Let's talk with Jim-san. Part2 (837レス)
Let's talk with Jim-san. Part2 http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/
112: 名無し編集部員 [] 2006/07/29(土) 21:44:12 ID:i1ijFJAZ I'm 駄馬, パカラッ パカラッ http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/112
113: kim [sage] 2006/07/29(土) 21:46:51 ID:xUMEAlk8 How do you eat kimchi? http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/113
114: 名無し編集部員 [sage] 2006/07/29(土) 21:48:34 ID:WVvqwgeS My Neme is Dabinoji Karakuri Masuter ok? http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/114
115: 名無し編集部員 [sage] 2006/07/29(土) 23:15:50 ID:Tct2Gnnk >>114 is one of the characters of the cartoon"GUN-doh MUSASHI". the very cool JapanIMation by MONKEY PUNCH http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/115
116: halc/cyan ◆duswpnLeMU [sage] 2006/07/30(日) 00:11:02 ID:WPDCeWDM Hello Mr. Jim. I am "cyan", deletion person on 2channnel. And I was doing deletion on bbspink as same as. I'd like to join bbspink's volunteer also future. May I have those work? http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/116
117: 名無し編集部員 [sage] 2006/07/30(日) 00:55:01 ID:w51oQHIT I love you,Mr.Jim. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/117
118: 名無し編集部員 [sage] 2006/07/30(日) 04:56:36 ID:BJ/vM7hg The same method as 2ch will be impossible. It is desirable to pay a countervalue and to employ the staff of exclusive use. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/118
119: ◆IZUMI162i6 [sage] 2006/07/30(日) 11:19:39 ID:H0sTRxna BE:7560083-DIA(30001) Jim-san, Please understand the volunteer system of 2ch at 1st. * The deletion system of 2ch is not perfect. * The deletion system of 2ch needs a lot of volunteer. * The participation reason for the volunteer of 2ch has only their own motivation. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/119
120: ◆IZUMI162i6 [sage] 2006/07/30(日) 11:33:09 ID:H0sTRxna BE:5040544-DIA(30001) To keep the scale, you should defend them from the risks. I think that the following concepts are necessary to defend them. What is Deleter? Deleter can delete only for user's convenience. Deleter cannot do the deletion that makes the infringement of right and the law, etc. grounds. Only Mr. Jim can judge it. Deleter is a user. Only the deletion as the user is admitted in Deleter. Deleter cannot take part in the site management and the policy as the organization. >>◆79EROOYuCc Please correct the difference of the delicate nuance. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/120
121: ◆IZUMI162i6 [sage] 2006/07/30(日) 11:49:06 ID:H0sTRxna BE:14175195-DIA(30001) If I cannot defend them, I cannot consign the deletion to them. So, I cannot become a leader until Jim-san understands my concepts. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/121
122: ◆MARY/2Kkkc [sage] 2006/07/30(日) 14:33:34 ID:Cwh6Szby >>120 >>Deleter cannot do the deletion that makes the infringement of right and the law. You seem like SAMURAI, and cool! however, I do not understand your intension. Could you give me a reason and an example? http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/122
123: ◆IZUMI162i6 [sage] 2006/07/30(日) 15:17:53 ID:H0sTRxna BE:22680689-DIA(30001) >>122 2ch has Hiroyuki-san. But, BBSPINK doesn't have the person in charge in Japan. Deleter comes to have to delete the malfeasance and the violation if there is no limitation. When Deleter was not able to be deleted, this will become a legal risk. Deleter is not a specialist of the law. To avoid the risk even if message is the justifiable criticism, Deleter must delete it. Please understand the lawsuit risk of Deleter is larger than that of Mr. Jim in Japan. Please hire professionals if you request the interpretation of the law to Deleter. If Mr. Jim requests it to the any volunteers, I cannot agree. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/123
124: ◆MARY/2Kkkc [sage] 2006/07/30(日) 16:03:22 ID:Cwh6Szby >>123 >>Deleter cannot do the deletion that makes the infringement of right and the law. So, your meaning is that a deleter does not need to follow the law when he/she judges a deletion, but he/she must follow only a deletion policy. The reason is because he/she is not a professional lawyer, and he/she has a legal risk since Jim is not in Japan. Is this your intention? What kind of a legal risk we have? Could you give me an example? http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/124
125: ◆yzY8OufLJI [sage] 2006/07/30(日) 17:02:45 ID:lwOJyOIw >◆IZUMI162i6 >◆MARY/2Kkkc Please look at two Res of >>65 and >>73. I think that the grinding match of the aspect as the American of Mr. jim and the Japanese by the user and the aspect is necessary for the guideline and knowing BBSPINK. And, I think that the guideline should receive the examination by the specialist as Mr. MUMUMU is proposing it. How about this proposal? (in Japanese) お二人さん。 >>65と>>73の2つのレスを見て下さい。 私は、BBSPINKのガイドライン、および心得はjimさんのアメリカ人としての視点と ユーザによる日本人と視点の摺り合わせが必要と思います。 そして、MUMUMUさんが提案している通り、そのガイドラインは専門家による審査を 受ける必要があると思います。 この提案は如何でしょうか? http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/125
126: ◆uRW6KoTaRo [sage] 2006/07/30(日) 17:13:02 ID:xCdAaSRA Let's talk with Mr.Jim here. Let's talk without Mr.Jim there. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/126
127: ◆IZUMI162i6 [sage] 2006/07/30(日) 17:21:04 ID:H0sTRxna BE:5669892-DIA(30001) > So, your meaning is that a deleter does not need to follow the law > when he/she judges a deletion No. I think Deleter must not follow the law. All Japanese have to correspond to the infringement of right if it is possible. If Deleter can do a legal judgment as the site, Deleter will not be able to escape the obligation. Example ***************************************************************** Dear BBSPINK, This is IZUMI from IZUMI Corp in Japan. Delete the following messages. http://pie.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/xxxxxxxxxx/119-121 http://pie.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/xxxxxxxxxx/123 Your site damages our honor. delete it immediately. Best regards, ***************************************************************** The message might be a justifiable criticism. However, you are hesitating in whether it is a justifiable criticism or an infringement of right. Can you judge "Do not delete it" for this request? And, can you say to other Deleter, "Please have the danger"? http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/127
