[過去ログ] Let's talk with Code Monkey-san Part.4 (1002レス)
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269(1): 2014/07/01(火) 23:32:02.30 ID:fer1wPV9(2/2)調 AAS
270(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/02(水) 01:37:58.32 ID:??? AAS
Maybe that is related to the 即落 settings?
Should I remove 即落 from touhou?
271: ◆4x5Y1Fmz1Jh0 2014/07/02(水) 01:41:28.73 ID:3s12ppNv(1/3)調 AAS
Good evening.
I made a sample html for colored bbygame. It's extremely hard to pick some color.
272(1): ◆4x5Y1Fmz1Jh0 2014/07/02(水) 01:50:55.65 ID:3s12ppNv(2/3)調 AAS
Well. Someone reported major "SJIS damemoji" related trouble with bbynews.
It seems /home/ch2headline/public_html/bby/erimo/ is generated.
"SJIS damemoji" list (sorry in Japanese)
273: 2014/07/02(水) 02:44:34.76 ID:UnaOCyb2(1)調 AAS
No, We need 即落 settings.
There was a problem with thread list, it seems to have been fixed now.
I'm sorry to trouble you.
274(1): 2014/07/02(水) 02:50:31.72 ID:6yW2Tdge(1)調 AAS
NO MORE liveplus in headline
I think the yo See also the news live + 06/30 01:12 ONEPIECE I feel yo is seen until about certain red dog yellow monkey blue pheasant to be Ryu ... (T_T) (7)
On the other hand apology deficit fall by the news live + 06/30 00:54 Miki Watanabe black reputational damage, cutlass fish carpaccio Kazutami that said they watch like the topic ... (T_T) / ~ ~ ~ (9)
Good night news live + 06/30 00:44 you guys (12)
News Commentary + 06/30 00:01 (4)
Helper News Commentary + 06/29 23:38 Kanda Aikamoto NHK fishing Roque who did? (With image) man from behind (10)
There is not news live + 06/29 23:05 Sorry, but we will end the last Sunday of June soon. Amissing. It is a weekday Monday. It rushes in July (18)
(With image) 59 yen is Okame natto in the news live + 06/29 22:30 Seiyu (26)
Let me say something on the news live + 06/29 22:00 guy (21)
The suicide Tokyo University students jumped on the news live + 06/29 [21:27] breaking the tyranny of the University of Tokyo Abe or protest (38)
It 's a round bald'm bald' s News Commentary + 06/29 21:19 likely (5)
News Commentary + 06/29 20:03 Shuntaro Tanikawa's recital to talk about the universe (9)
Found that the Belgian representative DF was first appearance in the news live + 06/29 [19:50] W Cup against Korea had crack fracture in Taekwon-scissors-tackle (35)
What sushi rice ball and news live + 06/29 18:47 finger marks with (52)
You give me the "Ie-jin was" by when the program title to died a long time ago entertainer news live + 06/29 18:03 I Kansai "Yashikitakajin"? Will usually be a program name change? ww (50)
The same conditions as wrestling and rugby and karate and judo and reach weight News and Commentary + 06/29 18:01 stature (19)
[Shop] in the same news live + 06/29 17:54 in the "What you also" shopkeeper → 711 "~ ♪ I came also" 90,000 yen convenience store robbery four days ago is now \ 30,000 (17)
[On without losing Aso] + live news 06/29 17:29 Shinzo Abe suspects "of course and bullied children attached Glitter name is" "because I'm not a pet" (48)
Shinzo Abe suspects live news + 06/29 17:15 [self-immolation] unconstitutional mandatory (60) we can be death sentence in the civil war crime apply! (Criminal law scholar) (45)
Is it safe I water free server that you've got on your news live + 06/29 17:14 super? (67)
There also do a manhole explosion record heavy rain blackout video image in self-immolation attempt Shibuya news live + 06/29 17:00 Imperial devastated Shinjuku ... (T_T) / ~ ~ ~ (36)
Various are occurring in the news live + 06/29 16:48 ■ the streets, but the right to collective self-defense is I will approved by the Cabinet tomorrow w (37)
The (101) ... We'll try to rank the news live + 06/29 [16:01] ranking Western artist
[Specialty] Jippura Homogifu samadhi News Commentary + 06/29 16:00 (4)
The cancer screening ... (11) News Commentary + 06/29 15:36 long-term care insurance
I think it is going to buy News Commentary + 06/29 15:29 fridge but this is Aryu of Na seen features like convenient? ... (T_T) / ~ ~ ~ (30)
... (T_T) / ~ ~ ~ § news live + 06/29 15:25 guerrilla heavy rain has occurred (47)
When you have made news live + 06/29 15:20 Seven Jap disabilities taste do not know this coffee taste like a real such Myra Niño is not flocking to 100 yen coffee Warota ... (T_T) (41)
News Commentary + 06/29 15:02 you guys hate Olusegun talent TOP10 (65)
News Commentary + 06/29 14:49 (18) Sapporo ... "I came also" medium [the 3rd] convenience store robbery
I think it is going to buy lunch in the news live + 06/29 14:42 Seven, but what good Niño? ... (T_T) / ~ ~ ~ (25)
Apparently there was a self-immolation in the news live + 06/29 14:23 Shinjuku (143)
275: 2014/07/02(水) 05:30:22.86 ID:bk8KExCV(1)調 AAS
>>274 is translated 2chスレ:operate into.
