[過去ログ] Let's talk with Jim-san. Part2 (837レス)

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1: 2006/07/27(木) 00:44:27 ID:xvOcppW1(1)調 AAS
Let's talk with Jim-san , who is the manager of bbspink.com.
If you can write your questions or some other things in English,
please write them in English.

Since Jim-san is very kind,
so that in case you get spelling error,
or write in incorrect grammar,
he will be able to understand what you want to say.

Those who cannot understand English may write them in Japanese.
Accommodating persons will translate for you.



Jim-san cap handle.
Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★

A previous thread
Let's talk with Jim-san
2: 2006/07/27(木) 06:39:09 ID:ZhrxDW6T(1)調 AAS
2 is for me, thanx.
3: koro ◆8j1enTAicY 2006/07/27(木) 13:52:29 ID:kiGGVRZm(1/6)調 AAS
3 get age,
4: ◆MARY/2Kkkc 2006/07/27(木) 13:54:40 ID:JctHs/jL(1)調 AAS
Sexy Mary is here.
(2): koro ◆8j1enTAicY 2006/07/27(木) 14:03:05 ID:kiGGVRZm(2/6)調 AAS
Please read the link if you offer for it to become a volunteer. It is Japanese.

( in Japanese )
6: ◆IZUMIXFK1. 2006/07/27(木) 14:15:29 ID:xHKnzqqU(1)調 AAS
I understand.
7: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/07/27(木) 14:17:46 ID:YyMTfED7(1/6)調 AAS
volunteer update
koro ◆8j1enTAicY
ありす ◆Alice7XIII
Any complaints about the volunteers they must be made here, or on the next thread.
(2): ◆SELEN/.zg6 [age] 2006/07/27(木) 14:21:28 ID:wwlrEC0n(1/2)調 AAS
Politics of the world follows the place where the public opinion goes to, and be decided.

(in japanese)
Bnaki kouron ni kessu beshi.

Even if there will be any kind of circumstances, a principle does not change.

(in japanese)
原則は変わらない どんどん発言 遠慮はいらないでしょう。
9: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/07/27(木) 14:23:38 ID:YyMTfED7(2/6)調 AAS
Lets update our rules of deletion with the suggestions that have come in so far.
After we are done with this. lets compare to 2ch rules. in most cases we will follow those.
They are pretty good, and very long. Making me very sleepy everytime I read the translation I have.
So we will have both words, from that and deeds from the list we make here. What we actually do.

* Telephone numbers of private #3 style people should be deleted.
* email address that is for spam or that is being attacked should be deleted.
* urls that do not have anything to do with the conversation should be deleted.
* Multiple postings of same post to multiple boards.
* Postings from someone that is under the age of 18.
Mumumu-sans language is added, multiple, as in multiple orgasm is added. Cross, as in dressing is deleted.
(1): ◆ZFz/q7JaS6 @TORU ★ 2006/07/27(木) 14:32:08 ID:??? AAS
# なんか、おいら、Jimさんにとことん無視されてるんですが(汗)
# レスを読んでないのか、状況を分かってないのか、どっちなんだろう。。。


I'm not getting answer of questioning and asking from you.
If there isn't permission of you, my work isn't proceeded.

In that case, all volunteers will be not able to work, when coming time limit.

Please give me RIGHT to operate and construct of the deletion system.
I've the ability to do. I'm fit. I can become leader.
Please question Hiroyuki if you have some doubt in me.
Don't you think my doing those work to be pleasant?
I withdraw if you don't hope.




(2): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/07/27(木) 14:36:41 ID:YyMTfED7(3/6)調 AAS
>>8 What will we do if the politician has no principle?
The biggest concern for the safety of bbspink is from religious political groups
in the USA. To them their religion is above the law, and it is ok to break the law to further
their agenda. So the biggest concern I have in the deletion rules are that the threads and boards
are enjoyable by the majority of the users. We can't do anything if the religious groups in the US
take aim at us. It is probably very funny thinking for someone in Japan, but thatis my only worry.
Almost all words typed on this bbs are protected by the constitution of the US. Even though the typist
may be in Japan his words are stored in the US, and my principle mission is to protect them.
(2): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/07/27(木) 14:38:46 ID:YyMTfED7(4/6)調 AAS
>>10 Toru-san my problem is not understanding your questions. gomenasai.
I am happy to have you as volunteer if there are no complaints that are valid against
you on this board.
(1): koro ◆8j1enTAicY 2006/07/27(木) 14:42:53 ID:kiGGVRZm(3/6)調 AAS
Dear Jim-san.

