[過去ログ] Let's talk with Code Monkey-san Part.4 (1002レス)

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(1): 2014/06/01(日) 02:33:07.22 ID:wM/VWXFw(1)調 AAS

Plus, Sakura has a bunch of nodes which is crawling to 2ch.net.
Thereby Sakura is supposed to know transferred nodes by the above-mentioned nodes.

Of course, Sakura should have to observe Provider Liability Limitation Act when 2ch.net warned to them. That's not funny.
But if 2ch.net sues on civil trial and requests to disclosure information of that crawling nodes by a court award, it'll carry out a fundamental resolution in an instant.

That's a way to checkmate .sc.
あと 889 レスあります
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