[過去ログ] Let's talk with Jim-san. Part5 (611レス)
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12(2): 2007/05/18(金) 14:06:09 ID:pkXNUzML(1)調 AAS
I am not >>7 but let me re-explain what he means:
There is a website stating "All the contents of this site are copyrighted. Anybody who
copy the contents without persmission will be prosecuted."
A person copied the contents and posted in a thread of BBSPINK without permission.
If the website master demand to delete the posting, does the deleter of BBSPINK have to
delete it? And if the deleter did not do so, does he have to take responsibility?
13(2): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2007/05/18(金) 18:11:32 ID:i+NUOWym(2/2)調 AAS
>>12 Oh I see. Well I think that the copyrights should always be
respected. Deletion is up to the deleter, but if I am given a correct notice
of copyright violation. I always delete that.
Violating copyright is the same thing as pirating.
Please make a link instead of copying, that is the best solution.
The poster is the one that is responsible for this though.
According to the US law, the poster is responsible, not the deleter.
The deleter has no responsibility.
14: 2007/05/18(金) 22:25:30 ID:eyvaeqzB(1)調 AAS
15(1): 12 2007/05/19(土) 01:16:16 ID:tbQ6p+Ex(1)調 AAS
Here is the translation of >>13
16(1): 2007/05/21(月) 21:44:14 ID:kH4EJ3tj(1)調 AAS
Please confirm a correct procedure to Mr. FOX.
17(1): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2007/05/22(火) 10:47:18 ID:kUZJdrEC(1/3)調 AAS
What are you talking about?
18(1): 2007/05/22(火) 10:56:33 ID:C4d/NDj2(1/3)調 AAS
If the setting is correctly done, it becomes the following.
When board is made, the setting is not completed.
19: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2007/05/22(火) 11:00:28 ID:kUZJdrEC(2/3)調 AAS
Those boards were made by Hiroyuki and I. We did it without help.
I know the system is a little different now, I would be very happy
with an update on the new procedures. especially on the servers
that I have had to move because they were so busy. That broke
the read.cgi on those kakolog servers.
20(1): 2007/05/22(火) 11:05:42 ID:C4d/NDj2(2/3)調 AAS
Why do not you question Greenday★?
"What are this talking about?"
Greenday★ understands the import of the story.
21(1): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2007/05/22(火) 12:58:17 ID:kUZJdrEC(3/3)調 AAS
Does not setup boards. Greenday★ is the deletion leader. That is a
separate function.
22: 2007/05/22(火) 13:40:13 ID:C4d/NDj2(3/3)調 AAS
The setting of added board (ccc/bbbb/megami) is not completed.
An old thread is not sent to kakolog.
Please confirm it to the person who knows the correct setting method.
Greenday★-san thinks that it can explain better than I.
23: 2007/05/22(火) 16:32:16 ID:UkA0aTym(1)調 AAS
24(1): 7= ◆TECHCS.zfQ 2007/05/22(火) 22:00:17 ID:k065uRwk(1)調 AAS
>>15 和訳に感謝致します。
>>13 JIM氏
To Mr.Jim
I understood it.
I became very anxious.
I think that both other websites and the deleter can feel relieved in this.
Thank you!
25(1): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2007/05/23(水) 13:15:45 ID:eQUb+ORA(1)調 AAS
>>24 どういたしまして
26(2): 2007/05/31(木) 20:28:09 ID:TFuaXg/R(1)調 AAS
Jim-san, ◆TWARamEjuA said that banana238 should be unstable the power supply.
Please check it using the Cramp Meter and so on.
2ch特化型サーバ・ロケーション構築作戦 Part24
832 名前: ◆TWARamEjuA [sage] 投稿日:2007/05/31(木) 19:50:37 ID:PQGnuCKp0 ?2BP(6824)
May 30 23:08:03 <0.6> banana238 kernel: pid 2187 (httpd), uid 80: exited on signal 10
Is it Copy and paste?
27(2): Borracho ◆baila6uPTo 2007/05/31(木) 21:38:23 ID:gSTx66DE(1/2)調 BE AAS
banana238 has been rebooted by Mirv-san(0)
However, I think it is good to check it by using the clamp-on ammeter etc.
834 名前: ◆TWARamEjuA sage 投稿日:2007/05/31(木) 21:16:19 ID:PQGnuCKp0 BE:6970188-2BP(6824)
サーバーダウン(鯖落ち)情報 part148
28(2): ◆TWARamEjuA 2007/05/31(木) 21:39:56 ID:gSTx66DE(2/2)調 BE AAS
It made a mistake in TRIP.
