[過去ログ] Let's talk with Jim-san. Part5 (611レス)
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(1): jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2007/09/16(日) 16:00:22 ID:??? AAS
>>260 Tonight, after talking to mumumu, then we can all decide together
which is the best way.
(4): Mike 2007/09/16(日) 19:00:17 ID:qiskxcV1(7/8)調 AAS
Dear Jim:

We guys and I understand your current circumstances that you will discuss
and then decide the moving with Mumumu-san tonight.

However, I would like you not to forget what a lot of users do not like to
set up new threads and use ones.
I beleive that the users want not to abandon their old posts.
In my thought, they never mind the new ones will be overwritten and/or
gone to a garbage box.

I appreciate your assistance and kindness in advance.

Best regards,
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