35.68 ID:AG5QiS+V(1)調 AAS
Thank you for the quick response.
Thank you sooooo much!!
480: 2014/07/25(金) 12:54:46.78 ID:ubC2OHOf(1)調 AAS
Is it not operate the ACS to SC?
(1): 469 ◆4x5Y1Fmz1Jh0 2014/07/25(金) 13:10:58.82 ID:sfAGuxfS(1/4)調 AAS
Good afternoon, Code Monkey-san,
I'm sorry for the delay in my reply.
I made a list for ~top10 on headline portal v0.01.

Thank you.
(1): 2014/07/25(金) 14:08:23.62 ID:ZDr5iIgQ(1)調 AAS
Talk about a dedicated browser.
(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/25(金) 14:37:20.33 ID:??? AAS
You're welcome!

Thats fantastic!
It will take me a while to implement all of these. There are so many!
I hope to make this working correctly sometime this weekend.

Thanks for the reminder.
484: 2014/07/25(金) 14:40:28.58 ID:sfAGuxfS(2/4)調 AAS
I don't know whether android really need an android game board or not.
Tough I guess half of android game users are on the smart-phone apps board.
The andoid board is the board for android hardware itself mainly.
And it works well as hardware board since there are lot of android hardware at a market.

スマホアプリ (smart-phone apps board) has threads for android apps, android games
Android has the threads for android hardwares
(1): 2014/07/25(金) 14:57:42.91 ID:sfAGuxfS(3/4)調 AAS
Thank you for your quick response!
Not in a rush of course. There are really so many and there are several major problems in reality.
* Too populated boards will occupy top10s (news4vip, livejupitor, poverty, and maybe morningcoffee, iphone...?)
solution: to limit number of threads to max 2~3 threads per boards on a top10.
or dedicated top10 for these boards
* Some large boards have vaious mode of topics (Is the iOS game board a gameboard or home electronic board? Is poverty board news board or talk2 board)
solution: may 'labels' would be better than these 'directries'
or don't care it.
Have a good day.
(1): 2014/07/25(金) 17:10:21.53 ID:sfAGuxfS(4/4)調 AAS
We appreciate your help.
By the way, about rec'd 924, a number of people said "I want to see thread title name also."
So I suggest that format for example.

2.72%     2chスレ:newsplus

[%] [thread URL]

【川崎】コンビニから出てきた乗用車にはねられ、バイクの男性死亡 車を運転した女性聴取
2.72%     ニュース速報+ 2chスレ:newsplus

[thread title name]\n
[%] [board name] [thread URL]

Thank you.
(1): 2014/07/26(土) 11:07:13.01 ID:irnLq3cO(1/2)調 AAS
Thank you about "もうずっと人⚪︎杉".
You're kind.
(2): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/26(土) 11:25:34.12 ID:??? AAS
Okay! I understand. I will work on this today.

If any boards still have a display problem with "もうずっと人⚪︎杉", then please tell me.
I will reindex those boards.
(4): 2014/07/26(土) 11:56:22.35 ID:n5x5bZnU(1/2)調 AAS
hey CodeMonkey

i propose 24 hour goto dat for over capacity threads
in meow board, there are some over capacity threads which we cant post and dont see
if threads which satisfy two following conditions should go to dat

1.over capacity
2.over 24 hour from last post

consider it please!
490: 2014/07/26(土) 12:32:30.76 ID:pOyzpPbN(1)調 AAS
Thank you so much from handygover!
(4): 2014/07/26(土) 16:10:50.01 ID:Bl7qIS1v(1/2)調 AAS
Good afternoon, Code Monkey-san.
As for liveanarchy, it's inconvenient that log disappears immediately.
Would you like to leave log experimentally? if you will.
(11): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/26(土) 17:49:36.17 ID:??? AAS
Okay I modified meow.

Okay lets try it!
493: 2014/07/26(土) 17:54:50.15 ID:Bl7qIS1v(2/2)調 AAS
Thank you!
(1): 2014/07/26(土) 17:55:06.46 ID:vICnTpKJ(1)調 AAS
495: 2014/07/26(土) 18:12:19.90 ID:irnLq3cO(2/2)調 AAS
I can't thank you enough.
496: 2014/07/26(土) 18:27:34.30 ID:zI7/Rv3/(1/2)調 AAS
Good afternoon, Code Monkey-san.
The experiment isn't bad idea.
However, in liveanarchy, most people don't hope for the log to be left because affiliate bloggers begin to reproduce the log to their blog.
Would you please make log disappear?
497: 2014/07/26(土) 18:35:31.82 ID:fWcJDEox(1/5)調 AAS
you are foolish・
498: 2014/07/26(土) 18:40:25.94 ID:WA6KfwGp(1)調 AAS
hi codemonkey

We are not pleased with the change>>491
499: 2014/07/26(土) 18:40:48.90 ID:fWcJDEox(2/5)調 AAS
You should not change it.
Peace of the board will be lost by the change.
500: 2014/07/26(土) 18:42:17.99 ID:Hh6AQCc8(1/2)調 AAS
Hi Codemonkey!

