[過去ログ] Let's talk with Code Monkey-san Part.4 (1002レス)
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351: 333 2014/07/08(火) 12:27:49.98 ID:TYEJ9hKa(3/4)調 AAS
Therefore, if iOS board means iOS without games board, I agree with Option 2, too.
352: 2014/07/08(火) 23:33:19.27 ID:TYEJ9hKa(4/4)調 AAS
Well. Let's make iOS board!
353: 2014/07/09(水) 03:33:30.26 ID:APKKLO02(1)調 AAS
hi code monkey.
is there any standard to config 'force ID display' or not?
tech (=program) board is already config to force. but similar board like database, webprog aren't config to force.
I hope all of those technical board will be force ID display.
thank you :)
354(2): 2014/07/09(水) 05:55:13.24 ID:zZ7GthD6(1/2)調 AAS
Thank you for making the board 番組ch(MX) and changing the name.
Some problems have been resolved in your favor.
However, the problem also remains just a little.
Because I want to solve it, you may want to teach.
Can you chage the value of SETTING.TXT of 番組ch(not 番組ch(MX))?
We need the change[BBS_MAX_MENU_THREAD=16 → 20].
We found the number of threads isn't enough here, so deal with local channel in Japan.
355: 2014/07/09(水) 06:11:34.56 ID:G/xohy7r(1/2)調 AAS
[BBS_MAX_MENU_THREAD=16 → 30]の間違いでは?
Found an error [BBS_MAX_MENU_THREAD = 16 → 30] it?
356: 2014/07/09(水) 06:18:11.17 ID:Ohi9RONN(1)調 AAS
>>354 seems requiring to increase thread holding number of weekly board.
(Maybe value 30 is recommended)
weekly board
discussion thread
357: 2014/07/09(水) 06:21:30.51 ID:zZ7GthD6(2/2)調 AAS
358: 2014/07/09(水) 06:37:09.72 ID:G/xohy7r(2/2)調 AAS
Thank you for making the board 番組ch(MX) and changing the name.
Some problems have been resolved in your favor.
However, the problem also remains just a little.
Because I want to solve it, you may want to teach.
Can you chage the value of Thread holding the number of bulletin board of 番組ch (2ch板:weekly)?
We need you to increase to 21→30 the current thread holds the number.
We found the number of threads isn't enough here, so deal with local channel in Japan.
359: 2014/07/09(水) 07:33:56.17 ID:KoRtlxrG(1)調 AAS
Hello Code Monkey-san :)
360: 2014/07/11(金) 22:26:08.72 ID:ZsGz2gfz(1)調 AAS
Good evening, Code Monkey-san,
I made new game board list v1.1. It includes wktk server board.
Thank you for server moving!
361: 2014/07/13(日) 19:17:16.26 ID:kXIOCgcc(1)調 AAS
Hi Code Monkey
monazilla ★ says:
In 2ch.net, an acquisition method of dat and terms of use are going to be changed in few days.
To the existing developers who had registration, we plan the communication of new specifications beforehand.
I'm sorry to trouble you, but, please cooperate with registration.
Is this the truth?
I want an official guarantee from you or Jim.
362: 2014/07/14(月) 13:45:16.06 ID:RDy9xRRT(1/3)調 AAS
Hi Code Monkey-san,
This is a request for headline bbynews.
wildplus board has been redesigned by Jim-san and is no longer "二軍+";
it's now "元気ニュース+" (abbreviated as "元気+")。
So would you please change the bbynews display accordingly?
It is now shown as [二軍] -- please change it to [元気] or [元+].
Thank you!
363: 2014/07/14(月) 13:52:54.26 ID:RDy9xRRT(2/3)調 AAS
By the way I think [政治+] can be shown simply as [政+], just like the other boards.
364(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/14(月) 13:56:26.88 ID:??? AAS
Here is the new iOS board.
This board is for iOS hardware and software.
I will update the headline today.
365: 2014/07/14(月) 14:14:14.49 ID:RDy9xRRT(3/3)調 AAS
Oh thank you!
I know you are quite busy with anti-crawl issues and so on nowadays.