Maybe they want to say.
The liveplus boards has the character of the chat board.
So liveplus threads shuld be removed 2ch板:bbynews .
276(2): ◆4x5Y1Fmz1Jh0 2014/07/02(水) 11:33:09.43 ID:3s12ppNv(3/3)調 AAS
Good morning, Code Monkey-san.
Sorry to bother you.
A plus board user picked colors for bbynews. I think it's good.
Have a good day!
It is easy to understand intuitively that it match the color coding of 2nn.
newsplus #000080
mnewsplus #ffa500
news4plus #ff0000
bizplus #008000
news5plus #0000ff
scienceplus #808080
femnewsplus #a52a2a
moeplus #ffc0cb
dqnplus #d1bada
The following six and either may be the all black because of the number of occurrences small amount.
wildplus #000000
liveplus #000000
snsplus #000000
news4plusd #000000
editorialplus #000000
owabiplus #000000
277: 266 2014/07/02(水) 19:22:37.92 ID:EJI0wDO7(1)調 AAS
We confirmed change of head.txt.
Thank you for your quick response!
278(2): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/02(水) 21:04:16.56 ID:??? AAS
I have added those.
I see. I will try to fix this.
279(1): 2014/07/03(木) 00:24:43.63 ID:IJwFbQqb(1/2)調 AAS
#ffc0cb is difficult to read on #ffffff background. #d1bada too.
Do not be modeled on the bad ones
liveplus is frequent.
#000000 should be used for high-priority for easy-to-read
280(1): 2014/07/03(木) 00:55:05.34 ID:IJwFbQqb(2/2)調 AAS
Plan B
newsplus #00000
moeplus #D70074
dqnplus #6A5292 or #dc143c
Other adjustment
#000000 > #808080
281(1): ◆blackstars 2014/07/03(木) 01:38:13.30 ID:xuy907tJ(1/4)調 AAS
Code Monkey-san, you forgot to write <br> into 1000.txt.
282(1): ◆Mango32c.PeL @Mango Mangue ★ 2014/07/03(木) 08:15:40.32 ID:??? AAS
283(1): ◆Mango32c.PeL @Mango Mangue ★ 2014/07/03(木) 08:21:57.87 ID:??? AAS
284(1): ◆4x5Y1Fmz1Jh0 2014/07/03(木) 08:49:55.54 ID:FppOWcMS(1/2)調 AAS
New liveanarchy board is in a state of anarchy than anarchy. :-)
Maybe a place for nuclear tests?
It seems better! >>279's plan would enhances it furthurmore.
[bbygame - game headline]
We made list of boards v1.0. It includes their color. (3 colors category by category, and a ghard dedicated color)
Please add them all to bbygame when you have a time. An enormous number of boards...
Thank you.
285: ◆blackstars 2014/07/03(木) 12:18:06.58 ID:xuy907tJ(2/4)調 AAS
286(3): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/03(木) 12:27:42.23 ID:??? AAS
Yeah I forgot! Sorry about that. It is fixed now.
Okay I will change those colors.
Should we remove liveplus from bbynews?
I havent added those boards yet, because I want to see how the game headline works with 3 boards.
I will add the rest soon and with colors.
287(1): ◆blackstars 2014/07/03(木) 12:53:58.41 ID:xuy907tJ(3/4)調 AAS
Hello. A thread got to 1001, but that still remains on the server now.
288(1): ◆4x5Y1Fmz1Jh0 2014/07/03(木) 13:00:47.40 ID:FppOWcMS(2/2)調 AAS
Thank you.
In my opinion, liveplus board shoud not be removed from bbynews because liveplus board is plus board without doubt. That board has the personality.