It is a f**k'in idea.
Log is needless function for Live-anarchy.

Plz not change!
501: !pink 2014/07/26(土) 18:44:44.19 ID:BsBNpJUn(1)調 AAS
PLEASE HELP US, liveanarchy people...
502: 2014/07/26(土) 18:45:57.51 ID:fWcJDEox(3/5)調 AAS
This bad change's sad news for all the inhabitants of Live-anarchy board.
503: 2014/07/26(土) 18:52:08.56 ID:vlHYtzxh(1)調 AAS
Log doesn't need to LiveAnarchy.
Please return.
504: 2014/07/26(土) 18:52:45.03 ID:AFOxSVGy(1)調 AAS
this is very bad idea.
505: 2014/07/26(土) 18:53:47.89 ID:pQPOkpU9(1/3)調 AAS
Hey CM!
I often use Liveanarcy!
There is comfortable because log and ID are nothing.
But you change. Liveanarcy make log now.
Please return this system.
506: 2014/07/26(土) 18:55:19.89 ID:7U0km1pp(1)調 AAS
Liveanarcy is dead!!!!
507: 2014/07/26(土) 18:57:06.14 ID:aq4p82vF(1)調 AAS
Is an opinion of a little while ago, but is the thing which was suggested to without permission though that is not discussed at all;, please correct it
508: 2014/07/26(土) 18:57:18.91 ID:/gz4yeMM(1)調 AAS
hi CM-san

You do not need to log in liveanarchy Please think again if
509: 2014/07/26(土) 18:59:03.96 ID:fWcJDEox(4/5)調 AAS
I want you to die while suffering to you.
510: 2014/07/26(土) 19:01:37.11 ID:HIKqx0xf(1)調 AAS
Please do not change the settings of liveanarchy
From this thread
511: 2014/07/26(土) 19:06:38.91 ID:Hh6AQCc8(2/2)調 AAS
Fuck you die, fuck'in アフィカス
512: 2014/07/26(土) 19:07:59.84 ID:EbWUK+J+(1)調 AAS
I'm pretty girl.
513: 2014/07/26(土) 19:16:25.27 ID:pQPOkpU9(2/3)調 AAS
Have you ever eaten manatee?
I heard Jim-San like it.
514: 2014/07/26(土) 19:26:10.54 ID:zI7/Rv3/(2/2)調 AAS
Your decision will never be accepted in Liveanarcy.
(1): 2014/07/26(土) 19:28:50.94 ID:iYPCdbbh(1)調 AAS
over 480KBとover capacity(500KB)は
2 week 書き込みがなければ自動でkako に送られるので
>>489 は正確な表現ではないです
> 1.over capacity
> 2.over 24 hour from last post

全てのスレッドをover 24 hour from last post のルールにするのではなく
If over capacity の時だけover 24 hour from last post で十分だったです

全てkako になってしまいました>>494
516: 2014/07/26(土) 19:30:27.08 ID:n5x5bZnU(2/2)調 AAS
thank you for address
but my intention is satisfying both condition 1. AND 2.
maybe setting have been satisfying 1.OR 2. now
sorry for my bad english

517: 2014/07/26(土) 19:34:43.89 ID:fWcJDEox(5/5)調 AAS
(1): 2014/07/26(土) 20:14:10.62 ID:pQPOkpU9(3/3)調 AAS
519: 2014/07/26(土) 23:55:27.47 ID:/XwbRN4w(1/2)調 AA×

520: 2014/07/26(土) 23:56:29.39 ID:/XwbRN4w(2/2)調 AA×

521: 2014/07/27(日) 06:55:25.96 ID:gMC3r5bE(1/2)調 AAS
(1): 2014/07/27(日) 11:00:47.01 ID:zDKpwztI(1)調 AAS
Mr. CM
unkar has claimed the copyright of 2ch log.
It plans to distribute the 2ch log using the torrent.
unkar was eight years log site. unkar has gained several tens of million yen by 2ch log.

unkar outrageous greed. You should warn the guy.

announcement of unkar

(6): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/27(日) 15:30:46.57 ID:??? AAS
Experiment is over. I have turned off the logs for liveanarchy.

