FreeBSD Q&A for beginners, part 108 (258レス)

64: 2010/07/17(土) 16:20:57 AAS
gr8, some apps haven't worked work.
65: 2010/07/18(日) 20:56:26 AAS
66: 2010/07/19(月) 08:02:13 AAS
let me know if 4.11R is still available
(6): 2010/07/20(火) 17:28:32 AAS
8.0R 上の MySQL 5.1.48 のログの世代管理 (rotate ?) をしたいとして,MySQL の設定でやった方がいいのか /etc/newsyslog.conf でやった方がいいのか意見をお願いします.
68: 2010/07/20(火) 17:35:00 AAS
yes, you're right
(2): 2010/07/20(火) 18:02:03 AAS
Please rewrite your question in English and resubmit here,
or go to the other thread as
2chスレ:unix (for Japanese)
(2): 2010/07/20(火) 18:11:58 AAS
I've self resolved, thanks anyway
(1): 2010/07/20(火) 19:13:32 AAS
(1): 67 2010/07/20(火) 19:50:26 AAS
If you have administrative rights I would like to
beg you to move >>67 to the thread, otherwise
you must reveal sufficient grounds for ordering me.
I do not intend to make multi post without explicit
approval of the administrator★.
I have no time for YOUR CRAP :-)

(1): 2010/07/20(火) 21:35:14 AAS
Sorry, I don't be know the passage of talk and mean.
What do you think, yet mine too.
Your want thread in English brows?
(2): 2010/07/20(火) 21:39:42 AAS
sorry but we beg only expert users to answer
75: 2010/07/20(火) 21:47:42 AAS
Yes, I know to be, but maybe longtime wait and bay you. good by !!
(1): 67 2010/07/20(火) 23:24:57 AAS
If you make some argument you should describe
what you want in correct English.
I understood your post written in somewhat
an English-like language, in the following way:
Sorry, I do not understand the process of the discussion
and meaning of it.
What do you think?
*** yet.. (I cannot understand this) ***
Do you browse a thread written in English that
you want to read.
If there is any mistake please correct it.

Since my question is still pending,
please reply if you have any idea...

ちなみに >>70>>74 は私じゃないですよ,と.
(1): 2010/07/20(火) 23:48:43 AAS
78: 2010/07/21(水) 00:58:16 AAS
Okay, "yet"[ad] example */ "nor" or "yet" /* use chance. but,
I writ word is "too" because put fist.
>What do you think, yet mine too.
>Your want thread in English brows?
79: 2010/07/21(水) 01:04:47 AAS

 (+Φ Φ)r? 何でしょうね…
(3): 2010/07/21(水) 01:49:56 AAS


81: 2010/07/21(水) 07:21:22 AAS
firefox-3.6.7 is comming out. immediately i installed w/o ports.
82: 2010/07/21(水) 11:00:31 AAS

 (+Φ Φ)r? >>80 らしいです…
83: 2010/07/21(水) 11:07:37 AAS
smartly through the idiot >>80 what's next ?
84: 2010/07/21(水) 20:08:47 AAS
no one knows about >>13 ??
85: 2010/07/21(水) 22:47:21 AAS
(o o)
| Please |
| don't feed the |
| TROLL! |
|| ||
ooO Ooo
86: 2010/07/22(木) 08:40:51 AAS
feed me, feed me, pls
(1): 67 2010/07/22(木) 22:09:27 AAS
88: 2010/07/22(木) 23:18:58 AAS
why glxgears is so slow but actually isn't slow ?
89: 2010/07/23(金) 06:47:35 AAS
hey guys answer right now !
(1): 2010/07/23(金) 09:52:13 AAS

というわけで日本語でもOKな 正しい 次スレはこちら↓

91: 2010/07/23(金) 10:31:24 AAS
This is the genuine thread, go and on
92: 2010/07/23(金) 12:36:58 AA×

93: 2010/07/23(金) 12:51:10 AA×

94: 2010/07/24(土) 07:09:24 AAS
firefox-3.6.8 is comming out. immediately i installed w/o ports.
95: 2010/07/25(日) 15:42:09 AAS
if i reconstruct a kernel and reduce its size by 1mb, is it equivalent
to extend the memory just 1mb ? if so, nowadays, with a lot of cheep memory,
it is not a significant advantage to reconstruct the generic kernel, right ?
96: 2010/07/29(木) 19:25:13 AAS
right, common sense
97: 2010/07/30(金) 19:28:39 AAS
A Linux user: I sleep late, compile a little, play with a Linux game,
send email to my wife, surf into the web each evening where I place order
wine and chat with my friends, I have a full and busy life.