But it's my opinion.
Liveplus is only one semi-CAP plus board. And some plus board users dislike threads made by anonymous reporters simply.
Therefore, we could exclude anonymous reporters' threads from bbynews to settle the matter. It may make some people happy.
289: ◆blackstars 2014/07/03(木) 13:25:52.05 ID:xuy907tJ(4/4)調 AAS
It's fixed. >>287
Thanks always, Code Monkey-san.
290(6): 2014/07/03(木) 17:12:24.06 ID:n713xQ7a(1)調 AA×
291(2): 2014/07/03(木) 21:33:35.43 ID:L8mqH92V(1)調 AAS
code monkey-san don,t neglect >>262
292: 2014/07/04(金) 00:30:13.87 ID:zLAj26s7(1)調 AAS
what's delete request?
293(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/04(金) 01:04:19.10 ID:??? AAS
Please ask Jack-san for delete requests.
Thats a good idea.
How about an android board also?
294(2): 2014/07/04(金) 03:30:04.14 ID:QXs8vc8m(1/6)調 AA×
295(1): 2014/07/04(金) 03:41:20.50 ID:QXs8vc8m(2/6)調 AA×
296: 2014/07/04(金) 03:57:46.86 ID:QXs8vc8m(3/6)調 AAS
liveplus is more good at live category
297: 2014/07/04(金) 04:03:10.79 ID:QXs8vc8m(4/6)調 AAS
It should not be at the expense of the convenience of the daily use of a large number of people
298: 2014/07/04(金) 04:39:25.38 ID:QXs8vc8m(5/6)調 AAS
From >>256
2ch板:bbynews ニュース系
2ch板:bbylive 実況系
2ch板:bbylunch 携帯用
2ch板:bbygame ゲーム系(試験運用)
bby -- スレッド情報一元管理システム構築スレ
bby -- スレッド情報一元管理システム構築スレ3
299: ◆4x5Y1Fmz1Jh0 2014/07/04(金) 10:17:06.48 ID:j9t9sGi+(1/2)調 AAS
I agree with you. They discussed and figure out this idea for long time.
>>294 is an opinion without discussion I think.
300: 2014/07/04(金) 10:31:23.39 ID:MqquaXI2(1)調 AAS
I also agree with >>290.
301: 2014/07/04(金) 11:05:51.84 ID:j9t9sGi+(2/2)調 AAS
Android board has fewer problems than iPhone board.
Therfore, we can make android game board simply about android.
Thanks for your help.
302: 2014/07/04(金) 12:28:07.96 ID:+QNUTFCA(1/4)調 AAS
英語できん。 頑張ったがこれが限界だ。
Let's change Wallpaper(Brick).
IEやFirefoxからeach boardを見たときに見える煉瓦の壁紙と上部の「2ちゃんねる」というロゴデザインを変えませんか?
2.SCとsame designで間違う人がいる
303(1): 2014/07/04(金) 13:08:04.63 ID:QXs8vc8m(6/6)調 AAS
304: 2014/07/04(金) 13:19:16.57 ID:sRxDf2xU(1/2)調 AAS
305: 2014/07/04(金) 16:39:03.79 ID:+QNUTFCA(2/4)調 AAS
306: 2014/07/04(金) 16:49:12.56 ID:+QNUTFCA(3/4)調 AAS
307: 2014/07/04(金) 17:09:52.46 ID:sRxDf2xU(2/2)調 AAS
308(1): 2014/07/04(金) 17:51:30.98 ID:i+YtLrPL(1)調 AAS
309: 2014/07/04(金) 18:11:34.04 ID:+QNUTFCA(4/4)調 AAS
310(1): 2014/07/04(金) 21:13:24.32 ID:BaagvGaf(1)調 AAS
please tell me how to talk jack-san.
311(3): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/05(土) 01:36:10.30 ID:??? AAS
I think he has a thread on the 2ch operate board.
He should also have a thread somewhere on the erobbs board, but Im not sure which one.
In other news:
I just made some new boards. Enjoy!
312: 2014/07/05(土) 01:42:15.26 ID:Nd+jaNFB(1)調 AAS
313: 2014/07/05(土) 02:08:26.59 ID:GkNhChSc(1/3)調 AAS
A lot of new board!
314(1): 2014/07/05(土) 03:09:34.35 ID:LqjUHGVt(1/2)調 AAS
Good evening, Code Monkey-san,
I would like to ask you refrect bbynews in new board, seijinewsplus.
