★Suffering from dirty strong supersonic attacks (39レス)

31: YAMAGUTIseisei 2019/04/24(水)10:34 ID:5ZbN1Z79Q(30/32) BE AAS

J. R. Wolpaw, N. Birbaumer, D. J. McFarland, G. Pfurtscheller, and T. M. Vaughan,
`` Braincomputer interfaces for communication and control, ''
Clinical neurophysiology, vol. 113, no. 6, pp. 767791, 2002.
B. Allison, T. Luth, D. Valbuena, A. Teymourian, I. Volosyak, and A. Graser,
`` Bci demographics: How many (and what kinds of) people can use an ssvep bci? ''
IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 107116, 2010.
Z. Lin, C. Zhang, W. Wu, and X. Gao,
`` Frequency recognition based on canonical correlation analysis for ssvep-based bcis, ''
IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering, vol. 54, no. 6, pp. 11721176, 2007.
G. R. Muller-Putz and G. Pfurtscheller,
`` Control of an electrical prosthesis with an ssvep-based bci, ''
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 55, no. 1, pp. 361364, 2008.
B. Z. Allison, D. J. McFarland, G. Schalk, S. D. Zheng, M. M. Jackson, and J. R. Wolpaw,
`` Towards an independent braincomputer interface using steady state visual evoked potentials, ''
Clinical neurophysiology, vol. 119, no. 2, pp. 399408, 2008.
A. Luo and T. J. Sullivan,
`` A user-friendly ssvep-based braincomputer interface using a time-domain classifier, ''
Journal of neural engineering, vol. 7, no. 2, p. 026010, 2010.
B. Z. Allison, C. Brunner, C. Altst穩ter, I. C. Wagner, S. Grissmann, and C. Neuper,
`` A hybrid erd/ssvep bci for continuous simultaneous two dimensional cursor control, ''
Journal of neuroscience methods, vol. 209, no. 2, pp. 299307, 2012.
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