It is a question to JIM-san.

info@bbspink.com and dns@nttsupport.com.

Have these addresses reached JIM-san?

Is it unquestionable for my English?
(1): ◆ZFz/q7JaS6 @TORU ★ 2006/07/27(木) 14:44:42 ID:??? AAS
# なんか、、、やっぱり、Jimさんは状況を理解してない、と分かった。。。

>>12 :Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys-san
> if there are no complaints that are valid against
I've many complaints of me, あははは。:-)
(1): koro ◆8j1enTAicY 2006/07/27(木) 14:48:20 ID:kiGGVRZm(4/6)調 AAS
Though JIM-san was understood as permission.

( in Japanese )
(1): ◆yGAhoNiShI 2006/07/27(木) 14:51:08 ID:KiY+dcOX(1)調 AAS
Nogood uselessness!
Nominate me!
17: koro ◆8j1enTAicY 2006/07/27(木) 14:52:49 ID:kiGGVRZm(5/6)調 AAS
( in Japanese )

(2): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/07/27(木) 14:53:35 ID:YyMTfED7(5/6)調 AAS
>> jim at 80 dot kg
my weight goal is 80 KG
19: ◆ZFz/q7JaS6 @TORU ★ 2006/07/27(木) 14:53:42 ID:??? AAS
>>15 :koro ◆8j1enTAicY-san
I don't think so.
I want permission clearly from Jim-san.
Otherwise, neither everyone nor this work can be done.
(1): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/07/27(木) 14:56:44 ID:YyMTfED7(6/6)調 AAS
>>8 外部リンク[php]:www.electricbuddha.org

I like that I posted it.
(1): ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/07/27(木) 14:58:39 ID:KDNsM1Br(1/9)調 BE AAS
> my weight goal is 80 KG

wuhaha, shape-up, Gangare!

I met Yakin-san and Mirv-san at mid of July, and I surprised
they have a slim body.

Anyway, now Jim-san now shows an official email address for contacting volunteers.
It is very good for bbspink, I think.
(2): ◆ZFz/q7JaS6 @TORU ★ 2006/07/27(木) 14:58:53 ID:??? AAS
# つうか、もう実質的にあと2週間もないのに、
# どうして何もJimさんに伝わってないんですかね?
# 皆が今、何をどうしようとしてるか、何をしなきゃいけないのか、
# おいらは、まさかそこから説明しなきゃなんない?
# やだよー! 英語嫌いなんだよー! うえーん!
(1): ◆ZFz/q7JaS6 @TORU ★ 2006/07/27(木) 15:01:20 ID:??? AAS
>>21 : ◆MUMUMUhnYI-san
You have Platinum points! COOL!
(1): Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/07/27(木) 15:01:24 ID:KDNsM1Br(2/9)調 BE AAS
Please don't upset. Mochitsuke.

I think all volunteers help you.
So, you are not alone. There are so many volunteers and users in bbspink.
Including me.
25: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/07/27(木) 15:02:36 ID:KDNsM1Br(3/9)調 BE AAS
Thank you.

After we make bbspink stable, I will explain my PLT's link's details.

And it is time for meeting of my main job. Sorry for my offline momentary.
(1): ◆ZFz/q7JaS6 @TORU ★ 2006/07/27(木) 15:06:21 ID:??? AAS
>>24 :Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI-san
Oh,,, I forget MOCHITSUKU...

I've to ask you. I'll write it is necessary to do and schedule.
When you have the leave, please translate into English...
27: 2006/07/27(木) 15:18:38 ID:Wcfloffl(1)調 AAS
28: 2006/07/27(木) 15:23:51 ID:C4rcROz0(1/2)調 AAS

Toru-san is a little stiff, but he's trustworthy man.
As the occasion demands, he will work without sleeping.
You obtained the excellent staff.

