[過去ログ] Let's talk with Code Monkey-san Part.2 (1001レス)
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600(6): C ◆Odemonkey. @Code Monkey ★ 2014/03/10(月) 17:13:23.60 ID:??? AAS
The new 2ch search is online and working.
We have only indexed 16 million comments so far.
We will be indexing more and more in the next coming days.
Please test it here (We will add DNS later):
If there are any problems, please tell me and I will try to fix it.
601: 2014/03/10(月) 17:21:51.90 ID:7L92H/Cl(4/6)調 AAS
602: 2014/03/10(月) 17:26:10.58 ID:WP4wWcVd(1)調 AAS
I want "thread title searching"
603: 2014/03/10(月) 17:32:19.84 ID:TaSy4EXh(1)調 AAS
- Thread Title Search
- Specify board/server and 2ch/bbspink search
- Specify live thread/Past log thread/both
would be better, I think.
604: 2014/03/10(月) 17:52:12.58 ID:ji35zG3N(1)調 AAS
How about adding narrow search
1. period
2. board
3. screen name
605(1): 2014/03/10(月) 17:54:34.26 ID:zJDZdI48(1/3)調 AAS
Linux Server -> unacceptable?
IIRC 2ch-related services should be on custom FreeBSD kernels for many reasons.
606: 2014/03/10(月) 19:08:51.37 ID:7L92H/Cl(5/6)調 AAS
thank you
Please sort function. (date, etc.)
607: AirRock ◆FRX00.G90/ee 2014/03/10(月) 19:27:25.30 ID:E6OZeRiY(2/2)調 AAS
It understood.
We will wait for ROCK54-san.
608: あひるちゃん ◆2gpD9lKn5TVE 2014/03/10(月) 19:43:41.27 ID:SJFwMIhG(1)調 AAS
I tried new sech engine.
It might be good idea to add the board name, URL , date added,total post numbers on new 2ch search result.
4 buttons that can switches live threads, logs, full texts, and results per page on the top.
[ うんこ ] 検索
●Live threads ◯logs ◯Full texts show 1000 results per page
うんこ 02:38 336posts 写真撮影(仮) 板
609(2): 2014/03/10(月) 19:46:30.91 ID:yeSvt+sP(1/2)調 AAS
Threads vanish too quickly on Anarchy!
610: 2014/03/10(月) 20:31:19.97 ID:7L92H/Cl(6/6)調 AAS
Please add the search is performed past the log.
611(1): C ◆Odemonkey. @Code Monkey ★ 2014/03/10(月) 20:56:59.82 ID:??? AAS
What are those reasons?
612(1): C ◆Odemonkey. @Code Monkey ★ 2014/03/10(月) 20:58:14.93 ID:??? AAS
Anarchy threads have different rules from other boards.
If a thread is older than X minutes and has less than Y size, then it is automatically sent to kako.
613: C ◆Odemonkey. @Code Monkey ★ 2014/03/10(月) 20:59:08.18 ID:??? AAS
Regarding the search suggestions:
I will make a note of all these suggestions and continue development tomorrow.
614(1): 2014/03/10(月) 21:46:17.16 ID:yeSvt+sP(2/2)調 AAS
Hmmm,I see.
I'll enjoy in there!
615(1): 2014/03/10(月) 21:51:16.95 ID:zJDZdI48(2/3)調 AAS
i don't know reasons but i believe it's important.
root-san (aka mumumu-san) should know about it but...
616(1): C ◆Odemonkey. @Code Monkey ★ 2014/03/10(月) 22:06:32.84 ID:??? AAS
Do you know mumumu's email address?
If you do, please send it to me: cipherwraith666@gmail.com
I think the reason for special kernel on freebsd is because the original 2ch machines were not fast enough.
There are many optimizations that can make a little better processing.
A modern linux distribution should be the same or better than an optimized freebsd kernel from 10 years ago.