128: ◆uRW6KoTaRo [sage] 2006/07/30(日) 17:39:05 ID:xCdAaSRA The legal risk may cause illegal risk. For example,violence,intimidation,extortion and so on. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/128
129: 名無し編集部員 [sage] 2006/07/30(日) 18:25:41 ID:qBjw+O7q For instance,he/she refuses the deletion of >>127 RE:IZUMI of IZUMI;co 「I claimed "you" should delete. The reason is a violation of the law. However, the deletion was refused. I want to pursue this responsibility. 」 at this time D:「i do not have a knowledge of law. And i am not a lawyer. Therefore, i am not being given the authority to do a legal judgment by the owner. Only the owner has this power. It is clearly shown in http://pie.bbspink.com/xxx/」 I think that he/she should be able to insist like this. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/129
130: ◆MARY/2Kkkc [sage] 2006/07/30(日) 18:28:21 ID:Cwh6Szby >>125 I am not sure about it, but I do not think it is a big problem, because I could find many web site in Japan says only "not to enter under 18 years old". >>127 Thank you for your explanation and an example. I still do not understand this part why is it? "If Deleter can do a legal judgment as the site, Deleter will not be able to escape the obligation." >The message might be a justifiable criticism. >However, you are hesitating in whether it is a justifiable criticism or an infringement of right. >Can you judge "Do not delete it" for this request? >And, can you say to other Deleter, "Please have the danger"? If the deleter is not sure, then he/she can ask a leader. If the leader is not sure, then he/she can ask Jim. If Jim does not delete it, then Jim gets a plaint. The volunteer has no legal risk, here. >>128 Very good point, Kotaro-san. To avoid both the legal risk and illegal risk, I suggest one volunteer obligation. * An official volunteer must keep secret on the public about his/her contact address. Otherwise, Jim can not prevent from someone sending a volunteer a plaint. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/130
131: ◆IZUMI162i6 [sage] 2006/07/30(日) 20:21:25 ID:H0sTRxna BE:1890432-DIA(30001) >>130 If deleter can stop the infringement of right as the Japanese people. Hesitating might be no problem. If Deleter judges, "I leave this message", the risk is generated. So, Deleter will be not able to do the judgment that leaves the message. Therefore, I ask you again. Can you judge "Do not delete it" for this request? And, can you say to other Deleter, "Please have the danger"? http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/131
132: 名無し編集部員 [sage] 2006/07/30(日) 20:37:40 ID:H0sTRxna BE:11340094-DIA(30001) なんか文が切れてるぞ。 The law demands to stop the infringement of right. If deleter can stop the infringement of right as the Japanese people. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/132
133: ◆MARY/2Kkkc [sage] 2006/07/30(日) 21:54:19 ID:Cwh6Szby >>131-132 Now, finally, I think I got your intention. I was impressed for your consideration. So, you think a risk is generated when a deleter recognizes a writing has a violation. I think that a risk is not generated yet, when a deleter find a writing and he does not recognizes a violation, even if it has a violation. So, he has to delete when he is sure about a violation, but he can leave it when he is not sure. >Can you judge "Do not delete it" for this request? Yes, I can leave a posting, when I do not recognize it has a violation. >And, can you say to other Deleter, "Please have the danger"? No, I cannot say it. I allow them to delete anytime when they recognize a violation. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/133
134: ◆uRW6KoTaRo [sage] 2006/07/30(日) 22:57:12 ID:K29cIdod MARYさんは日本語できない人なの? IZUMIさんは英語では細かいニュアンスが伝えられないようなので、 日本語できる人相手に英語で議論するのは全く無駄な事です。 IZUMIさんは他スレに日本語で色々細かい所も書いているので、 MARYさんはそれを読んでみて、必要があれば日本語で議論してみて、 その結果を、Jimさん向けにここに英語で書けばいいと思います。 http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/134
135: 名無し編集部員 [sage] 2006/07/30(日) 23:32:31 ID:qBjw+O7q >>134 They(we) might be better speak in English as in detail as possible. I think that JIM should be able to trace the discussion later. of course,the discussion have to be done by using Japanese in another place,too. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/135
136: 名無し編集部員 [sage] 2006/07/30(日) 23:35:48 ID:qBjw+O7q >>134 あ、申し訳ない。 >>135は誤読して書いてしまった・・・。 すみません。 >>134 i think so too. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/136
137: ◆IZUMI162i6 [sage] 2006/07/30(日) 23:45:02 ID:H0sTRxna BE:4725735-DIA(30001) >>134 あぁ、なるほど。さんくです。そういやそうですね。 いや、なんかこういう議論とか経緯とかも見せることでJimさんに 現状の問題とかふいんきとかを掴んでもらう作戦なのかなとか思ってますたが 自分がそんなん書いても微妙極まりなく・・・。 http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/137
138: ◆MARY/2Kkkc [sage] 2006/07/31(月) 00:27:21 ID:qZWZpCUB >>134 Jim-san must know our personality to build trust, not only understanding each idea. The conversation above helps Jim-san to understand IZUMI-san's personality, including his deep consideration, strong patient, maturely. I think it is more valuable than we talk without Jim-san's eyes. It was a reason I used this sled. I close this conversation, although I am sorry before seeing his flexibility. I believe he has it. >>137 Thank you for your conversation. I touched your mind and I enjoyed it, today. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/138
139: 名無し編集部員 [sage] 2006/07/31(月) 01:41:53 ID:AhaSbDiA 日本語と英語両方で書いてくれると、細かいニュアンスも伝わって、誤訳があれば指摘してもらえて、Jimさんにも話の流れが伝わって、いいと思うが。 http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/139
140: 名無し編集部員 [sage] 2006/07/31(月) 02:10:24 ID:EyEureBX >>139 says: For Japanese speakers who post comments only with English: I think it would be better to post comment with both Japanese and English. Japanese people would be able to feel fine nuance from original text, and if there are mistakes in translated text, people could figure out it and can correct it. Of course, English-translated text could help Jim-sam to understand course of story. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/140