Toru-san is be impatient and hurry very much now!!
He's desperately trying to make up for the delay.
Soon, the staff of 2-channels will withdraw from BBS-PINK's work.
Toru-san wants to operate deletion system before from the day when the staff of 2-channels withdraw.
Please demand explanation from him.
(1): 2006/07/27(木) 15:37:38 ID:3wCyEJim(1)調 AAS
My ID include"Jim".

30: 2006/07/27(木) 15:42:37 ID:SHfoK644(1/2)調 AAS
31: 2006/07/27(木) 15:56:55 ID:C4rcROz0(2/2)調 AAS
A note in commemoration of something = Kinenkakiko = 記念かきこ
32: ◆SELEN/.zg6 2006/07/27(木) 16:10:34 ID:wwlrEC0n(2/2)調 AAS
I revoke my words concerning No.8(Be cause it is unsuitableness)



The intention of my words are that the chance of speeking must
be equal regardress the man is good at English or not.

I'm sorry that I am confused.

33: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/07/27(木) 16:12:11 ID:KDNsM1Br(4/9)調 BE AAS
Just I returned the meeting of my main job.
But now still in my working time.
So, I am now making a sabotage of my job. :-)


There are so many, many users in 2ch/bbspink. So, you need not any worries
in English problem. I think many 2ch/bbspink users translate your Japanese
writing in this thread to English, for communication with Jim-san.

Again, please don't worry, you are not alone.
Many users always help you.
34: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/07/27(木) 16:14:22 ID:KDNsM1Br(5/9)調 BE AAS
...BTW, my main job is very important for me.
It is probably more important than all 2ch and bbspink matter.

So, I must return to my main job.
Sorry for everyone and thank you for discussion.

35: 2006/07/27(木) 16:35:18 ID:exELk/q4(1)調 BE AAS
Mumumu-san, otsu-desu.

Please click here.
This is the 2-channel board for ask deletion by the user who found spam.

These all are requests to delelete, and the Deleters read the thread,
then delete spam, and write "I deleted them." on the thread.

The Deleters only know how to delete.
They must know spell for deletion, and their own ID and PASSWORD, too.

Do you need the same system for BBSPINK?
36: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/07/27(木) 16:39:28 ID:KDNsM1Br(6/9)調 BE AAS

My thinking is already written at this thread.

So, unfortunately, I am a very busy man so I think I can't allocate my time
for translation for your articles.

But I don't have any worries about it. So, as I wrote before, there are so many
users in 2ch/bbspink, of course this thread has many users, too.
I think all of your Japanese articles will be translated automagically by
many midgets. :-)

Aagin, please don't worry, we have so many strong users.
37: ◆ZFz/q7JaS6 @TORU ★ 2006/07/27(木) 17:00:21 ID:??? AAS
Thank you for your responses.
I try to write any matter on this thread.
(1): ◆ZFz/q7JaS6 @TORU ★ 2006/07/27(木) 17:02:41 ID:??? AAS

1、 Jimさんにボランティアさんの心得を決めてもらう。
・管理人がのぞむこと ・管理人がのぞまないこと ・管理人が責任を取ること

2、 Jimさんにボランティアさんの窓口を決めてもらう。

3、 ボランティアさんの任命。
39: ◆ZFz/q7JaS6 @TORU ★ 2006/07/27(木) 17:05:13 ID:??? AAS
40: 2006/07/27(木) 17:55:04 ID:SHfoK644(2/2)調 AAS

Toru-san wants to recruit deleters of PINKBBS.
He has the special skill that sees through the eligible of deleters.

An official mail address of PINKBBS is necessary to recruit deleters.
Please give an official mail address for the deleters recruitment to Toru-san.
Could you grant permission that uses del@bbspink.com for Toru-san?



41: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/07/27(木) 18:00:57 ID:KDNsM1Br(7/9)調 BE AAS
Indeed, 外部リンク:www.excite.co.jp (Excite translation) is very cool certainly.
But I dare to introduce an alternate one. It is 外部リンク:honyaku.yahoo.co.jp (Yahoo translation).
(N.B. "Honyaku" means translation in Japanese)

Excite translation uses Amikai's translation engine, it is very popular for
online translation web page. But Yahoo translation does not use it, but
Yahoo uses Cross Language's translation engine.

