[過去ログ] Let's talk with Jim-san. Part5 (611レス)
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1(3): 2007/05/07(月) 22:55:29 ID:eINQz6vM(1)調 AAS
Let's talk with Jim-san , who is the manager of bbspink.com.
If you can write your questions or some other things in English,
please write them in English.
Since Jim-san is very kind,
so that in case you get spelling error,
or write in incorrect grammar,
he will be able to understand what you want to say.
Those who cannot understand English may write them in Japanese.
Accommodating persons will translate for you.
Jim-san cap handle.
Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
A previous thread
Let's talk with Jim-san. Part4
7(4): 2007/05/16(水) 14:20:51 ID:UyFWCy9n(1)調 AAS
There is a question.
"Log of this site belongs to this all site" on a bulletin board of a personal website.
I do it All rights reserved without permission. When I reprinted it without permission, I sue. "
It was specified so.
However, there was the person whom I copied it and reprinted in Pink in defiance of it.
When there was a deletion request directly, should it be deleted from a webmaster of a reprinted website?
When a deletion person was accused without it being deleted, must a deletion person take responsibility?
46(3): Greenday ★ 2007/07/09(月) 12:31:23 ID:??? AAS
Could you PLEASE TELL ME if YOU undeterdtand??
80(3): 2007/07/12(木) 12:22:13 ID:aw/2vte6(1/2)調 AAS
Some problems are here.
First of all, ISP in Japan spoils own user very much.
Even if own user does a vandalism, they pardon it at once.
ISP only sends the mail of warning to the vandal.
2ch had "Report system to ISP" before.
But, almost all vandal in Japan knows that mail is only sent to him.
He only has to wait only just a little while 2ch and ISP are sending mail each
other. He was permitted writing it in 2ch and ruined 2ch several days later, too.
And, 2ch was vandalized again. These were repeated many times by disgusted.
This is a reason that is tired of 2ch blocking team. Therefore, they chose a permanent block.
79-san used to be tired the same reason as 2ch blocking team.
One vandal was making her embarrassed in BBSPINK.
(This vandal is called "Shineshigma" here.)
Shineshigma was restricted many times. However, they ruined BBSPINK by deregulation many times.
BBSPINK is borrowing "Block system" of 2ch. Of course, 2ch has the decision-making authority of deregulation.
Our report system doesn't work as long as 2ch denies releasing vandal.
Unavoidably, 79-san starts opposing vandal by the deletion.
I think that I'm good when BBSPINK has their original "Block system" like "Deletion system".
Because I think that I'm good if I do not become tired 79-san any further.
118(3): 2007/07/20(金) 16:14:03 ID:JmVi68pH(1/2)調 AAS
Hi Jim san
a friend of mine wanna meet you at ATE PIE booth to talk about a bussiness.
he would mail you from 外部リンク:www.pie.us
171(4): test 2007/08/21(火) 01:25:25 ID:YimBqHhz(1)調 AA×
254(3): Tom 2007/09/16(日) 15:17:24 ID:LaSV6FqU(1)調 AAS
RedBrick is FOX?
267(4): Mike 2007/09/16(日) 19:00:17 ID:qiskxcV1(7/8)調 AAS
Dear Jim:
We guys and I understand your current circumstances that you will discuss
and then decide the moving with Mumumu-san tonight.
However, I would like you not to forget what a lot of users do not like to
set up new threads and use ones.
I beleive that the users want not to abandon their old posts.
In my thought, they never mind the new ones will be overwritten and/or
gone to a garbage box.
I appreciate your assistance and kindness in advance.
Best regards,
275(3): 2007/09/16(日) 23:11:01 ID:94K+US6r(1/2)調 AAS
you have to think who are making BBS.
people are making BBS. not you.
they are making BBS right now !
312(4): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2007/09/17(月) 11:14:01 ID:??? AAS
>>311 Not dead yet. I am going to move the threads if possible. Make new ones
if you want, and I will try not to overwrite them. I will start arount 4 PM JST.
323(3): ◆79EROOYuCc @Greenday ★ 2007/09/17(月) 12:16:05 ID:??? AAS
NO. Please do not move old logs to qiufen server.
They are just going to stay on banana218.
324(4): ◆79EROOYuCc @Greenday ★ 2007/09/17(月) 12:18:59 ID:??? AAS
Old logs are just going to stay on banana218 for the time being.
That is the best for lots of people and for bbspink, also that is the right thing to do.
Now it hurts a little bit, but it will be obviously better LATER.
348(4): jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2007/09/17(月) 22:20:31 ID:??? AAS
Is it a happy place today?
405(3): 2007/09/22(土) 04:01:03 ID:rG3S/E5I(1/2)調 AAS
What does this sentense mean?
"Girls A Go Go!!"
424(3): jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2007/09/28(金) 21:43:48 ID:Q9wo03zx(1)調 AAS
I found out that there are more airplanes when you finish each level faster.
Also you can collect different campaign medals. It is nice to get new airplanes
and "rewrite" history. Pearl Harbor ends up differently when you defend it
with a German ME-262....;)
463(3): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2007/10/17(水) 04:19:09 ID:ORvcv0tO(1)調 AAS
Yes I think he is handsome. He has an uncanny resemblance to an Egyptian
Pharaoh named Amenhotep IV
Here is his picture. 画像リンク
and the picture of Amenhotep IV. 画像リンク
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