[過去ログ] ファ板にいる基地害コピペ荒らし対策所 Part.2 (865レス)
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433: 2014/08/14(木) 20:59:53.24 ID:arzpnNDo0(1/3)調 AAS
How about identifying the troll from a history of past purchases of Rounin,
and announce his name officially?
Let's go to sanction!
443: 2014/08/14(木) 21:55:39.56 ID:arzpnNDo0(2/3)調 BE AAS
445: 2014/08/14(木) 21:58:20.23 ID:arzpnNDo0(3/3)調 BE AAS
I think this troll have been suffered from schizophrenia.
He has trolled fashion thread for 4 or 5 years.
He has an obsession that a thrift store is monitoring and atacking him.
So He alleges that he is aware of the surveillance of the enemy and has a complete picture of enemy attack means.
He is posting such copy and paste twenty-four hours a day.
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