So, we can use both engines of course and we can choose and/or integrate the results.
It is very useful for checking and taking diversity.
(3): ◆ZFz/q7JaS6 @TORU ★ 2006/07/27(木) 18:03:17 ID:??? AAS
Jim-san, I itemized a necessary thing at >>38.

1, Jim-san must decide "Volunteer's Knowledge" in Japanese "心得(KOKOROE)".
"Matter for which Jim-san hope to volunteers as manager",
"Matter for which Jim-san doesn't hope to volunteers as manager" and
"Matter where manager takes the consequences",
These three items are at least necessary.

2, Jim-san should decide volunteer's leader.
Normally, Jim-san may manage all. But, it isn't so realistic.
I ran for the leader. However, other person may do.
And, the official mail address is necessary.
"del@bbspink.com" can be misappropriated to this.

3, Volunteers are registered.
If item-2 can be cleared, this can be executed even at once.
Volunteers come to be able to work at soon.

We should do these in a few days.
Because the time limit is August 15th.

Am not I neat? (;;) >>ALL
43: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/07/27(木) 18:05:42 ID:KDNsM1Br(8/9)調 BE AAS
I think it is very good and it is enough to recognize your thinking to Jim-san.
44: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/07/27(木) 18:16:24 ID:KDNsM1Br(9/9)調 BE AAS
And Toru-san,

You need to explain/clarify to Jim-san why August 15th is the hard limit of it.
I think it is very important point.

I am not sure that Jim-san recognizes the past facts for a month.
So, it is safe to explain all facts to Jim-san in this thread.
45: ◆ZFz/q7JaS6 @TORU ★ 2006/07/27(木) 19:01:23 ID:??? AAS
Thank you. Um,,, I try.

Hiroyuki wrote at 2channel
> I should do "Is the deletion script of bbspink name changed or the deletion request stop".
> But, Worry is when I do it.
> I will execute it within one month because I look at current state.
He wrote when July 13th...
(1): イレイザーラモンHG ◆HG/Ok.YX3U 2006/07/27(木) 21:32:17 ID:Q88B4g2h(1/4)調 AAS


  ヽ○ノ フォ──────ッ!!
(1): イレイザーラモンHG ◆HG/Ok.YX3U 2006/07/27(木) 21:50:26 ID:Q88B4g2h(2/4)調 AAS

...English Fn ..tidying.. ー... Someone will be able to ask for the translation.
As much as possible..translation..put..roll up..low.A hard gay doesn't permit
Salvation by faith fooooooooooooooooooo!!

...retreat.. ー also. It is hard gay and ..becoming empty.. !.
It is ..gym.. ー, and I am a hard gay who can delete it.
Now, I want to see the telephone number and the ruining request. Okcai. ?
.. ..will help without permission.. ..becoming empty.. though not judged by a
formal deletion guideline it is detailed of not deciding. The waist moves without
permission, too.
It doesn't care even if the deletion account stops if my activity is not preferable.
I want to hold the activity as the volunteer I pray ..the admission...

  ヽ○ノ fooooooooooooooooooo!!
48: ◆MOMOwomoIk @桃太郎 ★ 2006/07/27(木) 22:08:52 ID:??? AAS
Hello! Mr.Jim!
I am MOMOTARO, one of the volunteers of BBSPINK.
I know me well and cannot miss the results of the past of >>42 ◆ ZFz/q7JaS6 @ TORU ★
for future development of BBSPINK with a very splendid thing.
Jim please accept his >>42 proposals by all means.

Because I do my best for development of a bulletin board, too; thanking you in advance.

Jimさん こんにちは
>>42 ◆ZFz/q7JaS6 @TORU ★の過去の実績は、私もよく知っており、とても素晴らしいもので、

(1): koro ◆8j1enTAicY 2006/07/27(木) 22:12:26 ID:kiGGVRZm(6/6)調 AAS
>>イレイザーラモンHG ◆HG/Ok.YX3U-san

We welcome you.
Let's do its best with us.

I leave it to another volunteer because I cannot translate.
50: イレイザーラモンHG ◆HG/Ok.YX3U 2006/07/27(木) 22:24:58 ID:Q88B4g2h(3/4)調 AAS
>>49 koro-san
Thank you. Please leave it to me.
Let's hold out mutually.

