[過去ログ] 【GoTo】札幌、大阪停止へ 予約済み、割引適用せず(共同) ★3 [どこさ★] (352レス)
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(1): 2020/11/24(火)03:22 ID:cM2e+fy50(1) AAS
I was aghast to watch not a few scenic spots in Japan crowded with many people last Sunday.
For my part, never have I been so unwilling to go out since I came to Japan from Oakland, California.

As you know by the news, clearly, Japan is not yet free from the danger of corona virus.
There is another reason why they go out carelessly. They have nothing to do at home;
to be more specific, they have no habit of reading.

As far as I know, among the sufficiently civilised countries, few people less often read books than Japanese.
When you go to any suburban region in Japan, the last place that you find is a decent bookstore.
That is all the more surprising because Japan has as great books as the holy Bible or Shakespearean works.

Ignoring books is, I think, as absurd as, if not more than, burning them out. Such Japanese attitude toward books
has more or less to do with their failure to stand on the even terms with the Western countries
(1): 2020/11/24(火)03:55 ID:sr7KjksH0(1/6) AAS

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