Some people are just simple minded.
His name and identity is public.
It is not a good idea for him to release the logs.
524: 2014/07/27(日) 15:45:17.58 ID:HBtD/gy8(1)調 AAS
thank you, Code Monkey-san.
(1): 2014/07/27(日) 15:47:33.24 ID:HMJ9Slpx(1)調 AAS
Do you have any plans to take legal and/or other actions for the owner of unkar?
He intends to distribute all 2ch logs he has via torrent and/or file storage services
and earn affiliate money from it.
526: 2014/07/27(日) 15:49:26.99 ID:/v65F50B(1)調 AAS
Hi Codemonkey!
Thanx for your judgment.
527: 2014/07/27(日) 15:52:39.83 ID:y+eJn3sY(1)調 AAS
528: 2014/07/27(日) 15:53:20.22 ID:kaYHm5Ls(1/5)調 AAS
Thank you!
BTW, thank you very mush for displaying be id in kenmo also.
529: 2014/07/27(日) 15:54:46.11 ID:1NbBUx04(1)調 AAS
Code Monkey-san thank you very much.
530: Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/27(日) 15:59:07.36 ID:??? AAS
You guys are all welcome.

I cant talk about that, sorry.
(1): 2014/07/27(日) 16:11:40.93 ID:YysaHkB9(1/2)調 AAS
Hi Code Monkey-san.

Please Check.
(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/27(日) 18:09:25.69 ID:??? AAS
I think you should ask Unicorn to use korakora power on that person.
533: 2014/07/27(日) 18:34:06.85 ID:YysaHkB9(2/2)調 AAS
I requested to unicorn several times.
However, he ignored.

Unicorn was said.
Troll changes a ID frequently.Therefore, it is ineffective.

534: 2014/07/27(日) 18:51:56.75 ID:gMC3r5bE(2/2)調 AAS
I'm nice guy.
535: 2014/07/27(日) 20:14:58.21 ID:al3dtuTP(1)調 AAS
Louise! Louise! Louiseaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
yarghh...uh...aaahah-! AaAAAAA!!! LOUISELOUISELOUISEaaaaAAAAaaa!!!
Ae...sniffsniff! sniffsniff! sssssaaahsssssaaah.. smells good.... sniff
 gasp! I can haz sniffsniff pink blonde hair de Louise Francoise?! sniffsniff! Aah!
No! I want fluffing! fluff! fluff! Hair hair fluff fluff! Scratch scratch fluff fluff... Kyunkyunnkyui!!
Louise-tan was so kawaii in vol.12 of the novels!! AaaAA...AAA...AhAaAAA!! FaaAAAnng!
Congrats on the 2nd season of the anime Louise-tan! AaAAAAA! So cute! Louise-tan! Kawaii!AaaAAA!
2nd volume of the comics were grea...nnNrAGGggghHH!! Nyaaaaaargh!! UGyaaaAAAAA!!!
Nnnnnnyyyyuuuurrrrgggghhhh!!! Comics...................... AREN'T reality!!! ?...what about the novels and the anime....
LOUISE I S N' T R E A L????? AAAAArgggghhHH!!! Uwaaaaaaannn!!
NononononoNONONONONO! EEeeeeaAAAA!!!! HGGGGrrrrruuyynnnnnNN!!! Halkeginiaaaaaa!!
You! BASTARDS! I'm quitting! I'm QUITTING REALIT...Y....huh!? She's...looking? Louise-chan on the cover is looking at me?
Louise on the cover IS looking at me! Louise... at me! Louise-chan in the pictures in the book are looking at me!!
Louise-chan in the anime is talking to me!!! Phew... reality ain't so bad after all!
Yessssss! Wheeeee!! YEAH!!! I have Louise!! I've done it Ketty, I can do it alone!!!
C..comic... Louise LOUISE-CHAAAaaaaaAAaaAAAN!!!!!!!! HyaaAAAaaaAaaaAAaA!!!!!
Ahahaah...ahahaaahhhhahaAnn! Si, Siesta!! HenriettaaaAAAAAAaAA!!! TabithaaAAAAA!!
u....uuuu..sniffsniffuuuUUU!!! May my love reach Louise!! May my love reach Louise of Halkeginia!
536: 2014/07/27(日) 20:43:56.80 ID:gX1nq52u(1/2)調 AAS
thank you! you are nice guy. fuu~
(2): 2014/07/27(日) 21:11:36.46 ID:+HuVKsQi!(1)調 AAS
Headline is updated with the new categories.