366(3): 492 ◆1M7sUYrh6X5o 2014/07/14(月) 14:38:33.58 ID:iOO5cXqv(1/3)調 AAS
Good morning, Code Monkey-san.
We are momoclol board.
Please apply this head.txt.
(head.txt for momoclol board)
<a href="/外部リンク:www.momoclo.net週末ヒロイン ももいろクローバーZ オフィシャルサイト</a><br>
<a href="/外部リンク:www.momoclo.net <br>
367(3): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/14(月) 16:41:57.36 ID:??? AAS
Thats done! I like momoclo.
I am still working on headline. I will fix it today and add more game boards.
368: ◆4x5Y1Fmz1Jh0 2014/07/14(月) 17:03:37.36 ID:aH4GJ7YM(1/8)調 AAS
Thank you for your very hard work!
Please be careful of your health.
BTW, I've tested to modify html with style sheets for bbygame.
But my design skill is less than fox's.
369(2): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/14(月) 17:29:14.27 ID:??? AAS
Good news!
The 3 new game headlines are finished now.
Please update your links!
370: 2014/07/14(月) 17:31:09.65 ID:raxmhEHH(1)調 AAS
371(1): 2014/07/14(月) 17:41:25.51 ID:pxwtWzXY(1/2)調 AAS
bbygame2 Notconnected
372(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/14(月) 17:43:37.92 ID:??? AAS
Please wait for a new post from one of those boards.
It will automatically connect after a new post.
373: 2014/07/14(月) 17:50:03.93 ID:pxwtWzXY(2/2)調 AAS
I see
374(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/14(月) 18:23:05.18 ID:??? AAS
Can you guys make a proper name for each of the 3 game headlines?
I want to make a better headline.2ch.net portal page and use different names for each of the headlines.
375: ◆4x5Y1Fmz1Jh0 2014/07/14(月) 18:30:33.01 ID:aH4GJ7YM(2/8)調 AAS
I confirmed it works!
Added boards appear at bbygame2/3 visibly.
Also bbygame1 works correctly but lonely...
Thank you.
376: ◆4x5Y1Fmz1Jh0 2014/07/14(月) 18:41:41.90 ID:aH4GJ7YM(3/8)調 AAS
Okay. I'll ask them for it.
It may take some days to make stable opinions.
BTW, what kind of name do you want to?
I thought it as following one.
title tag in Japanese: 2ちゃんねる ゲームニュース ヘッドライン BBY (game1)
folder name: bbygame1
2ちゃんねる ゲームタイトル ヘッドライン BBY (game2)
2ちゃんねる ゲーム総合 ヘッドライン BBY (game3)
377(2): ◆4x5Y1Fmz1Jh0 2014/07/14(月) 19:25:05.00 ID:aH4GJ7YM(4/8)調 AAS
Oops! S-JIS damemoji error occurs.
This is not an urgent request.
current 2014/07/14 19:15:28 [携ゲャtト]フリーダムウォーズ 愚痴・不満スレ Part28
ideal 2014/07/14 19:15:28 [携ゲソフト]フリーダムウォーズ 愚痴・不満スレ Part28
Thank you.
378: 2014/07/14(月) 19:44:33.67 ID:fBvz9pG3(1)調 AAS
Code Monkey さんは自治スレ読んでるのかな?
議論したスレの URL も貼ってないと、あとから変更の経緯を辿るのが面倒になる
379: 2014/07/14(月) 20:46:15.67 ID:bNmyStlr(1/2)調 AAS
380: 2014/07/14(月) 20:54:00.73 ID:bNmyStlr(2/2)調 AAS
381: 2014/07/14(月) 21:01:51.66 ID:aH4GJ7YM(5/8)調 AAS
Jimさんこっち。ここはCode Monkeyさんのスレ
Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. ★44
382: 2014/07/14(月) 21:09:39.83 ID:OG28patM(1)調 AAS
383: 2014/07/14(月) 21:37:04.40 ID:aH4GJ7YM(6/8)調 AAS
384(2): 2014/07/14(月) 22:06:03.89 ID:aH4GJ7YM(7/8)調 AAS
Oops! moji-bake (encoding error in English?) except for hope server.
Also see
385(1): 2014/07/14(月) 22:10:28.94 ID:a8yJBFiF(1)調 AAS
vip too.
