[過去ログ] Jimさん関連の雑談所 (887レス)

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545: 2014/02/24(月)23:02 ID:PvAA8gEF(1) AAS

>14 :心得をよく読みましょう:2014/02/24(月) 21:59:26.17 ID:sW/5PTig
> Dear Mr. Jim.
> I strongly recommend you DO NOT change the present IP address disclosing system.
> The change of the system considerably increases the number of claims(complaints).
> This will just adds to your burden.
> The present one is that all claims(complaints) are open to public,
> so that the content of the claims is often discussed by users.
> This works as a barrier.
> The barrier shuts non-sense claims.
> If anyone makes the non-sense claim to 2ch,
> the claim is open to public, so users criticize it.
> So all the claimants are required of self-control.
> IF you change the system to closed one,
> even more number of claims, which includes non-sense one, will rush to you.
> This will just add to your burden.

>46 :xerxes.maido3.net@Grape Ape ★:2014/02/24(月) 22:14:55.75 ID:???
> >>14
> I have no plans to change that. I assume it works similar to the ip disclosure on Pink Channel.

>63 :xerxes.maido3.net@Grape Ape ★:2014/02/24(月) 22:29:30.01 ID:???
> >>32 Your god is on my automatic spam delete list.
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