I wasnt sure which order the categories should be in.

If you have an idea about how to reorder the categories, then please tell me:

(2): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/27(日) 21:11:51.64 ID:??? AAS
Thats me, forgot to use cap.
539: 2014/07/27(日) 22:00:17.38 ID:kaYHm5Ls(2/5)調 AAS
Thank you for your hard work!!

line 95;
<li><a href="外部リンク:headline.2ch.net格闘技の人気スレ</a></li>
<li><a href="外部リンク:headline.2ch.net格闘技</a></li>

Okay. I'll try to sort order of categories.
(1): ◆4x5Y1Fmz1Jh0 2014/07/27(日) 22:17:47.85 ID:kaYHm5Ls(3/5)調 AAS
I sorted them in 2ch bbsmenu order.
<li><a href="外部リンク:hl2ch総合</a></li>
<li><a href="外部リンク:hl2ch地震・災害</a></li>
<li><a href="外部リンク:hl2ch
<li><a href="外部リンク:hl2chニュース+</a></li>
<li><a href="外部リンク:hl2chニュース</a></li>
<li><a href="外部リンク:hl2ch世界情勢</a></li>
<li><a href="外部リンク:hl2ch案内</a></li>
<li><a href="外部リンク:hl2ch馴れ合い</a></li>
<li><a href="外部リンク:hl2ch
<li><a href="外部リンク:hl2ch社会</a></li>
<li><a href="外部リンク:hl2ch会社・職業</a></li>
<li><a href="外部リンク:hl2ch裏社会</a></li>
<li><a href="外部リンク:hl2ch地域</a></li>
<li><a href="外部リンク:hl2ch文化</a></li>
<li><a href="外部リンク:hl2ch学問・理系</a></li>
<li><a href="外部リンク:hl2ch学問・文系</a></li>
<li><a href="外部リンク:hl2ch家電製品</a></li>
<li><a href="外部リンク:hl2ch政治経済</a></li>
<li><a href="外部リンク:hl2ch食文化</a></li>
<li><a href="外部リンク:hl2ch生活</a></li>
<li><a href="外部リンク:hl2chネタ雑談</a></li>
<li><a href="外部リンク:hl2chカテゴリ雑談</a></li>
<li><a href="外部リンク:hl2ch受験・学校</a></li>
<li><a href="外部リンク:hl2ch趣味</a></li>
<li><a href="外部リンク:hl2ch番組実況</a></li>
<li><a href="外部リンク:hl2chオールジャンル実況</a></li>
<li><a href="外部リンク:hl2chスポーツ(一般)</a></li>
<li><a href="外部リンク:hl2chスポーツ(球技)</a></li>
<li><a href="外部リンク:hl2ch格闘技</a></li>
<li><a href="外部リンク:hl2ch旅行・外出</a></li>
<li><a href="外部リンク:hl2chテレビ等</a></li>
<li><a href="外部リンク:hl2ch芸能</a></li>
<li><a href="外部リンク:hl2chギャンブル</a></li>
<li><a href="外部リンク:hl2chゲーム</a></li>
<li><a href="外部リンク:hl2ch漫画・小説等</a></li>
<li><a href="外部リンク:hl2ch音楽</a></li>
<li><a href="外部リンク:hl2ch心と身体</a></li>
<li><a href="外部リンク:hl2chPC等</a></li>
<li><a href="外部リンク:hl2chネット関係</a></li>
<li><a href="外部リンク:hl2ch雑談系2</a></li>
please replace hl2ch to headline.2ch.net.
Thank you for your cooperation.
(1): 2014/07/27(日) 22:32:07.37 ID:gX1nq52u(2/2)調 AAS
(2): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/27(日) 22:47:52.54 ID:??? AAS
Done. Thanks a lot!


Anybody have more ideas for the new headline service?
(2): 2014/07/27(日) 22:50:11.53 ID:9G4xsh3m(1/3)調 AAS
headline bbynews isn't updated since 22:06:27.
Is it under maintenance?

