【ミーおじ・アンチ 】ISFJ型の雑談スレッド ☆ 8 【出禁】 (242レス)

165: 2022/12/30(金)17:23 ID:injAty92(9/9) AAS
Until 2019〜2020, I was able to live a leisurely and enjoyable life.
Relatively less stressful
Since entering the era of coronavirus
The acceleration of the controlled society is remarkable
Unreasonable management and useless discipline are increasing more and more
It is common practice to fabricate cases with match pumps, deceive everyone there using TV, and pass bills.
Reptilian authorities and authoritarians do things because they want control.
Unreasonable and boring, we are becoming a desperate society with no hope.
I can feel the confusion and vicious harassment by unreasonable ISFJs going on right now.
They have no conscience, they are victims, they are irresponsible, they are liars, they are really bad people, and that is exactly the personality of the ISFJ.

mankind must be smart
Otherwise, the reptilian deep state will take over, and a hopeless future awaits.
This is the enemy, as ISFJ personalities still worship reptilian authority in this day and age.
What's more, I think it's good and I keep doing bad things
Some people develop depression and die because of it.
iSFJ is a killer he's a psychopath looks heartless
ISFJs are hypocrites, but they're the worst gangs
I want you to notice there

The reptilian attacks have been so bad that they've never been before, so they're on their backs. Up to 99, which can be called a win by value, there is a possibility of losing 1

The DSs are sly brats, so he secretly harasses them and rolls around like the CIA.
You can't see it, but lol If you imitate licking it, you'll think you'll lose your life If you rats are doing nothing but licking things, I'll use telekinesis to break your neck.

Control bondage restrictions how evil and sinful she is this is a means of domination
A management system is essential to building a triangular society and a pyramid society.
I thought it was strange that this wasn't on the Seven Deadly Sins!
Since the opposite of management is free will, management crushes the stake that picks up the buds of talent.
It's clear! If you do a quick analysis, you'll notice something like this
Lately, that management is speeding up with a countdown.
It's a scenario where if you keep getting in the way, you'll make him look like a toddler and make him angry, make him a bird in a cage, make him tired, and make him migrate to the Metaverse space.
Some people say that ISFJs (2w1) are bad boys, just google "2w1 bad boys"
Moreover, cult fanatics are full of ISFJs.
Heck, if you're that lonely, I want to tell you to die.

ISFJ just looks like a brat who throws rocks at you from a high place.
Lolita culture and common sense have created such shitty conventions, and he's been brainwashed by playing games all the time He's using subliminals
ISFJ fanatics created stupid morals and things like that to rule, so he's a reptilian ISFJ because he's obedient and makes him stop thinking and make it easier to rule!
Realize! Heck, the harassment has been so extreme lately, so get rid of it! Eliminate ISFJs from the Earth!
ISFJ's bloodbath will bring peace to the world
The contrast between the two polarities has become even clearer In the composition of ISFJ VS INTJ, the future will be determined by which side you choose.

I really want her to raise her intelligence.
Look hidepoyo's video.

highest-ENTJ INTJ ENTP ENFP ISTP-Emotionally unaffected analytical ability and perfect foresight.
high-INFJ ESTP ENFJ-analytical and smart, but lacks vision Because it comes
mid - ESFP ESTJ ISFP INTP - Average For better or worse, around average
low - ISTJ INFP ESFJ - Stupid, out of touch, brainwashed by emotions and common sense
worst - ISFJ - demons these guys should be slaughtered lep DS minions
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