[過去ログ] 【資料室】いろんな発言をメモしていくスレ (31レス)

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18: 2014/05/05(月)13:55 ID:iGgCKCnOu(1) AAS
554 xerxes.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★ 2014/02/19(水) 12:05:46.09 ID:???
I thought about that a lot. At least it was
not a machine translation. Here
is the English.

To whom it may concern:

I have secured the 2ch servers. The previous management was not able to generate
enough income to pay the bills for the expenses of running 2ch.
Previously I allowed some autonomy to them. During that time my name has been slandered.
The ability for 2ch to generate enough income to stay open was damaged.
あと 13 レスあります
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