141: 名無し編集部員 [sage] 2006/07/31(月) 02:47:29 ID:t2Q17nWZ PINKの削除依頼板&削除心得。。。2 http://pie.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153824407/445 から以降、責任問題について深く議論中 誰かJIM氏用に訳してくれまいか? http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/141
142: 名無し編集部員 [sage] 2006/07/31(月) 08:06:41 ID:fhlWFsZO ちゃろ ★とか桃色吐息 ★が、自分達の判断で★発行したり、板止めたり、設定変更してるから、リーダーは彼等のどちらかみたいだよ。 http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/142
143: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys [] 2006/07/31(月) 12:59:06 ID:laeG3rQ4 I am back, what a long strange trip it has been. I would have been online yesterday but I was caught up in a flood in the Philippines. Let me read what has happened now and then I will start answering people. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/143
144: ◆MARY/2Kkkc [sage] 2006/07/31(月) 13:26:21 ID:qZWZpCUB Following people are offering to become volunteers. ◆YassyNGhTM (>>80) ◆IG7FqGWJqU (>>82) エボラ ◆172VC7723I (>>83) ◆NerINe83fk (>>85) 龍 ◆0RbUzIT0To (>>88) halc/cyan ◆duswpnLeMU (>>116) http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/144
145: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys [] 2006/07/31(月) 13:35:29 ID:laeG3rQ4 volunteer update ◆IRAIaaV18I ◆DQN/9/VVV. ◆uRW6KoTaRo ◆IZUMI162i6 ◆sacrifyqG ◆79EROOYuCc koro ◆8j1enTAicY ◆MOMOwomoIk ◆MARY/2Kkkc. ありす ◆Alice7XIII ◆3X1b8VAs/E ◆yzY8OufLJI ◆TECHCS.zfQ イレイザーラモンHG ◆HG/Ok.YX3U ◆YassyNGhTM ◆IG7FqGWJqU Techcs ◆TECHCS.zfQ エボラ ◆172VC7723I ◆NerINe83fk 龍 ◆0RbUzIT0To halc/cyan ◆duswpnLeMU http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/145
146: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys [] 2006/07/31(月) 13:41:18 ID:laeG3rQ4 >>91 >>92 I am thinking leader should have the position for 1 year and next election next year. My thought on no resignation is this. Volunteers can resign anytime they want to, they are under no obligation. Leader is elected position, and is for 1 year. Since it is anonymous election, nobody would really know the offline person that is elected. So it would be on your honor to help make the new election for next new leader if you can not stay for 1 year. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/146
147: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys [] 2006/07/31(月) 13:44:50 ID:laeG3rQ4 >>96 Volunteers may come and go as they please. There is no obligation. Lets use the system comfortably, and have fun. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/147
148: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys [] 2006/07/31(月) 13:55:49 ID:laeG3rQ4 >>109 >>111 Tubo is great! This is tubo http://tubo.80.kg/ It is pronounced Turbo in english with the R sound. so tubo is better for Japanese I think. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/148
149: 名無し編集部員 [sage] 2006/07/31(月) 14:12:04 ID:dTzQ3wKq Mr.jim, How is it thought about the responsibility? For instance, to the lawsuit because of the outside. (The volunteer doesn't assume the responsibility in two channels. ) http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/149
150: 名無し編集部員 [] 2006/07/31(月) 14:32:03 ID:hi8HcAsn ヽ(`Д´)ノ bokki-age http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/150
151: 名無し編集部員 [sage] 2006/07/31(月) 14:38:31 ID:Sb043K9s Jim hello. I depend on machine translation. A Japanese law is revised. I think that there is a problem in "http://test.up.bbspink.com/upload.php". When an illegal image was uploaded, bbspink is brought into question directly by 1, uploader of bbspink. It is different from a note of url of a bulletin board Because 2, a bbspink bulletin board do not suffer from a site to offer an obscene image falling under a Japanese law to, I think that it is the method that is not good that treat an image in a bbspink domain. 3, anyone can make a page letting you think that you prepared of bbspink. Confusion happens thereby. http://test.up.bbspink.com/filestore/pinkbe.html This is a made example. There is little demand for "http://test.up.bbspink.com/upload.php". I wish that I want use to stop. Even if there is not uploader, there can be a bbspink bulletin board. I am concerned about problem outbreak by uploader in bbspink. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/151
152: ありす ◆Alice7XIII [sage] 2006/07/31(月) 14:48:39 ID:f9ABvoJM There are two questions in Jim_san. Responsibility of the person that the first deletes it is a thing to where. IZUMI_san is the same as it being asked you a question in res. It is asked so a court of law responsibility about deletion in 2ch, and I do not intend to appear. The second is a question about a leader. A leader manages an account of other members. I mean as for it namely that I obtain personal information of other members. A deletion account and personal e-mail address. A leader seems to be a - turn to totally clean, and, as for me, there is resistance in what - changes in one year. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/152
153: ありす ◆Alice7XIII [sage] 2006/07/31(月) 14:53:10 ID:f9ABvoJM ヽ(`Д´)ノ ウワァァァン! I feel like being machine translation tatters. . . . My English is strange http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/153
154: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys [] 2006/07/31(月) 15:05:36 ID:laeG3rQ4 Maybe I am making a mistake on asking for a 1 year office? http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/154
155: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys [] 2006/07/31(月) 15:13:14 ID:laeG3rQ4 I was going to answer each question individually but so many are basically the repeated question of who is responsible. Let me answer. I am completely responsible for bbspink. Nobody else has any legal liability with it. deleters are volunteers, and are not to be known publicly. personal information will not be collected If there is personal information it will be kept in the USA, and only I will have access to it. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/155