29(1): 2007/05/31(木) 21:55:03 ID:+Gi5dtUC(1)調 AAS
m9(^∀^) pugyaaaaa!!
30(1): 2007/05/31(木) 23:28:38 ID:sou+ij82(1)調 AAS
31(1): 2007/06/01(金) 10:12:16 ID:xEC6D2V0(1)調 AAS
Maybe it is time to replace that server with a mighty tbanana!
32: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2007/06/01(金) 10:25:09 ID:??? AAS
Yes it is obvious we are using the oldest servers at pie for bbspink.
I would really like to upgrade them to tbanana, and would like
to migrate the current boards to 4 tbanana servers. This will give
us a few years to grow again. The old servers can hold the kako logs
and with the new tbanana there should be plenty of power and room.
I will need help to do that though, and probably we have to talk about
it a lot before doing that.
33: うふ〜ん [うふ〜ん] うふ〜ん ID:DELETED(1)調 AAS
34(1): ◆79EROOYuCc 2007/06/06(水) 05:04:26 ID:E/uUVQkI(1)調 AAS
We have to have another email address which has @bbspink.com domein.
Fllwing is the reason.
79 was doing IP blocking report to ISP when it happens terrible trolls on bbspink, and IP blocking system works.
like this 外部リンク[html]:deleter.bbspink.com
ISP determins who is that "troller", and maybe will warn him/her.
then I ask of deactivatation of that blocking, which is the action for USERs side.
but we, which means you and 79, should be on the blockers side,
because that kind of troll or repeated postings of irrelevant letter-strings are harassment to PINK-channel .
IP blocking reprt to each ISP is basically for deactivation of blocking, which is redicurous for blocker.
also there are lots of recurrences of troll from the same ISP.
we have to have another person who reports them, she/he needs to have email address for reportig.
info at bbspink.com address should be read only by me.
following is the thread which we are talking about that ( only ritten in japanes )
so could you make another email address which has @bbspink.com domein, and send the info to my address?
35(1): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2007/06/11(月) 15:55:37 ID:/oDK1rXe(1)調 AAS
I have made this address block AT bbspink.com
36: 2007/06/12(火) 06:29:00 ID:qKGR93Ix(1)調 AAS
thank you
37: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2007/06/13(水) 15:07:01 ID:JUy0u8jW(1)調 AAS
>>35 dou itashi mashite
38(2): 2007/06/19(火) 21:53:44 ID:y75hjeJa(1)調 AAS
39(1): 2007/06/19(火) 22:20:32 ID:4KttpXat(1)調 AAS
(This is a poor translation.)
Mr.Jim is a good-looking man when viewing him from the front.
But, when I see him from the diagonal, he seems to have the potbelly.
40: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2007/06/20(水) 11:57:18 ID:F17CUvtF(1)調 AAS
That is because I ate to much pie.
I am not so fat though, just a big chest and loose shirt.
41: 2007/06/21(木) 02:06:30 ID:gDT8awtF(1)調 AAS
"PIE" isn't "Pacific Internet Exchange".
It was "Pie" of the meat pie!?
42: 2007/06/23(土) 09:50:10 ID:oeoHffUB(1)調 AAS
Chicken pot pie, cherry pie, apple pie, Boston cream pie.
43(1): 2007/07/07(土) 18:45:37 ID:YyRBidqL(1)調 AAS
Mr. Jim.. how are you?
44(2): 2007/07/09(月) 12:02:56 ID:KrLgJS2F(1/2)調 AAS
I have no idea if you have heard about present situation about BBSPINK,
so here is FYI.
BBSPINK has no way of ban a user right now since May 2007.(that means,
BBSPINK have nothing to do against troll or attacker who wants to ruin its
target threads or board, except deleting its postings. Since it takes time and
patience, even Greenday-san has given up doing so with some incidents.
As you know, the blocking(or banning) had been done by the 2ch side since
the BBSPINK servers are under their control. Currently, any innocent user can
report the troll or attacker in a specially setup board in 2ch, then if the 2ch blocker
team agreed it is indeed the annoying or disturbance behavior against 2ch BBS,
the troll's ISP domain will be banned. The ban may be on a board(s), or entire
2ch BBS(including BBSPINK's). It has a bad side effect - any users who
has same ISP domain as the troll are also bannd. I heard Hiroyuki's
preference is "no blocking is prefered unless the blocker can pinpoint block the troll
(it means if the troll's IP is static or from Cellphone access(serial number is
required for posting right now), go ahead and do it). Compromise between blocker team
and Hiroyuki is current blocking method - Pinpoint block is eternal. Domain blocking on
a board will be in effect for a month, or until the blocking team receive a mail from
the troll's ISP that they have traced the IP and warned the specified troll about its behavior.
