[過去ログ] Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 213 (1002レス)
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808: (JP 0Hdf-p8gm) 2019/10/27(日)09:53 ID:Y7jz5zTFH(1) AAS
I'm a native English speaker so I'm not exactly sure what “kumo-no-ue-no-hito” means. When you say someone is
"from/on another planet", you're saying that they think differently from
ordinary people or aren't paying attention to what's happening around them. To have your "head in the clouds"
means something similar, that you're aloof and not paying attention to what's around you.

Google seems to think “kumo-no-ue-no-hito” is about social status. If that's the case then I don't think either of these
expressions work, and I don't understand it in Japanese well enough to think of a good English alternative, sorry!
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