386(1): 2014/07/14(月) 22:45:18.88 ID:wMfcPE2h(1)調 AAS
Setting is wrong. Something is broken.
1 :Code Monkey 笘&#65533; :2014/07/14(-) 21:51:26
mastiff.2ch.net縺ョ莠コ豌励せ繝ャ TOP10
387(1): 2014/07/14(月) 22:53:41.50 ID:ty5VC0++(1)調 AAS
388: 2014/07/14(月) 23:29:59.99 ID:aH4GJ7YM(8/8)調 AAS
I confirmed they are repaired!
389(2): 492 ◆1M7sUYrh6X5o 2014/07/14(月) 23:43:24.91 ID:iOO5cXqv(2/3)調 AAS
Code Monkey-san,Thank you for your kindness!!
I'm soryy.
I made mistake
I was wrong link tag.
Link now gone to a destination other than
We want to make alink to 外部リンク:www.momoclo.net
Please change >>366
<a href="/外部リンク:www.momoclo.net週末ヒロイン ももいろクローバーZ オフィシャルサイト</a><br>
<a href="/外部リンク:www.momoclo.net <br>
<A href="外部リンク:www.momoclo.net target="_blank">週末ヒロイン ももいろクローバーZ オフィシャルサイト</a><br>
<A href="外部リンク:www.momoclo.net target="_blank">外部リンク:www.momoclo.net <br>
390: 492 ◆1M7sUYrh6X5o 2014/07/14(月) 23:59:32.58 ID:iOO5cXqv(3/3)調 AAS
I'm sorry
I also might have put in the wrong link and possibly.
Please fix the link to 外部リンク:www.momoclo.net
We need'nt for the link to 外部リンク[html]:www2.2ch.net
391(1): ◆4x5Y1Fmz1Jh0 2014/07/15(火) 21:53:04.97 ID:RRhk/zAN(1)調 AAS
Good evening, Code Monkey-san,
[headline of headlines / headline portal]
We made names for 3 game headlines.
game headline #1 ゲーム速報headline
game headline #2 ゲーム個別headline
game headline #3 ゲーム総合headline
news headline 速報headline
live headline 実況headline
bbynamazu 地震headline
[game headline]
And we update a list for bbygame mainly in abbreviation to avoid char-set problem (probably).
By the way, what is the name of this system?
I think it has much potential.
Thanks always.
392: 2014/07/16(水) 00:20:22.21 ID:h4FmluPQ(1)調 AAS
Are you sure you have activated the ACS?
393(1): 2014/07/16(水) 06:31:41.46 ID:jOiKUwtn(1/2)調 AAS
情報精度を上げるために BBS_JP_CHECK=200に設定
商品名等にユニコードが必要な場合も考えられるので BBS_UNICODE=passも設定
394: 2014/07/16(水) 06:40:09.45 ID:jOiKUwtn(2/2)調 AAS
395: 2014/07/16(水) 07:39:34.68 ID:PlMv8uQL(1)調 AAS
How's the Anti Crawl System?
I look like 2chsc haven't changed at all
When does the effect of ACS show up?
396(2): 2014/07/16(水) 18:03:13.66 ID:pJHC58ci(1)調 AAS
Hello Code Monkey-san.
Could you increase the number of BBS_SUBJECT_COUNT at news4vip board?
397(1): 2014/07/16(水) 18:42:26.57 ID:ZoH4Osvm(1)調 AAS
I can do that
please vist here
398: 2014/07/16(水) 18:47:27.31 ID:XHRT/0du(1)調 AAS
I understand.
Thank you.
399(2): 2014/07/17(木) 14:11:44.19 ID:95eHdmlC(1)調 AAS
Hello Code Monkey-san,
Thank you for making iOS board.
Could you rename existing iPhone board to "iOSゲーム" board? We need it ASAP.
400: うふ〜んうふ〜ん [うふ〜ん ID:DELETED] AAS
401: 2014/07/19(土) 04:42:50.09 ID:y31fcTJm(1)調 AAS
2chスレ:erobbs 2014/07/18 22:50:23.22 ID:QcnBLkzU!
2chスレ:erobbs 2014/07/19 04:23:05.69 ID:MtyDp2C8!
