Suffering from dirty strong supersonic attacks (39レス)

30: YAMAGUTIseisei 2019/04/24(水)10:34 ID:5ZbN1Z79Q(29/32) BE AAS
This is the first study on SSVEP magnitude prediction toward a novel SSVEP-BCI.
We created datasets from experiments on varying SSVEP magnitude responses.
The Random Forest Regression was then proposed as the algorithm for instantaneous SSVEP magnitude prediction.
The experimental results were obtained from ten subjects using leave-one-subject-out cross validation seem promising.
The instantaneous changes in predicted SSVEP magnitude can be mapped into the speed controller for brain-controlled applications (e.g. robot control).
Here, an online-like system was conducted using a simulated mobile robot.
The experiments involved streaming back the real SSVEP responses of varying magnitudes to control the moving speed of the robot.
For practical purposes, a single (Oz) EEG channel was used through all the experiments.
The advantage of the SSVEP magnitude prediction is that it has an ability to maintain stability when controlling the robotic.
In the near future, the outcomes from this work will be implemented in other smooth brain-controlled applications such as accelerating or decelerating the speed of a mobile robot or a robotic arm.
31: YAMAGUTIseisei 2019/04/24(水)10:34 ID:5ZbN1Z79Q(30/32) BE AAS

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33: YAMAGUTIseisei 2019/04/24(水)10:36 ID:5ZbN1Z79Q(32/32) BE AAS
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34: YAMAGUTIseisei 2019/04/27(土)07:57 ID:Ay/E8QVQT(1) BE AAS
To develop a novel SSVEP-BCI paradigm for a brain-machine control system which allows users to continuously increase/decrease the moving speed of the application , this study hypothesizes that magnitude variation would help attain the goal.

To develop a novel SSVEP-BCI paradigm for a system which allows users to continuously increase/decrease the moving speed of the application (i.e. speed robot movements), this study hypothesizes that magnitude variation would help attain the goal.

application (i.e. speed robot movements)

35: YAMAGUTIseisei 2019/07/12(金)20:46 ID:f5bVsPQ5K(1/3) AAS

Page 1

Organ Variation 3D Model Library for Surgery Simulators

a) M. Komori, b) K. Tagawa, b) H. Tanaka, a) Y. Kurumi, a) S. Morikawa

36: YAMAGUTIseisei 2019/07/12(金)20:47 ID:f5bVsPQ5K(2/3) AAS

Cystic ducts (9 types), aortic arches (4 types) and renal veins (4 types) with variation were modeled in OBJ format.
Fig.2 shows examples from those cystic duct models.
The cystic duct models were merged to a surgery simulation scene using multi-resolution modeling approach and a synchronization approach for maintaining consistency of binary trees [3].

In this project, many studies have to be done, eg clinical verification of those models, optimization for faster performance of the surgical simulator with more complex organ structure and so on.
As a future work, this theme will be reported.


Research supported by SCOPE fund and JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number25282154.
a) Shiga University of Medical Science, Otsu, Shiga 6062192 Japan (corresponding 1st author to provide phone: +81-77-548-2641; fax: +81-77-548-2412; e-mail:
37: YAMAGUTIseisei 2019/07/12(金)20:48 ID:f5bVsPQ5K(3/3) AAS

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38: [m9(^Д^)] 2020/08/14(金)16:29 AAS
39: 2023/10/22(日)20:49 ID:HKomAKF4A(1) AAS
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