315: 2014/07/05(土) 11:21:00.28 ID:GkNhChSc(2/3)調 AAS
Good morning, Code Moneky-san,
Thank you for making new boards!
We are antianime board.
We want to change the name of antianime board to expand its subject.
from アニメアンチ
to 商業創作作品アンチ総合
316(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/05(土) 11:22:56.89 ID:??? AAS
Its fixed.
317: 2014/07/05(土) 11:55:24.69 ID:LqjUHGVt(2/2)調 AAS
I found this. Thank you, Code Monkey-san.
318(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/05(土) 11:56:44.94 ID:??? AAS
I added seijinewsplus, livemx, and livesangyou to the headline.
319(1): ◆4x5Y1Fmz1Jh0 2014/07/05(土) 17:20:35.65 ID:GkNhChSc(3/3)調 AAS
They seem working correctly now.
BTW, some livesangyou board's users want to pass through BBx like liveanarchy board.
Would that be possible?
Also, liveanime users want to it.
Thanks always!
320(1): 2014/07/06(日) 18:25:01.51 ID:1WlL0V0N(1)調 AAS
Code Monkey-san
Please change the name of the momoclo board.
スタダ(Sutada,Stardust) is the name of the talent agency.
Momoclo belongs there, too.
The reason to want you to change the name is because we want to get more users.
321(3): 2014/07/06(日) 23:16:46.50 ID:hdJ/+L/2(1)調 AAS
Hi! Code Monkey-san
There is no need to change the name of momoclo board.
Momoiro clover Z's fan like this name
322(2): 2014/07/06(日) 23:22:25.48 ID:HEhhHEVI(1)調 AAS
I agree with you, as far as I saw related threads.
If it were necessary, momoclo board people would proposes that again later, I think.
Thank you.
323(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/07(月) 01:44:16.17 ID:??? AAS
I think Livesangyou is already on the headline.
Do you want me to remove it?
324(1): 2014/07/07(月) 01:59:01.45 ID:etdLglIS(1/2)調 AAS
Does anyone know the problem about MX実況(2ch板:livemx)?
In spite of the situation very complex, residents were plunged into civil war due to be made ??a place at the simplistic decision.
I don't want to see people from contest...
Please re-think.
325(1): 2014/07/07(月) 02:03:33.00 ID:zAMPtjiC(1/3)調 AAS
Thank you for your reply.
No, I don't. I'm sorry for bad English.
I wrote "BBx" as host/IP regulation or something (Not bby).
Since livesangyou board has many smart-phone user, they seem to want to be loosen docomo regulations.
Thank you.
326: 2014/07/07(月) 02:58:13.24 ID:r5tW2Xwn(1)調 AAS
327(2): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/07(月) 10:34:37.93 ID:??? AAS
What is the problem with liveMX? Is there more than one MX channel?
Thats a good idea.
328: 2014/07/07(月) 12:02:56.49 ID:etdLglIS(2/2)調 AAS
The first place, the reason for the need for new board
because fallen the other thread there(MX・tvk・テレ玉・チバ・群馬・とちぎ実況) is too quick pace.
MX実況(livemx) is not allowed MX only. But the thread MX・tvk・テレ玉・チバ・群馬・とちぎ実況 (called 統合スレ) is including 関東TV channel(Tokyo,Kanagawa,Saitama,Chiba,Gunma,Tochigi).
And there has a very long history of nearly 10years it has reached the 40000.
It is not acceptable that most people move to livemx in isolation only MX from 番組ch.
You guys should make the board is 番組ch(関東U局), it was not a livemx.
People have continued to quarrel with no answer still.
I want you to remove the board if you don't change the name.
329: 2014/07/07(月) 13:24:21.02 ID:zAMPtjiC(2/3)調 AAS
It seems livemx people are confused.
When you have time, please visit their autonomy thread, if you like.
330: 2014/07/07(月) 15:27:24.30 ID:aijq8fgA(1)調 AAS
Hello codemonkey!
Plz check this post.
331(1): 2014/07/07(月) 16:50:49.78 ID:9UOE6VJq(1)調 AAS
codemonkey-san, please make iOS game boarrd. they're worried...
332(1): 2014/07/07(月) 17:06:35.24 ID:y2Cv1rwi(1)調 AAS
333(2): 2014/07/07(月) 17:13:01.66 ID:zAMPtjiC(3/3)調 AAS
334(1): 2014/07/07(月) 18:16:56.73 ID:0k+y0Z+r(1)調 AAS
327 名前:Code Monkey ★[] 投稿日:2014/06/05(木) 17:25:34.59 ID:???0
If we make an iOS games board, then do we also need an Android games board?