156: ひろゆき [] 2006/07/31(月) 15:22:05 ID:Y006qBKU You's better tell the users: Why you chose the vote? What you want the leader do exactly? http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/156
157: ひろゆき [] 2006/07/31(月) 15:23:18 ID:Y006qBKU I mean 'You'd' http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/157
158: 名無し編集部員 [sage] 2006/07/31(月) 15:25:38 ID:/1gCMBK/ Dear Mr Jim. I'm one of the user of bbs pink. My U.S.E is poor, But I try to be bridge. That's point is important for everyone, Mr jim. The Volunteer would like to know the most basic decision of the structure. "Who will take the legal accountability?" Court already adjudicated, "bulletin board manager owes legal accountability". Concretely, - Defamation, violation of Goodwill. - about Compensation for damages. The Volunteer is not manager, Ofcourse. The Volunteer is not some part of the management. That's why, The Volunteer will not able to take the responsibility, specially about legal accountability. The volunteer only deletes the case with the breach of rules like the machine. The manager judges the deletion request that reason is illegal. It is necessary to post it officially. General's word will move a lot of volunteers. like a military forces. and, The Volunteer worries about leader knows to another volunteer's privacy. basicly, -Leak of official secrets- Could you think about it please. All the best http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/158
159: ありす ◆Alice7XIII [sage] 2006/07/31(月) 15:25:55 ID:f9ABvoJM Does Jim_san perform setting of a deletion script and setting of a deletion account? For the staff who cannot speak English, as for it, I think to become a slightly difficult problem. There is the reason why we request a leader of a deletion person there. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/159
160: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ [] 2006/07/31(月) 15:26:28 ID:??? >>156 Leader will organize the deleters. I want to have the vote because we have had two nominations for leader, and then we can begin to work on the task at hand. Leader will also be anonymous and I will take complete responsibility for bbspink. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/160
161: 名無し編集部員 [sage] 2006/07/31(月) 15:28:58 ID:z+B1VhFz I recommend ◆ 79EROOYuCc to a leader. Because she can mediate between Jim and a volunteer by English. I think that she approaches a bulletin board to think of of Jim than a person showing the leadership. Besides, she can go out with you in "デンパ". Her circumstances can become a volunteer and a cushion between Jim. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/161
162: ひろゆき [] 2006/07/31(月) 15:30:29 ID:Y006qBKU >>160 Are leader obligated to do something? http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/162
163: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ [] 2006/07/31(月) 15:32:56 ID:??? >>162 The leader has no obligation to do anything. It is only a matter of convenience and wanting to do something for the community that will motivate the leader. I am hoping that our deletion leader is someone that wants to help. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/163
164: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ [] 2006/07/31(月) 15:39:27 ID:??? Deletion leader nominations have already been closed. There is a voting link here. please vote. http://shibuya.v.la/test/r.i/etc100/1154322056/ http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/164
165: 名無し編集部員 [sage] 2006/07/31(月) 15:39:55 ID:1pRPOYh0 リーダーはなになくていいってさ。 ひろゆこを推薦すればいい流れ? I recommend Hiroyuki to a leader. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/165
166: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI @桃色吐息 ★ [sage] 2006/07/31(月) 15:42:09 ID:??? BE:3192375-PLT(13231) >>162 Hiroyuki-san, Just I made a cap handle for you. This handle is "ひろゆき ★", not "どうやら管理人 ★", because you are not an administrator of bbspink. But its password is the same as "どうやら管理人 ★" in 2ch. So, now you can use it here for authenticating yourself. As you know, currently the BE system does not work in bbspink, so, I recommend you would use the cap handle for preventing the forgery of your important writing. -- Mumumu http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/166
167: イレイザーラモンHG ◆HG/Ok.YX3U [sage] 2006/07/31(月) 15:43:22 ID:TJ1HG7UN 機械翻訳なので内容が正確に伝わらないかも知れませんが書いてみます。 ジムさんならびにこのスレを利用されている皆さんこんにちは。HGです。 今日はこちらのスレッドを削除ツールの誤操作で間違えて削除してしまいました。 突然の事でびっくりした人も沢山いらっしゃると思います。 皆さんにご迷惑をおかけして申し訳ございませんでした。すみません。 今後はこのような失敗をしないよう、これまで以上に慎重に慎重に作業していきます。 Because it is machine translation, contents may not come precisely, but try to write it. All of you hello that it is used Jim and this thread. It is HG. I have deleted a thread of this place by false operation of a deletion tool by mistake today. I think that a lot of people surprised at a sudden thing come. I am sorry to trouble all of you. I'm sorry. I will carry out such an activity carefully more carefully in future not to fail. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/167
168: ひろゆき@ひろゆき ★ [] 2006/07/31(月) 15:48:25 ID:??? test http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/168
169: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI @桃色吐息 ★ [sage] 2006/07/31(月) 15:51:02 ID:??? BE:1915373-PLT(13231) >>168 Thank you. I copied the cap to all bbspink BBS servers. (pie, idol, sakura01-03). So, you can use this for your important writing in bbspink. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/169
170: ◆MARY/2Kkkc [sage] 2006/07/31(月) 15:55:28 ID:qZWZpCUB >>164 Good job, Jim-san. When are you going to close the vote? I want to wait for voting until hearing their final mind whether they want to be a leader or not. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/170
171: 名無し編集部員 [sage] 2006/07/31(月) 15:58:23 ID:1pRPOYh0 BE:307158454-2BP(0) >>164 Jim-san Is it the specification which cannot be voted from PC? PCから投票出来ないのは仕様ですか? http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/171
