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451: 名無しさん@十周年 2010/03/24(水) 19:53:02 ID:8HRvx/930(8/8)調 AAS
世界に向け発信を続ける4chのPolitics板(外部リンク:4-ch.net ) [Japan] Confrontation
between Jimintou and Minsyutouスレッドより。
406 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2010-03-22 09:04 ID:ZLMdppvu
(´・ω・`) A portrait of Kaoru Yosano (与謝野 馨):
Media persons praise Yosano as the Most Brain of the Japanese Political World.
Yosano loaded triple minister's burdens simultaneously. He is never a puppet of bureaucrats. So my assumption
is he has 3 heads and 6 hands like Asura. I suppose his I.Q. is over 390....
Yosano is catholic in his tastes. They say his skill of taking photos is nearly professional. They say his
knowledge and skill on around Info Tech is beyond me. (`・ω・´)But never! He likes Go (7th-dan) and he is
Ichiro Ozawa's easy opponent.
Yosano started his political career as a secretary of Yasuhiro Nakasone ( former P.M.; 中曽根康弘). And Yosano
is friend of Tuneo Watanabe (渡邉恒雄) called CIA Nabetune, a king of Yomiuri Group.
Yosano's grandma is great poet Akiko Yosano (与謝野 晶子). Her early works are full of flame and beauty. Most of
Japanese know one or more her poems or phrases. Her early works continue to captivate the young of all ages.
And if you want to read The Tale of Genji in Modern Japanese, you can chose one in her translation.
Her hasband is also important, but far less than her.
Yosano is weak in elections. Rumor says some portions of his political funds are dirty funds.
Yosano says he likes Joseph Fouche. But I suppose he is not like Fouche. Because Yosano stands in front always.
I suppose he likes himself who is saying I like Joseph Fouche. I see Yosano's character is his transparency
whereas he is in front. Through him I see angels, fallen angels, and monsters.
713: 名無しさん@十周年 2010/03/24(水) 21:24:45 ID:6bflGpcp0(1)調 AAS
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