[過去ログ] 【速報】ニンテンドースイッチ、世界5000万台突破か。PS4より3ヶ月も速いペース! (979レス)

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9: 2020/01/09(木)07:06 ID:5CNZ+LtC0(2/9) AAS
Nintendo's hybrid video game console, the Nintendo Switch, has surpassed 50 million units sold to consumers worldwide, according to VGChartz estimates.

The Nintendo Switch reached the milestone for the week ending January 4, 2019. The console sold 546,930 units to bring its lifetime sales to 50,354,930 units.

Breaking down the sales by region the console has sold an estimated 17,450,577 units in the US, 13,321,856 units in Europe, and 11,879,018 units in Japan.
Breaking down sales in Europe, the Switch has sold 2,500,889 units in the UK, 2,547,502 units in Germany and 3,353,525 units in France.
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