[過去ログ] 実況・番組系板に巣食う糞コテハンと糞名無し 48 (1002レス)
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399(1): 2014/04/26(土) 18:44:03.58 ID:UJm67JNd0(1)調 AAS
Sorry for bothering you!
I represent "TCT" venture. This company protects the interests of its members
at most of the prominent stock exchanges.
Our company is enlarging its staff amount and is searching for new members in
Japan to establish extensive teamwork in your country. This vacancy is an
offer of a part-time job. Thus, if you would like to have more details about
it you are more than welcomed to answer to support@t-cteam.com or
Yours sincerely,
Tilek Asasunov
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