Would it be better if we combined them and made a smartphone games board instead?
335(5): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/07(月) 19:50:06.76 ID:??? AAS
There are currently two options for the new IOS board.
Option 1:
We make an IOS game board, then all the game threads move to the new game board.
Option 2:
We make an IOS hardware board, then all the hardware threads move to the new hardware board.
Which option is the most convenient for everybody?
336(1): 2014/07/07(月) 20:01:58.46 ID:w+V2LzfY(1)調 AAS
Hi! Code Monkey-san
Been two months since said that measures to crawl but are you willing How long now?Hi!
337: Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/07(月) 20:16:45.79 ID:??? AAS
We are almost done with our new anti-crawling system.
Please wait just a few more days. We are testing it already.
338: 2014/07/07(月) 20:37:52.89 ID:pgAt3rta(1)調 AAS
It's good news.
339: 2014/07/07(月) 22:02:54.97 ID:ZyhsSroH(1/3)調 AAS
Code Monkey-san.
Momoclo fans is in trouble very much.
Because a bulletin board was founded suddenly.
The local rule is not decided.
Please change the name of the board if the topic of idol except Momoclo is possible.
スタダ(Sutada,Stardust) is the name of the talent agency.
Momoclo belongs there, too.
Idol fans except Momoclo does not want to come by the name of "ももクロ".
Examples of Idol group except Momoclo who belongs to Stardust.
Shiritsu Ebisu Chugaku (私立恵比寿中学)
Team Syachihoko (チームしゃちほこ)
Takoyaki Rainbow (たこやきレインボー)
340: 2014/07/07(月) 22:08:25.51 ID:ZyhsSroH(2/3)調 AAS
The applicant applied including these idol groups.
492 名前:動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる[sage] 投稿日:2014/06/24(火) 19:57:16.96 ID:u6wORcaD0
341(2): 2014/07/07(月) 23:02:28.53 ID:ETGDgdCK(1)調 AAS
Code Monckey-san
ID:ZyhsSroH is crazy.
Please ignore him.
You needn't change the name of momoclo board.
342: 2014/07/07(月) 23:28:01.68 ID:ZyhsSroH(3/3)調 AAS
343: 2014/07/08(火) 01:54:55.06 ID:MShA1hsr(1)調 AAS
>Code Monckey-san
>ID:ZyhsSroH is crazy.
>Please ignore him.
>You needn't change the name of momoclo board.
344: 2014/07/08(火) 01:58:01.52 ID:EwBB+Aey(1)調 AAS
Option 2 Nice!
345: 2014/07/08(火) 02:06:22.08 ID:tPsF3aaT(1)調 AAS
Code Monkey-san
346: 2014/07/08(火) 02:12:49.32 ID:C+PFCR7w(1/2)調 AAS
DO NOT be two-fold with new board problems in /iPhone
>• The filled immediately when you established the board how much you do not limit the subdivision thread
A problem here and there , " dealing with the subject of unspecified " to " deal comprehensively about a particular event " and (finite ) attrition ( infinite ) thread is mixed
Retention number is required indefinitely in original retention plate number that should live in a finite primarily
2ch板:gsaloon is appropriate thread to handle the game of unspecified
or create new saloon >>295
Conscious iOS+Android titles
347: 2014/07/08(火) 02:27:14.79 ID:C+PFCR7w(2/2)調 AAS
yyyy/mm/dd is dead space
2014/07/08 02:15:40 [東+]【日中韓】韓流人気に国境なし、中国で韓流スターは大人気…日本でも「ブーム」前に比べれば、何百倍にも何千倍にも増えた固定ファン★2
2014/07/08 02:08:33 [東+]【社会】過激な差別にどう向き合う、「反ヘイトスピーチ」模索、カウンター行動や「仲良くしようぜパレード」…「在特会」に8日高裁判決
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2014/07/08 01:55:06 [速+]【国際】フランシスコ・ローマ法王 性的虐待被害者に謝罪 バチカンでの初面会で [2014/07/08]