617(1): 2014/03/10(月) 22:26:01.76 ID:jPlclwUR(2/2)調 AAS
CodeMonkey-san, do you have any plans to provide search API for developers
so that they can implement the official search function to their dedicated browsers?
Currently, search features that most dedicated browsers have are realized by
unofficial 2ch search provider, such as Brazil, logsoku(www.logusoku.com), and ttsearch(ttsearch.net).
I think replacing these unofficial searches with the official one is better in terms of stability.
If you want to make affiliate profits on 2ch search service
and are concerned that search API would deprive the profit-earning opportunity,
how about inserting advertisements into a search result like RSS ads
when the search is conducted via search API?
618(1): 2014/03/10(月) 22:27:35.04 ID:zJDZdI48(3/3)調 AAS
he disappeared from 2ch since few years but newsplus.jp, one of his domain, was extended in 2014-02-23.
>same or better
even If you are right, you still needs some tweaks, I think.
anyway email is good way.
619: C ◆Odemonkey. @Code Monkey ★ 2014/03/10(月) 23:22:09.40 ID:??? AAS
That is a good idea. Definitely something that we could do.
620: 2014/03/11(火) 02:31:53.72 ID:8vnYXCLx(1)調 AAS
morningcoffee(TAB)hayabusa3.2ch.net(TAB)1394460522(TAB)★あっそうそう 地下売上議論14321★(TAB)160
morningcoffee(TAB)hayabusa3.2ch.net(TAB)1394377086(TAB)【祝!PS4】狼のPS4.PS3.Vitaその他PS総合スレ Part2【2月22日発売】(TAB)46
621: a massage from fairyland 2014/03/11(火) 04:37:09.48 ID:5EVBde2y(1/2)調 AAS
haha you ignored me.
ok that's ya answer.
ya don't wanna increase deleters of chan'l2.
622: a massage from fairyland 2014/03/11(火) 05:09:26.89 ID:5EVBde2y(2/2)調 AAS
or ya get crazy about that fuckin duck, jim?
i never recommend it.
that's NEVER good for ya.
623(1): 2014/03/11(火) 09:13:22.89 ID:m0HBjPXT(1)調 AAS
I wonder if it's just me, but I notice that read.cgi has been light and quick since yesterday.
Thanks, guys - keep up with the good works!
624: C ◆Odemonkey. @Code Monkey ★ 2014/03/11(火) 11:24:08.39 ID:??? AAS
Yes, the read.cgi had some upgrades made to it yesterday.
It should be lighter all around.
The hayabusa.2ch.net server does not have the newest read.cgi, because the server is too old.
I think we will be replacing the hayabusa server this week.
625: 2014/03/11(火) 12:21:26.55 ID:DxB8800a(1)調 AAS
Thank you for your reply, but I have many questions.
As far as I know, no one has asked them yet. So, let me ask some of them.
> There was a bbon configuration error
Q1. What kind of the bbon configuration?
Is it NOT the whitelist configuration?
Q2. Why did the error occur at that time?
Did someone change the configuration then?
Q3. Why was P2 stopped by BBON at 2014/03/05 01:10?
according to 外部リンク:bbon.geo.jp
even after you fixed it a few minutes later from 2014/03/05 00:20
and before you removed P2 from the whitelist around 2014/03/05 21:13 or 22:28
as you said:
> The first attack this evening began around 21:13 in the evening ...
> I removed them from the white list after their first attack.
> maguro server was down.
Q4. What about other servers?
Were thousands of half-open connections created ONLY on maguro?
Q5. What about connections from other hosts except Brazil?
Was NO half-open connection created by accesses from other hosts?
even just before maguro was going to be down.
626(1): 2014/03/11(火) 12:24:27.41 ID:fqidULjI(1)調 AAS
oops, newsplus.jp has no MX records.
I found another addresses: mumumu@60.kg and newsplus.jp@isp.2ch.net
I don't know to able to take contact.
627(2): 2014/03/11(火) 13:04:42.82 ID:nzoBPrMn(1/2)調 AAS
Have this service been shutdown?