402(1): 2014/07/19(土) 07:42:34.59 ID:BtbA0NQb(1)調 AAS
Code Monkey-san.
Please create a new board.
【板名】 AKB48G(姉)
【理由】 Thread the amount of AKB board too many.
Thread dealing with individuals fall in DAT soon.
Chat thread has been created in large quantities.
There is a limit to the number of threads holding.
board similar to morningcoffee board want.
【内容】 AKB and Idol
【鯖】 -
【フォルダ】 akb2
【カテゴリ】 芸能
【名無し】 -
【ID】 The same settings as the all morningcoffee board.
403(3): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/19(土) 14:52:44.33 ID:??? AAS
Hey guys.
We had typhoon here the past few days and very limited electricity and limited internet.
It seems to be getting better today.
The ACS has not been enabled yet because of the typhoon. I am a few days behind schedule now. Sorry about that.
I will look through all your comments later and address them this evening.
Have a good day!
404: 2014/07/19(土) 15:03:31.42 ID:jgtvdAYs(1)調 AAS
403: Code Monkey ★ [] 2014/07/19(土) 14:52:44.33 ID:???
405(1): Jack ★ 2014/07/19(土) 15:51:24.02 ID:??? AAS
The reason for a power outage is that two power plant in Batangas is not working.
The rolling blackouts may continue to at the beginning of the week. (´・ω・`)
406: 2014/07/19(土) 16:26:48.16 ID:f24NaVz5(1/6)調 AAS
Have a nice day!
407: 2014/07/19(土) 17:58:45.34 ID:EeOQgCc9(1)調 AAS
I understand. Thank you.
408(2): 2014/07/19(土) 22:46:06.15 ID:FeTLBON0(1/3)調 AAS
Please come on Code Monkey
409(1): 2014/07/19(土) 22:47:30.54 ID:mrFVz9+h(1)調 AAS
410: 2014/07/19(土) 22:56:53.26 ID:FeTLBON0(2/3)調 AAS
411(7): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/19(土) 22:56:56.15 ID:??? AAS
I dont understand the difference between those two lines.
Thanks for picking those names. I will apply it to headline.2ch.net.
I have no name for "hope.2ch.netの人気スレ " yet. Do you have any suggestions?
Please ask Jim-san about that. Thanks!
Please make an autonomy thread for that.
Why do you want a new AKB board? Isnt one enough?
Thanks for the information, Jack-san!
412: ◆4x5Y1Fmz1Jh0 2014/07/19(土) 23:27:18.39 ID:f24NaVz5(2/6)調 AAS
Good! Umm. I name 'hope.2ch.netの人気スレ' rec'd924 temporary.
But better name must be necessary I think.
Thank you.
413(1): 492 ◆1M7sUYrh6X5o 2014/07/19(土) 23:31:31.14 ID:jZ0wriLd(1)調 AAS
Thank you, Code Monkey-san.
I'm sorry many times.
I clicked these url
in 2ch板:momoclo
In the next breath I skipped into the trap site.
Could you please solve this problem.
I am not familiar with making head.txt.
Sorry busy place.
Good luck.
414(2): Myafu ◆MyafuWdUxA 2014/07/19(土) 23:34:45.22 ID:k1wcAzCq(1/2)調 AAS
>>411 Hello! Code Monkey-san.
About >>377
[携ゲャtト]←It is not the language of Japan.
[携ゲソフト]←This is the correct state.
Please fix it.
Thank you.
415(2): ◆4x5Y1Fmz1Jh0 2014/07/19(土) 23:35:10.77 ID:f24NaVz5(3/6)調 AAS
I fixed your head.txt
<a href="外部リンク:www.momoclo.net target="_blank">週末ヒロイン ももいろクローバーZ オフィシャルサイト</a><br>
<a href="外部リンク:www.momoclo.net target="_blank">外部リンク:www.momoclo.net <br>
416: 492 ◆1M7sUYrh6X5o 2014/07/19(土) 23:39:34.11 ID:N3okBwa6(1/4)調 AAS
Thank you very much!
I was saved thanks to all of you.
417(4): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/19(土) 23:44:32.30 ID:??? AAS
Okay that will be fixed when the next time that I update the headline software.