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2014/07/08 01:48:20 [国+]【英国】復讐としての「リベンジポルノ」訴追も=被害多く対策強化へ [2014/07/07]
2014/07/08 01:48:17 [ビ+]【航空】航空下克上、中東・LCCに日本は勝てるか…「アグレッシブにアジアを攻める」、ANAHD・伊東信一郎社長が語るアジア攻略術[07/08]
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more better stile from 外部リンク:h.ula.cc
■2014年07月08日02:18:14秒のニュース■ ←timestamp line
02:08 [東+]【社会】過激な差別にどう向き合う、「反ヘイトスピーチ」模索、カウンター行動や「仲良くしようぜパレード」…「在特会」に8日高裁判決
02:02 [速+]【島根】サザエ、アワビを密猟しようとした自衛隊1等陸尉を停職 [2014/07/07]
01:55 [速+]【国際】フランシスコ・ローマ法王 性的虐待被害者に謝罪 バチカンでの初面会で [2014/07/08]
01:53 [芸+]【野球】プロ野球に優等生外国人増えた理由 中南米選手増加も影響か
01:51 [東+]【中国】 あの「口パク少女」が高校生に!北京五輪を沸かせた子役・林妙可ちゃん[07/06]
01:48 [国+]【英国】復讐としての「リベンジポルノ」訴追も=被害多く対策強化へ [2014/07/07]
01:48 [ビ+]【航空】航空下克上、中東・LCCに日本は勝てるか…「アグレッシブにアジアを攻める」、ANAHD・伊東信一郎社長が語るアジア攻略術[07/08]
01:45 [萌+]【アジア】台湾にアニメ学校 アジアで10校開設へ 角川 [2014/07/07]
01:41 [東+]【中央日報】 歌手PSYに太極武功勲章を授けよう 〜大韓民国の鉄壁防御の真の貢献者[07/07]
01:41 [ビ+]【大阪】あいりん地区を官庁街に 都構想で大阪維新提案へ [2014/07/07]
348: 2014/07/08(火) 10:08:05.71 ID:TYEJ9hKa(1/4)調 AAS
I think Option 1 is convenient.
Option 2 couldn't solve some problems.
For example, iPhone apps, iPad games, iPad apps.
Thank you.
349: 2014/07/08(火) 11:36:58.85 ID:zreaZzcT(1)調 AAS
350: 2014/07/08(火) 11:53:47.97 ID:TYEJ9hKa(2/4)調 AAS
In my mind, >>290 means
correct: iOS apps and hardware board
wrong: iOS hardware board
351: 333 2014/07/08(火) 12:27:49.98 ID:TYEJ9hKa(3/4)調 AAS
Therefore, if iOS board means iOS without games board, I agree with Option 2, too.
352: 2014/07/08(火) 23:33:19.27 ID:TYEJ9hKa(4/4)調 AAS
Well. Let's make iOS board!
353: 2014/07/09(水) 03:33:30.26 ID:APKKLO02(1)調 AAS
hi code monkey.
is there any standard to config 'force ID display' or not?
tech (=program) board is already config to force. but similar board like database, webprog aren't config to force.
I hope all of those technical board will be force ID display.
thank you :)
354(2): 2014/07/09(水) 05:55:13.24 ID:zZ7GthD6(1/2)調 AAS
Thank you for making the board 番組ch(MX) and changing the name.
Some problems have been resolved in your favor.
However, the problem also remains just a little.
Because I want to solve it, you may want to teach.
Can you chage the value of SETTING.TXT of 番組ch(not 番組ch(MX))?
We need the change[BBS_MAX_MENU_THREAD=16 → 20].
We found the number of threads isn't enough here, so deal with local channel in Japan.
355: 2014/07/09(水) 06:11:34.56 ID:G/xohy7r(1/2)調 AAS
[BBS_MAX_MENU_THREAD=16 → 30]の間違いでは?
Found an error [BBS_MAX_MENU_THREAD = 16 → 30] it?
356: 2014/07/09(水) 06:18:11.17 ID:Ohi9RONN(1)調 AAS
>>354 seems requiring to increase thread holding number of weekly board.
(Maybe value 30 is recommended)
weekly board
discussion thread
357: 2014/07/09(水) 06:21:30.51 ID:zZ7GthD6(2/2)調 AAS
358: 2014/07/09(水) 06:37:09.72 ID:G/xohy7r(2/2)調 AAS
Thank you for making the board 番組ch(MX) and changing the name.
Some problems have been resolved in your favor.
However, the problem also remains just a little.
Because I want to solve it, you may want to teach.
Can you chage the value of Thread holding the number of bulletin board of 番組ch (2ch板:weekly)?
We need you to increase to 21→30 the current thread holds the number.
We found the number of threads isn't enough here, so deal with local channel in Japan.
