[過去ログ] 【国際】米経済界、中国に猛烈な怒り オバマ氏の弱腰外交にも強い批判©2ch.net (1001レス)

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(1): 名無しさん@0新周年 2014/11/12(水) 18:29:00.18 ID:lPc/T9Xg0(1/3)調 AAS

After the Russian Revolution it was the Harrimans, staunch
Democrats, who secretly bankrolled the Russian minority par-
ty (the Bolsheviks) against the Majority Mensheviks. Despite
the fact that American troops were in Russia trying to prop up
the pro-democracy Mensheviks, the Harrimans began illegal
gold shipments to Lenin and his Bolshevik party.[32] The Bolshe-
viks promised to continue the former Czar's policy of condon-
ing cartels. Russia had raw materials such as magnesium and
iron ore, while the Thyssens had access to high-tech steel and
chemical processes to turn the raw materials into steel.

A decision was made for the Robber Barons to fund a Ger-
man-Russian industrial park in eastern Poland. The Russian
rail gauges were different from the European, so the park
had to be close to the Russian border, but near coal fields. In
order to help solve the rail problem, a series of canals were
constructed to permit the Russians to barge raw materials to
the Vistula River. The Polish province of Silesia was selected
as the site of that industrial park because of its access to the
Vistula and its proximity to huge coal deposits. The Silesian
American Coal Company was managed by the Harrimans,
with Prescott Bush on the board. Funding Hitler was a bi-
partisan event.[33]

(John Loftus: America's Nazi Secret - Introduction page 18.)
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