418(2): 492 ◆1M7sUYrh6X5o 2014/07/19(土) 23:46:42.96 ID:N3okBwa6(2/4)調 AAS
Hi, Code Monkey-san.
◆4x5Y1Fmz1Jh0 fixed my head txt.
We are momoclol board.
Please apply this new head.txt.
(head.txt for momoclol board)
<a href="外部リンク:www.momoclo.net target="_blank">週末ヒロイン ももいろクローバーZ オフィシャルサイト</a><br>
<a href="外部リンク:www.momoclo.net target="_blank">外部リンク:www.momoclo.net <br>
419: ◆4x5Y1Fmz1Jh0 2014/07/19(土) 23:49:49.62 ID:f24NaVz5(4/6)調 AAS
I confirmed it works correct.
Thank you for your hard work.
I'm looking to ACS, new BE also. Cheers!
420(1): ◆4x5Y1Fmz1Jh0 2014/07/19(土) 23:50:25.99 ID:f24NaVz5(5/6)調 AAS
421(1): 2014/07/19(土) 23:51:20.04 ID:FeTLBON0(3/3)調 AAS
I leave describes the contents of the >>408 because it seems Code Monky san did not have time.
The following text is about live anarchy plate.
The person who changed the banner because it infringes the copyright is good.
Change banner idea is
And, Please Change thread 1001.
Change thread 1001 idea is
もう書けないので、新しいスレッドを立ててくださいです。。。 ”
422: 492 ◆1M7sUYrh6X5o 2014/07/19(土) 23:52:54.78 ID:N3okBwa6(3/4)調 AAS
Hi, Code Monkey-san.
Thank you very much!
We are grateful to you!
Thank you for your kindness.
I was saved thanks to your help.
423: Myafu ◆MyafuWdUxA 2014/07/19(土) 23:53:13.50 ID:k1wcAzCq(2/2)調 AAS
Thank you very much! Code Monkey-san!
424(1): 492 ◆1M7sUYrh6X5o 2014/07/19(土) 23:53:32.67 ID:N3okBwa6(4/4)調 AAS
425(5): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/19(土) 23:56:56.00 ID:??? AAS
I was posting in that thread, but you guys ignored me.
Why do you guys want a different banner and 1000.txt?
426: ◆4x5Y1Fmz1Jh0 2014/07/19(土) 23:57:25.53 ID:f24NaVz5(6/6)調 AAS
いえ。あれで直ってよかった。Code Monkeyさんマジはええ
427: 421関連の住民代表です 2014/07/19(土) 23:57:26.81 ID:jnmPyEe8(1)調 AAS
It is not registered as a trademark in the United States.
It may be registered someday even in the United States.
If registered, please give me change.
Since I am busy with the measure against the crawl, please postpone.
428(1): 2014/07/19(土) 23:59:43.12 ID:I1jHD/Rz(1)調 AAS
Hi Code Monkey-san,
Regarding >>399 isn't this thread good enough?
The discussion already came to the conclusion that "iPhone" board should be changed to "iOSゲーム" board.
Othrwise, there is a possibility that new iOS board will become a waste.
429: 2014/07/20(日) 00:04:50.72 ID:Vd2y5j4K(1/2)調 AAS
I agree with you about that discussion has been over.
430: 2014/07/20(日) 00:09:04.91 ID:Vd2y5j4K(2/2)調 AAS
BTW, Could we begin to discuss new Android game board now?
431: 2014/07/20(日) 00:17:57.35 ID:P9fble9Q(1)調 AAS
I'm sorry.
Please forget about it.
432(2): 2014/07/20(日) 00:19:41.12 ID:AGlEzQRy(1/2)調 AAS
I'm sorry. Did not notice.
now banner use the image of anime.
There is a risk of Japanese copyright infringement this.
So those who have changed the banner is good.
This is because the atmosphere would be worse.
The nature of Anarchy live plate, there are immigrants from various places.
1001 which had the characteristics of a particular plate is offended everyone.
So I would like to be returned to the default 1001.
433: 431関連の住民代表です 2014/07/20(日) 00:25:05.96 ID:T7qxdRD1(1/2)調 AAS
>>432 is a mistake.