359: 2014/07/09(水) 07:33:56.17 ID:KoRtlxrG(1)調 AAS
Hello Code Monkey-san :)
360: 2014/07/11(金) 22:26:08.72 ID:ZsGz2gfz(1)調 AAS
Good evening, Code Monkey-san,
I made new game board list v1.1. It includes wktk server board.
Thank you for server moving!
361: 2014/07/13(日) 19:17:16.26 ID:kXIOCgcc(1)調 AAS
Hi Code Monkey
monazilla ★ says:
In 2ch.net, an acquisition method of dat and terms of use are going to be changed in few days.
To the existing developers who had registration, we plan the communication of new specifications beforehand.
I'm sorry to trouble you, but, please cooperate with registration.
Is this the truth?
I want an official guarantee from you or Jim.
362: 2014/07/14(月) 13:45:16.06 ID:RDy9xRRT(1/3)調 AAS
Hi Code Monkey-san,
This is a request for headline bbynews.
wildplus board has been redesigned by Jim-san and is no longer "二軍+";
it's now "元気ニュース+" (abbreviated as "元気+")。
So would you please change the bbynews display accordingly?
It is now shown as [二軍] -- please change it to [元気] or [元+].
Thank you!
363: 2014/07/14(月) 13:52:54.26 ID:RDy9xRRT(2/3)調 AAS
By the way I think [政治+] can be shown simply as [政+], just like the other boards.
364(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/14(月) 13:56:26.88 ID:??? AAS
Here is the new iOS board.
This board is for iOS hardware and software.
I will update the headline today.
365: 2014/07/14(月) 14:14:14.49 ID:RDy9xRRT(3/3)調 AAS
Oh thank you!
I know you are quite busy with anti-crawl issues and so on nowadays.
366(3): 492 ◆1M7sUYrh6X5o 2014/07/14(月) 14:38:33.58 ID:iOO5cXqv(1/3)調 AAS
Good morning, Code Monkey-san.
We are momoclol board.
Please apply this head.txt.
(head.txt for momoclol board)
<a href="/外部リンク:www.momoclo.net週末ヒロイン ももいろクローバーZ オフィシャルサイト</a><br>
<a href="/外部リンク:www.momoclo.net <br>
367(3): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/14(月) 16:41:57.36 ID:??? AAS
Thats done! I like momoclo.
I am still working on headline. I will fix it today and add more game boards.
368: ◆4x5Y1Fmz1Jh0 2014/07/14(月) 17:03:37.36 ID:aH4GJ7YM(1/8)調 AAS
Thank you for your very hard work!
Please be careful of your health.
BTW, I've tested to modify html with style sheets for bbygame.
But my design skill is less than fox's.
369(2): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/14(月) 17:29:14.27 ID:??? AAS
Good news!
The 3 new game headlines are finished now.
Please update your links!
370: 2014/07/14(月) 17:31:09.65 ID:raxmhEHH(1)調 AAS
371(1): 2014/07/14(月) 17:41:25.51 ID:pxwtWzXY(1/2)調 AAS
bbygame2 Notconnected
372(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/14(月) 17:43:37.92 ID:??? AAS
Please wait for a new post from one of those boards.
It will automatically connect after a new post.
373: 2014/07/14(月) 17:50:03.93 ID:pxwtWzXY(2/2)調 AAS
I see
374(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/14(月) 18:23:05.18 ID:??? AAS
Can you guys make a proper name for each of the 3 game headlines?
I want to make a better headline.2ch.net portal page and use different names for each of the headlines.
375: ◆4x5Y1Fmz1Jh0 2014/07/14(月) 18:30:33.01 ID:aH4GJ7YM(2/8)調 AAS
I confirmed it works!
Added boards appear at bbygame2/3 visibly.
Also bbygame1 works correctly but lonely...
Thank you.
376: ◆4x5Y1Fmz1Jh0 2014/07/14(月) 18:41:41.90 ID:aH4GJ7YM(3/8)調 AAS
Okay. I'll ask them for it.
It may take some days to make stable opinions.
BTW, what kind of name do you want to?
I thought it as following one.
title tag in Japanese: 2ちゃんねる ゲームニュース ヘッドライン BBY (game1)
folder name: bbygame1
2ちゃんねる ゲームタイトル ヘッドライン BBY (game2)
2ちゃんねる ゲーム総合 ヘッドライン BBY (game3)
377(2): ◆4x5Y1Fmz1Jh0 2014/07/14(月) 19:25:05.00 ID:aH4GJ7YM(4/8)調 AAS
Oops! S-JIS damemoji error occurs.
