[過去ログ] 【ミサイル?】PINKちゃんねる存続の危機 2【エロ掲示板】 (773レス)

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(11): つづき@EROyVmNwwM ★ 2009/04/14(火)20:05 ID:??? AAS
583 名前:ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ ◆Ga8lHqDY3g @Apparently admin ★[] 投稿日:2009/04/09(木) 08:33:42 ID:???
79 has resigned. Yes I wanted 79 to stay, but I can not keep someone against
their will. There were many things that 79 did. Most of them were with my
permission. Others 79 decided itself. Probably there are things that I will
have to do now. My problem is this work was not shared, and I was not informed
of a lot of it, because it was volunteer work, done as a volunteer, and not the regular
job. Which was not so difficult.
Sometimes people change their path in life. 79 has done that. Lets respect that
あと 764 レスあります
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