172: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI @桃色吐息 ★ [sage] 2006/07/31(月) 16:29:34 ID:??? BE:730324-PLT(13231) To: all; And I have an wish about the previous thread of this. The current 2ch/bbspink system, the 1000-reached threads are archived to the pastlog storage. As you know, the pastlog archive can read by '●' (oyster) system by using 2ch browsers, but currently, oyster system does not support for standard web browsers, typically IE and Firefox, etc. So, I think the previous thread should be archived and HTML-nized on some other place for publishing and referencing our important discussion. Could someone undertake this? -- Mumumu P.S. I think this page should be written in both English and Japanese, because Jim-san would refer it. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/172
173: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI @桃色吐息 ★ [sage] 2006/07/31(月) 16:36:13 ID:??? BE:4104195-PLT(13231) >>172 > As you know, the pastlog archive can read by '●' (oyster) system by using > 2ch browsers should be: As you know, the pastlog archive can be read by '●' (oyster) system by using 2ch browsers Sorry. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/173
174: ◆MARY/2Kkkc [sage] 2006/07/31(月) 16:48:18 ID:qZWZpCUB >>172 I undertake it. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/174
175: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI @桃色吐息 ★ [sage] 2006/07/31(月) 16:49:53 ID:??? BE:1368353-PLT(13231) >>174 Thank you. Please do it and show URL here when you've done. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/175
176: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ [] 2006/07/31(月) 17:13:51 ID:??? >>167 I am sorry for the inconvenience. It is the only Japanese voting site I knew. Don`t most people have cellphone in Japan now? Please vote anyway domo wazawaza sumi-masen http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/176
177: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ [] 2006/07/31(月) 17:16:07 ID:??? >>174 Thank you Mary http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/177
178: 名無し編集部員 [sage] 2006/07/31(月) 17:26:48 ID:gH4Esac5 BE:96653077-2BP(1) ここにあるみたいだよー? http://kintubo.kakiko.com/pinkbbs/kako/kakolog.html previous thread: Let's talk with Jim-san http://kintubo.kakiko.com/pinkbbs/kako/1083466372.html http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/178
179: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ [] 2006/07/31(月) 17:29:20 ID:??? OK, lets vote here too. http://tubo000.ninki.net/idol/ero/erobbs/index.html you can access this through tubo http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/179
180: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI @桃色吐息 ★ [sage] 2006/07/31(月) 17:32:05 ID:??? BE:2189838-PLT(13231) >>178 Oh, it's good. Thank you for your pointing. But Mary-san, you can make your own pastlog archive for getting diversity. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/180
181: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ [] 2006/07/31(月) 17:41:13 ID:??? >>178 thank you.I bookmarked it. Lots of good memories http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/181
182: ◆MARY/2Kkkc [sage] 2006/07/31(月) 17:47:24 ID:qZWZpCUB >>178 Oh, thank you very much to telling it. >>177 No problem, anytime. I don't make the page since there is already here. >>178 http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/182
183: ◆MARY/2Kkkc [sage] 2006/07/31(月) 18:15:47 ID:qZWZpCUB (The announcement in Japanese about the vote) Jim-san says PINK削除人リーダー投票のアドレスです。投票しましょう。 http://shibuya.v.la/test/r.i/etc100/1154322056/ http://tubo000.ninki.net/idol/ero/erobbs/index.html 下は壺を通して投票できます。 http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/183
184: ◆MARY/2Kkkc [sage] 2006/07/31(月) 18:57:27 ID:qZWZpCUB (Jim-san's words in Japanese) ジムさんの意図と思われる訳をしますが、間違っている箇所がありましたらご指摘ください。 155 名前:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys [] 投稿日:2006/07/31(月) 15:13:14 ID:laeG3rQ4 I was going to answer each question individually but so many are basically the repeated question of who is responsible. Let me answer. I am completely responsible for bbspink. Nobody else has any legal liability with it. deleters are volunteers, and are not to be known publicly. personal information will not be collected If there is personal information it will be kept in the USA, and only I will have access to it. 私は各質問に答えるつもりでしたが、基本的に"誰が責任者なのか"という多数の同じ質問の繰り返しでした。 それにお答えします。 私はBBSPINKにおける全ての責任を負います。 私以外の誰も、いかなる法的な責任を負うことがありません。 削除人は有志であり、公に知らされません。 個人情報は集められません。 もし個人情報が保管されるときは、それは合衆国内にあり、私ただ一人だけがそれにアクセスします。 http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/184
185: ◆MARY/2Kkkc [sage] 2006/07/31(月) 18:59:08 ID:qZWZpCUB 160 名前:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★[] 投稿日:2006/07/31(月) 15:26:28 ID:??? >>156 Leader will organize the deleters. I want to have the vote because we have had two nominations for leader, and then we can begin to work on the task at hand. Leader will also be anonymous and I will take complete responsibility for bbspink. リーダーは削除人を編制します。 2人の候補者がいるので、私は投票を行いたいと思います。 そして、私達はat handで仕事を始めることができます。(?) リーダーも同様にanonymouseであり、私が完全にBBSPINKにおける責任を持ちます。 163 名前:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★[] 投稿日:2006/07/31(月) 15:32:56 ID:??? >>162 The leader has no obligation to do anything. It is only a matter of convenience and wanting to do something for the community that will motivate the leader. I am hoping that our deletion leader is someone that wants to help. リーダーには何の義務もありません。 それは単に便宜上であり、共同体に要求されるものであり、それがリーダーの動機となることでしょう。(?) 私は我々の削除リーダーが、奉仕精神を持つ方であることを望んでいます。 http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/185
186: 名無し編集部員 [sage] 2006/07/31(月) 19:05:56 ID:OHvXDKAP I think that I had better pay attention to a reply of Jim_san, IZUMI_san and TORU_san. My doubt. Is not there it whether you may be made to take responsibility because a deletion person does not delete a request? What is work of a leader of a deletion person? http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/186
187: 名無し編集部員 [sage] 2006/07/31(月) 19:07:49 ID:OHvXDKAP (in Japanese) 訳するスレがあるんだから、訳はそっちへ張ったほうがいいんじゃないか。 http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/187
