[過去ログ] Let's talk with Code Monkey-san Part.3 (1001レス)
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49(1): 2014/03/22(土) 16:21:47.73 ID:lPjYPN7a(1/2)調 AAS
Code Monkey san,
How about the progress of 2chWiki?
You said that MediaWiki will be used for 2chWiki.
However, PukiWiki or its derivation are the best for Japanese people.
Because famous hosting services of wiki sites in Japan often use PukiWiki based system or form.
Example of hosting services for Japanese: 2chスレ:esite
So, Japanese netizens are well aware of PukiWiki form.
However, the development of original PukiWiki has stopped for several years.
On the current version of PHP, PukiWiki is too old to operate.
Actuality, MediaWiki is well developed than PukiWiki now.
Nevertheless, it reminds Galapagos syndrome that the latter is still commonly used in Japan.
Pukiwiki: Famous but not developed
MediaWiki: Developed but not famous
It is a dilemma.
50(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/03/22(土) 22:28:11.64 ID:??? AAS
Which wiki does @wiki use?
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