628: C ◆Odemonkey. @Code Monkey ★ 2014/03/11(火) 13:14:13.81 ID:??? AAS
I think there was a problem with the node.
I have made a ticket. Maybe it will be restored.
629(1): 2014/03/11(火) 13:29:29.57 ID:nzoBPrMn(2/2)調 AAS
okey, and it looks freeze..
630: C ◆Odemonkey. @Code Monkey ★ 2014/03/11(火) 13:40:11.36 ID:??? AAS
631: C ◆Odemonkey. @Code Monkey ★ 2014/03/11(火) 13:40:49.57 ID:??? AAS
Nyan is back online:
外部リンク:stream.bbspink.com is frozen.
I will be fixing stream.bbspink.com next week.
632: 2014/03/11(火) 14:39:09.22 ID:ta6Xlwjw(1)調 AAS
14:46 on March 11
Silent prayer
633(1): Banana Panda ★ 2014/03/11(火) 14:55:57.89 ID:??? AAS
Please direct any search engine questions, feature requests, and bug reports to this thread:
634(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/03/11(火) 14:56:23.70 ID:??? AAS
Thank you.
635: 2014/03/11(火) 18:19:18.53 ID:U3WeFtP9(1)調 AAS
636(4): trick 2014/03/11(火) 18:39:53.37 ID:Z3gwZcQA(1)調 AAS
Hello. Code Monkey-san
I am sorry, I was busy.
use AnyEvent::Twitter;
use AnyEvent::Twitter::Stream;
# perl -MAnyEvent::Twitter::Stream -e 'print "$AnyEvent::Twitter::Stream::VERSION\n"'
# perl -MAnyEvent::Twitter -e 'print "$AnyEvent::Twitter::VERSION\n"'
以上を誰か翻訳お願いします、、、<(_ _)>
637(1): 2014/03/11(火) 19:40:55.54 ID:j6vJgu9d(1)調 AAS
638(2): koreawatcher ◆XenoM10nSg 2014/03/11(火) 20:05:40.62 ID:BDDjpU9l(1)調 AAS
Code Monkey-san.
Did you change something about ReCaptcha to read.cgi and bbs.cgi?
In spite of the fact that BBS_CAPTCHA in SETTING.TXT of the Pub board is "checked", read.cgi doesn't show ReCaptcha.
In addition I was able to post there without solving ReCaptcha.
Does this mean that ReCaptcha went out of use?
JaneXeno determines if it shows ReCaptcha or not according to BBS_CAPTCHA.
If ReCaptcha has gone out of use, I have to get rid of it so as not to confuse users.
639(2): Code Monkey ★ 2014/03/11(火) 21:30:13.78 ID:??? AAS
Google started throttling our Recaptcha account and limiting the amount of requests we could get.
Because of this, I have removed the captcha until further notice. Sorry about the confusion.
640(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/03/11(火) 21:30:41.56 ID:??? AAS
Please talk with JACK-san about that.
641(2): 2014/03/11(火) 21:44:36.32 ID:hctdynkb(1/3)調 AAS
Good evening, Codemonkey-san
We have a question to see the log using 浪人(Jane Xeno).
We can't see below:
△▼寿たらこ 3 ▼△
△▼寿たらこ 4 ▼△
△▼寿たらこ 5 ▼△
△▼寿たらこ 6 ▼△
△▼寿たらこ 7 ▼△
642: 2014/03/11(火) 21:45:28.37 ID:hctdynkb(2/3)調 AAS
This is error message. We are very happy if you would give us your kind assistance.
