[過去ログ] Let's talk with Code Monkey-san Part.2 (1001レス)
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752(1): 2014/03/14(金) 09:25:45.22 ID:34ikvON0(1)調 AAS
Deletion system bug report:
There are lots of errors with dedicated browser (such as Jane Style) occurs at
pub/hneta boards (there must be more) since this morning.
I supose that is because of the implementation of transparent deletion.
It seems that the transparent deletion with a bug introduced to automatic
deletion system.
When deleting a line from a dat line, the subject.txt must be updated also.
For example:
above thread contains 21 posts now.
But in a subject.txt: there are 22 posts inside the thread
(format: dat filename<>thread title<>number of posts )
1390321938.dat<>関 西 出 会 い 系 喫 茶 総 合 ス レ 7 店 目 (22)
I hope it should be fixed soon before further automatic deletion occurs or
change the transparent deletion back to normal deletion inside the automatic
deletion system until the bug is fixed.
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