(any innocent user who wants to unblock his domain can report the troll to his ISP)
The blocker team's role is banning the troll. The troll's IP and the logs are posted by
the team for anybody who wants to report the ISP. Deactivation for entire 2ch domain
banning is done by the mail from the ISP only.
Troll or attack on BBSPINK was handled about same way before. Any user report to
the specially setup board on 2ch and the blocker team pinpoint ban the troll or ban
his ISP. The difference was deactivation. Greenday-san used to mail the target ISP
instead of an innocent user who wants to unblock his ISP domain and ask the deactivator
of 2ch blocker team on a basis from the mail Greenday-san received from the ISP.
One day in May, 2ch blocking team found out the BBSPINKs blocking/unblocking
procedure and declared they don't block troll on BBSPINK any more.
Greenday-san and some BBSPINK volunteer discussed for improving(or adjusting)
their procedure to meet 2ch blocker team's wish. They tried to present
the procedure change to 2ch blocker team recently with no success.
Big problem here. Greeday-san does not understand or know exact intent
or thought of the 2ch blocking team. Of course, 2ch blocking team is not so
kind to tell or teach what they really want. I think that the team want Greenday-san
to realize what they want. Because of this, current no banning situation may last longer.
I wrote this not because I want you to do something about this, but let you
know what's happening and if you have any suggestions to Greenday-san or something.
45(2): Greenday ★ 2007/07/09(月) 12:30:23 ID:??? AAS
ok, that's enough,
you say that I do not understand or know exact intent
or thought of the 2ch blocking team, then I really want to know,
it seems like YOU UNDERSTAND.
What is that?
46(3): Greenday ★ 2007/07/09(月) 12:31:23 ID:??? AAS
Could you PLEASE TELL ME if YOU undeterdtand??
47(1): 2007/07/09(月) 12:42:52 ID:KrLgJS2F(2/2)調 AAS
??? I just wrote that for Jim-san and have no intention to insult
or complain about Greenday-san. I think you are doing your best.
I think the most fault or blame is on the blocking team's side for
not telling or teaching to less experienced Greenday-san about
what they really want.
48(2): 2007/07/09(月) 15:50:58 ID:qoYubtVx(1)調 AAS
Why don't you install Pentium4 into your head as a new brain, pussy?
49: Greenday ★ 2007/07/09(月) 17:14:25 ID:??? AAS
well, actually i installed something new in my pussy.
that's gonna fix something. hahahaha
50: Greenday ★ 2007/07/09(月) 17:34:22 ID:??? AAS
>48 Fuck you
51: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2007/07/09(月) 17:39:30 ID:LFtzChDr(1/3)調 AAS
>>43Hey guys. Wow, I was sick for a few days. Really sick and you
all sound like you are going to tear each other up.
>>48 Have to keep those pentiums out of the pussies. It might cause dissimilar metal corrosion
problem with your vibrators, and we all know there is nothing worse then a rusty pussy.
anyway don't you think this is our normal beginning of making something
Lets figure it out.
First. Of course we don't understand the exact thinking.
Second. Every summer someone on 2ch tries to find a way to make
the evil bbspink go away. This always happens in the summer because
they don't have jobs in between school years.
Third. We always come up with a solution.
So Lets concentrate on the 3rd point, and not spend so much
precious time dwelling on 1st and 2nd.
52: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2007/07/09(月) 20:35:50 ID:LFtzChDr(2/3)調 AAS
Wow, I must be stupid I just read into this. What serious insult.
ah now I understand completely. I think that there is another board
for insult fighting, lets not play it on this one. Not in the local
rules friends.
53: 2007/07/09(月) 20:53:18 ID:isb8r4nX(1)調 AAS
Do not you prepare the restriction tool by yourself?
If you leave the restriction to Mr. Yakin(FOX),
you will have to learn his idea more.
And, you should start from making friends with him.
If you need his cooperation, not other people
but you should obtain his trust.
54: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2007/07/09(月) 20:58:53 ID:LFtzChDr(3/3)調 AAS
and finally about Long winded-sans post.
Yes it is a problem, it is not the biggest problem but a problem.
I am thinking there is a much bigger problem these days, it
free proxy sites, that pull data direct from the source and display
it on their servers as their sites. This uses the resources of
2ch and bbspink servers, sucks all the data and then displays it
somewhere else. This causes a lot of the server slowdown.
