/jp/ lounge (16レス)

1: 2019/01/28(Mon)12:01 AAS
I come here from glorious /jp/. Post in this thread if you did as well!
And remember, try to make this place active!
(1): 2019/01/28(Mon)14:10 AAS
It would help if I could fucking read these buttons.
3: 2019/01/28(Mon)14:20 AAS
Wrong board. We should occupy /img8/.
4: 2019/01/28(Mon)21:30 AAS
Learn moon!
(1): 2019/01/29(Tue)03:30 AAS
You don't need to learn moon to understand them. Buttons do not always do what they say, anyway. Just click and see. That is the way of the software empiricist.
6: 2019/01/29(Tue)09:04 AAS
japanese software objectivism
(1): 2019/01/29(Tue)09:16 AAS
I miss moot
8: 2019/01/30(Wed)09:43 AAS
9: 2019/02/02(Sat)14:55 AAS
Taking it easy in the 5ch /jp/ thread
10: 2019/02/04(Mon)11:43 AAS
It's funny how different these places are from eachother, like 2ch, futabachan, 4chan, and reddit and stuff. Like internet ecosystems are fucking weird
11: 2019/02/05(Tue)09:13 AAS
It wasn't /jp/, but this attempt reminds me of the time some years back when a bunch of f/a/ggots took over a very dead board called oneechan. It can't have lasted too long, but it was fun.
12: 2019/02/06(Wed)03:21 AAS
Visit the /jp/ thread on /img8/, a board for talking about imageboards!
13: 2021/05/02(Sun)03:06 AAS
14: 2022/10/12(Wed)02:28 AAS
15: 2023/01/16(Mon)07:56 AAS
16: 2023/08/07(Mon)16:03 AAS
stop testing and talk about /jp/
which threads did you like recently?
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