It is not registered as a trademark in the United States.
It may be registered someday even in the United States.
If registered, please give me change.
Since I am busy with the measure against the crawl, please postpone.
See U Again.
434: 432関連の住民代表です 2014/07/20(日) 00:26:22.94 ID:T7qxdRD1(2/2)調 AAS
It is correction about a handle name.
435: 2014/07/20(日) 05:35:52.95 ID:GQ53376s(1)調 AAS
Hi Code Monkey-san,
If you do not change the board name to "iOSゲーム" from "iPhone",
overlap will occur in the article that can be handled as "iPhone" and "iOS" board.
If you're saying that require further discussion to change the board name
to "iOSゲーム" from "iPhone", user will get confused by the overlap
of the topic that can be handled by both "iPhone" and "iOS" board.
I want you to change to "iOS hardware and software except games" from
"iOS hardware and software" the current local rules of "iOS" board.
Just add the "except games" at the end of the current local rules of the "iOS" board.
Overlap of the topic that can be handled by each board can be resolved this way.
436(1): 2014/07/20(日) 18:22:28.30 ID:hEJwq42s(1)調 AAS
Why the operation Do not close the depopulation board?
437(1): 2014/07/20(日) 19:03:26.36 ID:E01jUAVw(1)調 AAS
You've pointed out is correct.
Our opinions remain divided on the issue.
We are idiots.
Please forget about banner.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
438: 2014/07/20(日) 23:51:06.59 ID:AGlEzQRy(2/2)調 AAS
I'm sorry.
This >>437 is trying to confuse us.
Banner ,1001 is as >>432.
Please about the change if you make the time.
439: 2014/07/21(月) 09:01:29.41 ID:ZmCl6pAw(1)調 AAS
現在、2chのサーバー群はアメリカ合衆国カリフォルニア州サンフランシスコ365 Main社運営のデータセンターにある、Pacific Internet Exchange所有スペースにある約60台のサーバー群で運営されています。
2ch operation was set up live Anarchy plate in order to isolate the noise from Anarchy plate and commentary J plate anything.
This is the so-called experimental plate in order to deal with criminal activity, such as by Hiroyuki Nishimura interim suspect.
It is thought that circumstances VIP board was established, that it was in order to isolate the noise from breaking news plate that's you know of course.
At the same matter of this time is similar.
Currently, server group of 2ch has been operating in the server group of about 60 units located in a data center in the United States, San Francisco, CA 365 Main's management, to Pacific Internet Exchange owned space.
I have been judged mass posting amounting to several hundred or more seconds at maximum called "live" and bulletin board system improvements have been continued for several years, and check posts, and various logging.
Management to resolve the load due to crawl further.
Copyright issues do not violate the laws of the State of California and the USA to the presence of the server installation company.
1001 >> banner is not a priority of Mr.CodeMonkey.
Please use your enjoy it depending on the application each because there are a lot of live plate.
From now on board of the experiment Me.CodeMonkey of Anarchy live board also thank you.
So I will consider it as the mouthpiece of the current 2ch.net are we expected from the development of this and of Mr.JimWatkins Mr.CodeMonkey.
Thank you.
440: 402 ◆0FnQVzDqu5pR 2014/07/21(月) 11:09:15.54 ID:9Q9Dov36(1)調 AAS
Please excuse my poor English.
Problem of AKB board that thread falls to DAT immediately.
AKB board is due to the amount of threads that are created in one day too many.
Every day, a large amount of chat thread is created.
Useful large number of threads fall to DAT in this effect.
User thinks the inconvenience.
This problem is solved by creating a new board.
There was a similar problem in the past.
There is a "Johnny's" "Hello Project" of idol group of Japan.
Johnny's is four. Hello Project is three. There is more than one board to 2ch.
This increased the board in order to distribute the load.
Please create a new board to solve the problem.
441(2): 2014/07/22(火) 19:25:28.82 ID:K83TFZTs(1)調 AAS
Hello admin
Since a few days ago, The BBQ DNSBL system seems not working.
I tried to resolve x.x.x.x.niku.2ch.net many times, but no answer.
I've been using BBQ for spammers IP checking. Would you fix this issue?
