[過去ログ] (強いAI)技術的特異点/シンギュラリティ 33 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net (1002レス)

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994: 2016/05/01(日)19:00 ID:x8+c7565(16/22) AAS
Coding at school: a parent's guide to England's new computing curriculum

Key Stage 1 (5-6 year-olds): Children will be learning what algorithms are,
which will not always involve computers. When explained as “a set of
instructions” teachers may illustrate the idea using recipes, or by breaking
down the steps of children’s morning routines. But they will also be creating
and debugging simple programs of their own, developing logical reasoning
skills and taking their first steps in using devices to “create, organise, store,
manipulate and retrieve digital content”.
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