1 名前:Aparently Admin ★[] 投稿日:13/09/27 10:53:49 ID:ZqlbPTgX0
本日の時点で以下の専用ブラウザが「Rokka システム」に対応していることを確認しております。
・Jane Xeno 外部リンク[htm]:www3.ocn.ne.jp
・Live 2ch 外部リンク:www8.plala.or.jp
・ソフトーク 外部リンク[html]:www35.atwiki.jp
・ついんてーる 外部リンク:www.geocities.co.jp
「Rokka システム」は新しいシステムではありますが、従来の2ちゃんねるビューアのIDで使用できます。
ロッカーホーム 外部リンク:tadaima.com
前述の通り、新しいログインシステムが開発され従来のものでは2ちゃんねるビューアが 使用できません。
また、開発にあたり、下記のスレッドで議論されてますので 併せてご覧いただきまして、今後のバージョンアップのご検討をお願いいたします。
Sincerely yours, Jim Watkins Chairman N.T.Technology, inc
643: Code Monkey ★ 2014/03/11(火) 21:49:20.09 ID:??? AAS
I have asked Jim-san to open that server.
He will do it very soon. Please wait another day or two.
Thank you!
644(2): 2014/03/11(火) 23:20:44.85 ID:Gw2v9ad+(1/2)調 AAS
I ate fettuccine candy for the first time today. It was very delicious.
I have eaten a candy this is similar to this before.
Its name called "pure candy" Have you eaten it?
about "pure candy"
645: 2014/03/11(火) 23:21:50.76 ID:Gw2v9ad+(2/2)調 AAS
646(2): xerxes.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★ 2014/03/11(火) 23:48:25.07 ID:??? AAS
I am going to make the logs for Pink Channel available like 2ch.
I can't do it today. I will try tomorrow. Coming soon.
647: 2014/03/11(火) 23:58:09.75 ID:hctdynkb(3/3)調 AAS
Thank you for your kind attention
Good night
648: Code Monkey ★ 2014/03/12(水) 00:13:51.70 ID:??? AAS
It is delicious!
I have eaten "pure candy" before - it is also very delicious!
I am glad to see that you are enjoying gummy candy just as much as I do.
649: Apparently admin ★ 2014/03/12(水) 00:15:19.82 ID:??? AAS
I drooled looking at the photo.
650(1): 2014/03/12(水) 00:23:50.65 ID:5f/AJnNs(1/2)調 AAS
Hi Code Monkey san.
What programming language do you like?
I love C#.
651(1): 2014/03/12(水) 00:32:19.88 ID:Dk7lQx+C(1/2)調 AAS
Hi, everyone.
f22 wonder if comfortable?
652: Code Monkey ★ 2014/03/12(水) 00:34:07.64 ID:??? AAS
C# is very interesting. Good for mobile apps.
I like Haskell because the type system is very strict.
653(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/03/12(水) 00:37:47.63 ID:??? AAS
Is there a problem with f22?
654(1): 2014/03/12(水) 00:48:17.77 ID:Dk7lQx+C(2/2)調 AAS
No problem.
Since it had passed since the proposal of refinement on the third, were only worrisome.
Overheat of 0:00 before and after will have can be avoided, to maintain a stable state if the f22 is now perhaps.
655(3): koreawatcher ◆XenoM10nSg 2014/03/12(水) 01:19:18.73 ID:LaRobtIq(1/2)調 AAS
Thanks for the reply.
> available like 2ch
Rokka API document 外部リンク[txt]:stream.bbspink.com
Code Monkey-san wrote there as below.
> BBSPINK Archive and Pool are working
> 2ch Archive is working
> 2ch Pool is not working
> We are still waiting for permission from UNEI before we can install 2ch Pool.
> Thank you everyone for your patience.
Rokka API for 2ch Pool still doesn't work. So dedicated browsers can't get the past logs in 2ch with Rokka API.
656: Code Monkey ★ 2014/03/12(水) 11:04:06.86 ID:??? AAS
Thank you for that report.
I thought I had fixed the 2ch pool a few days ago.
I will double check it now.
657: Code Monkey ★ 2014/03/12(水) 11:12:30.43 ID:??? AAS
Okay I see the problem now:
658(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/03/12(水) 11:47:02.79 ID:??? AAS
The previous UNEI installed a rewrite conditional.