Thank you for reading.
442(1): 2014/07/22(火) 20:11:57.53 ID:v7PJp591(1)調 AAS
443(1): 2014/07/22(火) 22:46:11.50 ID:561LzSZ8(1)調 AAS
444: 2014/07/23(水) 04:50:05.10 ID:dHaZ/Ubf(1)調 AAS
だけど >>441 が言うように参照できない問題がある
445(5): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/23(水) 11:41:05.01 ID:??? AAS
Please talk with mishowdaq-san. I do not maintain the BBQ system.
In other news, I will be making some big updates to headline.2ch.net.
If someone is interested, I am looking for a small logo to put at the top of the page.
Is anyone interested in making a classy logo for headline?
446: ◆4x5Y1Fmz1Jh0 2014/07/23(水) 13:46:48.89 ID:khRi7hCI(1/3)調 AAS
Good afternoon.
I'm looking forward to it. And I'll leave logo design to you or Tom Cat-san or anyone. :-)
447: 2014/07/23(水) 13:47:45.83 ID:khRi7hCI(2/3)調 AAS
Let's talk with Mango Mangue in regulation
448(2): 2014/07/23(水) 14:36:58.04 ID:OoH37IOq(1/3)調 AAS
Good Afternoon.
What happened to Rogsoku.
How is ACS going?
please tell circumstance frequently if possible
449: 2014/07/23(水) 15:06:05.04 ID:z7D3Wvm8(1)調 AAS
Why the operation Do not close the depopulation board?
450(3): 2014/07/23(水) 15:16:37.78 ID:mkeLlIw0(1/3)調 AAS
Hi Code Monkey-san,
I am a resident of meow(にゃあ板).
Recently, I moved to meow(にゃあ板) .
But I am in trouble crush thread vandalism (512kb over) appeared.
Vandalism(荒らし) this is the line of au-net (庭). I have known from the name field(県名表示).
★140722 meow (庭)による大型AAコピペ連投埋め立て荒らし報告
But those who use the line au-net (庭) are many.
Many people will become the collateral if it is regulated.
Will it can not be like this one or the CAPTCHA authentication au-net only meow(にゃあ板), or reduce the capacity of around 1res(au-net only 1res/1024byte)
It is a funny person to continue to troll much except when this troll sleeping
I want you to help because there is no cut and can be ignored
451(4): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/23(水) 16:39:13.77 ID:??? AAS
I blocked l.ogsoku, u.nkar, and S.C last night.
SC was using ONE residential IP address to do their crawling.
Already l.ogsoku and SC have new IP addresses and have continued their crawl.
It wont be so easy for u.nkar to continue crawling.
Thank you for your concern. I will investigate this problem and try to find a solution.
I have made a new update to headline. Please look:
452(3): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/23(水) 16:46:00.39 ID:??? AAS
I have regulated au-net on the meow board.
New regulation: Au-net IP can have a maximum 1024bytes per thread response on meow.
If this does not work, please tell me and I will investigate again.
453: 448 2014/07/23(水) 16:47:00.62 ID:OoH37IOq(2/3)調 AAS
Thank you
454: 2014/07/23(水) 16:48:16.24 ID:mkeLlIw0(2/3)調 AAS
455: 2014/07/23(水) 16:53:05.02 ID:Y5dwJl6S(1)調 AAS
456: 2014/07/23(水) 16:53:45.74 ID:3WJRLpSs(1)調 AAS
457: 2014/07/23(水) 16:54:13.67 ID:teNn6ODh(1)調 AAS
Good job,Code Monkey
458(1): 2014/07/23(水) 16:57:37.50 ID:mkeLlIw0(3/3)調 AAS
I was able to confirm that the effect is out properly
Thank you
433 名前:テスト結果(庭)[sage] 投稿日:2014/07/23(水) 16:55:27.07 ID:JzJx2SEq [4/4]
459(1): 2014/07/23(水) 17:05:35.10 ID:khRi7hCI(3/3)調 AAS
That's stylish!
Also rec'd924 was already combined.
Could we make proposal another ~top10s in addition to alltop10?
460(1): 2014/07/23(水) 17:47:23.23 ID:OoH37IOq(3/3)調 AAS
Do you indicate IP of a crawler?