I am thinking to completely block these sites at server level.
Although I have not decided it yet. Probably need to here some
others feedback on it. You seem very full of words. Maybe you
have on opinion?
55(1): 2007/07/09(月) 21:02:28 ID:/MhyhF61(1/2)調 AAS
PINK cannot block the attacker for two months.
She applied for the block of the attacker in the same standard as 2ch.
However, FOX★ even did not read it.
56: 2007/07/09(月) 21:22:07 ID:/MhyhF61(2/2)調 AAS
57(2): 2007/07/10(火) 18:57:25 ID:n6YyKJtt(1)調 AAS
BBSPINK is so now, blocking, admitting, blocking, admitting, blocking, admitting.....:-(
If we two go on doing that sort of thing, we'll get nowhere.
2ch blocker team's dislikes vain efforts.
58(1): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2007/07/10(火) 19:29:24 ID:/b1Wk/eR(1/2)調 AAS
just like I don't read this post
59(1): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2007/07/10(火) 19:32:35 ID:/b1Wk/eR(2/2)調 AAS
I understand, nobody likes vain efforts. The purpose is important
the effort is vain. Sometimes people like vain efforts though.
My favorite vain effort in a movie.
Tom Cruise and Ken Watanabe last battle in the Last Samurai.
By the way I really do appreciate the effort of the blocking team.
At this time I wish I could do more to help.
60(2): 2007/07/10(火) 19:44:48 ID:iXv8NP9p(1)調 AAS
272 Kseniya ★ sage 2007/07/06(金) 05:28:18 ID:???0
I reject it without seeing it.
61(1): 2007/07/10(火) 20:23:43 ID:GXDgNe1P(1)調 AAS
>>267-268 ×
>>269-270 ○
62(1): 2007/07/11(水) 01:37:17 ID:WRksP4MP(1)調 AAS
>By the way I really do appreciate the effort of the blocking team.
If they care BBSPINK (troll's heaven now) more, I will appreciate too...lol
63(2): 2007/07/11(水) 12:49:24 ID:VPtMChtm(1)調 AAS
Current state (Suitable summary in unskilled English)
79-san's thinking,
When one ISP is blocked, a lot of this ISP's users are disappointed.
And so the system that enables the blocked user is necessary.
It's necessary to stop blocking early.
We prepare "the troublesome person" report system to ISP.
If the ISP dealt with "the troublesome person", we will ask 2ch blocking team for stop of the blocking.
2ch blocking team's thinking,
I think that "the troublesome person" report system is not necessary.
In 2ch, a lot of ISP is being permanently blocked now.
Because it's a real hassle to repeat the block and admin every time, and >>57.
However, BBSPINK was made "the troublesome person report system".
BBSPINK always makes arrangements to suit there own convenience.
Why should we work for BBSPINK?
BBSPINK are too selfish! We simply can't keep up with BBSPINK.
...Therefore, it became >>60 so.
64(1): erika 2007/07/11(水) 13:02:22 ID:A/IXtG0J(1/6)調 AAS
Hi Jim san. How are you feeling.Are you better know?
I wrote a letter to your bbspink.com address yesterday.
This is concerning my friend who is in a serious situation.
His full name, school name, occupation,IP address,are on the thread.
We tried our best to ask the team for help
(jyuten sakujio irai) to get rid of the thread but,
maybe we don't exactly know howto.
Things are escalating.copy pasting all over,
Letters are sent to school,etc.
Please, help us Jim and Greenday-san.
I am really sorry to write such things here.
We really need help.
We will appreciate very much if you could help us.
Thank you.
65: 2007/07/11(水) 16:50:05 ID:emAlb9fT(1)調 AAS
Actually, nobody knows exactly what 2ch blocking team's thinking.
They answer question with question and do not tell their exact thinking.
What is that "You keep trying until you get it right,"attitude?
They must be either power-obsesseed or think they are god.
66: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2007/07/11(水) 17:43:54 ID:ecp+o/yW(1/6)調 AAS
I will take a look at the email. Hope your friend will be ok
Does this delete request follow the rules of 外部リンク:deleter.bbspink.com
67(1): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2007/07/11(水) 17:55:23 ID:ecp+o/yW(2/6)調 AAS
I think a lot of this problem is caused by the fact that 79 is actually
thinking and maybe some others are not thinking. I feel that 79
must be trying to make things better, and not worse for the blocking team.
