[過去ログ] 【労働】フランス人「日曜日も働くなんて社会的な後退」が話題 日曜出勤で給与が平日の2倍になる店も (660レス)
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560: 2018/01/19(金) 06:15:10.82 ID:DbGLS4q9(1/2)調 AAS
France to relax Sunday shopping ban - CNN.com July 23, 2009 -- Updated 1332 GMT (2132 HKT)
If the Constitutional Council approved the law, it would mark a significant cultural shift in France, where Sundays have officially been set aside as a day of rest for more than a century.
Sunday shopping ban splits France - The Local AFP 6 October 2013 08:20 CEST+02:00
These have infuriated those workers who want the Sunday hours and drawn criticism that the laws are archaic and ill-suited to a time of economic hardship....
"I am ashamed. I find it scandalous that in this country we do not give people the right to work. And then we are surprised that there is unemployment," said Elisabeth Armani, a Paris resident who shops on Sundays....
"The employees want to work and businesses make at least 20 percent of their weekly turnover on this day," she said in an interview to Metro News, a freesheet....
The roots of the law in France -- which is officially secular but deeply Catholic -- lie in sweeping demonstrations staged by workers in major cities between 1898 and 1906 which resulted in a law declaring Sunday as the mandatory day of rest,
said Robert Beck, the author of a book on the history of Sunday's place in modern French culture.
Polish lawmakers consider closing shops on Sundays – Catholic World Report November 27, 2017
The bishops’ conference of Poland said that the bill did not go far enough, arguing that everyone should have the freedom from Sunday work....
In his 1991 encyclical Centissimus Annus, Pope St. John Paul II, a Polish citizen, suggested that nations ask “whether existing laws and the practice of industrialized societies effectively ensure, in our own day,
the exercise of [the] basic right to Sunday rest.”...
One survey indicated that only 30 percent of Polish voters supported the ban, while 62 percent opposed it, Agence France Press said....
561: 2018/01/19(金) 06:52:26.93 ID:DbGLS4q9(2/2)調 AAS
ジャン=ジャック・ルソー(1712-1778) SparkNotes: Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712–1778): Context
Rousseau .. In 1752, he won a prize ... Discourse on the Arts and Sciences...
Rousseau answered ... arguing that the advance of civilization mostly corrupted human morals and goodness.
This thesis would run through all his later philosophical works.
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