[過去ログ] Let's talk about 2ch browser with Jim-san&Codemonkey-san in Kenmo [転載禁止]©2ch.net [617490624] (1001レス)
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23(12): Grape Ape ★ 転載ダメ©2ch.net [sageteyon] 2015/02/16(月) 13:02:04.23 ID:??? AAS
There is no crisis. >>16 We have been using the system that is being widely deployed
now for 6 months. Nobody has noticed a difference. Just modernization efforts.
Of course Afikuso will have to level up. It won't be so easy for them anymore.
35(11): Grape Ape ★ 転載ダメ©2ch.net [sageteyon] 2015/02/16(月) 13:04:23.38 ID:??? AAS
That is Mr. Unko to you...:P
81(10): Grape Ape ★ 転載ダメ©2ch.net [sageteyon] 2015/02/16(月) 13:13:24.26 ID:??? AAS
You must be crazy, that is not what is going on. Are you trying to start a wild rumor?
Of course you are.
100(8): Grape Ape ★ 転載ダメ©2ch.net [sageteyon] 2015/02/16(月) 13:18:11.92 ID:??? AAS
116(15): Grape Ape ★ 転載ダメ©2ch.net [sageteyon] 2015/02/16(月) 13:22:02.83 ID:??? AAS
Please look here for explaining.
It is a developer issue, and won't be effecting normal users.
167(14): Grape Ape ★ 転載ダメ©2ch.net [sageteyon] 2015/02/16(月) 13:29:34.05 ID:??? AAS
I want to use V2C too. However mine stopped working. I don't know the cause.
I like V2C, because it works on my Mac.
245(9): Grape Ape ★ 転載ダメ©2ch.net [sageteyon] 2015/02/16(月) 13:40:18.11 ID:??? AAS
Thanks for the fish.
258(10): Grape Ape ★ 転載ダメ©2ch.net [sageteyon] 2015/02/16(月) 13:42:15.72 ID:??? AAS
My Japanese is pretty good actually. However you asked to talk to me here.
I speak english better. This is an afikasu thread obviously. Why should I use
my Japanese for you?
853(5): Grape Ape ★ 転載ダメ©2ch.net [sageteyon] 2015/02/16(月) 18:45:38.45 ID:??? AAS
868(2): Grape Ape ★ 転載ダメ©2ch.net [sageteyon] 2015/02/16(月) 19:01:19.04 ID:??? AAS
I have already met with 80% of the Dedicated browser developers. They understand
what is going on. Unfortunately I have not met with some of the smaller developers
They won't be denied if they make api compliant browsers. The effects are not going
to be noticed by ordinary folks. Afikasu will definitely notice. Actually this is the system
that Kenmou urged to be built. It is going to be nice and painless. Don't worry.
871: Grape Ape ★ 転載ダメ©2ch.net [sageteyon] 2015/02/16(月) 19:04:45.59 ID:??? AAS
You mean you. You speak for yourself. Surely you don't speak for we, unless
you are the Queen.
874(4): Grape Ape ★ 転載ダメ©2ch.net [sageteyon] 2015/02/16(月) 19:06:23.81 ID:??? AAS
Fuck off.
879(4): Grape Ape ★ 転載ダメ©2ch.net [sageteyon] 2015/02/16(月) 19:08:44.71 ID:??? AAS
909(8): Grape Ape ★ 転載ダメ©2ch.net [sageteyon] 2015/02/16(月) 19:24:52.94 ID:??? AAS
I guess you are stuck in a Catch-22.
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