[過去ログ] Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 213 (1002レス)

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(2): (アウアウエーT Sadf-ylhm) 2019/10/26(土)00:57 ID:jUh8Lfo4a(1/2) AAS
I'm not the native speaker you are seeking, but could provide some useful advice.
In my opinion, the >>696 post contains at least one grammatically dubious element, which I will later explain.
Looking at its whole, it is clear this guy is not an English native speaker.
As the native speaker demonstrated in >>755 it really makes no sense to call "sentence construction" an idiom.
How can a native speaker make such a stupid nonsense sentence?
As for the following sentence: "'Sentence construction' is the standard idiom we use in English."
This is complete gibberish.
The content of the sentence does not make any sense at all.
And on grammar, in my humble opinion, the article before "standard idiom" should be "a" instead of "the."
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