Lounge—2ch.BBS (1-20/30½Ú)
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1:[IMPORTANT!] Regarding HTTP Error 451 (4)
2:('ƒÖ')Judgment Day! (2)
3:Hey 2ch [–³’f“]Ú‹ÖŽ~]©2ch.net (2)
4:Furry [–³’f“]Ú‹ÖŽ~]©2ch.net (911)
5:Welcome to the new 'lounge8' board! (1)
6:What does CP mean in 5ch threads? (9)
7:How do ya pronounce "FAQ"? (7)
8:help me (10)
9:reesk thread [–³’f“]Ú‹ÖŽ~]©2ch.net (6)
10:Hello 2ch! [“]Ú‹ÖŽ~]©2ch.net (23)
11:Americas 2ch (3)
12:RISK [–³’f“]Ú‹ÖŽ~]©2ch.net (3)
13:I feel like I'm falling around because, (3)
14:Invitation [–³’f“]Ú‹ÖŽ~]©2ch.net (3)
15:Where are you guys from? [“]Ú‹ÖŽ~]©2ch.net (76)
16:All foreigners, report here! [–³’f“]Ú‹ÖŽ~]©2ch.net (21)
17:Parlons le francais! (2)
18:ITT: we scour 2ch for foreign memes [–³’f“]Ú‹ÖŽ~]©2ch.net (10)
19:Looking for old freeware game - POP SNAKE 99 Ver.3.00 (2)
20:I am jere for a quick suck (2)

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