[過去ログ] 【資料室】いろんな発言をメモしていくスレ (31レス)

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13: 2014/04/29(火)19:25 ID:VTzK9fK+v(2/2) AAS
24 Code Monkey ★ 2013/09/14(土) 11:43:08.17 ID:???

>How hayabusa3 is going?
Jim-san asked the UNEI to send us the server login credentials for Hayabusa3, but UNEI has not replied back.

49 Code Monkey ★ 2013/09/14(土) 18:27:52.34 ID:???
The UNEI has refused to allow access to hayabusa3. Sorry, we cannot install rokka on hayabusa3 until the UNEI allow access.

The dat-ochi should now work properly. Can someone please confirm that dat-ochi works?

111 Code Monkey ★ 2013/09/14(土) 22:46:23.83 ID:???
It seems UNEI has changed the paths on the servers. They have also changed the server login and password.
The UNEI doesnt like the Rokka project.
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