[過去ログ] ■ サーバリフレッシュ工事2007-2008 【pink】 part3 (981レス)

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(3): EROyVmNwwM ★ 2010/08/03(火)19:43 BE AAS
Yes, I understood.
I will hear a concrete content from FOX-san and Mumumu-san.

I have the request.
It makes three boards of the management system the same server.
The same server of the erobbs-board, ccc-board and housekeeping-board is preferable.
Moreover, it is preferable that the pinknanmin-board exists in these and another machine servers.
The reason is safety.

I hope for this to be achieved this time.
I hope for the manager's Jim-san permission of this matter.
あと 46 レスあります
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