(2): 2014/07/27(日) 22:53:37.41 ID:9G4xsh3m(2/3)調 AAS
is it possible to sort the threads by date of last update instead of creation?
(that'll act like thread-float as if it were one board.)
(2): 2014/07/27(日) 22:59:13.50 ID:LOXkr2zZ(1/2)調 AAS
Code Monkey-san.

Please install "BE ID display on the title of threads" in meow.
We have trouble with BE troll.

嫌儲に導入されたスレタイにBE ID表示するシステムをmeowにも入れて欲しいです
(1): ◆4x5Y1Fmz1Jh0 2014/07/27(日) 23:05:58.51 ID:kaYHm5Ls(4/5)調 AAS
That's all right. I confirmed it!
Maybe, extracted view like a general news sites would be useful.
総合 + 5~ categories.
But I don't have concrete idea about it now.

And I'm concerned about viewing by smartphones also.
It looks to be okay.

Thanks always.
(3): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/27(日) 23:15:14.85 ID:??? AAS
Maybe it is crashed. I will restart it.

You mean on the BBY system?


Can you give me an example of an extracted view on a different news site?
What does " 総合 + 5~ categories. " mean?
I think smartphone viewing is okay, but it is not optimized for smartphone yet.

Maybe next week I can optimize it for smart phones.
548: 2014/07/27(日) 23:24:44.01 ID:9G4xsh3m(3/3)調 AAS
> >>543
> Maybe it is crashed. I will restart it.
Thank you, it starts to work again (though some threads seems to be skipped.)
2014/07/27 23:11:43 [実+]若者のCD離れスマホ普及率 20代90% スマホに入らない編集できない大きく邪魔[659060378]
2014/07/27 22:06:27 [実+]スーパーで格安のおかずが買えたお\(^o^)/
> >>544
> You mean on the BBY system?
Yes. something like: [スレ立て順 | 書き込み順]
(1): ◆4x5Y1Fmz1Jh0 2014/07/27(日) 23:34:45.85 ID:kaYHm5Ls(5/5)調 AAS
Yes, I can. But, in fact, I don't know a lot about modern news sites.
The view what I meant is almost 2nn style.

And I see about smartphones.

I guess ID:9G4xsh3m means he/she want to sort threads in 'last modified' date (in addition to current 'created' date).

I appreciate your ongoing support.
550: 2014/07/27(日) 23:50:10.87 ID:LOXkr2zZ(2/2)調 AAS
Thank you Code Monkey-san.
551: 2014/07/28(月) 00:03:59.87 ID:BdpWfBp8(1)調 AAS
I'm nice guy!
(2): 2014/07/28(月) 02:12:35.97 ID:Rp7+57xR(1/2)調 AAS
Hi Code Monkey,please check this thread.


Vicious big AA troll who may use 串&RONIN appears.

Can you burn his(her?) RONIN? Or please restrict writhing capacity of 串 user at about 1024bytes.
553: 2014/07/28(月) 02:23:27.20 ID:j0xwusMD(1)調 AAS
2chスレ:meow 2014/07/28 00:58:25.67 ID:EzMa4oPt!
2chスレ:meow 2014/07/28 00:59:15.68 ID:EzMa4oPt!
2chスレ:meow 2014/07/28 00:59:33.16 ID:EzMa4oPt!
2chスレ:meow 2014/07/28 00:59:57.08 ID:EzMa4oPt!
2chスレ:meow 2014/07/28 01:00:13.56 ID:EzMa4oPt!
2chスレ:meow 2014/07/28 01:00:28.73 ID:EzMa4oPt!
2chスレ:meow 2014/07/28 01:00:44.22 ID:EzMa4oPt!
2chスレ:meow 2014/07/28 01:00:59.78 ID:EzMa4oPt!
2chスレ:meow 2014/07/28 01:01:15.27 ID:EzMa4oPt!
2chスレ:meow 2014/07/28 01:01:30.82 ID:EzMa4oPt!
2chスレ:meow 2014/07/28 01:01:46.37 ID:EzMa4oPt!
2chスレ:meow 2014/07/28 01:02:06.40 ID:EzMa4oPt!