I know 79 enough to know that just making a system without thinking is not
79's way,
I am not sure but probably the system was put together with many people THINKING
and testing if it was going to be good or not. I am guessing that
this system is probably just needing some input from the blocking team if they
get time to look at it.
I doubt that it was put to anyone at all in a draconian way, and probably if it
turns out to be a good system it would be good for 2ch as well. Since 2ch operates in
a similar manner to bbspink.
As for selfish, hmmm. I don't see a lot of selfish, but mostly people trying to help
other people out and have a little fun
68: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2007/07/11(水) 17:56:38 ID:ecp+o/yW(3/6)調 AAS
Sorry friend, but its Greek to me.
69: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2007/07/11(水) 18:05:53 ID:ecp+o/yW(4/6)調 AAS
Thanks for the laugh
70(1): erika 2007/07/11(水) 18:07:07 ID:A/IXtG0J(2/6)調 AAS
Jim,thank you for being kind.
Yes, this delete request as everyone determine it is GL3.
If it is possible,we really want to get rid of
one particular person who is writting this.
71: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2007/07/11(水) 18:20:26 ID:ecp+o/yW(5/6)調 AAS
I have read your email, and am sure it qualifies to be deleted.
You do have to follow the rules for that on the deletion board though
so many requests it has to be done by the rules with nobody getting
favorite treatment for it.
What do you mean get rid of the particular person? That sounds criminal to me.
That part we can't do anything about although the person probably belongs on someone's
better off dead list. We absolutely can't do anything about or to the posters on
this site, that is technically, morally and physically impossible.
I hope the situation does get better soon.
72(1): erika 2007/07/11(水) 18:34:19 ID:A/IXtG0J(3/6)調 AAS
Thank you Jim. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
get rid of the particular person meaning,
just to let this person stop writting.
I have pasted
but I am not sure if anyone will see it and
delete the thread for us.
73: erika 2007/07/11(水) 18:35:26 ID:A/IXtG0J(4/6)調 AAS
I wrote it as Kao.
74: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2007/07/11(水) 18:37:54 ID:ecp+o/yW(6/6)調 AAS
>>72 I am sure someone will see it. It just takes time, that is a completely
volunteer system and they do it when they have free time. I don't do
it because everytime I do it people get so angry at me. I can't win deleting, or not deleting.
75: erika 2007/07/11(水) 18:49:41 ID:A/IXtG0J(5/6)調 AAS
Okay,we will wait and see...
Thank you Jim. It was pleasure talking to you.
76(1): erika 2007/07/11(水) 20:27:18 ID:A/IXtG0J(6/6)調 AAS
Jim, can you read my e-mail for the last time?
Things are getting worse.
77(1): Greenday ★ 2007/07/12(木) 06:51:40 ID:??? AAS
Everybody have to follow our certain rules of deletion.
E-mail deletion-request is not available.
It should be opened on housekeeping board.
78: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2007/07/12(木) 10:11:20 ID:1ec3z3AG(1/2)調 AAS
I have read it. Please follow the advice of >>77
79: 2007/07/12(木) 11:36:04 ID:rehNYhUf(1)調 AAS
80(3): 2007/07/12(木) 12:22:13 ID:aw/2vte6(1/2)調 AAS
Some problems are here.
First of all, ISP in Japan spoils own user very much.
Even if own user does a vandalism, they pardon it at once.
ISP only sends the mail of warning to the vandal.
2ch had "Report system to ISP" before.
But, almost all vandal in Japan knows that mail is only sent to him.
He only has to wait only just a little while 2ch and ISP are sending mail each
other. He was permitted writing it in 2ch and ruined 2ch several days later, too.
And, 2ch was vandalized again. These were repeated many times by disgusted.
This is a reason that is tired of 2ch blocking team. Therefore, they chose a permanent block.
79-san used to be tired the same reason as 2ch blocking team.
One vandal was making her embarrassed in BBSPINK.
(This vandal is called "Shineshigma" here.)
Shineshigma was restricted many times. However, they ruined BBSPINK by deregulation many times.
BBSPINK is borrowing "Block system" of 2ch. Of course, 2ch has the decision-making authority of deregulation.
Our report system doesn't work as long as 2ch denies releasing vandal.
Unavoidably, 79-san starts opposing vandal by the deletion.
I think that I'm good when BBSPINK has their original "Block system" like "Deletion system".
Because I think that I'm good if I do not become tired 79-san any further.
81(2): 2007/07/12(木) 12:40:04 ID:aw/2vte6(2/2)調 AAS
>>80 Forgetting writing...
