【PC版】Minecraftの日本語訳に関する雑談スレ Part2【翻訳】 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net (960レス)

96: @無断転載は禁止 (ワッチョイ bf4b-xmDs) 2016/04/12(火)02:40 ID:Q6gqylEG0(2/5) AAS
I know one of our Proofreader gathered request to control Japanese translation on externel and private comunity(such in DM on Twitter between him and his follower).
I know one of our Proofreader approved his suggestion without any disscussion nor reliable reason.
I know one of our Proofreader deleted his favorite suggestion which has many "-" votes and then he suggested new one.
I don't know one of our Proofreader was into surrender because I saw he did foregoing reset action on translation of "Shulker" a few days ago.

Although we talked and disscussed about the translation in external Japanese community,we didn't plot to control that illegally.

I do'nt know who create fake accounts,and maybe almost of us don't.
I think "criminal" did that as just malicious mischief, didn't intend to make any suggestions win.

We wouldn't like to bully someone.
We are eager that Japanese translation is produced fairly and satisfactorily for everyone.

By the way,I have some questions.

1.Would he(the above-mentioned Proofreader) like to continue his work?
2.Do you need a new Proofreader?
3.How to stand up as a candidate?
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