2chスレ:meow 2014/07/28 01:53:35.61 ID:xUYM0ass
2chスレ:meow 2014/07/28 01:53:52.36 ID:xUYM0ass
2chスレ:meow 2014/07/28 01:54:09.28 ID:xUYM0ass
2chスレ:meow 2014/07/28 01:54:44.00 ID:xUYM0ass
2chスレ:meow 2014/07/28 01:55:01.02 ID:xUYM0ass
2chスレ:meow 2014/07/28 01:55:31.69 ID:xUYM0ass
2chスレ:meow 2014/07/28 01:56:03.22 ID:xUYM0ass
2chスレ:meow 2014/07/28 01:56:20.32 ID:xUYM0ass
2chスレ:meow 2014/07/28 01:56:41.73 ID:xUYM0ass
2chスレ:meow 2014/07/28 01:56:57.16 ID:xUYM0ass
2chスレ:meow 2014/07/28 01:57:11.54 ID:xUYM0ass
2chスレ:meow 2014/07/28 01:57:27.00 ID:xUYM0ass
2chスレ:meow 2014/07/28 01:57:42.54 ID:xUYM0ass
2chスレ:meow 2014/07/28 01:58:09.60 ID:xUYM0ass

2chスレ:meow 2014/07/28 02:05:43.77 ID:ATAMygoS
2chスレ:meow 2014/07/28 02:05:59.42 ID:ATAMygoS
2chスレ:meow 2014/07/28 02:06:16.61 ID:ATAMygoS
2chスレ:meow 2014/07/28 02:06:31.92 ID:ATAMygoS
2chスレ:meow 2014/07/28 02:06:47.67 ID:ATAMygoS
2chスレ:meow 2014/07/28 02:07:02.91 ID:ATAMygoS
2chスレ:meow 2014/07/28 02:07:18.19 ID:ATAMygoS
2chスレ:meow 2014/07/28 02:07:33.63 ID:ATAMygoS

554: Jack ★ 2014/07/28(月) 02:29:25.17 ID:??? AAS
You have made a mistake in the place and person who ask. You should do that with the board of regulation.
555: 2014/07/28(月) 02:37:51.05 ID:Rp7+57xR(2/2)調 AAS
OK,I do so. Thanks.
(1): 2014/07/28(月) 12:04:41.08 ID:gVUSvQsZ(1)調 AAS
Hello Code Monkey-san,

Please change SETTING.TXT of iOS board as follows.


The current setting is too low for technical boards.
In fact, therer are too many threads made by troll in iOS board.

twinkle for iOS Part57
twinkle for ios の不具合について語るスレ
Twinkle for iOS by iPhone
twinkle for iPad Part1
Twinkle for iOS by iPad
【iPhone】twinkle for iOS Part57
【総合】twinkle for iOS Part1【全部入り】
【iPad用】twinkle for iOS

I would appreciate if you modify this setting as appropriate with your decision.
At this setting the situation will become worse and worse...
(1): Mango Mangue ★ 2014/07/28(月) 16:17:05.93 ID:??? AAS
You should be use this thread.
■ 板設定変更依頼スレッド16
(1): 2014/07/29(火) 09:04:30.27 ID:e2T+7X9d(1/2)調 AAS
Is it wrong to ask CodeMonkey-san to change setting of boards he created HERE?
559: Mango Mangue ★ 2014/07/29(火) 09:49:09.67 ID:??? AAS
yes. new board is for you. no for crawlers, no for Code Monkey.
you'll be able to discuss with users.(^o^)
(5): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/29(火) 15:31:44.99 ID:??? AAS
8 is the new default tatesugi.
If you want to raise the tatesugi, please discuss it on an autonomy thread.
After voting, then submit the results to this thread:
561: 2014/07/29(火) 16:51:28.81 ID:IVy3TtzA(1)調 AAS
Code Monkey-san.
I'm >>545 desu

We've able to get a good result by your works.
I'd like you to delete this BE troll's points.

His BE is

and more.
562: 2014/07/29(火) 17:48:35.50 ID:HDR6G4EC(1)調 AAS
Okay I will do so.

But after all, I think 8 is too low.
it's just my opinion, though.

Thanks for your reply. Have a nice day!
563: 2014/07/29(火) 19:41:36.68 ID:e2T+7X9d(2/2)調 AAS
Would you change settings about 即落(>>8)
if we discuss, vote and submit there?
564: 2014/07/29(火) 21:13:10.89 ID:MGdocOaY(1/2)調 AAS
Good evening, Code Monkey-san.
Sorry to bother you.
Is voting required to change value before an application anyway?
I think we could reach an agreement by discussion on the autonomy thead in most cases.
Thank you for your consideration of this matter.
565: 2014/07/29(火) 21:23:23.40 ID:AY+z4NfB(1)調 AAS
Code Monkey-san.

Look at this place that was ravaged, How do you think?

I know that it is not a problem that you corresponding.
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