[過去ログ] Let's talk with Jim-san (1001レス)
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(10): この英語も相当ひどいので気にしないでくれ! 04/05/02 11:52 AAS
Let's talk with Jim-san , who is the manager of bbspink.com.
If you can write your questions or some other things in English,
please write them in English.

Since Jim-san is very kind,
so that in case you get spelling error,
or write in incorrect grammar,
he will be able to understand what you want to say.

Those who cannot understand English may write them in Japanese.
Accommodating persons will translate for you.

(3): pinkななしさん 04/05/02 12:31 AAS
(3): [sage ヽ(`Д´)ノfuck] 04/09/01 23:28 ID:DMK6zCaW(1) AAS
(3): ジム ◆NHz97Ju8vs 04/09/18 11:16 ID:o6beLnkC(1/2) AAS
私はそれらをすべて好む。 私は毎日に見ている。 Ero AAは大きい板である。
(3): 2005/12/12(月)07:03 ID:8cul2wL4(1) AAS
Hey who are you? im japanese but never seen english speakers use 2ch.
i just ran into this page but are you japasen or something?
how do you think of japansen, if you are not one of them. one of my ex boyfriend was japansen and
i really dont know why those brainf--ked people love jappie girls.
anyway i gotta go, peace
(7): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/02/24(金)17:10 ID:8CYCMphF(1) AAS
Please teach me how to swear and say insulting bad things to people in Japanese.
Sometimes I feel the need to say things back to people that are totally deserving of a good
punch in the face.
I would really appreciate help with the correct phrases. My translation software doesn't work
well for this.
Domo wazawaza sumi-masen
(3): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/07/22(土)02:00 ID:mRggU16k(1/18) AAS
Thank you to the volunteers.
I have been reading through 2ch deletion policies. They seem very cumbersome,
and actually offensive to the reader if read translated in english, probably that is just my translation though. I am sure
there is a reason for them to have such detail in them, please let me know the important points of them.
I would like to make my own deletion policy, since there are different rules for a website that is owned by a US entity
and not hosted in Japan.
(4): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/07/22(土)02:37 ID:mRggU16k(8/18) AAS
>> 669
yes step by step. There is no hurry to change something that is working well.
The deletion process itself should not change much. I think the point is who
is responsible for deletions and what should be deleted. These are minor details
to most users.
>> 683 Please laugh at it all, I find it funny, and am happy at the same time
to hear others laugh
(3): ◆79EROOYuCc 2006/07/22(土)02:53 ID:Lc4eMGBX(11/11) AAS
all right, I am so sleepy and hungry, I gattago
see you soon again.
(3): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2006/07/22(土)03:23 ID:??? AAS
>>715 I am and always have been completely responsible for bbspink.
(3): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/07/22(土)03:46 ID:mRggU16k(17/18) AAS
>>734 and don`t you think 2 boards for controlling deletion are necessary?
(4): ξ=∂ヮ∂=ξやまオニイサマ☆ ◆7KBbCCGQs. 2006/07/22(土)13:41 ID:HrligRbo(1) AAS
(11): Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/07/22(土)21:41 ID:9rZOhxvj(3/5) BE AAS
(in Japanese)

"外部リンク:"ではなく、普通に "外部リンク:"の形で、貼るようにしたほうがよさげです。
(3): Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/07/23(日)12:13 ID:I/JZY30u(6/15) BE AAS
Please use English.

Yes, we should use ONLY >>nnn and >>nnn-nnn style for reference.
(3): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/07/25(火)23:36 ID:f0kCO8hq(7/9) AAS
Update on volunteers.
koro ◆8j1enTAicY
(3): Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/07/26(水)10:58 ID:jp/kEy5R(3/27) AAS
Jim-san, and I have a question.

I know that the limitation is 18 years old by US law,
but some states limits it at 21 years old.

So, I've concerned that CA state law limits 21 years, or not.
If it is not, my concern will solve.
(3): Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI 2006/07/26(水)11:06 ID:jp/kEy5R(4/27) AAS

Your handle name is listed by >>860 so, Jim-san apoints you for volunteers.
So, I can make your cap on behalf of Jim-san.

But, all of my requests should be posted to sollowing thread.

■ 桃色吐息 ★ の作業が必要になった場合にageるスレ

So, please repost your request. After that, I will make your cap at
all BBSPINK bbs servers.
(5): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/07/26(水)12:07 ID:7DTX/rsa(9/13) AAS
Lets update our rules of deletion with the suggestions that have come in so far.
After we are done with this. lets compare to 2ch rules. in most cases we will follow those.
They are pretty good, and very long. Making me very sleepy everytime I read the translation I have.
So we will have both words, from that and deeds from the list we make here. What we actually do.

* Telephone numbers of private #3 style people should be deleted.
* email address that is for spam or that is being attacked should be deleted.
* urls that do not have anything to do with the conversation should be deleted.
* Cross postings of same post to multiple boards.
* Postings from someone that is under the age of 18.
(3): ◆ZFz/q7JaS6 2006/07/26(水)12:28 ID:imxgTvjz(4/9) AAS
It is necessary to do setting, explanation and communications
etc,,, in Japanese.
I have the knowhow of the volunteer operation and
management of deletion and details of script.
May I have those work?
(5): ◆ZFz/q7JaS6 2006/07/26(水)12:49 ID:imxgTvjz(5/9) AAS
I'm sorry... My explanation did not enough a little.
if you say "Someone is made a volunteer",
but someone doesn't become a volunteer only by it.
When someone may become a volunteer,
having CAP and understanding rules are necessary.
AND, regist to script and to explain the script absolutely
are necessary and absolutely...
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