Any dat file that was not found immediately was sent to anydat.so
I have removed this conditional, so now Rokka will return a 404 not found instead of showing an empty dat file.
My next step is to get Rokka to retrieve the correct dat file. Please wait a while.
#<Files *.dat>
# RewriteEngine On
#RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/test/anydat.so -f
#RewriteRule /?\d+\.dat$ /test/anydat.so
659(2): 2014/03/12(水) 13:40:30.85 ID:vScqZ5KS(1)調 AAS
hai codemonkey
Internet Troller in this thread
He is famous as troll in kenmo
please ban
660(2): 2014/03/12(水) 13:52:09.62 ID:gXflPDhK(1/6)調 AAS
anydat.so is for read.html which is ajax-powered read.cgi alternative.
661(2): Code Monkey ★ 2014/03/12(水) 14:26:20.80 ID:??? AAS
Why do we need an ajax powered read.cgi alternative?
Does anybody actually use it?
662(2): Code Monkey ★ 2014/03/12(水) 14:26:57.97 ID:??? AAS
Also, I do not have the source code for anydat.so.
Because I dont have the source code, I cannot maintain that server anymore.
If you know where the source code is, please inform me.
663: Code Monkey ★ 2014/03/12(水) 14:27:22.91 ID:??? AAS
664(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/03/12(水) 14:36:19.06 ID:??? AAS
Which person is the troll?
665(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/03/12(水) 14:36:51.06 ID:??? AAS
Rokka is fixed now. If there are any more bugs, please tell me.
666(2): 2014/03/12(水) 14:45:22.72 ID:Au9ad4II(1/2)調 AAS
K5 ◆ZrPJFvslEyUG is the troll.
667(3): Code Monkey ★ 2014/03/12(水) 14:52:08.42 ID:??? AAS
I think we need the deletion staff to remove those posts.
That user is not using Ronin or Maru.
I don't know how to ban him except by IP or by using Rock54.
668: Code Monkey ★ 2014/03/12(水) 14:53:10.57 ID:??? AAS
I added his url "inago-hunter" to Rock54. Hopefully that will slow him down.
669: 2014/03/12(水) 14:54:48.65 ID:Au9ad4II(2/2)調 AAS
Thank you.
670: 2014/03/12(水) 15:01:23.45 ID:9K0u5Vs1(1)調 AAS
How about introducing the membership system which consist of three gruop.
You can prevent the users from postiing trolls.
For example
Guest; they can post few in a hour and can't make a new thread at all.
member(free); they can post a few in ten minutes and make a new thread in a week
member(浪人); having privileges as users of 浪人
671: 2014/03/12(水) 15:07:49.11 ID:yGFHL/QC(1/2)調 AAS
672(1): 2014/03/12(水) 15:18:47.90 ID:gXflPDhK(2/6)調 AAS
IIRC when Hito-Oosugi is caused, read.cgi is switched from read.so to read.html (by hands?).
ex. 外部リンク:qb5.2ch.net
I guess that source code is on server such like distribution server, compilation server or source server (poko.2ch.net?).
but i don't know details at all.
673(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/03/12(水) 15:24:15.08 ID:??? AAS
$ ping poko.2ch.net
ping: unknown host poko.2ch.net
I have not found the source code.
I will have to deprecate anydat.so
I wont remove anydat.so from the machines, but I also cant update it.
So if you are using that for something, then you should find an alternative method.
674(1): 2014/03/12(水) 15:25:42.78 ID:gXflPDhK(3/6)調 AAS
oops, poko.2ch.net -> peko.2ch.net
675(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/03/12(水) 15:28:30.41 ID:??? AAS
$ ping peko.2ch.net
ping: cannot resolve peko.2ch.net: Unknown host
676(1): 2014/03/12(水) 15:47:53.67 ID:TG4DjJ/9(1)調 AAS
Thank you
So so so much!!
677: Code Monkey ★ 2014/03/12(水) 16:38:46.41 ID:??? AAS
You are welcome. If he causes more problems, please tell me.