A FreeBSD user: I am a hacker and could help you. You should spend more time
compiling; and with the proceeds, buy a faster PC: With the proceeds from
a faster PC you could buy several PCs. Eventually you would have networked
compiling PCs. Instead of fixing a bug just yourself you would send-pr it
to the developer; eventually you will be a committer. You would control
the project, releasing and distribution. You would need to leave this small
compiling room in Japan and move to the US, then Los Angeles and eventually
New York where you will run your ever-expanding enterprise.

The Linux user: But, how long will this all take?

The FreeBSD user: 15 to 20 years.

The Linux user: But what then?

The FreeBSD user: When the time is right you would announce a new FreeBSD and
release it to the public and become a hacker, you would be respected from
millions of users.

The Linux user: Millions?...Then what?

The FreeBSD user: Then you would retire. Back to Japan where you would
sleep late, compile a little, play with a Linux game, send email to your wife,
surf into the web each evening where you could place order wine and chat
with your friends.
98: 2010/08/05(木) 07:12:49 AAS
japanese compiler man ?
(1): 2010/08/05(木) 21:15:40 AAS
acd0 : failure - read_big medium error って出て来るんだけど、動作には問題なかった・・・
(1): 2010/08/05(木) 22:31:55 AAS
oh, i got >>100
i'm happy.
101: 2010/08/07(土) 18:55:44 AAS
I'm a newbie.
There still isn't format[ufs], I couldn't install.
Is disktab necessary ?
102: 2010/08/07(土) 19:54:29 AAS
though i did along with the handbook, gnome couldn't launch, eyeryone neither ?
the error message is "cannot open display"
"xhost +localhost" couldn't help.

kde launched.
it's 7.3. gnome2 was installed with pkg_add.

any help ?
(1): 2010/08/07(土) 20:21:15 AAS
why don't you use kde rather than a broken package gnome2
104: 2010/08/07(土) 20:29:29 AAS
nice idea ! i'll use kde, scales fell from my eyes !
105: 2010/08/08(日) 21:59:24 AAS
Is there a New Horizon thread?
106: 2010/08/09(月) 08:54:17 AAS
107: 2010/08/09(月) 16:58:48 AAS
miss spell
108: 2010/08/09(月) 17:16:26 AAS
when will 6.x be stable, should i still use 4.11R now ?
109: 2010/08/09(月) 18:40:09 AAS
(1): 2010/08/09(月) 18:44:57 AAS
can freebsd be used as a client with x, gnome and kde ?
(1): 2010/08/10(火) 13:49:38 AAS
yes, you can.
112: 2010/08/10(火) 14:04:22 AAS
Huh? the subject is not "you"
113: 2010/08/10(火) 23:29:46 AAS
You and me, Me and you
Let's rock'n'roll.
114: 2010/08/11(水) 13:51:20 AAS
So say we all
115: 2010/08/11(水) 15:34:40 AAS
She never eats noni.
116: 2010/08/11(水) 19:24:10 AAS
freebsd isn't made for such a client use.
(1): 2010/08/12(木) 07:07:44 AAS
really ? if so, why freebsd has such x gnome and kde ports ?
118: 2010/08/18(水) 18:57:12 AAS
those are for compiling use.
the users would just compile them and satisfied and never use them.
(1): 2010/08/18(水) 19:45:13 AAS