188: 龍 ◆0RbUzIT0To @いちごぴんく ★ [sage] 2006/07/31(月) 20:11:10 ID:??? Jim-san Handlename is changed. 龍 ◆0RbUzIT0To→苺 ◆BladeyqILk http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/188
189: 苺 ◆BladeyqILk @いちごぴんく ★ [sage] 2006/07/31(月) 20:21:42 ID:??? And black star mark(★) was gotten from Mr. mumumu. therefore The volunteer does as long as time forgives. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/189
190: ◆IZUMI162i6 [sage] 2006/07/31(月) 22:48:54 ID:6jywh39I BE:19845397-DIA(30001) I propose the faction system. My judgment is not perfect. I need person who does an idea different from me. I still hope some leaders exist. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/190
191: ◆DQN/9/VVV. [sage] 2006/08/01(火) 00:02:01 ID:t1PnSMrl Dear Jim-san I'm sorry for delay of introduce myself. My name is ◆DQN/9/VVV. I am honored to place the name in a line as a volunteer. I also rely on the machine translation.Please forgive the thing. I should apologize.Because I made a mistake. I committed an offense a little while ago. I have deleted writing that should not be deleted. Url is the this. http://sakura02.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/kageki2/1134884383/100 The writing is being restored now. I was a stripling yet yet.... It reflects deeply.sorry....orz http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/191
192: ◆NerINe83fk [sage] 2006/08/01(火) 00:56:53 ID:FFf3Og6x >>145 Thank you. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/192
193: ◆/zZzZz/POE [sage] 2006/08/01(火) 03:38:18 ID:49fdB7/k Dear Jim-san Will you do me a favor. Because you expressed the situation of "deleter" I just think that I want to support you in the situation of "deleter". Is it still in time? I am the general user of PINKBBS. Then, I don't belong to the volunteer of "2ch". I don't often understand but I try to study. Thanks and Best regards. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/193
194: 名無し編集部員 [sage] 2006/08/01(火) 04:01:26 ID:+a0wVnwf Because the performance of the English translation tool is low, it is not possible to read. ><; http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/194
195: ◆IZUMIXFK1. [sage] 2006/08/01(火) 08:50:29 ID:2ZcBMKQM 全責任が誰にあるかではなくて、日本国民の義務を回避するには?って伝えたいんだが・・。 しかし、投票で決めたら匿名じやなくてトオルでも漏れでも誰がリーダーかバレバレじゃないか? http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/195
196: 名無し編集部員 [sage] 2006/08/01(火) 09:07:37 ID:CX21uNLC BE:368589683-2BP(10) 日本国民の義務って? 「決められた削除GLに則って、淡々と削除する削除人が円滑に削除活動を行えるように、皆をまとめる削除人のリーダー」であって、運営とか法解釈とかの判断はしないんだし、そういうのは華麗にそれをやってみせた、むむむとかちゃろにまかせとけばいいじゃん。 http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/196
197: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys [] 2006/08/01(火) 12:39:14 ID:uSD7rbmD volunteer update ◆IRAIaaV18I ◆DQN/9/VVV. ◆uRW6KoTaRo ◆IZUMI162i6 ◆sacrifyqG ◆79EROOYuCc koro ◆8j1enTAicY ◆MOMOwomoIk ◆MARY/2Kkkc. ありす ◆Alice7XIII ◆3X1b8VAs/E ◆yzY8OufLJI ◆TECHCS.zfQ イレイザーラモンHG ◆HG/Ok.YX3U ◆YassyNGhTM ◆IG7FqGWJqU Techcs ◆TECHCS.zfQ エボラ ◆172VC7723I ◆NerINe83fk 龍 ◆0RbUzIT0To halc/cyan ◆duswpnLeMU 苺 ◆BladeyqILk @いちごぴんく ★ ◆/zZzZz/POE http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/197
198: koro ◆8j1enTAicY @ころpink ★ [sage] 2006/08/01(火) 13:44:19 ID:??? Dear Jim-san "龍 ◆0RbUzIT0To" = "苺 ◆BladeyqILk @いちごぴんく ★" >>188-189 Please remove "龍 ◆0RbUzIT0To" from the volunteer list. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/198
199: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys [] 2006/08/01(火) 13:52:22 ID:uSD7rbmD volunteer update ◆IRAIaaV18I ◆DQN/9/VVV. ◆uRW6KoTaRo ◆IZUMI162i6 ◆sacrifyqG ◆79EROOYuCc koro ◆8j1enTAicY ◆MOMOwomoIk ◆MARY/2Kkkc. ありす ◆Alice7XIII ◆3X1b8VAs/E ◆yzY8OufLJI ◆TECHCS.zfQ イレイザーラモンHG ◆HG/Ok.YX3U ◆YassyNGhTM ◆IG7FqGWJqU Techcs ◆TECHCS.zfQ エボラ ◆172VC7723I ◆NerINe83fk halc/cyan ◆duswpnLeMU 苺 ◆BladeyqILk @いちごぴんく ★ ◆/zZzZz/POE http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/199
200: ◆MARY/2Kkkc [sage] 2006/08/01(火) 14:04:38 ID:Z+oGajBX Hi, Jim-san. How are you, today? Is there anything you want to talk about until the vote closed? http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/200
201: ◆79EROOYuCc [sage] 2006/08/01(火) 14:10:12 ID:4Cm9c52j BBS PINK削除ガイドライン検討スレッド3 http://pie.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1154144676/29 translation; Is Jim-san going to make his own guide line? I think he says so. do you guys forget about that? http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/201
202: ◆IZUMIXFK1. [sage] 2006/08/01(火) 16:42:40 ID:2ZcBMKQM Does TORU-san say "I will be leader"? http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/202
203: megaman [sage] 2006/08/01(火) 16:47:31 ID:ROYmfdsm I can't become a leader, but I can become a bubble leader. First, you should crock bubbleman to become it. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/203
204: 名無し編集部員 [sage] 2006/08/01(火) 17:02:18 ID:6JNbW0gb BE:35504892-2BP(1) Jim-san, If someone requests the deletion for the reasons for defamation, what should deleters do? Can Deleters judge it is defamation or not? Or does Jim-san do it? もし名誉毀損とかの削除依頼があったら削除人はどうすればいい? 削除人が判断してもいい? それともJimさんが判断する? http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/204
205: 名無し編集部員 [sage] 2006/08/01(火) 18:37:02 ID:PUfOnfBc 削除人が判断したら責任が発生しちゃいますよん。 告訴されて裁判受けなきゃならん類の責任が。 http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/205
206: 名無し編集部員 [sage] 2006/08/01(火) 20:40:18 ID:W5+tTLgI そんなときの管理人裁定のような気が。日本語ですまん http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/206
207: ◆IZUMIXFK1. [sage] 2006/08/01(火) 21:33:41 ID:2ZcBMKQM Jim-san, Can I make KOKOROE between BBSPINK and Deleter that I assign? http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/207
208: ◆IZUMIXFK1. [sage] 2006/08/01(火) 21:36:09 ID:2ZcBMKQM If I can it, I can be leader. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/208
209: 名無し編集部員 [sage] 2006/08/01(火) 22:02:56 ID:1pF5omxb I choose izumi-san. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/209
210: 名無し編集部員 [sage] 2006/08/02(水) 01:54:07 ID:zEmhxqLM 中間発表 http://shibuya.v.la/test/r.i/etc100/1154322056/ [1]◆IZUMI162i6 67票(51%) [2]◆ZFz/q7JaS6 @TORU ★ 63票(48%) http://tubo000.ninki.net/idol/ero/erobbs/index.html 1 ◆IZUMI162i6 2 2 ◆ZFz/q7JaS6 @TORU ★ 0 http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/210