I think that we should report IP used for the crawl to ISP
461: 2014/07/23(水) 18:00:11.60 ID:hSUL8uKS(1)調 AAS
アンチクロールシステム"ACS"ついに始動か アフィカス達、絶賛Jim叩き中【効いてる】
462: 2014/07/23(水) 18:16:10.29 ID:vG15k4iU(1)調 AAS
OK, I'll try to contact mishowdaq-san.
Thank you.
463(3): 飴 ◆HACCA.6g7gAV 2014/07/23(水) 20:02:32.94 ID:jNrvaI80(1)調 AAS
BE-Trolls detection service (外部リンク:ame.hacca.jp has been shut out from 2ch since yesterday.
It is not reproduction site, it gets thread title and >>1's name field and BE-number.
It is substituted for BE-point-saku in Kenmo for a long time.
Please allow access from users015.phy.lolipop.jp (
It accessed up to 100 threads per hour.
Sample data (now it only can access headline.2ch.net. )
Samples with JaneView
464: 2014/07/23(水) 20:46:18.02 ID:VV9/Gu/v(1)調 AAS
I thought another solution.
When you get threads title list, "Be Name" will add automatically.
Without external service or browser extention,
you can get like this↓
465(1): 2014/07/23(水) 22:31:16.57 ID:V1zN1d79(1)調 AAS
> I blocked l.ogsoku, u.nkar, and S.C last night.
Why could you find out that they were l.ogsoku, u.nkar, and S.C?
466(1): 2014/07/23(水) 23:07:29.45 ID:iIcGN0FE(1)調 AAS
u.nkar is now closed.
467(3): Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/23(水) 23:51:27.03 ID:??? AAS
Thanks! Please make recommendations. I enjoy hearing your suggestions.
We are already reporting the residential crawlers.
Okay I will enable that again. Sorry!
If you own that service, then please email me.
In the past two months, I have developed many deep learning scripts to detect crawlers.
The new scripts can classify many things that normal humans cannot see.
468: 飴 ◆HACCA.6g7gAV 2014/07/24(木) 00:40:35.62 ID:ETlcwBBE(1)調 AAS
Thank you!
I emailed from 画像リンク
469(1): ◆4x5Y1Fmz1Jh0 2014/07/24(木) 01:25:04.71 ID:dC3oTwlF(1)調 AAS
Good evening.
Thank you so much!
We'll enjoy to make huge list and test some layout matter. It takes several time.
I strongly believe it worth to do that.
Some depopulated board people are looking forward to this ~top like system.
I'm going to make a list for them also.
Thanks. Good night!
470: Code Monkey ★ 2014/07/24(木) 01:29:10.04 ID:??? AAS
Great thanks! Have a good evening.
471(1): 2014/07/24(木) 05:52:37.74 ID:Zx4WfARG(1)調 AAS
Hello CodeMonkey-san
These sites have to copy the log from 2ch in the same way as rogusoku and SC.
ACS Is it valid for these?
472(1): 2014/07/24(木) 07:31:03.70 ID:zktK4bMC(1)調 AAS
Thank you. However, I think that you might want
to indicate IP and get 2ch user to report.
473(1): 覆面霊柩車 ◆f.cHEYV3HRMJ 2014/07/24(木) 09:33:36.00 ID:uc+UqPzO(1)調 AAS
hi, cm san
to ban crawlers, you should use a cookie and a CAPTCHA.
you should make a CAPTCHA appear a thread per reading of 10 threads.
Sorry for my poor English.
474(2): 2014/07/24(木) 12:16:54.17 ID:N6jgW8Zr(1)調 AAS
Hello Code Monkey-san,
There is a discrepancy between A and B, and users are confused.
Please change the board name in B to "iOSゲーム".
I know that you are busy but I would like to receive a response.
Thank you,
475: 2014/07/24(木) 14:18:38.40 ID:QZeloIJQ(1)調 AAS
476: 2014/07/24(木) 15:23:26.43 ID:RaDgZxe9(1/2)調 AAS
477(1): 2014/07/24(木) 15:44:38.31 ID:RaDgZxe9(2/2)調 AA×
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