[過去ログ] Let's talk with Jim-san. Part15 (1001レス)
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66(1): trip ◆sO35uw8r6o 2009/11/21(土)14:18 ID:vWv7DyFK(1) AAS
63 名前:名無し編集部員 [sage]: 2009/11/21(土) 12:09:54 ID:wA7UkztC (2)
Thanks for translation.
I appreciate your help, but he uses different ID for each of his post
so maybe we should rather ban him instead of applying strict post interval on the board.
It's going to be time-consuming, but I need your help. Thanks
83(2): 63 2009/11/22(日)10:59 ID:xEI89Zuv(1) AAS
>Thanks for translation.
>I appreciate your help, but he uses different ID for each of his post
>so maybe we should rather ban him instead of applying strict post interval on the board.
>It's going to be time-consuming, but I need your help. Thanks
もしそうなら今、荒らしてるスレッドはここで、本人と思わしきIDは4つある IDの下のアドレスはそいつの書き込み
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