(1): 2006/07/27(木) 22:28:52 ID:JzYh1f2h(1)調 AAS
Translation for >>46

Hi! I am Hard Gay.
Jim-san! I am a hard-gay who can do deletion.
Interim, I would like to take care of telephone number issues and request of cope with unexpected attack posting. Is it OOOOK?
I will not judge detailed point before formal deletion guideline is created, but I will help without permission :-). My waist is also shaken without permission!
It does not care even if the deletion account stops if my activity is not preferable. Come oooooon!
I want to hold the activity as the volunteer. Pleeeeease accept!

  ヽ○ノ fooooooooooooooooooo!!

52: イレイザーラモンHG ◆HG/Ok.YX3U 2006/07/27(木) 22:34:27 ID:Q88B4g2h(4/4)調 AAS
Thank you!! Thank you!!
arigatou gozaimasu!!
53: ◆qb.x27/m96 2006/07/27(木) 23:45:07 ID:Mwrv+PTw(1)調 AAS
Dear Jim-san
We have manager's Jim-san and the thing that it wants you to decide
It is this.

"Mr. volunteer's knowledges"

There are three elements in them.

1:What is the thing for which the manager hopes?
2:What is the thing for which the manager doesn't hope?
3:All the responsibilities are manager's things.

I think that the thing that these three elements at least become complete is necessary so
that the volunteer may act by BBSPINK.

#This demand is a translation of this explanation.


Please translate the part where someone is wrong again.
54: ◆IZUMI162i6 2006/07/28(金) 00:45:36 ID:51HCVh3p(1/3)調 AAS

The guideline is agreement between you and users.

KOKOROE is agreement between you and deleter.
And KOKOROE is contract terms between you and deleter.
55: ◆IZUMI162i6 2006/07/28(金) 00:51:31 ID:51HCVh3p(2/3)調 AAS

BBSPINK has the same script as 2ch.
2ch doesn't hope for the script to be known to everybody.
So, The script for operation disappears on August 15.
56: ◆IZUMI162i6 2006/07/28(金) 01:09:16 ID:51HCVh3p(3/3)調 AAS
Deleter needs them not to be sued.
Deleter might function if it does so.
Therefore, it is necessary to clarify the contract terms between Deleter and Jim-san.

The volunteer gets the tool from the operator.
Jim-san should decide the operator who brings them together.
I guarantee that TORU-san has the ability for it.
57: ◆MARY/2Kkkc 2006/07/28(金) 04:47:23 ID:yapYUSkg(1/3)調 AAS
To: Jim-san

>>11 "The threads and boards are enjoyable by the majority of the users."
I got it.
Although it is difficult to make a standard, do we add to a deletion policy about a slander?

>>47 イレイザーラモンHG ◆HG/Ok.YX3U is offering to become a volunteer.
58: ◆MARY/2Kkkc 2006/07/28(金) 05:27:00 ID:yapYUSkg(2/3)調 AAS
To: Jim-san

I have a basic question for making a deletion policy.
Will you save the bbs data as long as possible?
The reason why I have this question is in the following.
A value of information is increase if off-topic is deleted.
If you will not save the bbs data for a long time, deleting off-topic is unnecessary,
although it might be necessary to keep the rule of the topic.
(1): koro ◆8j1enTAicY 2006/07/28(金) 11:29:18 ID:1aO+fqpW(1/2)調 AAS
Dear JIM-san.

Less than 21 years old

Less than 18 years old

It is a question about a change of JIM-san.

When it is California state law with the server of BBSPINK, less than 21 years old is a prohibition.

JIM-san ignores a server place of BBSPINK and does not become a problem?

If JIM-san does not have a problem, we want to unify it by prohibition under 18 years old.

