[過去ログ] ◆投票案内&開票事務◆板トップからのリンク変更 [転載禁止]©2ch.net (54レス)
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45(1): ◯差替◯HDI </b>◆hbVYHgubO6hK <b> 2015/02/16(月) 17:48:54.95 ID:coa6hmlu(9/11)調 AAS
すいません、Wordのスペルチェッカにかけたらボロボロだった_| ̄|○
Hi Jim-san,
This is from Mental Health Board .
We called for a vote how should we replace the hyperlinks on our Board's Local Rule page.
We began discussion at Self-Governance Thread on 02 Feb.
Then, I built a thread to announce the vote on 06 Feb.
After one week for announcement, we conducted a ballot on 15 Feb.
Results are available at:
Bill 1:
Whether or not to replace hyperlinks to three boards (メンヘルサロン , 人生相談 , 身体・健康 ) with latest URLs, namely,
a: 2ch板:mental -> 2ch板:mental
b: 2ch板:jinsei -> 2ch板:jinsei
c: 2ch板:body -> 2ch板:body
Result: 13 pros and 1 con, with 5 invalid votes.
46(1): 投 [結果の転記も間違い_| ̄|○ので差替HDI </b>◆hbVYHgubO6hK <b>[sage] 2015/02/16(月) 17:49:45.57 ID:coa6hmlu(10/11)調 AAS
Bill 2:
To which URLs should we replace hyperlinks to three threads inside the board ( d:総合案内所・相談所 , e:モナー薬局 , f:自治スレ ).
Currently they are linked as:
d: 2chスレ:utu
e: 2chスレ:utu
f: 2chスレ:utu
Candidate ア: Change to the search results on dig.2ch.net engine:
d: 外部リンク:dig.2ch.net
e: 外部リンク:dig.2ch.net
f: 外部リンク:dig.2ch.net
Candidate イ: Change to direct links to latest threads:
d: 2chスレ:utu (not change from current link)
e: 2chスレ:utu
f: 2chスレ:utu
Candidate ウ: Not change now, because we need more discussion.
Result: 11for ア, 3 for イ, none for ウ, with 5 invalid votes.
Would you please renew these links to (1) three latest URLs to boards and (2) three dig.2ch.net search result pages?
Thanks in advance.
47(1): HDI </b>◆hbVYHgubO6hK <b> 2015/02/16(月) 18:23:34.56 ID:coa6hmlu(11/11)調 AAS
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