[過去ログ] ● 大山憲司氏への暗殺未遂事件が発生した模様 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net (1002レス)

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615: 名無しさん@3周年 [] 2018/09/07(金)21:04 ID:4DZyJchI(2/4) AAS
Let's take class action together !
The crime of the Emperor of Japan the history of Aki human 30 years
There are a lot of police bureaucrats in the emperor's aide.
Dynasties police, including police bureaucrats, are in the system and are always 1,000 people.

Working with the secret police

The secret police assassination, tailing, eavesdropping, electric shock, electric shock crime to shock the car (Prius terrorism), An automobile manufacturing powerhouse

Electric shock terrorism in the research and the machine work to shock a car in the Japan.

Japan Emperor Aki is a criminal! "The Emperor's crime" to cause serious charge damage to the human body by electric sho
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