[過去ログ] Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 213 (1002レス)

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263: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 (CA 0H69-Dkz/) 2019/09/24(火)15:01 ID:sGonzLr8H(15/15) AAS
Well, I just think Japanese looks cooler than any other language I've ever seen in the world.
The way you guys mix ひらがな、カタカナ、漢字 I think it's very 賢い and I wish we had that in our language too.
I think you guys make the best media - yeah, the アニメ, ドラマ, エロ漫画, all of it.

I took one look at Japanese and I thought, "this must be the hardest language on earth. I HAVE to learn this."
I'm just a チャレンジ好き kind of guy, you know.
I've never regretted a single second of learning this language. I love it all.
Thank you for the encouragement.
Good night.
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