678: >>659 2014/03/12(水) 16:41:59.34 ID:FInRTC1i(1/2)調 AAS
thank you code monkey
679: 2014/03/12(水) 17:01:28.78 ID:gXflPDhK(4/6)調 AAS
I rechecked.
read.cgi is too heavy so ajax-based read.html (aka read.js) was introduced.
but read.html was not by default beause it's unstable on IE6 *1.
nowadays IE6 is gone so it's time to use read.html by default, I think.
read.html system was developed by SunOS-san (sunos@saita.ma) so he may have sources.
680: 2014/03/12(水) 17:22:07.38 ID:NuoyyzsC(1)調 AAS
All the sources (including anydat.so, pastdat.so) were resided at dso.2ch.net
And I think they are moved to somewhere else because of the source&cgi leak 3 years ago.
Fox-san was in charge of the cgi re-building etc. at the time. So, he should
know where he moved the sources.
681: trick 2014/03/12(水) 17:23:44.29 ID:f2D1hquI(1/7)調 AAS
682(1): trick 2014/03/12(水) 17:25:00.58 ID:f2D1hquI(2/7)調 AAS
683: 2014/03/12(水) 17:25:01.65 ID:ZvolEnOK(1/2)調 AAS
Hi Jim.
I want to have a quick word with you about 板脈(Ban-myaku).
He's a notorious super annoying sockpuppet in anime/anime2/anime3.
He has at least FIVE internet connections.
He gets every >>950 of thread with sockpuppet
and falsify >>1template of next thread as he want FOR 7〜10 YEARS.
Remember him please.
We can do nothing cause he uses a lot of connection and ID.
We need help.
some informations here(include 板脈s maru log .txt at 400)
684: AirRock ◆FRX00.G90/ee 2014/03/12(水) 18:39:48.68 ID:ztDfxi8y(1/6)調 AAS
trickさん、>>636 の件はまだ待機になってるのでしょうか。
685: 2014/03/12(水) 18:42:07.10 ID:ZvolEnOK(2/2)調 AAS
686(1): trick 2014/03/12(水) 19:07:43.29 ID:f2D1hquI(3/7)調 AAS
687: AirRock ◆FRX00.G90/ee 2014/03/12(水) 19:20:05.68 ID:ztDfxi8y(2/6)調 AAS
'banana8127 server'の'perl module'をreinstallすることはできますか?
'banana8127 server'の'geteew.cgi'が上手く動作しません。
use AnyEvent::Twitter; 0.64
use AnyEvent::Twitter::Stream; 0.26
> 他にもrbldnsとかの不具合もあるようですが
688(1): trick 2014/03/12(水) 19:32:35.37 ID:f2D1hquI(4/7)調 AAS
689: 2014/03/12(水) 19:36:12.36 ID:7eLnY+RB(1)調 AAS
690: 2014/03/12(水) 19:36:56.95 ID:RY5r8mBe(1/2)調 AAS
691(2): AirRock ◆FRX00.G90/ee 2014/03/12(水) 19:45:57.88 ID:ztDfxi8y(3/6)調 AAS
Hi,Code Monkey-san.
trick-san said. >>636
Can 'perl module' of 'banana8127 server' be reinstall?
The 'geteew.cgi' of 'banana8127 server' does not operate well.
I want to use module of this version.
'banana8127 server'の'perl module'をreinstallすることはできますか?
'banana8127 server'の'geteew.cgi'が上手く動作しません。
This is to do reboot.
use AnyEvent::Twitter; 0.64
use AnyEvent::Twitter::Stream; 0.26
Is the rbldns of 'banana8127 server' operating?
'banana8127 server'のrbldnsは動作しているだろうか?