211: ◆MARY/2Kkkc [sage] 2006/08/02(水) 03:14:28 ID:yFmhmsds >>207 Great, Izumi-san. Could you explain what kind of KOKOROE you want to assign, and give me a reason? http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/211
212: 名無し編集部員 [sage] 2006/08/02(水) 05:14:53 ID:ExLgUr+G Jim-san, There is a thread to exchange child porno on a bbbspink bulletin board. Do you think that a deletion person should delete the thread? http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/212
213: ◆IZUMI162i6 [sage] 2006/08/02(水) 05:21:35 ID:tlaUhxB1 BE:1260522-DIA(30001) >>211 (In Japanese) ●削除人とは ・削除人とは限定された条件でのみ任意に削除してもよい権利を与えられた利用者です。 ・削除人とは掲示板利用者の交流を守るために存在します。削除によって利用者の交流を妨げないよう配慮してください。 ●制限 ・削除人はガイドライン及びローカルルールで指定された対象しか削除してはなりません。 ただし、管理者の裁定及び判断は全ての制限よりも優先されます。 ・削除人はキャップ漏れ以外の理由で自身の発言を削除してはなりません。 ・削除人は削除すべきか迷った投稿を削除してはなりません。 ・削除人はガイドライン及びローカルルール上の誹謗中傷の項等権利侵害への配慮により 削除対象と指定されたを根拠に削除を行えますが、 これBBSPINKの自主規制的なものであり 法律に基づいたものではありません。 法律を根拠にした権利侵害の削除依頼について削除人は判断してはなりません。 それはJim氏にのみ判断する権利があります。 ・削除人がガイドラインで指定されていない対象を削除した場合、 処理理由についてリーダー及びJim氏に対して説明する義務を負います。 処理理由の説明については削除議論板等にて公開される可能性があります。 ・削除人は削除権に伴う自身のアカウントを管理する義務を負います。 ・削除人は削除スクリプトに関連した情報や運営に関する情報について守秘義務を負います。 ・削除人は削除行為について物品及び金銭の授受を行ってはなりません。 ●削除権 ・削除権とは限定された範囲で任意に削除を行う権利であり行使しない自由があります。 ・削除権の行使は削除依頼の有無に依存しません。依頼は対象を知るきっかけであって一切の権利を制限しません。 ・削除人は削除権の行使について管理人に対しKOKOROEに基づいた責任を負います。 ・削除人は任意のタイミングで削除権を返却することが出来ます。 ・削除人は「制限」を逸脱した場合、削除権を強制的に返却してもらうことがあります。 ●必要事項 ・削除人は連絡の取れるメールアドレスを保持する必要があります。 ・削除人は定期的(期間どうするよ?)に指定された周知(ML?)の内容を確認する必要があります。 ・削除人が「必要事項」を満たせなくなる場合は事前に報告する必要があります。 また、その間削除を行ってはなりません。 ●お願い ・削除人は削除依頼に対して処理の報告をしてくれるのが好ましいです。 ・削除人は自身の個人情報について外部に出さぬよう注意するのが好ましいです。 ・削除人は自身の削除に関する行為について問題や疑問が発生した際、報告をするのが好ましいです。 ●合意について ・KOKOROEの内容は適宜変更されることがあります。その際1週間(?)の周知期間を設けますので 条件等について意見がある、もしくは合意できなくなる場合はご連絡ください。 とかやっつけで書いて見たが。英語は途中で面倒になったので誰かボスケテ。 また、必要な項目とか修正案とかあったら言ってくれ。 http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/213
214: ◆MARY/2Kkkc [sage] 2006/08/02(水) 05:39:00 ID:yFmhmsds >>213 Could you give each KOKOROE the number for convenience? Moreover, could you give us the each reason why it is necessary? http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/214
215: ◆IZUMI162i6 [sage] 2006/08/02(水) 06:50:28 ID:tlaUhxB1 BE:11340094-DIA(30001) >>214 (In Japanese) 長いんで別んとこに置きました。 http://www.h4.dion.ne.jp/~eita/kokoroe.html 1-1, 1-2, 2-1, 2-4,3-1, 3-4 - 削除人のリスク回避のための項目 2chでは「ボランティアです」とあるが、曖昧なニュアンスを含むので利用者とした 削除人が判断しないことで発生するリスクをJim氏に預けるための表現もある 2-2, 2-3, 2-6, 2-7, 2-8, 3-2, 3-3,3-5 - 2chと同様の削除人条件、もしくはその明文化 4-1, 4-2, 4-3 - 周知フローの一元化、及び裁定等による緊急対応などの際の意識統一など情報流通の整備のための項目 2chではhelloとかが下から上への流れに使われているが、上からは多数あるスレの巡回で行ってるのを統一する目的 5-1, 5-2, 5-3 - 削除人がやってくれると嬉しい項目 6-1 - KOKOROEを法律や実際の運用において修正する必要が出てきたときに対応するための項目 2chではいつの間にか書き変わっている事があるが、削除人にはその変更のたびに意見を出したり リスクを見て削除人を辞めたり判断できる機会が必要だと思うので。 引き續き意見募集中。 http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/215
216: ◆MARY/2Kkkc [sage] 2006/08/02(水) 07:02:47 ID:yFmhmsds >>215 Okey, I am going to try to translate >>211 in English. Give me a time about an half of a day. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/216
217: ◆MARY/2Kkkc [sage] 2006/08/02(水) 08:48:09 ID:yFmhmsds To: IZUMI-san 2-6 削除人は削除権に伴う自身のアカウントを管理する義務を負います。 この「管理」の意図が不明確です。具体的にお願いします。 http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/217
218: 名無し編集部員 [sage] 2006/08/02(水) 08:49:20 ID:QKKereGU BE:460737656-2BP(10) 蓮割れしないようにとか、そういう意味の「管理」じゃね? http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/218
219: 名無し編集部員 [sage] 2006/08/02(水) 08:52:40 ID:NxoZTk2H >>217 (In Japanese) 削除人は、削除権を持つアカウント情報を、他者に漏洩してはなりません。 とかの方が英訳しやすいかな? http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/219
220: ◆MARY/2Kkkc [sage] 2006/08/02(水) 08:59:23 ID:yFmhmsds >>218,>>219 I got it. Thanks. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/220
221: 名無し編集部員 [sage] 2006/08/02(水) 09:58:13 ID:ea+rvBsK ねえ、心得スレでやった方がいいと思うけど なんでjimスレで修正や意見を出し合ってるの? スレ違いじゃね http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/221
222: ◆uRW6KoTaRo [sage] 2006/08/02(水) 10:44:47 ID:d4BpxzfM 何度言っても分からんのねこの人 http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/222
223: 名無し編集部員 [sage] 2006/08/02(水) 10:58:35 ID:s4nOiREG >>215-221 The deleter must not leak out own account for deletion under his control. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/223
224: 名無し編集部員 [sage] 2006/08/02(水) 11:07:55 ID:s4nOiREG >>223 PLZ REMOVE THE WORD >his>[NO NEED] or REPLACE his TO"one's" SORRY. :-( http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/224
225: ◆MARY/2Kkkc [sage] 2006/08/02(水) 12:55:43 ID:yFmhmsds To: Jim-san, These are IZUMI-san's ideas of "KOKOROE". http://www.h4.dion.ne.jp/~eita/kokoroe.html He is hoping to be a leader under this condition. The purposes of his ideas are to protect a deleter from a law risk, to avoid making a mistake, and to organize smoothly. A purpose of my translation is only that you to understand his ideas roughly. These rules have to be edited substantially and grammatically before issuing, if you use his ideas. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/225
226: ◆MARY/2Kkkc [sage] 2006/08/02(水) 12:56:14 ID:yFmhmsds (Please change "he" to "she" when it is necessary.) "KOKOROE", RULES OF DELETER ●1. WHAT IS A DELETER? 1. A deleter is a BBSPINK user who is given the right to delete only under the limited condition. 2. A deleter is being for protecting the user's smooth communication. Therefore, a deleter pays attention about not disturbing the user's communication on his work of deletion. ●2. A LIMIT OF WORK OF A DELETER 1. A deleter deletes only an object which is appointed on a deletion policy and a local rule; however, Jim's judgement is more than all rules. 2. A deleter does not delete his posting by himself except posting his cap information. 3. A deleter does not delete a posting when he is not sure a posting should be deleted or not. 4. A deleter deletes a posting of a rights abuse along a deletion policy and a local rule, but must not to do a judgement along a law. A deleter does not have a right to do a judgement it by a law, but only Jim has a right to judge it by a law. (A purpose is to protect a deleter from a law risk.) 5. If a deleter has deleted a posting which is not appointed on a deletion policy, he has to explain to Jim and a leader why he has done it. It may be opened on a thread of discussion of a deletion. 6. The deleter must not leak out own account information of deletion under one's control. 7. A deleter has to keep a secret about information of a script of deletion and information of administration. 8. A deleter must not get a thing or money for his work on deletion. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/226