If BBSPINK doesn't have "Original block system", BBSPINK should give up free deregulation.
82(2): Greenday ★ 2007/07/12(木) 13:11:47 ID:??? AAS
too long.
make them in 3 lines. I do not understand what you say.
83(2): 2007/07/12(木) 13:17:39 ID:+DpGsDxe(1)調 AAS
84(1): Greenday ★ 2007/07/12(木) 13:25:57 ID:??? AAS
>>83 ok, then you take care.
85: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2007/07/12(木) 17:01:48 ID:1ec3z3AG(2/2)調 AAS
I understand this problem, and obviously we do borrow the blocking and very
thankfully. Yes of course ISPs are very kind to their current users, even if those
users are vandals, that is the ISPs economic issue. So blocking entire ISP is
already proven more effective, because this forces the isp to respond since we hope more than one user
with that ISP is a frequent user of the site. However that is a very draconian response and
we all know that, even though the blocking team works tirelessly.
The idea of making a new system is probably a pipe dream, but I think that the idea
of bbspink coming up with a way to augment or improve the system
could be a reality. It is beyond my own personal abilities. I could do things in a
very draconian way as well, but the pinpoint precision blocking of a target like a
surgical strike with a laser guided bomb from a jet would be a fantastic tool if some
smart person could make it. That is probably what 79 was trying to figure out and caused
this trouble. The idea should not be forgotten, but we do not have the ability yet to implement
this idea.
86(2): ◆QNUItadakI 2007/07/12(木) 19:14:18 ID:w2e2oDdI(1)調 AAS
87(1): 2007/07/12(木) 21:46:10 ID:mxm22ot+(1)調 AAS
>>86 translation
How's your pocket monster going, Jim?
88(1): 2007/07/13(金) 03:19:31 ID:Ztp4TDUc(1)調 AAS
The blocking team has already been refusing the block of BBSPINK for two months.
89: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2007/07/13(金) 14:51:45 ID:/lNLZZOt(1)調 AAS
Peeka Chew
>>88 They are very busy
90: 2007/07/16(月) 01:53:19 ID:7gKDo0K0(1)調 AA×
91(1): 2007/07/17(火) 15:20:50 ID:7X4pgqYx(1/2)調 AAS
79-san is broken now.
92(1): 2007/07/17(火) 15:40:12 ID:/obIpZIY(1)調 AAS
The blocking team refused the block of the child pornography.
It is necessary to negotiate with hiroyuki.
93: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2007/07/17(火) 16:50:53 ID:srK5BkL8(1)調 AAS
>>91 Is 79 a robot? Maybe 79 is ill.
>>92 I will talk to Hiroyuki in about 2 weeks.
94: 2007/07/17(火) 18:54:48 ID:7X4pgqYx(2/2)調 AAS
The mental condition of 79-san is more terrible than the robot now.
I think that it is not enough to talk about this case after Jim-san came to Japan.
It will be very very late so later.
95(1): ナナ ◆SEVEN/xSuE 2007/07/18(水) 00:03:14 ID:s2U+SX7d(1)調 AAS
The one of Volunteer belongs to blocking team of 2ch, is thinking following.
We block the enemy whom 2ch and PINK are common to.
Solve only in PINK about block problem inside PINK.
In other words, it is a state which can not block it which is not the enemy of 2ch when it is necessary that we block by the less than 18 year-old problem.
JIM asks to the manager of 2ch to cooperate or PINK blocks the part which isn't common.
If If If If
To divide a block system, we must search for the person who can build a block system.
Then, it is limited to the person who is trusted by you.
The one can see the CGI script all.
Ithas high risk
Please consult 79 well.
96: Yanagisawa 2007/07/18(水) 00:50:20 ID:BcD/vE+7(1)調 AAS
79 is a robot who bears a child.
97(1): ◆uRW6KoTaRo 2007/07/18(水) 23:46:06 ID:umTQvk5E(1)調 AAS
You'll reach the cliff pretty soon.
Hang in there!
98: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2007/07/19(木) 11:50:51 ID:kFVO6L2z(1/2)調 AAS
>>95 I understand.
>>97 Standing on the cliff. Looking at the world go by. To bad we can not fly.
Have to keep our feet securely on the ground, and just watch the world go around.
99(1): 2007/07/19(木) 11:52:08 ID:oxNC2g94(1)調 AAS
You all are in Saipan now, huh?
100: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2007/07/19(木) 13:56:55 ID:kFVO6L2z(2/2)調 AAS
>>99 That is obnoxious
There is no temporary problem worth the cost of a permanent solution.