692(1): AirRock ◆FRX00.G90/ee 2014/03/12(水) 19:47:09.72 ID:ztDfxi8y(4/6)調 AAS
あ、いつもの機械翻訳なんであれがあれしてたら直してください ><;;
693: AirRock ◆FRX00.G90/ee 2014/03/12(水) 19:52:21.82 ID:ztDfxi8y(5/6)調 AAS
Hi,Code Monkey-san.
trick-san said. >>636
Can 'perl module' of 'banana8127 server' be reinstall?
The 'geteew.cgi' of 'banana8127 server' does not operate well.
This is to do reboot.
'banana8127 server'の'perl module'をreinstallすることはできますか?
'banana8127 server'の'geteew.cgi'が上手く動作しません。
I want to use module of this version.
use AnyEvent::Twitter; 0.64
use AnyEvent::Twitter::Stream; 0.26
Is the rbldns of 'banana8127 server' operating?
'banana8127 server'のrbldnsは動作しているだろうか?
文章が入れ替わってた orz...
694: trick 2014/03/12(水) 19:56:51.16 ID:f2D1hquI(5/7)調 AAS
695(1): 2014/03/12(水) 20:02:47.54 ID:5Tej55+Z(1)調 AAS
Hi Code Monkey san.
Troller[K5] is also came in this thread.
Please do ban.
696: 2014/03/12(水) 20:13:35.85 ID:yGFHL/QC(2/2)調 AAS
K5 is revive
697(1): 2014/03/12(水) 20:20:38.95 ID:gXflPDhK(5/6)調 AAS
ok, I tried to fix but I guess it still has something wrong.
Hi, Code Monkey-san, trick-san said the following messages on >>636 .
Can you reinstall some perl modules on the banana8127 server?
Because the "geteew.cgi" doesn't work properly any more.
The problem has started to cause after reboot.
I need to use the specific version of those modules:
use AnyEvent::Twitter; 0.64
use AnyEvent::Twitter::Stream; 0.26
In addition, is rbldns daemon running on the banana8127 server?
I cannot verify it.
698: AirRock ◆FRX00.G90/ee 2014/03/12(水) 20:39:03.84 ID:ztDfxi8y(6/6)調 AAS
699(1): 2014/03/12(水) 20:56:29.99 ID:5f/AJnNs(2/2)調 AAS
K5 is not just an ordinarily troll.
That is a monetary company.
K5 ruins the thread that may insult someone.
Then sends a "guard fee" bill to the insulted people.
Please ban K5.
700: 2014/03/12(水) 20:57:01.03 ID:FA0BSc8P(1)調 AAS
701(1): 2014/03/12(水) 21:15:58.51 ID:4BmL+8Qe(1/2)調 AAS
702(1): あひるちゃん ◆2gpD9lKn5TVE 2014/03/12(水) 21:23:49.69 ID:nb8yGh5b(1/2)調 AAS
Nanashisan told SETTING.TXT at twitter watching board is broken
703(1): 2014/03/12(水) 21:26:02.41 ID:y7WRX6jV(1)調 AAS
704(5): Code Monkey ★ 2014/03/12(水) 21:41:22.06 ID:??? AAS
Which "perl module" on banana8127 should be reinstalled?
Should I reboot the banana8127 server?
I started the rbldns on banana8127 a few days ago. Should I restart it?
What method do we have to stop someone like K5?
K5 uses many computers and many IP addresses. We cant ban them all.
We can only ban some specific keywords that he is using.
I know. Do you have a good idea about how to stop him?
Hi Duck-san. What is broken on twwatch's SETTING.TXT?
705: 2014/03/12(水) 21:42:47.26 ID:4BmL+8Qe(2/2)調 AAS
706(2): 2014/03/12(水) 21:53:11.44 ID:qkto8VZs(1)調 AAS
I wonder what are you in as to if forced fushianasan you use the trip to start with that?
You should happens when I put the ’山崎渉’ in the name field
707: 2014/03/12(水) 22:09:26.91 ID:RY5r8mBe(2/2)調 AAS
The only way to combat K5 is to delete write.
Various regulations is to no avail for several years.
