[過去ログ] Let's talk with Jim-san. Part5 (611レス)
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(1): 男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU 2007/12/11(火) 15:33:56 ID:8h2YldQU(1)調 BE AAS
I remembered "cannibalism" in looking at "carnivore".
You maybe know "The Silence of the Lambs" of movie, that movie describe the mad of cannibalism.
But ancestor of mankind Neanderthal was doing it.
Every people inherit the blood of that.
It's not mad thing, no, it's nature.
Ok I'll eat man :-)
That is joke, but Chinese who lives in interior have the custom of eating mankind now.
I heard it from friend who is going to study to Shanghai.
552: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2007/12/11(火) 15:41:29 ID:??? AAS
>>551 Neanderthal is not our ancestor it is separate line.
I am not so sure they are completely extinct though.
Cannibalism as a daily staple is not good.
Only ceremonial occasions please.
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