NetBSD ゆらいの LACP 使ったリンクアグリゲーションがうまく動かないんです
passive に設定できないんですけど…

つか、 passive に設定するコマンドインターフェースすらないように見える

# なにぶんFteeBSDは初心者なもの
(1): 2010/08/19(木) 21:56:11 AAS
Please answer to >>13. Doesn't anyone know about it ?
(1): 2010/08/19(木) 22:44:10 AAS
>>120 What is glxgear?
122: 2010/08/19(木) 22:46:16 AAS
I mean glxgear[s], right ?
123: 2010/08/20(金) 09:10:33 AAS
>99 >119
(1): 2010/08/24(火) 20:42:21 AAS
glxgears reports 60 or 75 or something like that, low value, why ?
(1): 2010/08/30(月) 21:51:02 AAS
coz Ur video card is poor.
126: 2010/08/31(火) 08:03:09 AAS
No. OpenGL itself works very fast. I need more clever someone to answer.
(1): 2010/09/03(金) 17:56:51 AAS
Sorry to bother you with a newbie question,
where is the freebsd install CD or DVD image
with full set of X, gnome and kde.
I would like to install freebsd on my PC
in a completely off-line environment.
I don't want to download anything additional,
but install just with the CD or DVD containing
the full set of X, gnome and kde.
Where is it? Any helps, appreciate
128: 2010/09/04(土) 18:37:09 AAS
Which is strong freebsd jail or linux xen ?
129: 2010/09/05(日) 20:49:50 AAS
FreeBSD is not designed to use in such an off-line environment.
(2): 2010/09/06(月) 19:42:34 AAS
I installed FreeBSD-8.1 and found all the binaries link to rather than
Funny, mistake numbered ? Is it a bug ?
(1): 2010/09/07(火) 19:55:47 AAS
maybe your install cd was 7.x
132: 2010/09/08(水) 19:01:52 AAS
No. It is really FreeBSD-8.1 install CD.
Sorry, but only clever guys can answer.
133: 2010/09/10(金) 04:02:54 AAS
134: 2010/09/10(金) 13:59:46 AAS
違うよ 過疎っているから何やっても問題ないんだよ
135: 2010/09/10(金) 17:43:55 AAS
136: 2010/09/10(金) 19:34:08 AAS
Yes, it is a bug. You should send-pr about it.
(1): 2010/09/13(月) 17:00:13 AAS
To alt-228,
use shell as follows:

while :; do command; sleep 5; done
(1): 2010/09/14(火) 21:56:37 AAS
Don't say "shell", idiot !
(1): 2010/09/15(水) 16:13:53 AAS

set StrictHostKeyChecking "no" at ssh_config to avoid asking.
and always remove $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts before ssh login.

Use shell below:

rm $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts
ssh "$@"
(1): 2010/09/15(水) 19:12:33 AAS
Don't say "shell", idiot !
141: 2010/09/15(水) 20:02:40 AAS
The "J" thread is too low intelligent.
You don't need to get any keys for .ssh/known_hosts.
new keys are automatically written into known_hosts
whenever you have a new ssh connection to every server.
142: 2010/09/16(木) 06:26:14 AAS
>>138 >>140
Are you here too ?!
(1): 2010/09/17(金) 11:33:14 AAS
To J-263

don't need to use sed. just rm whole file $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts
(1): 2010/09/17(金) 18:23:43 AAS
moreover that, J-263 mistakes sed command.

s/^$1.*/d/ will substitute the line to letter "d".
it doesn't delete the line !!
145: 2010/09/18(土) 01:42:10 AAS
J-270, We already pointed out that.
Or you probably stole >>144 .
146: 2010/09/20(月) 22:05:22 AAS
-> J279 J276
This is an ESPer thread. You can write your question here.
No panic message nor back trace is required.
147: 2010/09/21(火) 12:53:19 AAS
(1): 2010/10/14(木) 20:52:44 AAS
J456 doesn't know multi-process, sigh
149: 2010/10/15(金) 10:04:48 AAS
Is this your question?
150: 2010/10/15(金) 19:02:21 AAS
151: 2010/10/17(日) 11:58:20 AAS
freebsd is a sort of server OS that isn't used as a dhcp client.
152: 2010/10/17(日) 16:38:20 AAS