( in Japanese )
(2): 2006/07/28(金) 11:36:36 ID:MdjlA1hd(1)調 AAS


(1): koro ◆8j1enTAicY 2006/07/28(金) 11:52:12 ID:1aO+fqpW(2/2)調 AAS
( in Japanese )
2chスレ:erobbs で示した先のレス
2chスレ:erobbs のレス内容について

62: 2006/07/28(金) 12:45:05 ID:+XsRiDjW(1)調 AAS
Japanese only



63: ◆79EROOYuCc 2006/07/28(金) 14:37:01 ID:zMvyrIeZ(1/3)調 AAS
Dear Jim,

Do you think it is ok for high school students can come to BBSPINK?

the wording ''over 18 years old'' includes high school students sometimes.
(1): ◆79EROOYuCc 2006/07/28(金) 14:38:47 ID:zMvyrIeZ(2/3)調 AAS
Do you think it is ok for high school students to come to BBSPINK?

(2): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/07/28(金) 14:42:44 ID:S+juRcbg(1/4)調 AAS
The age is 18 that is the legal age. It has nothing to do with what people do during the day.
66: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/07/28(金) 14:43:54 ID:S+juRcbg(2/4)調 AAS
I agree with prohibition for under 18 nobody under the age of 18 is allowed.
67: ◆79EROOYuCc 2006/07/28(金) 14:51:37 ID:zMvyrIeZ(3/3)調 AAS
I get it, thank you.

one more question,

we are now discustting bbspink guideline on the following thread.


we'd like to make a brief line, a kind of draft guide line based on 2ch gilde line.

Do you mind our discustting about that, and we'd like to show you that translation later.
and you can change whatever if you do not like that.

is that ok or not?
(9): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/07/28(金) 14:52:35 ID:S+juRcbg(3/4)調 AAS
volunteer update
koro ◆8j1enTAicY
ありす ◆Alice7XIII
イレイザーラモンHG ◆HG/Ok.YX3U
Any complaints about the volunteers they must be made here, or on the next thread.

I am now taking nominations for leader.
1st nomination is Toro-san who has requested this job several times. It will be one your
Office, and resigning is not allowed, except for unable to do the job because of sickness.

Are there any other nominations?
I will not be able to be online for 72 hours, so lets make a deadline of Monday July 31
for nominations.
After nominations we will have a vote and multiple post bbspink one time to let people know of the vote.
69: 2006/07/28(金) 15:08:05 ID:NmxDQTa/(1)調 AAS

Please sleep early. 〜♪
70: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/07/28(金) 15:14:27 ID:S+juRcbg(4/4)調 AAS
I am going to sleep now, but I am very happy with my idea in >>68
Then deleters that want to be the leader can campaign all week-end.
Oyasumi nasai
71: ◆MARY/2Kkkc 2006/07/28(金) 15:24:44 ID:yapYUSkg(3/3)調 AAS
Have a nice weekend, Jim-san.
72: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/07/28(金) 15:35:05 ID:b+w3jUGf(1/3)調 BE AAS
> Toro-san
should be "TORU-san".

His handle name in Japanese is "トオル", so,
it may fit to "Tooru-san", but he calls himself as "TORU", as you've seen before.
So, I think you should use "TORU-san" as his name.
(1): Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/07/28(金) 15:52:44 ID:b+w3jUGf(2/3)調 BE AAS

Hmm... some Japanese law clearly separated that whether the target person is
high-school student or not. For example, "Enjo-Kosai" issue.

So, we need very careful operation about the issue.
So, I think this issue must be reviewed by someone of Japanese lawyer.

Fortunately, a famous Japanese lawyer, Kazuo Makino and Hiroyuki co-published
the book about copyright matters in 2ch:


So, Jim-san, Hiroyuki may introduce Makino-san to you.
I strongly recommend you make a request vir email that
Hiroyuki introduces you to Makino-san.

Hiroyuki is one of our best friend, of course.
So, I think he will make a cooperation for bbspink.

-- Mumumu
74: 2006/07/28(金) 16:01:46 ID:jctAYhiO(1/2)調 AAS

"Toro" is a raw meat, and it is fatty.
The tuna that has gotten on on the sushi is famous.

75: 2006/07/28(金) 16:18:03 ID:jctAYhiO(2/2)調 AAS
Tuna's fat appears in front of you when you order "Toro" in the sushi parlor.
76: 2006/07/28(金) 16:40:36 ID:VjFv9jEg(1/3)調 AAS


  、   ∩
( ^∀^)彡 貧弱たん!貧弱塾の技!
(1): 2006/07/28(金) 16:46:44 ID:VjFv9jEg(2/3)調 AAS
Oh! Excuse me!
I wrote a message for another board. I'm really sorry.