708: あひるちゃん ◆2gpD9lKn5TVE 2014/03/12(水) 22:10:06.84 ID:nb8yGh5b(2/2)調 AAS
hey, monkeychan
Twitter watching one is missing and shorter compareing to another unbroken SETTING.TXT,
It might be good idea to make differencial Backup of SETTING.TXT just in case some cheeky boys delete.
709: 2014/03/12(水) 22:11:55.67 ID:wG6NaYRa(1)調 AAS
710: 2014/03/12(水) 22:12:09.38 ID:SKaWuTkq(1)調 AAS
Hi, Code Monkey-san!!
There seems to be space in each end of line on twwatch's SETTING.TXT.
Please remove these spaces.
711(1): trick 2014/03/12(水) 22:17:34.48 ID:f2D1hquI(6/7)調 AAS
Before re-installation, I want you to check the version.
use AnyEvent::Twitter;
use AnyEvent::Twitter::Stream;
rbldns of banana8127 on if has started, why answer is not a come back?
$ dig @ -p 10053
connection timed out; no servers could be reached
712(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/03/12(水) 22:24:33.31 ID:??? AAS
Which script has this content?
"use AnyEvent::Twitter;"
713: 2014/03/12(水) 22:28:40.37 ID:gXflPDhK(6/6)調 AAS
translated one
How about using 山崎渉-way, treating user who wrote it as fusianasan, for THE TRIP?
714(1): Code Monkey ★ 2014/03/12(水) 22:29:45.24 ID:??? AAS
banana8127# perl -MAnyEvent::Twitter::Stream -e 'print $AnyEvent::Twitter::Stream::VERSION'
715: 2014/03/12(水) 22:30:39.25 ID:/KBdhD/a(1)調 AAS
716: Code Monkey ★ 2014/03/12(水) 22:31:36.87 ID:??? AAS
banana8127# rbldnsd -v -e -w ~/rbldns -b kuni.2ch.net:ip4set:kuni_iplist pref.2ch.net:ip4set:pref_iplist
rbldnsd: unable to bind to Address already in use
717(1): trick 2014/03/12(水) 22:40:16.02 ID:f2D1hquI(7/7)調 AAS
In order to get the EEW, and I'm getting tweets from Twitter.
@ eewbot
Have tweeted instantly EEW, this account is made the script by using this.
So I'm using that module.
Cause that's it.
geteew.pl I do not work in version 0.22, Could you update to version 0.26.
718(1): koreawatcher ◆XenoM10nSg 2014/03/12(水) 22:41:16.11 ID:LaRobtIq(2/2)調 AAS
Rokka looks to work correctly so far.
Good job, Code Monkey-san.
However, I found a thread which Rokka can't retrieve.
Although I don't think it is Rokka's fault, offlaw2.so can retrieve the thread for some reason.
719(1): 2014/03/12(水) 23:07:59.44 ID:szMIcc5/(1)調 AAS
when do you take a rest?
720: Code Monkey ★ 2014/03/12(水) 23:20:09.99 ID:??? AAS
I will try to update it.
721: Code Monkey ★ 2014/03/12(水) 23:20:24.16 ID:??? AAS
That is strange. I am not sure what the problem is.
722: 2014/03/12(水) 23:22:56.95 ID:Hbmj2UNG(1)調 AAS
Code Monkey-san.
> sever a.ns.bbm.2ch.net
DNS request timed out.
This phenomenon has occurred again.
Please check the NS records.
723: 2014/03/12(水) 23:31:57.25 ID:FInRTC1i(2/2)調 AAS
724: 2014/03/12(水) 23:45:18.74 ID:WFLBUnFp(1)調 AAS
725: 2014/03/13(木) 01:46:31.59 ID:FnCDTZlO(1)調 AAS
● = number
1-9 と13まで2chに書き込んで試したけど
726: 2014/03/13(木) 10:32:03.79 ID:g1sU0kma(1)調 AAS
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Article 234-2(Obstruction of Business by Damaging a Computer)
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