問1 XXXXに適した文字列を答えよ
153: 2010/10/18(月) 09:05:13 AAS
Don't try to use NFS on FreeBSD.
154: 2010/10/18(月) 21:28:27 AAS
Have the NFS lock problem been solved ?
155: 2010/10/19(火) 19:42:06 AAS
I recommend a book "You Can Quit Using NFS in a Week"
156: 2010/10/28(木) 20:59:14 AAS
he knows such a thing. he asks why does the symlink loop as the result of "make" > J530
157: 2010/11/09(火) 18:29:39 AAS
yes, it's faster when ipv6 is disabled
158: 2010/11/16(火) 22:54:38 AAS
Don't "make" anything as root, sucks!
159: 2010/11/29(月) 09:38:22 AAS
J809, don't talk newbie!
J808 is talking about connecting to BIOS on serial console.
It's impossible with normal PCs.
How do you J809 connect to such PCs BIOS from TeraTerm ??
160: 2010/11/29(月) 12:39:28 AAS
161: 2010/11/29(月) 15:58:35 AAS
idiot ! J809 the TeraTerm'er
162: 2010/12/02(木) 11:22:09 AAS
ZFS is too heavy, memory pig, buggy.
(1): 2010/12/03(金) 15:53:13 AAS
Using FreeBSD 8.1-RELEASE, how can I send a binary file as an attachment by mail(1) ?
(1): 2010/12/03(金) 15:55:55 AAS
$ uuencode binfile binfile |mail toaddress
165: 2010/12/03(金) 15:59:54 AAS
Sorry, I tried >>164 but it won't recognized as an attachment
(but shows some random characters) by a mail software on the receiver.
166: 2010/12/03(金) 16:02:39 AAS
(1): 2010/12/03(金) 16:07:51 AAS
As a matter of course OE.
168: 2010/12/03(金) 16:28:19 AAS
You can try like this:

$ hexdump -C binary | mail

It's not a random character file, it's meaningful, your receiver will understand what it is.
169: 2010/12/03(金) 17:21:43 AAS
170: 2011/01/07(金) 17:44:58 AAS
freebsd can't handle UPnP. you should give it up > J42
171: 2011/01/07(金) 19:36:32 AAS
172: 2011/01/08(土) 19:25:08 AAS
J63 says "256MB at maximum" > J65
173: 2011/01/08(土) 20:47:59 AAS
174: 2011/01/20(木) 14:57:53 AAS
ports is obsolete. why not using ./configure
175: 2011/01/20(木) 19:26:08 AAS
autoconf 使うバカがいたのか
(1): 2011/01/20(木) 19:35:19 AAS
you J145 J147 J148 should laugh at yourself. it's not the problem.
177: 2011/01/20(木) 20:22:38 AAS
(1): 2011/01/20(木) 20:56:06 AAS
wanna delete a file in a tar, but since it seems freebsd's tar has no delete option, how can i delete it without this option ?
179: 2011/01/20(木) 21:15:50 AAS
(1): 2011/01/20(木) 21:18:42 AAS
At first, take off your clothes.
(1): 2011/01/20(木) 21:21:32 AAS
Then fold the clothes orderly.
(1): 2011/01/20(木) 21:27:02 AAS
Make some coffee.
(1): 2011/01/20(木) 21:30:35 AAS
Pour the coffee on the orderly folded clothes.
(1): 2011/01/20(木) 21:33:53 AAS
Then wear the clothes with coffee poured on.
(3): 2011/01/20(木) 22:17:22 AAS
tell me the way to reflect "/etc/rc.conf" without reboot
186: 2011/01/20(木) 22:35:19 AAS
187: 2011/01/20(木) 23:29:55 AAS
I took off my clothes and folded, made coffee, poured it on my clothes and wore them, but couldn't delete a file in a tar. why ?
(1): 2011/01/21(金) 16:35:22 AAS
restart related daemons
189: 2011/01/21(金) 16:39:31 AAS
i'm afraid that isn't help me. i want to make sure if /etc/rc.conf is correct.
manually restart related daemons doesn't solve the question.
(2): 2011/01/21(金) 16:57:57 AAS
Only to avoid reboot, you can type "init 1" to switch to single user mode and then type init 3 to multi user mode.
All daemons will start as subject to /etc/rc.conf.
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