227: ◆MARY/2Kkkc [sage] 2006/08/02(水) 12:56:53 ID:yFmhmsds ●3. A DELETER'S RIGHT OF DELETION 1. A deleter deletes a posting along a deletion policy, and also he has a right freely to leave a posting without deleting. 2. A request of deletion helps a deleter to find a posting, but also he has a right to delete without a request. 3. A deleter takes responsibility to Jim along the rules of deleter when he uses his right to delete. 4. A deleter is allowed to quit a work whenever he wants to. 5. A deleter may be forced to quit when he works beyond a limit of the rules. ●4. NECESSARY THINGS 1. A deleter needs to reserve an e-mail address for contact. 2. A deleter needs to check for new notes (Mailing List?) for deleters within a required period.(How long?) 3. A deleter has to report in advance when he cannot be on conditions of "Necessary Things". ●5. THINGS TO PLEASE DO IF POSSIBLE 1. A deleter please reports after deleting for a request, if it is possible. 2. A deleter please pays attention not to open on the public about his personal information, if it is possible. 3. A deleter please reports when he has a problem or a question on his work, if it is possible. ●6. ABOUT AN AGREEMENT 1. The rules of deleter may be changed sometimes. A deleter contacts Jim or a leader within a week(?) if he does not agree with the new rules. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/227
228: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [sage] 2006/08/02(水) 16:29:10 ID:KYblzdk8 Folks, I am trying translation Izumi-san's KOKOROE by using my spare time. This is completely my hobby and one of the trainings of my English skill. So it is like masturbating. :-) http://mumumu.mu/bbspink/tao-of-deleters.txt I think the KOKOROE is very good, so, I want to translate to English only for my motivation. Regards, http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/228
229: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [sage] 2006/08/02(水) 16:30:43 ID:KYblzdk8 But my work is very slow, so, please don't count on my translations. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/229
230: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [sage] 2006/08/02(水) 17:16:38 ID:KYblzdk8 I updated the translations to DRAFT-2. http://mumumu.mu/bbspink/tao-of-deleters.txt This is the English translations of >>214. Any comments are welcome. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/230
231: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [sage] 2006/08/02(水) 17:20:22 ID:KYblzdk8 (in Japanese) ということで適当に訳してみました。 あえて、硬い言い回しで訳しています。 あと、章立てを 1. 2. ... / 1.1 1.2 ... としてみました。 一部、意訳っぽいところも含まれています。 できるだけ文意が伝わるように訳してみたつもりですが、 たぶん突っ込みどころがいろいろあると思います。 そのへんは、随時ここにて。 http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/231
232: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [sage] 2006/08/02(水) 17:32:16 ID:KYblzdk8 I uploaded DRAFT-2.1. It includes slightly fixes. http://mumumu.mu/bbspink/tao-of-deleters.txt - their deletions. The explanations may publish in suitable + their deletions. The explanations may be published in suitable - 2.6 The deleters must administrate by themselves their deletion - account. + 2.6 The deleters must administrate in their good intentions their + deletion account by themselves. And I can't update my translation until tonight for my main job. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/232
233: ◆MARY/2Kkkc [sage] 2006/08/02(水) 17:40:22 ID:yFmhmsds >>232 What a beautiful and an academical writing, it is! I am sure that Jim-san will understand more deeply after reading your draft. I hope Jim-san likes KOKOROE. Otudesu. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/233
234: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [sage] 2006/08/02(水) 18:35:27 ID:KYblzdk8 BE:2919348-PLT(13231) >>233 Thank you. But as seen, the translation is still under constructing. I will continue translation by my spare time. And after I complete translation, I think it is one of the common resources of BBSPINK, and I wish Izumi-san maintains it, too. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/234
235: ◆ANALFUCKo6 [sage] 2006/08/02(水) 19:23:58 ID:5b4pELPu I would like to become a volunteer at BBSPINK. http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/235
236: ◆SELEN/.zg6 [sage] 2006/08/03(木) 21:13:52 ID:0dWbxtNu (In Japanese) >>213 質問があります。 削除権の行使は削除依頼の有無に依存しません。依頼は対象を知るきっかけであって一切の権利を制限しません。 一切の権利を制限しません、←この部分なのですが 削除依頼がされた投稿のみに削除権を行使できる、と言う事ではない、つまり「通りすがりでも削除できますよ」 と言う理解で宜しいでしょうか? ・削除人は削除行為について物品及び金銭の授受を行ってはなりません。 ←この一文に関してなのでが この場合の「金銭の授受」とは、いわゆる「削除行使」による「労働対価」を受け取っては成らない、と言う意味なのか、もしくは 「削除行為」に関して、「受託」を受け何らかの「恣意的行動」を行う、つまり「賄賂」による「不正な削除行為」に、関して言及されているのでしょうか? または、そのどちらの意味の含むのでしょうか? おたずねしたいと思います、 よろしければご回答下さい。 http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/236
237: koro ◆8j1enTAicY [sage] 2006/08/03(木) 21:56:57 ID:V1oOFxdd (In Japanese) >>213>>215>>236を以下のスレにも転載しました。 PINKの削除依頼板&削除心得。。。2 http://pie.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153824407/ http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/237
238: 名無し編集部員 [sage] 2006/08/04(金) 00:30:17 ID:CsgMTwsF Hello jim-san. I am suffering an illness. The sickness is epilepsy. It is not usually at all and is peaceful. Whether when and where the sickness occurs is not understood. It is necessary to take a rest all day long when the sickness occurs. In a word, it is not understood that it becomes impossible when to do the duty suddenly due to sickness. May even such man do the volunteer? http://mercury.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153928667/238
あと 599 レスあります