Would you mind to ignore message #76?
(1): Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/07/28(金) 17:05:04 ID:b+w3jUGf(3/3)調 BE AAS
"Would you mind ..." style sometimes sticks to formalities, I think,
like "Would you mind if I smoke?".

Jim-san is very frank and nice guy,
so, I recommend you use "Please ignore my message #76." simply.
79: 2006/07/28(金) 17:10:31 ID:VjFv9jEg(3/3)調 AAS
Thank you for your kind advice.
(1): ◆YassyNGhTM 2006/07/28(金) 17:33:40 ID:MwzsTDZ6(1)調 AAS
To: Jim-san

Please let me do the volunteer.
81: Techcs ◆TECHCS.zfQ 2006/07/28(金) 17:45:27 ID:/b/QPCM/(1)調 AAS
To Jim-san
It increases making use of the translation software. If there is an impoliteness because of that, please pardon.
I am the lesbian person.Jim-san knows, is glad when there is understanding in the homosexual love and the lesbian love, very.
I thought that we would like to participate in the volunteer, by informing that.
I think that in the future, we would like to cooperate as much as possible in you.
Thank you.

Have a nice weekend,


(1): ◆IG7FqGWJqU 2006/07/28(金) 20:50:23 ID:orc+1+Hz(1)調 AAS
Jim-san,I'm sorry,I cannot write English well.

I want to become a volunteer of BBIPINK Deletor.(Not Leader)
I send an email to TORU-san, and it is conveyed the intention.
If you are interested what kind of person I am,
please try to ask TORU-san. He will judge whether I am suitable for Deletor.

I think
TORU is most suitable as a leader till the system
which we make operates smoothly.
When the system operate smoothly,then another people will be the leader.
TORU is too busy to stay at the position.
(2): エボラ ◆172VC7723I 2006/07/28(金) 20:55:00 ID:BD6HfJjq(1)調 AAS
Dear Jim-san.

I want to apply for a volunteer, too.

84: 2006/07/28(金) 21:00:23 ID:tEwKSqJX(1)調 AAS
>>83's another handle-name is “オカン”, means 'mom' or 'mommy'.
(1): ◆NerINe83fk 2006/07/28(金) 21:45:16 ID:j9OnZ9rN(1)調 AAS

(Do you know?
It is a meaning of "Nice to meet you" in English.
in Japanese はじめまして )

I somewhat understand English. However, it is not good writing English.
I am sorry,if there is an impoliteness.

I was participating in the discussion about bbspink as "the anonymous coward".
And I'm 2channel's volunteer. It is of course 18 years old or more.
First of all, I want to tell the administrator of BBPINK my intention.
Could you make me help BBSPINK?
I would like to become a BBSPINK's volunteer.

I will email to TORU-san later.
To apply for 2chスレ:erobbs .
(Sorry,I don't have ability to translate ↑ into English)
86: 2006/07/28(金) 23:16:58 ID:E+CrVaiv(1)調 AAS
Shinobu-san, check your E-Mail Box(means 'del@…', not 'shinobu@…'), please.
87: 2006/07/28(金) 23:32:38 ID:yv74h0xc(1)調 BE AAS
(1): ◆0RbUzIT0To 2006/07/28(金) 23:55:10 ID:gZKSLZIj(1)調 AAS
Nice to meet you the Jim-san.
My name is 龍◆0RbUzIT0To
I like this bulletin board very much.
I want to be useful for Jim-san.
Chore Translation Deletion and so on
Please let the volunteer participate by all means

89: 2006/07/29(土) 00:08:55 ID:00Z37q6V(1)調 AAS
not Volunteer?????
What is remuneration?
Remuneration is required if it is job.
90: ありす ◆Alice7XIII 2006/07/29(土) 01:19:17 ID:XncDslZr(1)調 AAS

I recommend IZUMI_san almost as same as TORU_san.
He has a sense of responsibility, too, and English is a story and wisdom, too.
He resigned a deletion person of 2ch to become a deletion person of BBSPINK.
I think that IZUMI_san is suitable.
TORU_san is powerful for a BBSPINK start; think that support it.
(1): ◆IZUMI162i6 2006/07/29(土) 01:40:05 ID:5gHtpFVV(1/2)調 BE AAS
All volunteers cooperate in you for oneself.
They have own life.
They cooperate in you within the possible range.