101: 2007/07/19(木) 14:56:41 ID:mo1VwE1Z(1/2)調 AAS
permanent problems always happen when you start something.
not when you finish something.
102: 2007/07/19(木) 15:29:35 ID:roGpwbog(1/2)調 AAS
A permanent candle shows you the figure of ghosts.
Check floor 16.
103: 2007/07/19(木) 15:32:02 ID:mo1VwE1Z(2/2)調 AAS
when you finish something, that problem is always just temporary.
104(2): 2007/07/19(木) 15:32:34 ID:J5ztgOKj(1/2)調 AAS
You do not know that the very serious situation happens in bbspink now.
You do not understand it; is not going to understand it!
I am sad.
If this state continues, 79-san may commit suicide.
105: ナナ ◆SEVEN/xSuE 2007/07/19(木) 15:37:48 ID:TZRIvvj7(1/3)調 AAS
106: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2007/07/19(木) 16:02:41 ID:??? AAS
>>104 I do know the serious problems, and don't you think I am trying to get
a solution?
Please stop talking like that, has 79 said anything foolish like that directly?
107: 2007/07/19(木) 16:30:44 ID:roGpwbog(2/2)調 AAS
No, no.
>>104 wanted to say like this,
I am sad(ism).
108(1): 2007/07/19(木) 16:33:22 ID:J5ztgOKj(2/2)調 AAS
79-san defies all great people of 2channel.
FOX-san,Kseniya ★-san,MUMUMU-san and and more......
109(1): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2007/07/19(木) 17:25:14 ID:??? AAS
Maybe the nail that sticks up this time is correct, and should not
be hammered down. I think 79 cares more about the people of 2ch than
anyone I know.
110(1): ナナ ◆SEVEN/xSuE 2007/07/19(木) 18:00:54 ID:TZRIvvj7(2/3)調 AAS
>>109 JIMsan
I have same idea.
Absolutely 79san cares them.
But they aren't understanding skillfully in the communication.
Think much of the relation.
and we need to be supported more.
so that
79san needs that you and HIROYUKIsan help.
When holding a leader talk, tell 79san's intention, too.
Then, request cooperation.
Thankyou for understanding my meaning.
Best Regards
111: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2007/07/19(木) 18:15:12 ID:??? AAS
112: ナナ ◆SEVEN/xSuE 2007/07/19(木) 18:20:38 ID:TZRIvvj7(3/3)調 AAS
113(1): 2007/07/19(木) 21:22:16 ID:38OgB3QV(1)調 AAS
Jim san
Can you make access controll system for bbspink only?
114(1): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2007/07/20(金) 13:20:42 ID:??? AAS
I have said before I don't have the ability to make something better
than we currently have.
115: ◆79EROOYuCc @Greenday ★ 2007/07/20(金) 13:42:43 ID:??? AAS
We are following 2ch.
That policy never changes, and will never change, as long as nobody is arrested in Japan or in the United States.
116(1): yume ◆Yume.xMgf6 2007/07/20(金) 14:18:34 ID:Ng+AY41g(1)調 AAS
I wish the serious situation not to happen.
We should prepare so that problem does not happen.
bbspink is so happy place forever.
I hope so.
117: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2007/07/20(金) 14:28:15 ID:zd3xVO9Q(1/2)調 AAS
>>116 Me too. It is a very happy place. I hope it can stay that way.
118(3): 2007/07/20(金) 16:14:03 ID:JmVi68pH(1/2)調 AAS
Hi Jim san
a friend of mine wanna meet you at ATE PIE booth to talk about a bussiness.
he would mail you from 外部リンク:www.pie.us
119(1): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2007/07/20(金) 16:19:13 ID:zd3xVO9Q(2/2)調 AAS
>>118 That will not go directly to me. Better to send to my jim AT bbspink.com
120: 2007/07/20(金) 16:24:06 ID:JmVi68pH(2/2)調 AAS
thank you so much!
he will mail you ASAP.
121(1): 2007/07/24(火) 23:19:36 ID:jpfq1KMc(1)調 AAS
普段、目もあわせないらしいガキがダディクールとか言ってる。郷ひろみか? 畜生、氏ね。
鉄板も凄い、まず汚ねぇ。こげとかこびりついてる。 洗え。洗剤で洗え。つうか買い換えろ。
122(1): Machine translation 2007/07/25(水) 00:32:00 ID:D3fTCQMo(1/2)調 AAS
Can it be executed if there is technical assistance?
