[過去ログ] Let's talk with Jim-san. Part32 (1001レス)
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912: 2015/02/16(月)18:59 ID:jBtK8Fa8(1) AAS
913: 2015/02/16(月)19:00 ID:LvZrfdeq(1/2) AAS
> 430 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] 2015/02/16(月) 15:00:57.62 ID:3K6ufJEA0 [7/9]
> >>429
> 2chでJimに直接言えばいい
> 少しは自分の頭で考えろ
914: 2015/02/16(月)19:04 ID:IiBuv+nV(1) AAS
915: 2015/02/16(月)19:04 ID:/hzYYA+D(1/2) AAS
i love you sir!
In this situation "ギコナビ"(not pirates) has already said development cancellation
he said that he does not receive the reward either,
but is that it was refused by Yamashita-san because registration is a steering wheel name
I worry when here may decrease in population
and Population flows out into the others,like SC(I hate SC)
916: 2015/02/16(月)19:11 ID:kreofzR+(1) AAS
Can I get a API licence without Yamashita-san?
917: 2015/02/16(月)19:11 ID:/hzYYA+D(2/2) AAS
doesn't seem to be an admitted "open source browsers"
918: 2015/02/16(月)19:12 ID:WV2Arh9G(1) AAS
V2C will be dead
919: 2015/02/16(月)19:14 ID:DvwAH8nq(1) AAS
Jim san
How do you think about a spyware on Jane style?
Don't you know we call it "Jane Spyle"?
Many 2ch user hate Yamashita.
920: 2015/02/16(月)19:19 ID:D0Thads3(1) AAS
fuck jim
jane style fuck
921: 2015/02/16(月)19:36 ID:tv9o8BFT(3/4) AAS
Open source based browsers are rejected by Yamashita actually.
Pirates don't need dat files, they can also use read.cgi.
But dedicated browsers can't escape.
922: 2015/02/16(月)19:42 ID:HE6iAwwi(1) AAS
Yamashita will hide fuckin spyware in the new 2ch browser,
and SC will continue to steal regardless of the new API.
We users will not be able to avoid those hopeless tragedy and being ruled by LIAR JIM with UGLY NISHIMURA.
923: 2015/02/16(月)19:47 ID:KW9RD5cS(1) AAS
Let's talk with Yamashita-san. [転載禁止](c)2ch.net
924: 2015/02/16(月)19:48 ID:srWi9HbX(2/2) AAS
Jim-san is saying that there are no problem because he already met
and talked with developpers of major browsers and they understood
But now, many developpers have declared discontinue development
of their browsers, and some people mention the reason as that they
do not want to obey conditions shown by Yamashita-san, e.g. they
should tell their personel information to him, he can command them
urgent fix (in 14 days) of their browsers, and etc.
So I wonder whether there is difference between Jim-san's explanation
to them and Yamashita-san's one. I think Jim-san should communicate
925: 2015/02/16(月)19:49 ID:MrrqBBo1(1) AAS
do not kill V2C
926: /名無しさん[1-30] ◆.htmlXG20g 2015/02/16(月)20:00 ID:bskw939F(1) AAS
PINKちゃんねる Vol.1 ISBN4-87734-732-1
> ただ単にコンピュータ・コードを書いただけで逮捕された(以下略
927: 2015/02/16(月)20:01 ID:Q5Lta+Pa(1/2) AAS
Many OSX user uses V2C.
Because not so much options for them.
I think this movement let OSX users get lost ...
Some will use browser or some will use AUTHORIZED browser.
But most must leave 2ch.net.
Because it's very messy to access via web browser or to change 2ch browser.
I predict that after closing .dat access route , Mac boards are going to begin depopulation.
BTW, maybe you don't care about us than we love you... :-(
928: 2015/02/16(月)20:13 ID:yZ+g+FwM(1/2) AAS
Hi, Jim-san,
The developers of normal browsers are imposed on many restrictions by Yamashita.
Firstly, they are forced to send their personal information, such as their real name, address, telephone number and so on, to Yamashita.
Some authors (e.g., Jane View, Jane Xeno, 2Live, Twintail) don't want to provide their personal information, so they may stop developing.
In fact, some of them already have decleared they don't continue to develop any more.
(e.g., 外部リンク:qerozon.jp )
Secondly, because the API key is required to be stored secretly, most of the open-source dedicated browsers will be affected.
There are lots of open-source browsers:
V2C, ギコナビ(Giko-navi), navi2ch, chaika, BathyScaphe, Thousand, JD, rep2, Freeze Owata+1, etc.
929: 2015/02/16(月)20:13 ID:dWbNb606(1) AAS
Hi Jim
Please read >862-864 about News-Frontier board.
930(4): 2015/02/16(月)20:37 ID:LvZrfdeq(2/2) AAS
【2ch専用ブラウザ 今回のAPIへの対応一覧】
× Jane (オープンソースは許諾が出ない)
◎ Jane Style (山下がAPI使用許諾の権限)
× Jane View (Style山下と仲が悪く個人情報を渡したくない)
△ Jane Xeno (Style山下と仲が悪く個人情報を渡したくない)
△ Jane Clone (Style山下と仲が悪く個人情報を渡したくない)
× V2C (作者が行方不明 & 逆コンパイル可でオープンソースに準じるため)
△ Twintail (作者ではないが開発を協力している水玉氏が「しおどきかな」と言っている)
× ギコナビ (個人情報渡したくない。本家がBSDライセンスの要件を満たしていない)
× ゾヌ (開発停止)
931: 2015/02/16(月)20:43 ID:Q5Lta+Pa(2/2) AAS
oh... terrible than I thought...
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