If the resignation is not allowed, you might lose them.
They are here for the communications place.
They are volunteer to not you but users.
Your volunteer is the means for it.
So, they want to be avoiding own load.
(1): ◆ZFz/q7JaS6 @TORU ★ 2006/07/29(土) 01:46:47 ID:??? AAS
>>68 Jim-san
I don't receive in its condition.
I want to make something for bbspink.
But, I don't have a mind that it is OFFICE.
93: ◆IZUMI162i6 2006/07/29(土) 01:52:27 ID:5gHtpFVV(2/2)調 BE AAS
If you hope for maintenance by volunteers like 2ch, you should consider for volunteers.

I think that I decrease the load by nominating more leaders.
You need not prohibit resigning.
Even if someone resigns, you only have to adopt it newly.
And, This plan will make the time that you adopt any leaders.
94: 2006/07/29(土) 02:13:49 ID:6WUE9iCQ(1)調 AAS
95: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/07/29(土) 02:54:20 ID:BFM1+ec9(1/2)調 BE AAS
> I am now taking nominations for leader.
> 1st nomination is Toro-san who has requested this job several times. It will be one your
> Office, and resigning is not allowed, except for unable to do the job because of sickness.


I think you have to explain the reason why leader is one your office,
and resigning is not allowed.

I think it is very important point of your administration policy.
So, it is time to use following thread for publishing your point of view
with your cap.

■ Jim's thinking (part 1)
(2): 2006/07/29(土) 14:23:05 ID:dFafB66Y(1)調 AAS

Do you think that the volunteer has the obligation?
Moreover, will it assume the responsibility to volunteer?
Are there differences in leader's condition and volunteer's condition?

2channel's volunteer has neither obligation nor responsibility.
They help so that the user may use the bulletin board comfortably.
Do you intend to change this stance?
(1): 2006/07/29(土) 21:15:15 ID:P+lLSvnE(1)調 AAS
tubo kara kimasuta !
(1): 2006/07/29(土) 21:18:30 ID:7mvesWlX(1)調 AAS
translation of >>97:
"I came from tubo(famous 2ch browser)!"
99: 2006/07/29(土) 21:22:05 ID:WVvqwgeS(1/2)調 AAS
This is a pen
100: kim 2006/07/29(土) 21:25:16 ID:xUMEAlk8(1/6)調 AAS
I'm kim chan.
101: 2006/07/29(土) 21:28:35 ID:OzVWsl3i(1/5)調 AAS

Too bad.....
102: kim 2006/07/29(土) 21:29:55 ID:xUMEAlk8(2/6)調 AAS
I am a leader
103: 2006/07/29(土) 21:30:37 ID:OzVWsl3i(2/5)調 AAS
I like Pink Bbs !
104: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/07/29(土) 21:31:14 ID:BFM1+ec9(2/2)調 BE AAS
>>98 would be:

"Just I'm coming from Tubo (it is one of famous 2ch browsers)!"
105: 2006/07/29(土) 21:32:35 ID:rg0sGBoZ(1)調 AAS
It's no famous !
106: 2006/07/29(土) 21:32:42 ID:OzVWsl3i(3/5)調 AAS
I like here!
I love here!
107: kim 2006/07/29(土) 21:33:45 ID:xUMEAlk8(3/6)調 AAS
I seem to be me
108: kim 2006/07/29(土) 21:34:19 ID:xUMEAlk8(4/6)調 AAS
You seem to be you
(1): 2006/07/29(土) 21:34:47 ID:OzVWsl3i(4/5)調 AAS
I don't know TUBO.
What is this?
110: kim 2006/07/29(土) 21:36:08 ID:xUMEAlk8(5/6)調 AAS
I like a Japan
(1): 2006/07/29(土) 21:42:38 ID:OzVWsl3i(5/5)調 AAS
How do you say TUBO in English ?

By the way,
Do you think I an ARASHI?
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