123(1): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2007/07/25(水) 15:02:29 ID:f5AIszHU(1/2)調 AAS
I have just arrived in Japan. Chiba-chi. It is a very pretty city on the beach.
It should be a lot of fun for this week.
It is not a technical problem, it is a political problem.
124(1): 2007/07/25(水) 16:46:36 ID:Pj3HpgUY(1)調 AAS
and then you'll have BBQ party → getting to >>121
You're at a stake when you're going to have a steak.
125: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2007/07/25(水) 17:51:51 ID:f5AIszHU(2/2)調 AAS
perfect chance to fry up some Sea Lion Meatballs
126(1): Machine translation 2007/07/25(水) 21:57:53 ID:D3fTCQMo(2/2)調 AAS
Welcome to Japan.
Is it diplomacy with 2ch?
What is your hope concerning the access control?
(Do not think about the current problem.)
"Every time, it is requested to 2ch."
(Give it up if refused.)
"It controls only in BBSPINK."
(System construction is necessary.)
127: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2007/07/26(木) 08:51:36 ID:rXDpmD9W(1/2)調 AAS
upgrading our servers is most important thing. After that is done
lets talk about building a system. Access control is something I have
experience with from working with subscription websites.
Our servers are the oldest servers at pie. I would like to upgrade them.
Building a system would include building a new read.cgi since I don't
have the make file to compile the read.cgi. If I could upgrade our
servers first, then the other things would come into place.
128: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2007/07/26(木) 18:20:41 ID:rXDpmD9W(2/2)調 AAS
I saw your booth today. Sugoi! it is onatech heaven.
129(1): 2007/07/27(金) 19:06:17 ID:Akuemtda(1)調 AAS
Was something the good one gotten by Makuhari?
130: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2007/07/27(金) 19:31:32 ID:9qHYOjX0(1)調 AAS
>>129 Only a good time....:)
Last night I ate beef! lots and lots of delicious succulent meat that melted
in your mouth. In a little ville called Fuchimi.
Then spent some time in one of their stand bars, singing and drinking.
Today I went to the ATE. It was great. Lots of nice entertainment.
131(1): 2007/07/27(金) 21:22:32 ID:hCCl5tJt(1)調 AAS
Jimさん初吉原特攻実況祭り まだぁ?
132(1): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2007/07/28(土) 00:04:23 ID:FKsjrVpd(1/2)調 AAS
hehehehehehe. I have been to soapland one time. I knocked on the door.
The advertising was so horny. I could not resist to knock on the door.
this was maybe 9 years ago. They did not let me inside. I am a white american
guy. Not allowed. Actually they said "no gaijin" and closed the door.
I wish I had a special report from the show. Honestly, it was hard not to
get "hard" there. So many pretty girls walking around.
The most exciting thing for me at the show, was a very beautiful lady
that visited our booth. I commented, that she had a pretty skirt.
Then she introduced me to her husband. Well, I guess they were having some
fun, and he pulled her blouse open and showed me his wifes boobs.
I have seen many boobs, but there is really nothing more exciting
than something like that happening. Oh and also they were very pretty boobs.
133(1): 桃太郎 ◆MOMOwomoIk 2007/07/28(土) 11:10:57 ID:B/z7ZtZT(1)調 AAS
Jim welcome to Japan!
Unfortunately I was going to go to Makuhari Messe, but work is busy and can never go today.
(In fact, less than 2km need it to Makuhari Messe)I am glad if I can meet the next opportunity!
134(1): 2007/07/28(土) 16:26:00 ID:RUW1OfSK(1/2)調 AAS
Welcome to Japan
135(1): 2007/07/28(土) 16:29:07 ID:RUW1OfSK(2/2)調 AAS
You can sex soapland PLAY GIRL in Yoshiwara near asakusa,Tokyo.
136: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2007/07/28(土) 19:50:27 ID:FKsjrVpd(2/2)調 AAS
>>133 I will be here until August 1. Just let me know if you want to visit.
>>134 Thank you...:)
>>135 Oh thank you for the important information!
137(1): 118 2007/07/28(土) 22:24:22 ID:etPX1nep(1)調 AAS
Thanks a lot!
He said that he hopes Mona can reach to his booth tomorrow...
138: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2007/07/29(日) 01:06:25 ID:ZYxAKuci(1/3)調 AAS
Wow! sugoi. Dou itashi mashite. You are welcome. I don't
know where Mona will go, I just follow like everyone else.
I will try to see every booth tomorrow though. I think I have seen
25% of the booths so far. Maybe Mona has seen 50%
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