This is not an urgent request.
current 2014/07/14 19:15:28 [携ゲャtト]フリーダムウォーズ 愚痴・不満スレ Part28
ideal 2014/07/14 19:15:28 [携ゲソフト]フリーダムウォーズ 愚痴・不満スレ Part28
Thank you.
378: 2014/07/14(月) 19:44:33.67 ID:fBvz9pG3(1)調 AAS
Code Monkey さんは自治スレ読んでるのかな?
議論したスレの URL も貼ってないと、あとから変更の経緯を辿るのが面倒になる
379: 2014/07/14(月) 20:46:15.67 ID:bNmyStlr(1/2)調 AAS
380: 2014/07/14(月) 20:54:00.73 ID:bNmyStlr(2/2)調 AAS
381: 2014/07/14(月) 21:01:51.66 ID:aH4GJ7YM(5/8)調 AAS
Jimさんこっち。ここはCode Monkeyさんのスレ
Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. ★44
382: 2014/07/14(月) 21:09:39.83 ID:OG28patM(1)調 AAS
383: 2014/07/14(月) 21:37:04.40 ID:aH4GJ7YM(6/8)調 AAS
384(2): 2014/07/14(月) 22:06:03.89 ID:aH4GJ7YM(7/8)調 AAS
Oops! moji-bake (encoding error in English?) except for hope server.
Also see
385(1): 2014/07/14(月) 22:10:28.94 ID:a8yJBFiF(1)調 AAS
vip too.
386(1): 2014/07/14(月) 22:45:18.88 ID:wMfcPE2h(1)調 AAS
Setting is wrong. Something is broken.
1 :Code Monkey 笘&#65533; :2014/07/14(-) 21:51:26
mastiff.2ch.net縺ョ莠コ豌励せ繝ャ TOP10
387(1): 2014/07/14(月) 22:53:41.50 ID:ty5VC0++(1)調 AAS
388: 2014/07/14(月) 23:29:59.99 ID:aH4GJ7YM(8/8)調 AAS
I confirmed they are repaired!
389(2): 492 ◆1M7sUYrh6X5o 2014/07/14(月) 23:43:24.91 ID:iOO5cXqv(2/3)調 AAS
Code Monkey-san,Thank you for your kindness!!
I'm soryy.
I made mistake
I was wrong link tag.
Link now gone to a destination other than
We want to make alink to 外部リンク:www.momoclo.net
Please change >>366
<a href="/外部リンク:www.momoclo.net週末ヒロイン ももいろクローバーZ オフィシャルサイト</a><br>
<a href="/外部リンク:www.momoclo.net <br>
<A href="外部リンク:www.momoclo.net target="_blank">週末ヒロイン ももいろクローバーZ オフィシャルサイト</a><br>
<A href="外部リンク:www.momoclo.net target="_blank">外部リンク:www.momoclo.net <br>
390: 492 ◆1M7sUYrh6X5o 2014/07/14(月) 23:59:32.58 ID:iOO5cXqv(3/3)調 AAS
I'm sorry
I also might have put in the wrong link and possibly.
Please fix the link to 外部リンク:www.momoclo.net
We need'nt for the link to 外部リンク[html]:www2.2ch.net
391(1): ◆4x5Y1Fmz1Jh0 2014/07/15(火) 21:53:04.97 ID:RRhk/zAN(1)調 AAS
Good evening, Code Monkey-san,
[headline of headlines / headline portal]
We made names for 3 game headlines.
game headline #1 ゲーム速報headline
game headline #2 ゲーム個別headline
game headline #3 ゲーム総合headline
news headline 速報headline
live headline 実況headline
bbynamazu 地震headline
[game headline]
And we update a list for bbygame mainly in abbreviation to avoid char-set problem (probably).
By the way, what is the name of this system?
I think it has much potential.
Thanks always.
392: 2014/07/16(水) 00:20:22.21 ID:h4FmluPQ(1)調 AAS
Are you sure you have activated the ACS?
393(1): 2014/07/16(水) 06:31:41.46 ID:jOiKUwtn(1/2)調 AAS
情報精度を上げるために BBS_JP_CHECK=200に設定
商品名等にユニコードが必要な場合も考えられるので BBS_UNICODE=passも設定
394: 2014/07/16(水) 06:40:09.45 ID:jOiKUwtn(2/2)調 AAS
395: 2014/07/16(水) 07:39:34.68 ID:PlMv8uQL(1)調 AAS
How's the Anti Crawl System?
I look like 2chsc haven't changed at all
When does the effect of ACS show up?
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